MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 35 old problem

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Crocodile took a sip of hot **** tea and sprayed it outside the sled.

Dalton, who was driving the sleigh, turned around quickly and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Crocodile?"

"No, it's okay, it's just too hot."

Crocodile wiped the corners of his mouth, turned to look at Rowan, and his eyes were full of surprise.

CP0 or CP9?

Hey, does this guy know what he's talking about!

CP - full name: CipherPol, is the espionage agency of the world government.

Among them, CP1 to CP8 are well known, and the existence of CP9 is one of the top secrets of the world government.

They are a group of spy agents who only know how to complete the tasks of the World Government, and they will do anything to achieve this. Among them, there are also masters with strong combat power.

Even Crocodile only knew a little about them when they were hanging out with the underground forces. There was no information about CP9 in ordinary intelligence channels.

That being the case, how did Rowan, who just came out of the mausoleum, know about them?

No, this question is not important.

Crocodile frowned slightly, repeating Rowan's words in his mind.

"Probably CP0, or CP9?"

The amount of information in this sentence is quite large.

CP0, located on the upper level of CP1 to CP9, is also known as "the strongest shield of the Tianlong people"!

Compared with the secret CP9, CP0 is much more famous in this sea.

After thinking about it, Crocodile asked directly, "How did you know?"

"The overlord is domineering."

"Isn't it a sight to behold?"

"No, I'm more accustomed to using the overlord color." Rowan replied with a smile: "Although I can't be as detailed as seeing the color, I can also detect the existence of others."

Crocodile seemed a little puzzled, but after all, there are very few domineering owners in this sea, so there is a serious lack of information.

"How can the domineering arrogance be used like this?"

"Everyone's tyrannical characteristics are different, at least I can."

Rowan explained slowly: "Everything within the territory can be perceived by me."

Crocodile asked another question, "How do you know it's the CP organization?"

"Aura, posture, speed, and movement are not elite units of the navy, but if you are proficient in Six Forms, then you have a high probability of being CP0 or CP9."

Rowan replied,

Then, he turned to look at Crocodile, who was slightly surprised, and said with a smile, "I said, I know everything on my territory."

"It's an exaggerated old monster to use the overlord's color as the color of knowledge..."

Crocodile leaned back on the back seat and murmured in a low voice, "So, what do you think they're here for?"

As soon as these words came out, both Rowan and Crocodile became quiet.

They stared at each other for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing.

Rowan even patted his thigh and laughed very happily, "Why do you ask such a stupid question?"

Crocodile shrugged, and also thought his question was funny, "I'm bored on the road, I'm just rushing to talk."

Rowan smiled and regained his calm expression.

He leaned the scepter on his shoulder, took a sip of hot **** tea, smiled lightly, and muttered to himself.

"Want to find me? Then come."

Weiwei didn't have the time to listen to the conversation between the ancestor and Mr. Sand Crocodile.

At this moment, the little princess was muttering in a low voice, trying to review what Rowan had said to her during the voyage these days.

I can do it!

The little princess was cheering for herself.

I can definitely do it!

Unlike the superpowers like Alabasta, the Drum Kingdom is only a small island country, so the time to travel is not long.

About three hours later, everyone will arrive at the destination of the trip, which is the location of the cable car to the main peak castle of Magnetic Drum Island.

Looking at the majestic main peak of Drum Island in front of him, Dalton couldn't help sighing.

Once upon a time, under the leadership of the old king, this main peak was not only the residence of the royal family, but also a tourist attraction in the drum kingdom.

Many children like to board the cable car with the help of the soldiers of the guard team and go to the top to overlook the beautiful snowy scenery of the Drum Kingdom.

But after Wapol came to the throne, everything changed.

The main peak of Magnetic Drum Island has become a forbidden area for the common people, and only the royal family or people related to the royal family are allowed to enter and leave it.

Dalton lowered his head in thought.

The Ryan Rowan sitting behind him was very different from the King Wapol in his words and deeds.

But...after all, it is also the bloodline of the old king. I hope that after contacting with Rowan, Wapol will have some insights!

Dalton was thinking, but the giant sled dog pulling the sled suddenly stopped, as if it was stopped by something.

He looked up and saw two familiar figures.

It is his two colleagues, the staff officer Jace, and the affairs officer Cromalimon.

At this moment, these two ministers in exaggerated costumes are leading a group of guards and stationed at the starting point of the cable car, and it seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Dalton coming, Jace immediately waved: "Hey, Dalton, we can't go here for the time being!"

Dalton was taken aback, "Why?"

"His Majesty Wapol is eating!"

Jace explained, "You know, Your Majesty doesn't want to be disturbed by any outsiders while dining."

Dalton frowned, "Why is this? I clearly informed Your Majesty in advance that I will arrive at this time, and it is not his fixed meal time now..."

Having said that, Dalton suddenly stopped.

He seemed to want to understand what was going on.

That Wapol king was simply unhappy with the visit of Rowan and others, and planned to let them dry for a while, and give him a slap in the face!

Thinking of this, Dalton couldn't help clenching his teeth, with three points of anger in his eyes.

It's just nonsense!

Alabasta's approach has always been known for its mildness, but it is also a superpower with a standing army of nearly 600,000 people. A small country like Drum Island can't compare with it in terms of military strength.

Faced with the representative of such a big country, he still has to play his temper.

Dalton has reason to suspect that Wapol ate too much wood, causing his head to become dizzy!

He nodded slightly to Rowan behind him, apologizing.

"Please wait a moment, maybe there is a communication error. I will explain it to my colleagues."

Afterwards, Dalton held back his anger and went to stress the importance of the matter with Jess and Cromalimon.

"This matter may turn into a dispute between countries! Why don't you two persuade Your Majesty?"

"Hey, Dalton, why are you so serious?"

Jess, dressed as a circus, said with a hippie smile: "We are also all members of the World Government, so things like war can't happen!"

"Furthermore, even if there is a war, the main peak castle on Drum Island is definitely a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"As long as the cable car is cut off, only His Majesty's Mao Hippo can go up and down this mountain freely. Our entire force can stand for several months against an army of hundreds of thousands, enough to last until the world government intervenes, it is very safe! "

Dalton was taken aback, "What about the people of the drum kingdom?"

"Dalton, you just can't turn your head around." Jace shrugged, "As long as there is a king, the drum kingdom is there, and there are as many citizens as you want!"

The debate between Dalton and Jess continues.

A little bit of grit appeared on Crocodile's fingertips, and the Desert Sword was ready to go. UU Reading

"a bunch of idiots."

He yearned for Rowan beside him, and asked with a sneer, "You say, how many people will be left if I hit the knife?"

Rowan didn't answer.

Crocodile turned his head and saw that Rowan was looking up at the main peak of Drum Island.

He couldn't help but be a little curious, "What are you looking at?"


Luo Wen came back to his senses and replied with a smile, "It's okay, it's just an old problem."

"An old problem?"

"I just heard them say that there is a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

Rowan smiled, his eyes glowing with excitement, "I like to conquer the fortress the most, so just now I tried to simulate in my mind how to conquer the main peak of Magnetic Drum Island, how many people, time, and materials are needed. "

Crocodile was smoking an unlit cigar and thought this question was very interesting, so he thought about it as well.

After a while, he replied: "For ordinary soldiers, about 10,000 people will use siege spears to pierce them one by one as a ladder, or simply use cannons to blow up."

Rowan shook his head, "This is Winter Island, it's too cold, the soldiers can't afford it, and we must fight quickly."

Crocodile was a little disdainful.

Although in his eyes, the guys in the Drum Kingdom, including that Dalton, are a bunch of idiots and idiots, but he also has to admit that the main peak castle of Drum Island is indeed difficult to conquer at the war level.

"So what about you? How fast will it be?"

Rowan squinted his eyes and looked at the peculiar mountain in front of him.

"Seven hundred troops of the Kingdom of Alabasta, prepare to conquer it within seven days and seven hours."

At the end, I added a sentence.

"Causes, zero."