MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 86 chest up

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"Huh, let's go too, Luo."

Roxandi took a long breath, took the boy's hand, and boarded the ship.

"I will definitely let you live..."


A group of four large ships set sail for the North Sea!

Although there are nearly a thousand people accompanying Rowan, for Alabasta, which has a standing army of 600,000, it is a drop in the bucket.

For a "war", the number of these more than a thousand people is naturally even less.

But the key to this team is not much in essence.

After all, even if the Red Earth Continent goes smoothly, it will take at least a month for the trip to Beihai.

If a large army is dispatched, whether it is the rear defense plan or the establishment of the front supply line, it is a thorny problem that needs to be solved.

If you act rashly, the three-dimensional defensive front that the Four Seas Alliance has finally built up will soon be found by those pervasive pirates.

Therefore, Rowan chose to take away some of the elite forces within the Four Seas Alliance, and at the same time let the navy of the Four Seas Alliance continue to sit in place to deter those who have bad intentions around.

More importantly, the more than 1,000 people who sailed this time are all top players!

The elite King's Army of Alabasta headed by Bell;

Murloc warriors headed by Hoka;

The elite fighters of the Sky Island Shandia guerrillas headed by [Ghost of War] Weipa;

Drum Island Guards headed by Dalton;

Headed by Kureha and Shiruluk, the Drum Island medical unit;

Plus King Shichibukai himself - [Sand Crocodile] Crocodile.

Even without Rowan's own strength, this team is enough to conquer the capital of a country in a very short period of time!


Time flies, and half a month has passed.

The Four Seas Alliance fleet successfully arrived at the scheduled area of ​​the Red Earth Continent.

After crossing this red land, you can reach the North Sea!

And if people on a ship want to cross the red soil continent and travel between the great route and the four seas, there are usually three ways:

The first is to abandon the ship, land on the red soil continent, and then buy a new ship at the other end of the red soil continent to continue sailing;

The second is to coat the ship and take special passages on the seabed, such as the fish-man island under the Chambord Islands, or simply pass through the red soil continent from the seabed;

The latter is too dangerous, and is usually suitable for adventurers who are unwilling to give up their ships, or pirates who are afraid to land on the Red Land to change ships.

The former has fast traffic, and as long as you pay for it, you can safely complete the crossing, which is suitable for long-term navigable business routes.

The third is also Rowan's choice today.

Many special "dams" have been built on certain locations in a part of the laterite continent.

By intercepting and releasing water several times, the dam can create an effect similar to a "lift", transporting large ships to the red soil continent.

After that, you only need to pay a certain amount of money, you can directly transport your own ship to the other side of the red soil continent.

This method is very suitable for royal families who are reluctant to choose civilian ships, or naval warships.

Of the three methods, this one costs the most, but the former doesn't care, the latter is free, so it doesn't matter.

But at the same time, there are also a very small number of people who are not wanted, who choose to spend this large sum of money for various reasons.

Rowan chose the third option.

He had no plans to switch ships.

At the same time, assuming that they will trade with the North Sea in the future, a large number of merchant ships will not be able to take the risk of taking the submarine channel, and can only achieve exchanges through the laterite continent.

When the route is completely opened, you can abandon the third method and choose the most efficient, cheap and long-lasting first method.


Under the red earth continent.

rumbling rumbling...

After the initial contact, the elevator gate of the huge dam in front of him slowly opened.

The helmsman controlled the ship to enter it, and then ushered in a long wait.

Several gates opened and closed, and the incoming water made the four ships rise higher and higher. This process lasted about an hour.


on the main ship.

Rowan touched his chin and observed with interest the dam elevator gate at work in front of him.

This is... the technology of the Seven Waters?

It seems that the reputation of the "world shipyard" is well-deserved, and not only shipbuilding, but also such a complex project can be done.

While Rowan was continuing to observe, he suddenly caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye.

There, the murloc Hoka was greeting his murloc brothers, covering his body and face with the prepared robes.

Rowan was a little curious and leaned over.

"What is this doing?"

"Mr Rowan."

Hawka nodded slightly and approached in a low voice:

"As you know, our identity is quite special. If it is discovered by the people of the World Government, it will cause you trouble."

Rowan understood in an instant, and understood the meaning of what Huoka said.

They were originally captured by slave traders and sold to the Holy Land Mary Joa as slaves.

The Holy Land, Mary Joa, is located on the red earth continent.

Because of the "Mary Joa Incident" caused by the murloc hero Fisher Tiger, Hawka and the others found an opportunity and escaped from the **** on earth.

In other words, the identities of the murlocs such as Huoka are the fugitive slaves of the Tianlong people and the wanted criminals of the world government.

Now that they have returned to the Red Continent, once the people of the World Government discover their whereabouts, coupled with the contradiction between Rowan and the Tianlong people, the World Government is very likely to use this as an excuse to obstruct Rowan's actions!

Hoka didn't want the emperor who took him in, because of their people, the plan was thwarted.

So, Huoka gritted his teeth and asked all the soldiers of the fishman village to prepare a robe, intending to put on the robe when passing through the red earth continent, and then hide in the cabin.

As long as it doesn't get discovered by the world government.

But what Huoka didn't expect was that after Rowan listened to his words, the pair of pupils stared at his eyes, which made him feel a little scared.

Hawka shivered involuntarily.

"Mr Rowan..."


Rowan punched Hoka's chest.

That is the position of the heart, and it was hit extremely hard. Even the tough body of the murlocs still caused Huoka to ache.

But Hawka didn't take a step back, because he felt the emotion contained in Rowan's fist.

That is an "unquestionable".

"Listen, Hawka."

Rowan's voice came slowly and spread all over the deck.

"I can't do this kind of sneaking, and I don't want to do it."

"Now you are not slaves on this red land, but members of the Four Seas Alliance."

"No one should be humbled by what they were."

"Because -- we're creating the future."


Rowan punched Hoka's chest again.

Hawka didn't move.

"Look what a body!"

Rowan raised his head, looked at the murlocs behind Huoka, and said solemnly: "Stand up, stand up your chests!"


that day.

The world government staff in charge of the dam elevator saw such a scene.

The four Alabasta ships slowly rose through the artificial river and headed for the North Sea on the other side of the Red Earth Continent.

All kinds of people stand on the deck of the ship.

On one of the ships you can see a group of tall murlocs.

Murlocs - Not uncommon for the people of the World Government, as they are the most beloved slave race of the Draco.

But this group of people from the World Government had never seen such a "Murloc".

They looked down on the red land.

In the eyes, there is no anger that should appear, nor the fear caused by the past.

Among them, there is only peace.

It's like an ordinary person looking at an ordinary land.

Only one thing is different-

They straightened their bodies and straightened their chests.

Oh, and maybe a little more.

In the eyes of those murlocs, a few drops of water like waves floated vaguely.