MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 170 2nd weapon

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Resolutely follow the orders of the master.

- This is the absolute law engraved in the minds of every clone soldier.

On this basis, every clone soldier has the ability to think independently.

So when Gage ordered the tall clone trooper to wear heavy armor and hold a warhammer to face the mysterious looking "Messenger", the clone trooper had the following thoughts in his mind :

Yes sir.

And... gone.

Um? Does he have low-level emotions like "Watch me smash that little guy with a hammer"?

of course not.

There are no additional emotions such as "underestimating the enemy" or "arrogance" that are not conducive to combat in his mind.

He will only resolutely carry out the orders given by Vinsmoke Gadge.

Therefore, when he stepped forward and smashed the war hammer in his hand at the messenger, there was only one thought in his mind——

Resolutely implement the master's order...order...

After this thought slipped through his mind, the line of sight in front of him was split in two.

Like his body, it was split from the top of his head by the wooden one-handed axe and divided into left and right sides.


Two landing sounds.


The third landing sound was the sound of the messenger's toes touching the ground.

Other than that, though, it wasn't that there was no other movement.

For example, the mobilization of the clone troopers, or the sound of a sniper rifle being re-armed somewhere, but the three "thump" sounds did indeed reach the ears of everyone present.

This naturally also includes the commander-in-chief sitting on the throne at the end of the road - Vinsmoke Gage.

His face was the same as before, but he was thinking about the scene that had just happened in his mind.

He watched with his own eyes the man who called himself "the messenger" jumped from the ground at an astonishing speed, then swung the wooden axe in his hand and slashed the armored clone trooper with one blow.

That's no ordinary armor!

Although the defense is not as good as the official battle suit of the Vensmoke family, it is far superior to ordinary iron armor.

At least a musket can't penetrate it, and even the force of a bullet can't penetrate it.

But that messenger ended the battle with just one blow!

Is it armed arrogance?

……Do not.

Gage denied his speculation.

Judging from the appearance of the messenger's shot just now, the wooden axe in his hand did not exude an aura of armed domineering.

Moreover, if it is a superficial armed domineering, it is impossible for a mere wooden axe to have the ability to split the special armor of Germa 66. It must be a high-intensity armed domineering that can turn a sharp blade into a black knife!

However, the top of the wooden axe did not have the black color unique to the high-concentration armed color domineering.

If so, how did he do it?

Years of combat experience have brought Jiazhi a strong ability to judge.

It is precisely because of this that Jage's mind deduces a guess that even he himself can't believe——


That messenger, by virtue of his unreasonable "speed", added a "power" comparable to the domineering and domineering of the armed color to the fragile wooden axe in his hand!


If you can do this, you are undoubtedly a master!

But Gage was a little confused.

The two types of domineering, armed and knowledgeable, are different from the domineering of the overlord, and there is a high probability that they can be acquired through hard work.

This messenger who appeared in the Kingdom of Germa, his fighting power is undoubtedly the "that group of people" who can exercise the domineering look of armed and knowledgeable.

But what puzzled Gage was why the messenger didn't mean to use the armed color domineering?

Is it because you don't want to use it? Still won't use it?

Hmm... The reference case seems to be insufficient, what should I do?

The answer is simple.

For the Kingdom of Germa, the most important thing is the so-called "experimental product".

The clone soldiers that can be mass-produced in just five years make Germa 66 not afraid of the so-called "sacrifice", as long as it does not touch the country.

Therefore, after the messenger showed that formidable and almost bizarre combat power, Gage instead accelerated the pace of the attack as the clone soldiers.

For Gage, those clone troopers were nothing but consumables, and they would not hesitate to use them as human shield walls.

Keep attacking!

Gage clenched his fist secretly, frowned slightly, and his face was gloomy.

I would like to see how capable this "Messenger" of the Four Seas Alliance is!


A group of heavily armored clone soldiers armed with shields lined up and charged towards the messenger.

Seeing this, the messenger thought for a while, and suddenly slammed the mighty wooden axe into the ground with a "bang".

Then he pulled out two wooden daggers from under the robe, which looked like children's toys, and they were not even as delicate and sturdy as those in the gift shop next door.

But even so, when the messenger held the two wooden daggers in his hands, he still exuded an incredible sense of suffocation.


Domineering domineering?

No, it's not, but it's very similar.

Gage continued to observe silently.

Although he has already touched the threshold of domineering and domineering, he can clearly feel the lack of "Fate".

Such a person will never be able to awaken the tyrannical arrogance in this life!

But why does this guy really feel like a domineering and domineering owner?


click! click! click! click...

The heavily armored soldier with the shield stepped forward at a very fast speed, the spear in his hand was already set up, like an iron wall with a spear, and went straight to the messenger.


The messenger changed his footsteps, and his figure suddenly became a little illusory, and drilled through the gap between the two shield-heavy armored soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, the two wooden daggers in his hands began to swing, slicing through the gaps in the armor of every heavy armored soldier at an astonishing speed!

That is the ultimate high speed that ordinary human eyes cannot see at all. Even the eyes specially strengthened by Germa 66 for the clone soldiers can only barely capture a few phantoms.

For most clone troopers, the emissary's arms became "translucent" in an instant.

By the time the translucent state was restored, the messenger had already walked past the row of shield-heavy armored soldiers.


After the two sides staggered past, with the envoy's breathing, the two wooden daggers in his hand had become two shards, drifting away with the wind.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a group of armor clattering to the ground.

The group of heavy armored soldiers with shields At the end of the day, I don't know what happened.


Gage's brows furrowed.

He could see the messenger's movements clearly, so he couldn't help but be even more incredulous.

The speed of the other party's actions has surpassed the concept of "soon".

Jiazhi can say without hesitation that the messenger can even make up for the lack of the domineering of the armed and the knowledgeable by relying on the "speed" alone!

But that wasn't what caught Gage's attention the most.

He has discovered the "second weapon" on the messenger, and its threat goes far beyond pure "speed"!

That is "accurate".

The extreme speed and extreme precision make this "messenger" who has never used domineering before fully capable of being among the front-line combat powers in this sea!

Read Chrysalis