MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 26 Brother and sister

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Yu’s mood is particularly good, especially very good. It is estimated that the whole person is the most clear one in these years. Also, is there anything more worthy of celebrating than the fact that Shen Qingzhou is interested in you?

Yu night squatted on Xiaoqu and finally decided to go to the studio. With the play in the morning, the messy news was completely uncomfortable for her. She now wants to go to Shen Qingzhou.

After getting off the bus, Yu late went into the crew. She had already said that she had to open a small meeting with the other staff members, so Yu night refused to go to Shen Qingzhou first, but went directly to work.

The two screenwriters saw that Yu’s eyes were gossip and skeptical when they came in. Just a few days ago, the crew of the crew were still talking about the screenwriter and Shen’s lead, but yesterday was broken. !

The true sweetheart of the screenwriter turned out to be the big star Yu Huan... This news made everyone feel a bit stunned, and the intimacy of Shen Dao and the screenwriter is not the same.

What is this called, is it not too late to pedal two boats? ?

Yu night ignored everyone's strange eyes and sat down in the right position. "Get started."

After all, the people below are not participants, nor are they familiar with Yu’s lateness to ask these private matters, so they have to enter a working state with an indignant and optimistic attitude.

After the meeting, Yu night went outside and looked for Shen Qingzhou. It’s already lunch time, everyone should eat lunch together.

Yu night walked towards the rest of the road.

"Not too late!"

Yu night turned back and saw Li Mengmeng wearing the clothes in the play and rushing towards her. "You are here today."

"Well." Yu nodded. "Why haven't you been eating yet? I think the staff has already sent lunch."

"I just went to the toilet and went immediately." Li Meng Meng said, "Hey, where are you going?"

"I will go with you."

"Wait a minute." Li Mengmeng took her, and it looked a little embarrassing. "It’s not too late, actually... everyone has always liked you and Shen, and they are very optimistic, but today..."

Yu late picks her eyebrows and waits for her to finish.

"You are so good with Shen Zhi on weekdays, and now suddenly I was found to be with Yu Huan. Besides me, everyone seems to have a lot of opinions. Well... secretly indignant for the sinking."

"Ah? Really." Yu was late, "I have to go see it."

"It's not too late!" Is this child sa?

"Nothing, don't care."

Li Mengmeng shook her head. She couldn't stop her and had to go with her.

During the lunch time of the filming, there are several square tables under the shed outside the scene. Everyone is here to simply have a meal and rest.

Today, Lin Ye and came to visit the class, brought a lot of delicious, everyone talked about her.

When Yu was there, she saw such a picture. Lin Ye and the stars were arched, and the big star was one but not swaying. It was very approachable.

Seeing that she appeared here, Yu night was so uncomfortable for a moment, but she did not like Shen Qingzhou, so she was comfortable.

Yu did not look at Lin Ye and did not go to Shen Qingzhou. She soon found that Shen Qingzhou was sitting somewhere away from the crowd. He liked to be quiet, so not many people dared to bother him.

Yu smiled and smiled. He lifted his foot and went to Shen Qingzhou. Li Mengmeng opened his eyes. When he just wanted to say that he was far away from the ‘topic character’, Yu had already gone.

Yu night naturally sat down at the position next to Shen Qingzhou. "Sink, eat?"

Shen Qingzhou looked at her and probably remembered his most irrational scene this morning. His eyes were a little fluctuating, and he was a little embarrassed.

"I haven't eaten yet, I haven't taken it, I have no lunch."

Shen Qingzhou licked his lips, the unnatural way, "Let Xiao Yang give you."

Yu night looked at him awkwardly and looked very good. "Well, okay."

The two simply said something. In the eyes of outsiders, Yu is still smiling, and Shen Qingzhou is still calm. It’s strange, why didn’t the two people change after the news today, say good questioning, say good accusation, say good roar! Nothing at all! !

Lin Ye and also looked at the two people, their atmosphere is very strange but very harmonious, that kind of harmony will make you feel that you are superfluous, and you can't insert it at all.

On that day, I heard that Tang Qingzhou liked this screenwriter. She is envious and embarrassed. After seeing the news of Yu Huan this morning, she couldn’t say the joy in her heart. It turned out that this girl is someone else’s girlfriend. Shen Qingzhou simply likes the wrong person.

She came to the class with joy and joy, but now she sees such a scene, obviously she shouldn’t be together, she can’t be together, why can she sit next to him with a smile, and why is he not rejecting others like rejection? she was?

"Qing Zhou." Lin Ye and went over.

A group of people behind him swallowed silently, and the people who saw it were all seeing the leaves and the meaning of their home, and Shen Dao was interesting late. It was Yu Huan’s girlfriend, which was... what!

"I didn't eat the lunch I brought." Lin Ye and put a delicate lunch box in front of Shen Qingzhou. "Hot it, wait for the filming, definitely not too late to eat."

Shen Qingzhou's brow did not lift, and faintly said thank you.

Lin Ye and smiling, this turned to Yu late, "Is the screenwriter eating?"

Yu night shook his head.

Lin Ye and, "It's a pity, I have been divided by everyone, um... I will let you buy another one."

"No need." Yu night waved his hand. "I can eat the crew."

Shen Qingzhou looked at Yu’s glance, and naturally pushed Lin Ye and the lunch box she had just brought to her front. “You eat, I am not hungry.”

Lin Ye and suddenly froze.

Yu coughed and coughed, and sneaked a sneak peek at the leaves and the stalks. You are the best enemy for the tree.

"I am not hungry, hehehe." Yu night laughed twice and pushed the lunch box back to him.

Lin Ye and blinked, trying to hold back the kind of discomfort in her heart. "Writer, I saw the news today, I didn't think of it, congratulations."


Lin Ye and watching Yu late, smiled, "You and Yu Huan, I thought you and Ze Ran were a pair before, I did not expect it to be Yu Huan, but also very good, Yu Huan is the **** of the hearts of everyone. ""

Yu late low cough, Xiang Zeran? Yu Huan? ? Oh, I don’t know why I am a rival.

"Qing Zhou, your relationship is also good, you should have known this news for a long time." Lin Ye and the pretending easy road, "You did not tell me."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her and looked at her. "The news is fake."

Lin Ye and she laughed twice, have they liked her so much, can the picture be so intimate and intimate?

"How can it be fake..."

Lin Ye and the words have not finished, they heard the exclamation of the staff, "Ah! Yu Huan!"

She subconsciously followed everyone's gaze. Sure enough, seeing Yu Huan and his agent and assistants coming to the side, Lin Ye and his heart were stunned. Can you still say it is fake?

Xiang Zeran also saw Yu Huan coming over. He didn't expect him to come to the crew suddenly. Xiang Zeran looked back and saw the scriptwriter and Shen Dao sitting together, and quickly got up and walked toward Yu Huan. "Hua Hu, how come you don't say anything, walk around, let's talk."

"Let's talk, don't mess, I'm looking for a guide." Yu Huan took the sunglasses, a pair of peach eyes with a smile.

Sorry to the heart of Ze Ran, this is to find the party, will not fight? Shouldn't it?

"Hey, I, we still have to film, you are not looking for someone right now." Xiang Zeran racked his brains and thought of an excuse, Yu Huan gave him a look, and then looked at Shen Qingzhou, who was sitting in the stable. "Isn't that quite idle?"

Xiang Zeran, "..."

Yu Huan lifted his feet and walked toward Shen Qingzhou in the eyes of everyone. Of course, when he walked over, he saw Yu night sitting next to Shen Qingzhou, hippie smile.

"Shen Ding." Yu Huan stood in front of Shen Qingzhou and reached out.

Shen Qingzhou watched for a few seconds in silence, then stood up and reached out and shook hands with him.

"Hey, Miss Lin, you are here too." Yu Huan saw Lin Ye and politely said hello.

Lin Ye and Xiao Xiao, "Come to the class. You are... come to find someone."

Yu Huan raised an eyebrow. "Well, let's talk about Shen's work and work."

Lin Ye and the accident, "I thought you were looking for..." Her eyes moved to Yu night, and everyone understood.

Yu Huan hooked his lips and very casually reached out and took a look at Yu’s head. "I ate."

Yu night snorted, "Don't start."

Yu Huan, regardless of him, looked directly at Shen Qingzhou, and his tone was inexplicably sharp. "She is in the crew, and she hopes that Shen can take care of her."

Shen Qingzhou looked at Yu’s glance and said indifferently, “Nature.”

Everyone: Oh~~ This is a provocation, right? It’s a shame to do these little moves in front of Shen’s guide. Oh, poor guidance...

"Shen Ding, about the things that invited you to guide the show before, I hope you will consider it again. In the end, you can't agree, let's see our fate. If you can't adjust the schedule, then it will be forgotten. I don't insist." Yu Huan said with deep meaning.

"Come and come to me at night." Shen Qingzhou re-sit on the chair, not a salty opening.

Yu Huan’s eyes flashed in the light, so you have a Shen Qingzhou, and I really have a thought on Yu, now I know who I am, huh? ! Why don't you refuse like that night, why don't you refuse! Hehe, do you know if you dare to refuse, Yu night, you are absolutely ruined? !

Yu Huan’s heart roared and flew all over, but his face was just a very modest and courteous smile. “Well, we are in contact at night.”

"Go away." Yu Huan reached for Yu Yu late, "Come with me."

Yu late was caught off guard and was stunned by Yu Huan, and the next second, the wrist of her other hand was caught in the hands of Shen Qingzhou, Shen Qingzhou looked at Yu Huan, said faintly, "She will wait There is still something busy."

Yu Huan’s eyes are slightly embarrassing.

Everyone: God, which day, robbing people and robbing people! ! !

Yu night's face is red. Yu Huan looked at her, "Is there something to be busy?"

Yu night thought about it, and then look at Shen Qingzhou's face. "Yes! I have to modify the script!"

Yu Huan let go of his hand, hating the iron, and smashing the forehead of Yu Yu’s forehead. "You, remember to eat first."

Yu smiled, "Brother, you remember to eat first, don't shake everywhere."

"When did I wander around?" Yu Huan gave her a blank eye and then looked at Shen Qingzhou. "Shen, my sister is not very good. Remember to help me supervise her to eat."

Shen Qingzhou nodded. "Well, she will eat."

"Good." Yu Huan buckled on the sunglasses. "Then I am gone."

Yu night, "Brother, goodbye."

Yu Huan nodded, and his staff disappeared at the end of the film. In fact, the purpose of Yu Huan’s coming today is not to talk to Shen Qingzhou seriously, but to want to personally play for Yu’s clarification. There are so many people present, he is Her brother's affairs will soon be spread out, and now that the purpose is achieved, he will not stay. As for Shen Qingzhou and Yu’s business, he will have to plan well in the future.

Yu Huan is gone, and everyone present is directly blind.

Brother? brother? ! What is this reversal story? ! Yu Huan is the brother of the screenwriter? What oolong? !

Among a group of people, the most unsettled one is Li Mengmeng. Seeing Yu Huan is not talking about it, he ran over. "Not too late, what is your name Yu Huan?"

(There is also a paragraph published in the author's words! This article is published in jin, jiang, any other website is pirated, please support genuine.)