MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 198 New workers drive

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Early the next morning, Zhong Shengbin came to the farm with ten people. When Li Yuanyi saw these people, he knew that Chen Wenchuan’s fears were justified.

Zhong Shengbin introduced them to the villagers who are 30 years old. It is reasonable to say that these people are in their prime, and work should be better than Chen Zugang’s already older workers. However, anyone who saw the villagers introduced by Zhong Shengbin would not think that they were working.

These people seem to be loose, one station does not stand, and the east and the west are behind Zhong Shengbin. One of them is as thin as a stalk, not a sick person or a drug addict. There are also two women dressed up for squirting, and even applying lipstick and nail polish, not like people who can work in the fields.

What makes Li Yuan feel dissatisfied is that everyone is a look that is higher than the top. It seems that they were introduced by Zhong Shengbin, and they are taller than others. They even have the meaning of not putting Li Yuan in their eyes. Looking at the appearance of these people, Li Yuan knows not to expect them to work, as long as they don't mess, they burn high incense.

However, Li Yuan will not take care of them because these people are introduced by Zhong Shengbin. As he said before, there are no idlers in the farm.

If these people can work hard, Li Yuan will not mind who they introduced, will treat them equally and enjoy the same treatment as Chen Zugang and others.

However, if these people come to the farm to be lazy and slippery, but they only want to take the money but do not work, Li Yuan will not care who they introduced it, and the one who will get out of the way will let them get out.

"Li boss, I brought you to you." Zhong Shengbin smiled and said to Li Yuandao: "Please take care of you in the future!"

It is also reasonable for Zhong Shengbin to say this. These people are either his relatives or his buddies, and a few others have given him a lot of benefits before they come to the farm to work.

And Zhong Shengbin also said to them, he must take 30% of all the salary bonuses that these people get at the farm. To put it bluntly, these people are the ones that Zhong Shengbin arranged to pay for the benefits of the farm. Of course, he must take special care.

However, Li Yuancai does not eat Zhong Shengbin. Now he is also closely related to the top. Why is he still subject to extortion by a village chief?

Therefore, Li Yuan turned a deaf ear to Zhong Shengbin's words. Instead, he looked at the villagers of each of the positive forms: "Look at the face of Zhong Cunchang, I agree to let you come to the farm. But I want to emphasize that the farm does not raise Idle people! If you work hard and perform well, the salary will not be worse than the old staff, but if you don’t follow the rules and regulations of the farm, especially if you are lazy at work, then don’t blame me for not giving Mr. Zhong’s face, directly People fired!"

I did not expect Li Yuan to say so, Zhong Shengbin’s face is not good. However, this guy still remembers the benefits of renting the mountain to Li Yuan, so he did not immediately turn his face, but followed the words of Li Yuan: "Have you heard it? All work well, don't give I am losing face, do you know?!"

The villagers introduced by Zhong Shengbin did not put Li Yuan’s words in mind. But now I see the village head say so, these people have to respond with a weak voice, it is to give a face to Zhong Shengbin.

Zhong Shengbin felt that his work in the farm was over, and some could not wait for Li Yuandao: "Li boss, let's go to the village committee to talk about the lease of the mountain?"

This is what Li Yuan hopes, and he naturally will not refuse. However, before leaving with Zhong Shengbin, Li Yuan was still in public Chen Wenchuan: "The old village chief, these new people will be handed over to you, and they will be assigned a suitable job. If you feel that someone is not competent, tell me directly, I will talk to them. !"

The meaning of Li Yuan’s words is very obvious, that is, let Chen Wenchuan assess the ability of these newcomers to work. If these people are not competent or lazy, waiting for them is the result of being expelled.

The person who Zhong Shengbin introduced came to know that Li Yuan was not talking casually, but intended to come true. They all know that Chen Wenchuan is an unselfish person, and he certainly can't get away with it under his supervision. So he turned to Zhong Shengbin for help.

Unfortunately, Zhong Shengbin could not wait to go to the village with Li Yuan, and did not notice the expression of these people.

Seeing that Zhong Shengbin left, these people finally understood that the new village head can only help himself to get here. The next step is to mix in the farm, whether you can mix it, you have to look at yourself.

However, these people can let Zhong Shengbin come forward to speak for them, naturally it will not be a person who is honest. They exchanged their eyes and saw their respective determinations from the other side's face - everyone wanted to stay in the farm, not only to stay, but also to be very comfortable.

As for Chen Wenchuan, who is in charge of supervision, these people are not very concerned about it. After all, he is no longer a village chief. If he is a group, he will not be a bad old man.

After coming to the village committee, Li Yuan began to discuss with Zhong Shengbin the lease of the hill behind. I have to say that Zhong Shengbin is much more greedy than Chen Wenchuan. It is just a penetration of shrubs and weeds. He actually asks for 100,000 a year. Although he is willing to sign a ten-year lease with Li Yuan, he also requires a 10% annual rental fee.

Although this price is much higher than Li Yuan's psychological price, he did not hesitate to pay attention to renting this mountain. He only agreed to the other party's request after considering it for a while. Li Yuan, who is in the palm of his hand, can easily turn the barren hill into Jinshan Yinshan. The rental fee of 100,000 a year is not in his eyes.

I didn't expect Li Yuan to promise so much Zhong Shengbin also regretted it. I knew that I should make the price higher. He immediately decided that this year would be the case. Waiting for an excuse next year to overthrow all the contracts signed with Li Yuan before, all of which will increase the price twice.

By the time the farm should be built better, Li Yuan will either add money to stay, or give up building a good farm, and Zhong Shengbin is not afraid that he will not agree.

Anyway, everyone knows that the farm is very profitable. Last year, the bonus was hundreds of thousands. Zhong Shengbin is eating Li Yuan is not willing to give up this Feng Shui treasure, and will definitely choose to stay.

In the dark, I made up such an idea, and Zhong Shengbin felt that it was too much. Now that the conditions for contracting the hills are all settled, it is natural to sign the lease agreement.

However, when signing the agreement, Zhong Shengbin began to lick the moth. He proposed to Li Yuan that the other contents of the agreement were written according to the conditions of the two people, and the annual rental fee should be changed from 100,000 to 15,000.

When Zhong Shengbin’s voice just fell, Li Yuan understood what his wishful thinking was. (To be continued.)

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