MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 202 Keep secret

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However, as the weather became late, Wang Qiaoyang had to sail back to the dock. Ap; Although he is a ship boss with decades of experience, he has never seen anyone who has caught so many seedlings in one day. It is even more amazing when it is captured by trapping.

On the way back to the dock, Wang Qiaoyang has always looked at Li Yuan with admirable eyes. Nowadays, this young man who has no experience in fishing seedlings has already won the respect of Wang Qiaoyang.

Seeing that the pier was far away, Li Yuan carefully covered the buckets of the seedlings, and then asked Wang Qiaoyang with a smile: "Wang Boda, are you going to rent the boat to me tomorrow or go fishing for yourself?"

Don't look at Wang Qiaoyang as a person, but it does not mean that he is stupid. The boss of the ship knows very well that today Li Yuan can harvest so many seedlings because the method of trapping is effective. It is not that the seedlings are really much. If you go fishing for seedlings tomorrow, it is very likely that you will only get dozens of articles a day, and you will not be able to pay for it. Instead of taking such risks, it is better to continue to rent the boat to Li Yuan and earn thousands of dollars.

Therefore, Wang Qiaoyang did not hesitate at all. He immediately said to Li Yuandao: "I will wait for you at the pier tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, a word is fixed!" Li Yuan smiled and nodded, very satisfied with Wang Qiaoyang's choice.

As in the previous days, when the fishing boat was docked, many people immediately encircled and planned to acquire the harvested seedlings. However, to disappoint these people, although the ship boss smiled, but said that there is no seedling.

Someone in the crowd knows Wang Qiaoyang, and immediately said to him loudly: "Wang Boda, you should not lie. Look at your face full of spring breeze, today's harvest is definitely very good, how can there be a seedling?"

Wang Qiaoyang is a rectum, and he can't help but smile. "Today's harvest is good. I have caught thousands of them! But it is all the credit of the boss Li. We said that the seedlings caught in advance are his. So... can't help, everyone!"

Wang Qiaoyang’s words immediately aroused amazement in the crowd. Thousands of seedlings were caught in one day. It is equal to the harvest of all the fishing boats that docked at this pier. The luck of this young man is also too good.

Of course, some people do not believe in Wang Qiaoyang's words, can't help but loudly: "Don't be kidding. This year's situation is so bad, how can you get thousands of dollars a day?"

Wang Qiaoyang, who was questioned, was certainly not happy. He immediately retorted: "What do you guys know, relying on Li’s trap..."

"Wang Boss, don't say it." See Wang Qiaoyang said that the louder, Li Yuan quickly whispered to stop him: "This matter must be kept secret!"

Wang Qiaoyang was shocked that he almost said Li Yuan’s secret, and quickly nodded as a dream. No matter how ridiculed by those people, he closed his mouth and said nothing.

However, although Wang Qiaoyang only said half of it, it still caused some attention. They know that Wang Qiaoyang has never spoken loudly. Since he said that he has arrested thousands of seedlings, there are certainly so many harvests today. Coupled with the attitude of Wang Qiaoyang’s later words and feelings, these people are more interested in his experience today.

These people exchanged a look with each other, and they all saw a hint of excitement from the other's face. One of them left silently, and followed Li Yuan and Wang Qiaoyang far away.

The well-received Li Yuan did not notice that he was followed. He left the dock with Miao Miao and Wang Qiaoyang. On the way back to the hotel, I gave the ship's boss the cost of chartering today, and then went back to the hotel alone to rest.

In fact, living things like saplings should be put into fish ponds as soon as possible after harvesting, so as to reduce the loss of death. In fact, all the people who come to receive the seedlings will use the various methods to transport the received seedlings to their fish ponds on the same day.

However, Li Yuan did not need such trouble. After returning to the hotel room, he took the plastic bucket with the seedlings and entered the peach core space.

The environment of the peach core space is as good as usual, the air is fresh and the water quality is clear. In order to house these seedlings, Li Yuan deliberately prepared some cages. The cages of these cages are small enough to prevent the seedlings from escaping, just in line with Li Yuan’s requirements.

Li Yuan carefully poured the seedlings caught today into several cages. These seedlings were all crowded together and they were twisting around to find a way out. However, when they were dumped into the cage, they immediately quietly quieted down and dispersed into the cage, quietly moving.

Knowing that this is the environment of the Tao nuclear space has played a role in the seedlings, Li Yuan also nodded with satisfaction. Now that you have put the seedlings in the peach kernel space, you don't have to worry about the death, and you will definitely live very well.

As for the bait that these seedlings eat, they don’t have to worry too much about Li Yuan. When he put the koi in the peach kernel space, he used to fish some aquatic animals such as leeches and red nematodes into the creek as food for the koi.

In the environment of the peach kernel, the aquatic animals breed very fast, and the few koi can't be eaten at all. Now just as the food for the seedlings, there is no need to feed the bait again.

After setting up the seedlings caught today, Li Yuan left the Tao nuclear space to prepare for tomorrow's fishing. There are still a lot of clean water that has melted the gold beads, and naturally there is no need to prepare any more. It is necessary to prepare more for the pig liver, so as not to have no bait available tomorrow.

After a busy day, Li Yuan, who had a hard day, quickly rested. The next morning he came to the dock, and Wang Qiaoyang, who was already waiting, went out to sea again and continued to trap the seedlings.

Considering that so many seedlings have been trapped on the back of the island yesterday, the seedling density there will definitely drop so Li Yuan decided to try other places to try his luck.

This time Wang Qiaoyang recommended to Li Yuan, located between the two small islands in the southeast. The water flow there is relatively slow, and in previous years it was also a place with more seedlings.

After the fishing boat arrived at the destination, Li Yuan threw all the traps into the water, and then waited for the bait to play, attracting the nearby seedlings.

What makes Li Yuan happy is that today’s harvest is better than yesterday. After a busy day, I actually trapped nearly 8,000 seedlings!

Together with the seedlings caught yesterday, Li Yuan has now had 14,000 seedlings. If you fish in this way, he will be able to catch all the seedlings needed for the two fish ponds in the past.

Although the harvest of these two days has nothing to do with Wang Qiaoyang, he is also happy to be confused, purely happy for Li Yuan.

The two men who only concentrated on trapping the seedlings did not pay attention. On the river surface hundreds of meters away, a small boat had been with them all day. (To be continued.)

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