MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 9 009: Your Highness, trust me

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  Chapter 9 009: Your Highness, trust me

  Getting close, Yunran could clearly see the fleeting disgust and disdain in her eyes, and couldn't help but sympathize with Nangong Mo.

  【Bird, do you think if I bully her, will I be hunted down by Nangong Mo? 】

  【Do you think he looks like a straw boat? 】

What? ?

  Yun Ran was stunned for a moment before realizing the implication of a fairy bird. She couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, looked back at Nangong Mo silently, and replied seriously: [It's not like. 】

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  Lin Yanran adjusted her emotions, raised her eyes, looked at Yunran with a pitiful look, and was about to cry, "Sister, I..."

   "What are you? Of course you don't want to. You were the one who begged me to marry him."

What? ? ?

  Lin Yanran was stunned, forgot what she was going to say.

"Didn't you cry and say that the King of Qin has fought many wars on the battlefield and has a brutal and tyrannical temperament? You don't like him too much. You would rather become a nun than marry him? You knelt down and begged me with tears and snot Rescue you. Don't you forget all of them?"



  Lin Yanran was shocked for a while before recovering her voice, "You are talking nonsense! These are all nonsense!"

  Yun Ran blinked her eyes, and a bright and cool smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

   "You also said that His Royal Highness Qin Wang has a habit of breaking sleeves, and he doesn't like red makeup and prefers masculinity."

  Lin Yanran: "?!"

  Nangong Mo: "..."

  I don’t know anything else, but this sentence must have been said by the villain himself.

  The man narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the girl's slender and fair neck, his eyes were dark and dangerous.

  Yun Ran inexplicably felt a bit of coolness, quietly shrank her neck, and received a reminder from a fairy bird in due course:

  【There should be no man who can tolerate being slandered as a broken sleeve, right? 】

【Humph! Anyway, the person he likes is Lin Yanran, and now he also knows that he has married the wrong person. At this moment, due to the number of people, it is difficult to get angry, and he might kill this girl when he turns around! That being the case, I'm not afraid to offend him a few more times. 】

  【It seems very reasonable. The bird was unable to refute. 】

  Yunran raised her chin, and slowly stretched out a hand to Lin Yanran.

   "Not only that, you also said that as long as I dare to marry Nangong Mo, you will give me a thousand taels of gold as a reward. Now I have fulfilled my promise, hey, give me money."

  Lin Yanran: "???"

  Looking at the hand in front of her, Lin Yanran couldn't recover for a long while, she couldn't believe what she heard and saw.

  When did she say those words?

  This little slut, who used to look like a submissive wimp in front of her, when did she become so eloquent and bold?

   Could it be that she thought that flying up the branch really regarded herself as a princess?

  In the next moment, Lin Yanran turned to face Nangong Mo, with a lovely expression, which made me feel pity.

   "Your Highness, Yanran doesn't know why her sister suddenly became like this, talking nonsense, but Yanran has never said those words or done those things. Please believe me, Your Highness."

  However, Nangong Mo didn't even lift his eyelids, and sat there lazily, with a peerless appearance and an indifferent expression.

   It's as if she didn't hear her at all.

  Lin Yanran was a little embarrassed, but more angry and humiliated.

  He's just a cripple!

  How dare you treat her like this? Her willingness to talk to him is already flattering him!

  Yun Ran blinked her eyes in surprise, and her gaze swiveled between Lin Yanran and Nangong Mo several times.

  【Hey, bird, Lord Dog, is this... hate because of love? 】

  【According to Benniao's observation, it doesn't look like it. 】

  【That's pretending to be cold! On the surface, she looks calm, like a flower in the high mountains, but in her heart she is already crying with tears streaming down her face! 】

  Nangong Mo narrowed his eyes imperceptibly, and glanced at Yunran with a cool look.

  Suddenly I want to see her crying, what should I do? Realize it?

   "Your Highness..."

  Lin Yanran was a little reconciled and squeezed out a tear, but Yun Ran yelled back as soon as she opened her mouth.

   "Your Majesty, what are you doing? You are called a soul! Pay back the money quickly!"

  Lin Qianqiu finally recovered from his daze at this time, and when he walked in front of Yun Ran, he yelled loudly:

   "You bastard! You're talking nonsense! Not only did you make a big mistake, you didn't want to regret it, but you're still fabricating and distorting the facts and slandering Yanran here! You're so stubborn! Why did I give birth to such a rebellious girl like you!"

   When it came to anger, Lin Qianqiu raised his hand high, and hit Yun Ran.

  Yunran's eyes froze, and he was about to take action to teach him a lesson, but there was a strong wind, overbearing and fierce, which instantly knocked Lin Qianqiu to the ground.

  Lin Qianqiu fell to the ground, angrily looking in the direction of the strong wind.

   Seeing Nangong Mo's handsome but cold face, he was shocked and angry for a moment, "Wang, lord? You..."

   "This king's concubine, you can also move?"

  The man's voice was cold, his words were like ice, and his murderous aura fell, the strong sense of oppression was overwhelming.

  Lin Qianqiu was stared at by his cold and empty blind eyes, his heart was beating wildly, and a layer of cold sweat unconsciously oozes from his forehead.

   "Qin, His Royal Highness King Qin, minister, veteran..."

   After a brief surprise, Yunran walked up to Lin Qianqiu in two steps, condescendingly contemptuously, with an embarrassing expression on his face.

   "Sit on the ground looking for money? Didn't you say that this girl made up and slandered you? You should show evidence!"

  Lin Qianqiu's face turned blue with anger.

   "You..." This rebellious girl!

   "What are you? Is your Shangshu's mansion full of idiots? I, a weak woman, can get married without telling you the whole family? It's funny! Who made it up and asked me to say it?"

  At this time, the people who were watching on all sides whispered and basically reached a consensus:

   "Although they insist on their own opinions, it is hard to tell whether it is true or false for a while, but the prince marries the concubine, and the minister marries the daughter. With such a big ceremony of honor, it is impossible for one person to hide the truth from the world."

   Seeing that the surrounding public opinion has deviated from expectations, Lin Qianqiu couldn't care less about losing his composure, and hurriedly got up from the ground and bowed to Nangong Mo:

   "His Royal Highness Qin, don't listen to the one-sided words of this rebellious woman. She is just trying to avoid guilt, confounding black and white, and being malicious..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a cold voice.

   "Lin Shangshu, this king's concubine is not something you can slander."

  Lin Qianqiu's heart skipped a beat. There was a thin layer of sweat on the palms of the hands, "My lord..."

   "Also, give the one thousand taels of gold that I owe the princess to her."

  When these words came out, not only Lin Qianqiu and Lin Yanran were dumbfounded, but even Yun Ran was stunned.

  She was just talking nonsense, Nangong Mo, actually believed it? !

   "Your Highness, it's all about that inverse..."

  When he touched Nangong Mo's eyes that were as cold as a thousand-year-old deep pool, Lin Qianqiu was startled, and changed his words in a daze.

   "Your Highness, the old minister came to plead guilty this trip, and he has never carried so much gold with him."

   "Feng Xuan, send Lin Shangshu back to the mansion and get the gold."


  Looking at the tall and handsome guard in black who instantly appeared in front of him like a door god, Lin Qianqiu: "..."

   This is robbery! Ming grab! !

  (end of this chapter)