MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 171 instinct

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After killing the entire row of shield-wielding heavy armored soldiers, the wooden daggers on the messenger's hands were also shattered.

He took out the wooden bow from behind again, then bent the bow to shoot an arrow, and shot a wooden arrow, hitting the sniper in the distance!

This series of operations went smoothly, without the slightest stagnation.

After retracting the wooden bow, the messenger took out a wooden knife from his waist. It can be clearly seen from the traces on it that it was just cut out, and even the wood on it has not yet adapted to the contact with the air.

Such a wooden knife, naturally, has nothing to do with "sturdiness" at all.

But under the messenger's extreme speed and precision, the wooden knife easily skipped the clone trooper's blade and hit the opponent's neck instead.

Ordinary clone soldiers have no way to master the domineering armament, no matter how strong their bodies are, their vital points cannot resist the attack of wooden swords.


With a crisp sound, the wooden knife smashed the clone trooper's neck and threw him aside.



on the throne.

There was a little strangeness in Jiazhi's eyes, as if he finally wanted to understand something.

Regardless of the messenger's identity and background, at this moment, Gage finally mastered the basic information of the "Messenger" through the continuous testing of the clone soldiers!

The extreme speed and extreme precision are indeed terrifying.

But in terms of strength, it is only slightly stronger than the level of ordinary navy, and it is not on the table!

That seemingly incomparably powerful "power" is nothing but an appearance brought about by extremely high speed and precision.

At the same time, the messenger has not shown that he is a devil fruit person.

In terms of moves, he doesn't seem to have the kind of powerful moves that can attack in a large area, and even the long-range attack methods are very simple, otherwise he would not use the wooden bow to attack the snipers in the distance.


Those junk things made of wood, it is an insult to say that these two words are weapons!

To sum up, Gage has completed the overall strategy in his mind.


Through the phone bug, Gage's order has been given to all clone troopers.

On the other hand, Gage has already begun to conceive of the plan for the future.

Take down that messenger first, and then through torture, learn about the Four Seas Alliance—or the true purpose of Ryan Rowan behind it!


More and more clone troopers approached, far more than before.

They each held a sharp blade, but the array gave people a completely different feeling than before.

The previous clone troopers acted in squad-based units, and each shot was made by soldiers from the same squad, so they cooperated very closely and smoothly.

But at this moment, the clone troopers gave up their previous tactics and instead approached the messenger on the basis of maintaining the basic formation!

Their purpose is obvious—

Let's go together and use the crowd tactics to kill him!

This is the least cost-effective way to play on the battlefield, but for Germa 66, it is the simplest and most basic tactic.

The clone troopers are just consumables, there are as many as you want!

And in terms of the fighting style that the messenger has shown so far, he does not have a large-scale attacking move against legion-sized enemies.

That being the case, let's start from his weakness!



A clone trooper thrust his spear at the emissary.

The messenger dodged sideways, the wooden knife in his hand slipped along the blade of the gun, first knocking off the clone trooper's hands, and then straight up, knocking the clone trooper out.

But in the next second, the soldier behind the clone trooper shot again, swung the big sword in his hand, and slashed towards the messenger!

The messenger moved half a step and let the blade fall to the ground almost against the tip of his nose.


The big sword fell to the ground, smashed the stone bricks on the ground, and shot out several rubble, which were deliberately knocked into the face of the messenger.

The messenger blinked his eyes subconsciously, revealing an extremely rare flaw!

The clone trooper next to him took the opportunity to charge forward with a shield, intending to use the impact of the shield to expand the flaw at the moment.

But before they took a few steps forward, they found that they couldn't go any further.

Looking up, I saw that the messenger had already stepped forward to their shield, and held the shield with one hand.

Without acceleration, the clone troopers holding heavy shields naturally couldn't break through the messenger's hand.

He could only watch helplessly as the messenger clenched the wooden knife in his hand and slashed at his head with a single blow!


The clone trooper was wearing a helmet.

Because of this, at this moment he only felt as if he was inside a bronze bell that had just been struck, and the loud sound echoed in his ears, making his eyes black.


The clone trooper covered his head and took a few steps back. When he looked up again, he found that the messenger had followed him!

Then, the messenger's hand on the shield slammed hard, and the two clone soldiers who held the shield retreated directly with the shield.


It was almost the sound of the air breaking when a shell was fired.

It's hard to imagine that the messenger can increase the explosive power of his arm to this extent with his own speed only when his strength is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people!

All the clone troopers couldn't help but have such a question in their minds:

Is this guy really "human"?

If it is the ordinary army, or even the navy, many people will now stop because of the "fear of the unknown".

But Germa 66 is not a different army.

Therefore, even if they knew that they were not opponents, a large number of clone soldiers continued to launch suicide attacks on the messengers.

But the messenger kept going.

Step by step forward, as if nothing could stop him.

And it is.

In the face of the Germa 66 clone corps, which is used like a tide, even the most elite troops in this sea will be timid.

But the messenger never showed such emotion.

To be honest, at the "human" level, the clone soldiers are more like a group of living "people"!


The clone troopers once again launched a near-perfect group attack on the emissary.

The messenger found a flaw in the previous time, but this time the tiny flaw was filled.

The clone troopers are full of They believe that this time they will definitely complete the order of Lord Gage and completely defeat that messenger!

The four clone troopers stepped forward together, forcing the emissary to deal with them.

At the same time, another clone soldier suddenly went around behind the messenger and swung his sharp blade from his blind spot!

But at that moment, the clone soldier who attacked the messenger from behind suddenly felt a sense of fear for no reason.

The fear was so sudden and intense that it made his body lose control and couldn't move at all!


The blade in his hand fell to the ground.

The clone trooper was half-kneeling behind the messenger, his eyes widened in disbelief at the current situation.

His own instinct was actually blocking his body and continued to attack the messenger!