MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 163 1 step first

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not right...

After hearing the description of their own king, the ministers of the Kingdom of Aden had only one thought—

Absolutely not right!

In fact, among the ministers present, there were also politicians who had a clear view of the situation at sea, so they were already mentally prepared for the actions of Germa 66.

Thinking about it, Germa 66's ambitions are almost well known in Beihai.

In line with the "legitimate" status granted by the world government, almost every country or major force that can establish a foothold in the Beihai "will" and "must" deal with Germa 66.

Otherwise, no country in the North Sea can rely on the strength of a single country to resist such a war army!

The same is true of the original kingdom of Aden.

The previous Aden royal family signed a long-term so-called "assistance protection agreement" with the Jerma kingdom behind Jerma 66.

According to the agreement, the Kingdom of Aden will sell a large amount of food to the Kingdom of Germa at a very low price all year round, and as a "reward", Germa 66 will protect the Kingdom of Aden from the invasion of hostile forces.

Including but not limited to major famous pirate groups, or hostile countries with bad relations, etc.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the essence of this "assistance protection agreement" is actually an extremely unequal treaty.

With its powerful military force, the Kingdom of Germa forced the Kingdom of Aden to become one of the sources of food for this huge sea kingdom.

Of course, the Germa Kingdom's approach is quite clever.

They did not choose to use "forced collection" to obtain food for free - even if they really have the power.

Using extremely low prices to "buy" food from small countries such as the Kingdom of Aden, on the one hand, it can greatly reduce expenses and prepare for the rebirth of the glory of the Kingdom of Germa, and on the other hand, it can barely maintain the Kingdom of Germa to other small countries strong position.

As long as it is "passable", no country will take the initiative to stand up and resist the unequal treaty of the Kingdom of Germa.

This is a well-known conspiracy, but no one has ever dared to expose it.

After all, everyone can barely live anyway, so who wants to take the risk of "shooting the first bird" and join other countries to fight against the Kingdom of Germa?

Strictly speaking, this is not "politics", but a desire for "stable status quo" in people's hearts.

After that, the crystal ghost virus incident broke out, and the original royal family of the Kingdom of Aden fled their country under the arrangement of the world government.

The Four Seas Alliance intervened, settled the Don Quixote family, and dealt with the world government, forcing them to recognize the legitimacy of the new government of the Kingdom of Aden.

A fixed route between the Kingdom of Aden and Alabasta was established.

Such a big event happened in the Beihai, and naturally, Germa 66 could not escape the eyeliner.

Even if the former royal family of Aden is gone, Germa 66 still needs the low-priced food produced by the kingdom of Aden.

Therefore, the ministers of the Kingdom of Aden, including the King Fat Uncle himself, knew that Germa 66 would come to him sooner or later.

But everyone is divided on whether to continue to honor the unequal treaty called the "Assisted Protection Agreement."

Some people think that since the Kingdom of Aden has joined the Four Seas Alliance, there is no need to let it be at the mercy of Germa 66. The strength displayed by the Four Seas Alliance is fully capable of freeing the Kingdom of Aden from the control of Germa 66.

However, there are some moderates who believe that the Kingdom of Aden should continue to implement this treaty, after all, there are also meager profits to be made.

And in the final analysis, the Four Seas Alliance is also a business alliance with a great shipping route as its core, and the North Sea is just a new shipping route they have just opened up.

Qianglong can't overpower the local snakes. On the Beihai site, it is best to follow the meaning of Germa 66.

And just when everyone felt extremely entangled in this, and then argued endlessly, a threatening letter from Germa 66 was sent.

At the same time, the scouts in charge of patrolling the surrounding waters reported that the army of Germa 66 was moving towards the Kingdom of Aden.

They gathered a large number of people, giving the impression that they were not just here for so-called "negotiations".

The ministers of Fat Uncle certainly understood what Germa 66 meant.

Faced with the sudden rise of the Four Seas Alliance, Germa 66 certainly did not intend to hand over the "site" of the North Sea to others.

The army of Germa 66 assembled not to intimidate the Kingdom of Aden, but to deter the Four Seas Alliance!

At this moment, the fat uncle is holding the threatening letter from Germa 66, his face is gloomy and his fingers are trembling slightly.

The fat uncle is now... surprised?

Yes, surprise—that kind of weird feeling.

Not only the fat uncle, but the surrounding ministers also fell into this emotion after listening to the fat uncle.

If it was just the threatening letter from Germa 66, the fat uncle and the ministers would not feel this way.

They may have headaches, they may struggle, they may be afraid…

But don't be surprised.

But when they learned that the letter of aid from the Four Seas Alliance arrived in the Kingdom of Aden one step ahead of Germa 66, they had to be surprised.

As early as a day ago, when Uncle Fat received the letter from the Four Seas Alliance, he was still very puzzled.

difficulty? What difficulty?

Germa 66?

This idea once flashed in the fat uncle's mind, but it was quickly rejected.

After all, even they themselves don't know when Germa 66 will attack their new kingdom of Aden.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, maybe next year.

Even Germa 66 has been entangled in other affairs recently, and doesn't care about the changes in the Kingdom of Aden.

So many possibilities.

And when the next day came, when Germa 66's threat letter was delivered to the fat uncle, he realized that the "difficulty" mentioned in the letter from the Four Seas Alliance must refer to Germa 66!

"It's that Ryan Rowan!"

A smarter minister was the first to react.

"If it's Mr. Rowan, it should be able to do it... right?"

The minister's voice became less and less confident. After all, he couldn't imagine that someone could control the situation in Beihai so accurately.

And that person is not even in Beihai!

The fat uncle thought for a while and asked the ministers for their opinions, "What should we do now?"

The ministers immediately began to discuss.

Some people say stick to the city, and some people say that they use negotiations to delay time with Germa 66...

Suddenly, a minister asked, "When will the people from the Four Seas Alliance come?"

The fat uncle shook his head, "I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a guard trotting outside the door.

"Your Majesty, the people from the Four Seas Alliance are here!"

"Here? Is it Mr. Rowan? How many?"

The fat uncle asked quickly.

After all, the power of Germa 66 is far greater than that of the Don Quixote family. In order to form a certain degree of deterrence against them, it is necessary to have a group of elite soldiers.

But the soldier's face was very strange.

He paused and replied:

"Only...only one person..."