MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 44 unpleasant memories

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rumbling rumbling...

A sound like muffled thunder came from the top of the mountain.

Avalanche, coming!

Shirullu grabbed Kureha and said anxiously, "Hey, let's go, it's too dangerous to stay here!"

Unlike devil fruit power users or world government masters, they are just doctors, mortal bodies, and there is only one way to die if they are caught in an avalanche.

But Kureha shook her head and sat on the gravel chair with a calm face, her arms folded in front of her chest.

"Run? Why run?"

Shiruluk was stunned, "Run for your life!"

"Can you escape?"

Kureha raised her chin in the direction of the sound, "That's no ordinary avalanche!"

Shiruluk took advantage of the situation and widened his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey! Go... just kidding!"

In the distance, a huge white torrent rushed out from the hillside.

It was a huge wave composed of snowflakes, soil, rocks, and trees. It was pouring into the position of everyone along the veins of the foothills!

In the previous case, Shiruluk also gave up the idea of ​​escaping, because it was too late.

After all, it is Winter Island, and there are many peaks, so avalanches are not uncommon in the drum kingdom.

But Shiruluk has never seen such a violent and unusual avalanche, as if a giant took a large bucket of ice and snow and poured it down on them from the foothills!

"This is definitely not a naturally occurring avalanche, not even an avalanche."

Shiruluk sat down like Kureha and said solemnly, "Is it made by those guys from the World Government?"

Kleiha glanced at Shiruluk, took out a jug and took a few sips, "Do you still use suspicion? You quack..."

"Ha ha!"

Shiruluk was used to being taught a lesson, so he didn't care about Kureha's name, but instead grinned, "Just to confirm!"

Now that things have developed, Shiruluk has gotten a lot easier.

After all, he and Kureha both knew that whether they could survive this avalanche depended on the gravel soldier in front of them—that is, Ryan Rowan.

They have experienced too much in their lives, and they have been able to face everything in front of them calmly.


Shiruluk couldn't help sighing again: "The world government is really exaggerating!"

"That's because the people they have to deal with this time are more exaggerated."

Kureha took a few more sips of wine and felt her body warm up a lot.

With a wealth of experience, after a brief observation, she also saw the plans of the World Government.

They want to deter Ryan Rowan with a certain amount of force, so as to promote the two sides to reach a short-term and fragile "peace".

In order to do this, you must show enough "force" to match Ryan Rowan.

This unusual avalanche came from here!

"Anyway, it's great that a devastating battle won't break out on Drum Island, we ordinary people can't stand it."

Although she is a knife mouth, Kureha still cares about the residents of Drum Island.

"It should be over soon."

She looked up at the gravel soldier, Rowan, and asked with a smile:

"After all, it's just a pastime, right?"

But the one who answered Kureha was silent.

The gravel soldier did not raise his sign, but stayed there quietly, his body composed of gravel exuding bursts of chills.

Kureha felt that something was wrong, her smile stiffened, and she asked again:

"It's just a pastime, right?"


The gravel soldier was silent for a moment, then raised the sign in his hand.

It reads:

"As expected of the world government."

"Always find ways to evoke unhappy memories of others."

After saying that, the gravel soldier stood up, and together with the set of exquisite tables and chairs, slowly began to drift away from the bottom.

Kureha suddenly realized something, and pressed Shiruluk, who had not reacted, to the ground, and said solemnly, "Find a low-lying place and hold the tree roots tightly!"


Shiruluk looked bewildered, but he did.

Kureha looked up into the distance, and the two figures who were fighting fiercely finally stopped.

Rowan's figure stood quietly on the spot, facing the CP0, and also facing the surging white snow waves.

The surrounding gravel gradually subsided, like the tranquility before a storm.

Kureha frowned, feeling very puzzled.

What did the world government do to make the emperor, who has always had a recreational mentality, suffer from emotional fluctuations at a fundamental level for the first time?


The CP0 who was fighting with Rowan before heard the roar from behind and gritted his teeth.

He took out the walkie-talkie and scolded the other two companions: "Hey, what are you doing, I'll beat him soon!"

The companion said in a deep voice, "Don't be impulsive, just follow the plan."

"What a joke, you are clearly afraid that I will take all the credit alone!"

CP0 hung up the walkie-talkie directly, and turned his head to estimate the distance between Avalanche and the battlefield at the foot of the mountain.

Forty seconds... no, at most thirty seconds, that white giant wave will drown here.

still have a chance!

Bloodshots appeared in the depths of CP0's pupils, his whole body was fully charged, and he once again locked the target on Rowan's body.

Twenty-eight seconds!

Take 18 seconds to remove the head of the emperor 800 years ago, and his position in the CP0 organization will be unbreakable!

But then, the CP0 found something different.

In the next second, the twenty-seventh second, Rowan suddenly raised his head and said something inexplicable.

"It's really hot..."


CP0 was stunned, and another second passed.

A smile appeared on Rowan's face, he raised his head and asked, "Don't you think avalanches are very similar to lava?"

CP0 is even more strange.

Rowan continued: "In addition to the difference in temperature, they flow equally fast, and it is unavoidable for ordinary people."

The avalanche in front of him reminded Rowan of his last battle.

Although from the level of war alone, the avalanche in front of him is undoubtedly playing a family, but it does remind Rowan of the past.

"how to say……"

Rowan thought.

"I have never regretted what happened 'before', but I am still a little unhappy about what happened 'after'."

What happened after Rowan died.

——About what Neferutari and his companions have experienced.

"Speaking of which, have you started to play for real?"

Luo Wen looked at the in front of him and saw through the other party's killing intent, and said slowly, "If you take the initiative to break the rules, you must have made up your mind."

The ground began to tremble with the arrival of the avalanche.

There are only twenty seconds left!

Then, Rowan turned his head and looked at the other CP0 behind him, a guy with a black mask, obviously the leader of the team.

"Next time you want to talk to me about the rules, remember to send someone who is calm."

Having said that, Rowan turned his head, was holding the gun body, and pulled the long gun back in his hand, the point of the gun pointed at his back.

An unpleasant feeling suddenly rose in Black Mask's heart.

But the CP0 who put the head on didn't notice it at all. Instead, he adjusted his state step by step and walked towards Rowan.

He wants to strike the next blow to decide the outcome!

"Since it's a 'deterrent', it should make the other party feel jealous or afraid, right?"

Rowan's calm voice continued.

"This move, Neferutari said, is too scary, both the enemy and the enemy will feel this way, so let me try not to use it."

"But if the world government wants to see it, you can help them see it."

Rowan pulled the spear back to the extreme, but his body stood upright, the spear body was parallel to the ground, and the spear tip pointed to the back.

That's not a throwing stance.

The black mask is certain, and therefore even more puzzled.

What is he going to do?

Suddenly, the eyes behind the black mask seemed to see something.

very close to him.

what is that?

a line.

A very thin, very long, very long, yes, made of gravel—
