MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 34 snow country guest

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Either a coincidence, or mutual influence, or the illusory so-called "fate".

The abilities of Devil Fruit users are often closely related to their own personalities.

This is the case with Dalton, the captain of the guard team of the Drum Kingdom.

The Zoological Devil Fruit Buffalo form - this ability endows Dalton with great power, but he still maintains his own unique qualities.

Friendly, loyal, honest.

At this moment, he is wearing his most formal armor, standing on the pier, alone preparing to welcome the group of distinguished guests from the desert country.

He felt that it was a bit rude, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, Wapol, the king of the drum kingdom at the time, didn't care much about this meeting at all.

After receiving communication from Alabasta, Wapol picked his nose and waved his hands again and again.

"Alright, alright, this king knows!"

"Sudden visit or something, the trouble is dead, this king is too lazy to take care of them!"

He looked at his three ministers.

They are Kingdom Staff Officer: Jess, Kingdom Affairs Officer: Cromarimon, and Captain of the Guard: Dalton.

"Who of you is going to receive them, Jace?"

The archer, who was dressed like a third-rate circus performer, shook his head repeatedly, "Have you forgotten, Your Majesty, I have made an appointment with Cromalimon to accompany you to feed the hippo!"

"Oh, also..."

Wapol scratched his head, puffed out his tin belly, turned his head and smiled at Dalton: "Then it's hard for you to go, Dalton!"

Dalton was taken aback.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, you must have seen the news a few days ago. After all, it is an emperor with a special status and a princess from another country."

He hurriedly stopped: "Is it a bit rude not to meet in person in order to feed the pet?"

"What's the rudeness? It's not that this king begged him to come!"

Wapol frowned and said loudly: "And what if I'm disrespectful? They are also allied countries of the World Government, do they dare to go to war!"

Dalton was speechless and could only reluctantly say, "Then, Your Majesty, how many guards do I need to bring?"

"Do you still need to bring a guard?"

Wapol put his hands on Dalton's shoulders, and said with a hilarious smile, "You are the captain of this king's guard team. Going to meet him in person should be enough to save face! Hahahaha!"

In desperation, Wapol struggled for two days to no avail, so he had to bite the bullet and come alone.



Wapol was blowing the sea breeze from the pier and felt a little ashamed of the old king who had passed away.

The dignified medical country, when receiving foreign royal families, actually sent only one person.

If it is not handled well, this matter has already turned into a dispute between countries!

But Dalton didn't expect that a hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

Turning around, there are more people.

They are the commoners of the drum kingdom.

Facts have proved that Dalton's reputation among the Drum Kingdom residents is indeed very high.

After they learned about Dalton's plight, some people spontaneously gathered from various villages to the pier, wearing the traditional costumes of the Drum Kingdom, and stood with Dalton.

"Dalton, if you have any questions, just tell us all, you are not enough friends!"

"I heard that you can still see a certain princess this time?"

"Stand up! Don't let people from other countries look down on our country!"


The crowd gathered and talked a lot.

Dalton watched this scene, and although he was very moved, he couldn't help but worry.

Such a group of simple residents is far from qualified as the "Guard of Honor" of the king of a country.

Rather than saying that they came to greet each other, it would be more like they came to see the fun!

As for the emperor who was about to visit, Dalton had read about him in the newspapers—

Eight hundred years ago in the [Golden Dawn], Ryan Rowan.

Dalton doesn't know exactly what kind of person he is. If he is an arrogant world noble, the behavior of the residents is very likely to cause the anger of the other party.

But looking at the group of residents who came to help him, Dalton couldn't bear to disperse them.

As Wapole once criticized Dalton:

His biggest weakness is that he is too kind.

Either way.

Dalton let out a soft breath.

If that was really a rude visitor, he would be sure to protect the citizens behind him!

At the first sight of Rowan, Dalton was relieved.

It was a man in his mid-thirties. He looked young and energetic, but his eyebrows were a little more stable.

Looking into his eyes, Dalton can be sure that what is full of them is not brutality and arrogance, but the bearing and majesty that a ruler should have.

as predicted.

After a brief contact, Rowan didn't care about the optional greeting ceremony, and instead began to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the surrounding Winter Island.

Dalton breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and bowed slightly.

"To go to the Drum Kingdom Castle, you need to take a sleigh to the foot of the mountain, and then transfer to the cable car. Please come with me, everyone."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Rowan smiled and nodded, his words and deeds were in line with the etiquette of being a ruler of a country.

This kind of behavior reminded Dalton of the kind old king, and he couldn't help but feel good about Rowan, and his mood relaxed a lot.

"There are many interesting landscapes and animals in the Drum Kingdom. If you are interested, I will introduce them one by one on the way."


Rowan held a scepter and walked side by side with Dalton.

No matter in the past or now, he has love and curiosity about the world.

The crowd passed through the onlookers and boarded several large sleds that Dalton had prepared for them.

Rowan, Crocodile, and Vivi rode together with Dalton in front, while the accompanying King's Army sat on the second sleigh. UU reading

As for the responsibilities of being a princess guard?

In the words of Crocodile—

"Ha ha."

The two natural devil fruit powers are on the left and right. I am afraid that there is no higher level of "protection" in this sea!

The sled was pulled by several sled dogs and moved along the road.

On the way, everyone also encountered a huge woolly bear leaning on a trekking pole.

Dalton introduced: "It's a unique animal in the Drum Kingdom, a picnic bear. When you meet it, you should nod and say hello."

Crocodile raised his chin disdainfully as a greeting to avoid trouble.

Rowan and Weiwei were quite amused by this, and nodded slightly to the outing bear.


The sled flies past the outing bear.

Crocodile suddenly noticed that Rowan nodded in the direction behind the outing bear, and made a gesture of greeting.


Crocodile was a little puzzled, but the sled was moving so fast that it was too late to observe.

So he could only ask Rowan, "What's wrong?"

"There is someone in the woods in the distance, just say hello." Rowan replied with a smile.

"Tsk, superfluous..."

Crocodile picked up a cup of hot **** tea provided by Dalton and drank it slowly, "Say hello to Orion and the like, you are really free."

Then, Rowan's voice came from his ear.

"Oh, they're not hunters."

Luo Wen also took a cup of hot **** tea and handed it to Weiwei.

"Probably CP0, or CP9?"


Crocodile's hot **** tea, spit it out.