MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 199 Seedling crisis

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"100,000 is changed to 15,000, and 80,000 people have entered their pockets in a year. This guy is really dark!" Looking at the smiling face of Zhong Shengbin, Li Yuan could not help but sigh in his heart: "Those who give The villagers he voted for were blind, and thought that the dog could be changed! I didn’t expect the money that the guy had spent on them before, and they would get back from them ten times in the future!”

However, Li Yuan will not dismantle the mind of Zhong Shengbin. Anyway, he planned to pay the money to rent the mountain. As for the pocket of the money, is it used in the village? Li Yuan is not qualified and too lazy to manage.

Of course, Li Yuan will not mix into this matter, so he refused the request of Zhong Shengbin. Seeing that Zhong Shengbin still has opinions, Li Yuan immediately said: "Zhong Cunchang, the contract can definitely not be changed. I am afraid that I will not be clear in the future. If you insist on changing, then I would rather not rent."

Unexpectedly, Li Yuan’s attitude was so tough, and Zhong Shengbin could not help but be irritated. However, he did not get the 85,000 of his hand to fly like this, and this is after all, it is a matter of no time, and can only help Li Yuan's approach.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhong Shengbin to give up the fat to his mouth. He already thought about it, and when Li Yuan went to himself, he forged an agreement, so he could take the money for himself.

After signing the contract, Zhong Shengbin insisted that Li Yuan pay cash and was unwilling to accept bank transfer. At this point, Li Yuan did not insist. In the afternoon, Liang Xiaowen asked 100,000 pieces of cash from the bank. After receiving the receipt from Zhong Shengbin, he gave the money to him.

After paying, the hills behind the vegetable fields were also included in the farm. Li Yuan has plans to use this mountain. Nowadays, there are a lot of rich people, and there are more and more people who are willing to pay high prices for tea. Therefore, Li Yuan intends to build this hill into a tea garden, and to produce high-quality tea for the consumer groups who have money and love to drink tea.

Although he is the same as the previous vegetables, chickens and fish farming, Li Yuan has no experience in growing tea. However, the so-called "Peach Core is in hand, the world I have", he believes that as long as the tea tree is also used in gold beads, it is not a problem to plant good tea.

You must know that there is no need for gold beads in the cultivation of vegetables at the moment. If you only raise chickens and raise fish, you will not be able to consume too much gold beads. It is precisely because of this that Li Yuan will pack the hills to plant tea and let Jinzhu create more wealth for himself.

After Li Yuan contracted the mountain, the new employees of Zhong Shengbin who entered the farm were unlucky. In order to turn the barren hill into a tea garden as soon as possible, Chen Wenchuan let all employees go up the mountain when they are free, and even the employees of the chicken farm are no exception. As for these new arrivals, of course, they will receive the same treatment. They will not receive special care because they are introduced by Zhong Shengbin.

Li Yuan was very trusting to Chen Wenchuan. After handing over the matter to him, he left the farm and went to Chongming Island in the Yangtze River estuary. This year's seedling fishing season has begun, Li Yuan has to acquire enough seedlings as early as possible.

When Li Yuan came to a dock on the island according to the instructions of the local people, there are already many people who have come to buy seedlings from all over the country.

Everyone is anxiously looking forward to the river, and as soon as there are fishing boats, they will gather immediately and ask if the ship boss has any gains, hoping to buy the seedlings.

It is a pity that most of the time, waiting for everyone is only disappointing. It is said that this year's seedlings are very few, and even the most experienced fishermen are hard to get the seedlings. It is often busy on the river for a whole day, only a boat can only get ten twenty.

For everyone who buys seedlings, the amount is so small. Many people began to sigh and felt that they wanted to buy enough seedlings this year. It seems that there is no hope.

Looking at the people on the dock, Li Yuan is inevitably anxious. He is full of expectations for the two new fish ponds, and it has almost spent the last year's profit on the farm. If you can't buy enough seedlings, you can only raise common varieties of fish, and the income will definitely be much less.

Looking at the dejected people, Li Yuan could not help but whisper to the person next to him: "Friend, is this situation bad this year?"

"It’s too bad to be worse." The man smiled and said: "I have been here for three days, but I have only grabbed more than one hundred seedlings. In this way, at least half of the family's 30-mu fish ponds are used. No, it seems that you can only raise other fish!"

I didn't think that the seedlings were more tight than I thought. Li Yuan couldn't help but rush: "I just built two cement fish ponds, which is bad!"

The man looked at Li Yuan and smiled and shook his head. "Cement fish pond? Is the cost low? If you raise other fish, it is definitely not worthwhile. Brother... It seems that it is a little difficult for you to recover your investment!"

Li Yuan is not willing to say: "Since this seedling is so difficult, how can it be artificially propagated?"

"Salmon is a migratory fish, artificial breeding is very difficult." Anyway, idle is also idle, the man and Li Yuan chatted about the sky: "Really, breeding seedlings definitely earn more than raising carp, who can After success, you will become a multi-millionaire in a few years. Unfortunately, there are no successful precedents!"

When the man just said this, he saw a fishing boat slowly approaching the port. So he couldn't attend to chat with Li Yuan again, and like other people, flocked to the fishing boat that was about to be docked. I hope that I can get enough luck and I can buy a few more seedlings.

However, this person did not think that his words have given Li Yuan a great revelation. Since the seedlings are so Why not breed while trying to breed squid? After all, Li Yuan has a baby like Tao, which is very likely to succeed. If Li Yuan really can cultivate seedlings on a large scale, he will undoubtedly have more ways to make money.

Although the prospect of breeding seedlings is good, it is not immediately achievable. For Li Yuan, the most important thing at the moment is to buy as many seedlings as possible, and then start the carp culture.

So in the next few days, Li Yuan stayed on the island and waited at the dock every day. As long as there are fishing boats, they will buy them to buy seedlings. I hope that I will be lucky enough to buy enough seedlings.

But this year everyone's luck is not good, even those who have been raising squid for more than ten years have not bought enough seedlings. Not to mention that Li Yuan is a newcomer who has entered the industry for the first year. Without any experience and connections, the harvest will be even more bleak.

Although he has been on the island for several days, Li Yuan only bought more than a dozen seedlings. This kind of seedlings are almost the same in the aquarium. Compared with the fish ponds of the eight acres of farmland, it is a joke.

Li Yuan was really angry now, and decided to find another way to get rid of the seedlings. (To be continued.)

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