MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 201 Trap seedling

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Li Yuan put the prepared pig liver bait into the trap at the bow, and then carefully poured the water from the other bucket into the bottle in the trap. Ap; a small> said

This is not ordinary water, Li Yuan has already dissolved a gold bead in it. In order to be able to successfully trap the seedlings, he also spent a lot of money.

In the cockpit, Wang Qiaoyang looked at the busy Li Yuan, and his face still had a slight smile. In his opinion, this young man's whimsical plan is simply impossible to succeed, and will eventually be defeated by cruel facts.

Just under Wang Qiaoyang’s gaze, Li Yuan prepared several traps and then came to the cockpit and said to him: “Wang Lao Da, the most seedlings in the place last year? Let’s go there and try our luck! ”

“I caught a lot of seedlings on the north side of the island last year.” Wang Qiaoyang recalled Li Yuandao: “The water is shallow and the water flow is slow, and the seedlings are easier to swim upstream.”

"Then let's go there and see!" Li Yuan immediately made a decision, let Wang Qiaoyang turn around and head north.

But even on the road, Li Yuan did not intend to waste time. Anyway, the trap is ready, it is better to put it in the water and try your luck.

So Li Yuan quickly put a few traps into the water, and then tied the rope to the ship's side to see if you could catch a few seedlings on the road.

After the trap is launched, the rotten pig liver is mixed with clear water that dissolves the gold beads, and slowly spreads in the river water. Although the process cannot be seen by the naked eye, as Li Yuan hopes, it attracts a lot of creatures in the water.

However, although the degree of small fishing boats is not fast, it is not easy to catch up with the creatures in the water. After an hour, when the fishing boat came to the place where Wang Qiaoyang said, Li Yuan checked the trap. There are no other living things except for a few small shrimps.

"I just said that this is not possible!" Wang Qiaoyang is also a real person, seeing directly to Li Yuandao: "The seedlings still have to rely on fishing, you are wasting money."

"I won't be reconciled if I don't try it." Li Yuanchao's straight ship boss smiled and added some pig liver and clear water to the trap, and put all the traps into the water again.

"Hey, the young man just doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back!" Wang Qiaoyang shook his head, anchored the fishing boat, took a dip net to the side of the ship, and stared closely at the nearby water.

Although Wang Qiaoyang has already said well with Li Yuan, no matter how many seedlings are caught today, they are owned by each other. But honestly, he still hopes to catch as many seedlings as possible, at least to let Li Yuan reduce some losses. After all, people have spent a lot of money on chartering boats. Even if they have nothing to gain, even Wang Qiaoyang feels embarrassed.

However, Li Yuan’s luck seems to be good today. Just after stopping for less than half an hour, Wang Qiaoyang has already harvested four tailed seedlings. If this trend continues, today will be the best day for Wang Qiaoyang.

"Boss Li, you are lucky." Wang Qiaoyang put the seedlings that had just been picked up into the bucket, and smiled at Li Yuandao: "This is already the fourth one. According to this, it is not a problem to get a hundred pieces today. !"

Li Yuan Chao smiled at the good ship boss, then shook his head gently: "I don't want you to say, I have about eight acres of water to raise squid, this area is a hundred seedlings... not enough."

After listening to Li Yuan’s words, Wang Qiaoyang also smiled and shook his head. In general, the stocking density of seedlings is related to its size. If Liyuan has eight acres of water, the number of seedlings needed must be at least 20,000 or 30,000. Even if he can get a hundred pieces today, it will not help him.

However, there is no way for Wang Qiaoyang to do this. What he can do is try to catch a few more seedlings, which can help Li Yuan recover some losses.

Today, Wang Qiaoyang’s luck is really good. After ten minutes, he has picked up several seedlings. After putting a seedling that had just been picked up into the bucket, Wang Qiaoyang suddenly thought of a possibility: today's own luck is so good, maybe it is related to Li Yuan's trap, otherwise how can there be so many seedlings nearby? of?

I thought that Wang Qiaoyang couldn’t keep calm anymore. He quickly said to Li Yuandao: "Li Bo, just pull up your trap and see if it is really rewarding!"

Li Yuan was also planning to do this. He heard the smile of Wang Qiaoyang and quickly put a trap on the surface. The amount of plastic bucket filled with water is not light, but there is no weight in Li Yuan's hand. He shook his wrist and quickly placed the trap in a plastic sink prepared in advance.

This is done because after the trap leaves the river, the water inside will flow out of the small holes in the surface. It is also possible that the small body of the seedlings will flow out. If you don't prepare in advance, the previous work will be wasted.

Li Yuan opened the lid of the trap while watching the river flowing out from the inside nervously, hoping to see the traces of the seedlings.

In fact, the experienced Wang Qiaoyang has appeared earlier than Li Yuan. He has not opened the cover yet. The boss of the ship is excited to say loudly: "Look, seedlings!"

Li Yuan quickly stared at it and saw that there were several small thumb lengths in the plastic sink, which were much thicker than the hemp rope, and the whole body was almost transparent. This made him feel uncomfortable and knew that his method worked.

"Open the lid and see!" Wang Qiaoyang was more anxious than Li Yuan, and urged him to open the lid of the trap.

When Li Yuan opened the lid, the situation in the trap still surprised him. In the trap, in addition to a dozen small shrimps, the thick layer on the bottom is a translucent seedling!

Wang Qiaoyang also saw this scene could not help but smile: "Oh! Li boss, this time you!"

At this time, Li Yuan couldn't care about what he said with the ship's boss. He quickly dumped the seedlings in the trap into the bucket. Although there is not a total number of them, the experienced Wang Qiaoyang estimates that there are four or five seedlings in a trap!

The excited two pulled the other traps out of the water, and now each trap caught hundreds of seedlings. That is to say, but for a little half a day, Li Yuan has already caught more than 3,000 seedlings! This also proves that Li Yuan's approach is very effective, and the trap is much more efficient than manual fishing.

However, Li Yuan at the moment did not have time to be happy. Instead, with the help of Wang Qiaoyang, he reloaded the bait into the trap, added the water that dissolved the gold beads, and then threw it back into the water. He has to take the time to go early and continue to trap the seedlings in this place.

Facts have proved that Li Yuan’s decision is correct. By the evening of the same day, he had trapped more than 6,000 seedlings. Although this number does not meet the needs of fish ponds, it is a miracle to catch so many seedlings in one day.

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