MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 84 dark son

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North Sea.

On the edge of an ordinary port town, there is a villa away from the crowd.

Don Quixote family, temporary headquarters!

At this moment, all the cadres of the Don Quixote family, except for those who could not escape due to force majeure, all gathered here at the order of the family leader, Don Quixote Doflamingo.

Not counting Doflamingo himself, there are twelve.

They sat together in a conference room with a copy of today's newspaper on the table.

They already knew the content of the newspaper.

Doflamingo sat on the main seat of the conference table, turned his back to the crowd, looked at the sky outside the window, and held a glass of red wine.

The drink poured into his throat, and Doflamingo's calm voice echoed in the conference room.

"Have you read today's news?"

Everyone nodded.


The man's signature low laughter sounded in the room, "Tell me what you think."

Platinum-leaded patients appeared on the Great Route of Alabasta.

On the other side, Crasson, the cadre of their Don Quixote family, is taking Roman, who is suffering from platinum-lead disease, to seek medical treatment around the world.

Could there be such a coincidence in the world?

One of the four most senior officials of the family, the swordsman Diamanti, codenamed "Cube", spoke first.

"Wuhahaha, is it a coincidence?"

He is the banner man who ate the waving fruit, and treats people in the family quite casually, "Don't worry too much, Dover, maybe it's not Crasson and Luo at all!"

"Hey hey hey hey, I said, I said..."

Sticky laughter came, and it was a middle-aged uncle who looked very sloppy.

That person is also one of the top cadres of the Don Quixote family, as well as the family elder, the sticky fruit ability - Torrepol.

"I said, it's unlikely, there is no one alive in 'White Town' Fravans, Luo is the last surviving patient with platinum-lead disease, hehe!"

Hearing this, a little girl in a maid outfit not far away suddenly panicked.

She is also one of the cadres of the family, and joined the Don Quixote family's weapon fruit ability as a child - Baby-5.

Although Krasson bullied her badly in order to drive away Baby-5 on weekdays, Baby-5 was still quite concerned about Krasson.

Or, Baby-5 imprisoned everyone in the Don Quixote family.

"Not good! Are Mr. Krasson and Luo both caught by that Alabasta?"

"Hey, it's impossible!"

Buffalo, who is also a child, said in surprise: "Let's not talk about Luo, Mr. Crasson is very strong, and it is impossible to be caught!"

The man with the ability to crush fruit, the strong man Mahabais scratched his head, "If there is platinum-lead disease, there can be no one other than Luo, Crasson should abandon that kid and run away by himself!"

"No, according to Krasson's character, it is impossible to run away without contacting us."

Doflamingo denied Mahabaiz's speculation, "there are only two possibilities, he was caught, or he was dead."

Torrey Poles thought: "I said, I said, is it possible that Alabasta lied?"

Brother Doflaming shook his head, "No, there are too many clever lies, there's no need to find this kind of easily exposed, so they must have platinum-lead patients in their hands."

From the other side came a very funny sharp voice.

The person who spoke was a gigantic and strong man named Pika, a person with the ability of stone and stone fruit. As the top cadre, he hated the voice of others talking about him the most.

"Could it be that Klason betrayed us?"

"Don't forget, in the six months since he left the family, the number of times the navy found our whereabouts has dropped a lot, and even the lieutenant crane has a hard time finding us."

"I guess that guy has been leaking our intelligence to the Navy!"

Hearing these words, Diamanti laughed and said, "Wuhahaha, maybe it's just a coincidence!"

Doflamingo nodded slightly, but a gloomy sneer appeared on his face.

"—I hope so too, and I don't want to doubt... my own younger brother!"

After all, that surgical fruit still needs Crasson to eat.


and many more!

Doflamingo suddenly thought of something, and smashed the glass in his hand with a click.

"Bring the map here!"

Doflamingo spread out the map and his face became more and more gloomy.

Torrepol leaned over and asked suspiciously, "I said, Dover, what's the matter with you?"


Doflamingo slammed his fist on the table, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Hey, what do I say, 'dispatching medical aid to Beihai', how can there be such a good person in the world, so he wanted to find a 'reason' to cross the red soil continent!"

"What's the meaning?"

People were puzzled.

Doflamingo told everyone about his guess.

Its content is almost the same as the one analyzed by Crane, with only slight differences in details.

After all, the two are old opponents who have faced each other many times. Although Doflamingo always faces the crane, there is no complicated context, and it is naturally easy to understand.

"Klason received my news that he was on his way back to Beihai, passing through Alabasta, and was intercepted."

"The guy who died for 800 years knew that the platinum-lead disease was a lie of the world government, but he used Luo's platinum-lead disease to create a reason for the world's attention, so that he could reasonably cross the red soil continent and come to the North Sea. "

Hearing this, Torrepol expressed a little puzzled, "I said, I said, Dover, what is his purpose?"

Doflamingo sneered: "Who knows? Maybe the same as our goal, the fruit of surgery?"

That's a worst-case guess.

Torrepol obviously didn't believe it, "I said, it's impossible, Luo doesn't know about this, and Crasson can't speak, so it's impossible to leak the fruit of the operation!"

"You're right, Torrepol."

Doflamingo grinned, but added faintly:

"The premise is that my own brother did not betray me."

The tone of this sentence was ordinary, but it made the family cadres present shudder.

"Anyway, Beihai has guests coming."

Brother Doflamingo grinned and said slowly, "And he's also a 'guest' who doesn't want to be sneaky, so everyone knows his movements."

He waved his hand, signaling everyone to leave.

"Get ready to go, I don't want trouble with the fruits of this operation."

After everyone left, Doflamingo took out a purple phone bug.



The phone worm was connected, and there was a burst of sharp laughter.

"Hey, hey, hey! [JOKER], why did you contact me suddenly?"

【JOKER】——It is Doflamingo's nickname in the underground world.

And if Rowan was present, he would have heard at once that the person on the other end of the phone was one of today's naval scientists, Caesar Courant, obsessed with weapons of mass destruction!

Doflamingo grinned:

", didn't you say that you have developed a very interesting new weapon?"

Caesar said with a smile: "Yes! And the world government has agreed to the experiment. I can guarantee that he is a hundred times stronger than the boring machine developed by Vega!"

"That's good."

Doflamingo sneered: "Tell the World Government that I have helped them find a test site, and I can help them conduct tests in the name of [JOKER] - of course, with conditions."

Caesar understood Doflamingo's ruthlessness, so he asked cautiously, "What are the conditions?"

"After all, I risk exposing my true identity, so I want the 'favor' of a world government."

Doflamingo grinned and said:

"A favor that allows me to join the [King Xia Qiwuhai]."