MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 178 Save problem

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After listening to Pierre's words, Li Yuan smiled. Regarding the issue of preserving truffles, he actually considered it and went online to check the relevant information.

There are many kinds of sayings on the Internet, but there is a preservation method that makes Li Yuan very interested. It is said that to preserve the truffles, it is best to wrap them in the soil of the origin, and do not need to be in the refrigerator, as long as the humidity and temperature are maintained.

Intuition tells Li Yuan that this method should be the best for you. After all, the origin of these truffles is the peach core space, wrapped in a space containing aura, and can certainly be preserved for a long time.

Seeing Li Yuan’s well-thought-out smile, Pierre quickly asked him: "Dear Li, do you have a solution to this problem?"

Li Yuan nodded: "There should be, I think you can give it a try."

"What are you waiting for, try it now!" France can't wait to be authentic: "The preservation of truffles has a great impact on quality, which is related to whether you can bring the best taste of these best products to the customer!"

Although it is not easy to understand Pierre's mood, since this is related to the price of truffles, Li Yuan naturally will not care. He quickly left the restaurant in France, found a safe place to sneak into the peach core space, dug a piece of soil and returned to the red house western restaurant.

"I can already get the truffles." Li Yuan gave the soil to Pierre, confidently: "When the truffles are wrapped in these soils, they should be preserved for a long time."

This kind of preservation method Pierre also heard, but still doubtful about the effect, could not help but frown and asked: "Is it really effective? If not, then let these good truffles ruin!"

Li Yuan is not sure about this, but he still waved his hand indiscriminately: "Try it before you can effectively use it. If you don't think about it again."

Li Yuan’s attitude of not respecting ingredients. The French monk is very disapproving. But there is really no other way at the moment, and he can only try it first.

Carefully wrapped all the truffles in the mud, and then Pierre began to call his counterparts in the province. Today, there are many foreign chefs who work in Western restaurants in major cities. Pierre and these peers also have a relationship, usually sent their own hands △ ★ △ ★, there is the news of the best truffles.

As Pierre himself said, he has always been a very trustworthy person. So those foreign chefs heard that the French had the best truffles here. There is no doubt at all. Several of them said they are very interested in the best truffles and will come to Pierre as soon as possible to see what happens.

Since the sale of truffles has been handed over to Pierre, Li Yuan is not interested in the next thing. He just left the truffles and then left without hesitation.

In the evening, Li Yuan received a call from Pierre. The Frenchman told him excitedly on the phone. Several chefs had already seen the truffles. They were very surprised by the quality of these truffles. They almost rushed to buy these. Truffles. At present, the domestic sales quota has been sold out, and many customers who have not bought it are very sorry. I asked Pierre when the next batch of truffles arrived.

Li Yuan is not surprised at this situation. After all, these truffles are produced in the Tao nuclear space, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed. He is more concerned about how much the “Xiantao” brand can be promoted after the truffles are introduced to the market.

Pierre quickly told Li Yuan that a good news, when his peers knew that these truffles were the products of the "Xiantao" brand, they all proposed to buy some other Xiantao brand ingredients. It’s just that Pierre didn’t know what Li Yuan meant, so he didn’t agree.

This news also made Li Yuan very happy. He immediately proposed that he would give Pierre a certain amount of Xiantao brand ingredients every day. It is up to him to decide which Western restaurant to sell to. Of course, this part of the transaction is also considered part of the cooperation between the two. The same will give the French a commission.

Finally, Pierre also told Li Yuan that he had contacted a friend in France and knew that there would be an auction of ingredients in three days. The high-end truffles would be the highlight of the auction. So Pierre decided to take the initiative and decided to take the baby truffles to Paris tomorrow, so be sure to catch the auction.

The Frenchman also asked Li Yuan on the phone. Have any interest in going with yourself. If Li Yuan is willing to go, he will wait for more tickets.

"Paris, France, really want to go!" Li Yuan quite yearning for Pierre: "I heard that there is a romantic capital, I am such a handsome and mysterious oriental man, will definitely be very popular. Maybe it's a wonderful thing to be able to make a few blond French girlfriends!"

Pierre at the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, then he said helplessly: "You think too much, I just want you to appreciate the atmosphere of the auction."

In fact, even if he does not consider a romantic encounter with French beauty, Li Yuan also wants to go to Paris to see. One is to open the eyes, and secondly, this is the first time that the Xiantao brand has gone abroad. Li Yuan wants to witness this moment that is meaningful to him.

It is a pity that going to Paris is not to go to the provincial capital, just buy a plane ticket. To go abroad, you must have a passport, and then you have to apply for a visa. These have to take time. At the moment, Li Yuan did not even have a passport, and could not catch up with the auction three days later, so he could only helplessly give up the idea of ​​going to Paris.

For this, Pierre can't help but can only tell Li Yuan that he will tell him about the auction as soon as possible, and then hang up the phone and prepare for the auction.

Li Yuan has always been an optimist. Although he could not go to Paris to participate in the auction, he felt a little disappointed, but Li Yuan quickly cheered up and enthusiastically invested in new work.

I have already negotiated with the customers the supply of black pheasant and firewood Then it is natural to start preparing for supply. To supply black chicken and chai eggs, it is definitely more troublesome than vegetables. Not only should you prepare special cages, but you should also be careful to avoid losses.

For this reason, Li Yuan was busy for a while, and it was considered that the first batch of poultry and eggs products were successfully delivered to customers.

Those restaurants immediately introduced these two new ingredients to the customers. Before the Xiantao brand ingredients, there was a good reputation. Together with Huang Danyang’s vigorous promotion, the black chicken and the firewood eggs immediately ignited.

Many diners were pleasantly surprised after tasting these two new ingredients. They said that they had eaten so many chickens and eggs before, and until today they knew that chickens and eggs could be so delicious.

In just two days, in the province and the neighboring Shencheng, there was a whirlwind of “Xiantao Black Chai Chicken”. The diners rushed to name the two ingredients, and soon there was a shortage of supply. So Li Yuan's customers have called him and asked for an increase in supply.

At the same time, the auction in Paris is about to begin. (To be continued.) uw