MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 164 1 person

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"One... one person?!"

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard the guard's words.

The previous minister who asked the question thought for a while, and suddenly said excitedly: "Is that Mr. Rowan?"

Everyone heard the words and reacted, and nodded hard core.

Yes, if it was the [Golden Dawn] Ryan Rowan, then everything would make sense.

They had seen Mr. Rowan's fighting style.

Whether it is the city of gravel standing in the port, or the countless gravel soldiers who can't be beaten or killed, all of them have left a deep impact on the people of the Kingdom of Aden.

The records of Ryan Rowan in the history books are indeed true.

One-man army!

——This is indeed the most appropriate word to describe Ryan Rowan.

If the [Golden Dawn] shot himself, everyone could indeed imagine such a spectacular scene:

Endless gravel soldiers stand on the coastline of the Kingdom of Aden, deterring Germa 66, making the opponent dare not advance an inch.

It's just that people don't understand a little bit.

That Ryan Rowan... One thing to say, he is not an emperor who is good at "low-key".

No matter when and where, Ryan Rowan's words and deeds are so present that people dare not ignore them.

So why did Ryan Rowan choose to come to the Kingdom of Aden alone?

Everyone was once again in doubt.

Seeing this, the guard who sent the order scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"That... Your Majesty, the person from the Four Seas Alliance is not Mr. Rowan."

Not Ryan Rowan? !

Everyone in the palace widened their eyes once again.

The fat uncle frowned slightly and asked, "It wasn't Mr. Luo Wen's words, could it be the king who went to Qiwuhai?"

"No, neither."

The soldier shook his head and said, "That is... a stranger."

The soldier's answer was really helpless, because he was telling the truth.

When the Four Seas Alliance was active in the Kingdom of Aden, he had never seen the figure of that person at all, so naturally he couldn't name him!

After hearing the words, the fat uncle thought for a while, then waved: "All in all, it is enough to be a guest of the Four Seas Alliance. Please invite him here."


The soldier nodded slightly and then stepped back.

Before long, there was a sound of gentle footsteps outside the palace.

Everyone in the palace looked for fame and saw the guest who came from afar from the Four Seas Alliance.

He was wearing a dark blue robe with a hood, lined with a set of Alabasta-style coarse cloth, and he looked a little dusty.

He slowly walked into the palace, stood in front of the fat uncle, and bowed slightly.

"His Majesty the King of Aden Kingdom, hello, I am from the Four Seas Alliance."

This time, everyone was more certain that the person who came was by no means Ryan Rowan, nor the [Sand Crocodile] Crocodile.

The fat uncle hurriedly stood up to greet him, and then asked, "May I ask who you are..."

"As you heard, I've introduced myself—"

The man took off his hood, revealed his own face, and then smiled:

"I'm from the Four Seas Alliance."



When everyone present saw the face under the hood, only this adjective came to mind——


That man looks too ordinary.

No matter the facial features or the figure, they are all the type that will never be found in the crowd.

The fat uncle looked at the man in front of him.

Not Shichibukai, not the navy, not even some famous person in this sea.

It seemed as their eyes saw it - he was a normal man.

"Ahahahaha, everyone just looks at me like this, I'm a little embarrassed..."

The man grinned and scratched his head with a dry smile, like every ordinary person.

He began to explain to the crowd how he got here.

"Once there is a conflict between Germa 66 and the Four Seas Alliance, it is impossible for the world government to ignore it."

"But Mr. Rowan has been busy with other things recently, and he doesn't have time to fight back and forth with the World Government, so he sent me here secretly."

"In order to avoid being noticed by the world government, we first passed through the red soil continent in the name of a caravan with a slower ship."

"After that, I immediately changed to a fast boat and went straight to the Kingdom of Aden."

"Yeah, it's really thanks to the establishment of a fixed route, otherwise I guess I'll be at least a week late."

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

The man who always called himself "I'm from the Four Seas Alliance" seemed very cheerful and chatty, and quickly explained the whole story.

In fact, the handling of many events here is actually very complicated.

For example, using the caravan as a cover to cover up the real purpose of their trip.

And how to avoid letting the world government know about the conflict between the Four Seas Alliance and Germa 66, etc...

But this series of complicated strategies, uttered from the man's mouth, made everything seem so "ordinary".

As if chatting at home, any words are very natural, as if they came naturally.

Maybe... is that man's unique temperament?

Is there really such a person in the world?

And what makes the fat uncle and others not understand is, what kind of strength does this ordinary man in front of him have to solve the current predicament of the Kingdom of Aden?

One person's words...

Is it by force?

Is this man in front of him a hole card that the Four Seas Alliance has never played before?

Seemingly feeling the confused eyes of the people around him, the man smiled embarrassedly.

"Then, please help me prepare a 'weapon'."


Presumably to get there as soon as possible, I didn't have time to prepare.

The fat uncle beckoned, and the minister in charge of the armament of the Kingdom of Aden stepped forward.


The armament officer bowed slightly towards the man and said, "Do you need a sword or a musket?"

However, the man gave a rather surprising answer.

"Please prepare me some 'wood'."


Everyone couldn't figure out what this man wanted the wood to do, but the four words of the Four Seas Alliance were still very important to them, so they chose to trust the man in front of them.

When the wood was collected, the man asked the nearby guards for a sword and an axe for ka! click! click...

The man chopped axe after another on the wood, and then cut it with an iron sword, "manufacturing" many things.

That's a bunch of "weapons" made of wood.

Knives, guns, swords, axes, bows...


The man inserted those "weapons" into the cloth strips that had been prepared on his back, and then turned and left the palace with those weapons on his back.

He waved to everyone in the Aden Kingdom behind him, his tone was as ordinary as if he was saying that he was going out for a meal.

"I'll be back in a minute."

The man left the palace, returned to the port, and boarded the boat from which he had come.

Then, alone, sailed towards the fleet of Germa 66.