MTL - Naruto’s Strongest Force-Chapter 67

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So when Uchiha gave up the security team before, the elders and Hizu were ecstatic.

Just because he managed the police force well, Hinata could be considered to have real power in Konoha.

In the future, Hinata may have a chance to compete for Hokage.

However, after the war, the number of people in the separated family was not too large. The various arrangements made by the security team resulted in the separation of almost everyone inside.

When the Hinata family got the rights to the police force, they cried out that they had been deceived. It turned out that the police force was not that easy to do.

He often offends people without mentioning it, and drags their personnel with it.

The family that usually has a good relationship with the Hyuga family can borrow people from the Hyuga clan to help complete difficult tasks in the past.

Nowadays, the Hyuga clan is short of personnel and has been unable to borrow people for many times in a row. The relationship between many families and Hyuga is not as enthusiastic as before.

There is no other way, the Hyuga clan can only grit their teeth and resist in order to gain power.

After all, the garrison cannot be thrown away casually, and the garrison captain still has great rights.

The result of the Hyuga clan's previous deliberations was to fight hard for the past few years. When the new generation of the Hyuga clan can take over, this problem will be perfectly solved.

At that time, they felt that Uchiha had automatically given up his rights and left so many people.

Although a strong Mangekyō Sharingan appeared in Uchiha, the Uchiha had few people and no power.

It can only survive without declining, and the rise of the Hyuga clan is just around the corner.

Unexpectedly, the geek Uchiha Natsuki appeared, and he found so many weird recipes from nowhere.

Almost like a whirlwind, it directly occupied the catering market of Konoha Village and Tianno Country.

Moreover, there were so many types of recipes and cuisines that the Hyuga clan even wondered if the Uchiha clan had dug up ancient relics.

But there is no historical record of food named [China].

Previously, Hyuga Kaito thought that although these stores made a lot of money, their annual profits might be only a few million, but he didn't expect it to be tens of millions.

It doesn't matter if there are few people in the Uchiha clan doing tasks, because they have money.

In a few years, Uchiha's accumulation will be enough for Uchiha to rule the entire Konoha.

And for this catering business, if it can be extended to the whole country of Fire, the benefits will be unimaginable, and the take-off is just around the corner.

Seeing Kaito deep in thought, Danzo took out his trump card.

Seeing Danzo handing out a scroll, Hinata Kaito glanced at it and couldn't move it away anymore.

Honorary Elder Appointment Certificate!

If the Hyuga clan could add an honorary elder!

Danzo is a smart man.

He knew only too well how deep the love for his family was in Hyuga Kaito's heart.

Hyuga Kaito simply cannot refuse the position of honorary elder.

Kaito took a deep breath and asked, "How are you going to treat my leg? How long will it take?"

Danzo showed a satisfied smile. You can also find other elders of the Hyuga clan for this method.

But Kaito himself has supported many children of branch families, so it is convenient for him to do this.

And there are demands over there. For my experiment, I have to sacrifice you, Kaito.

"This is confidential and I can't tell you, but my skills will allow you to stand up within a month." Danzo said confidently.

"Oh?" Kaito was a little curious, but Danzo refused to say anything, and there was nothing he could do.

Kaito thought for a moment: "I have a few people in the security team. I can ask them to keep an eye on them recently."


"The appointment letter of honorary elder needs to be given to me first, and I also need treatment."

Danzo was a little unhappy: "Classmate, don't you still believe me?"

What about classmates? Uchiha Mirror saved you so many times back then, but you still turned around and dug out Shisui's eyes.

If you didn't rely on me to get the secret recipe, would you talk to me about this?

If you want to be a white wolf with nothing, there is no way.

Kaito didn't speak, just looked at Danzo intently.

Danzo saw that Kaito was not that easy to fool, and there was nothing he could do about it.

If one could steal these secrets without anyone noticing, only the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan could do it.

Besides, the daimyo has already sent someone to inquire about the progress.


Danzo threw the commission to Hyuga Kaito.

Kaidou looked at it several times, and his face turned rosy.

"What about my legs?"

Danzo was a little annoyed: "I'll make arrangements with you when I get back. Send a copy of your previous cases to Genbu. I'll go back and make some preparations, and then I'll notify you to come over."

"Okay, I'll send someone to the root right away."

Kaito narrowed his eyes slightly, but what he was thinking in his heart was that the third generation had also intervened.

The deal was concluded, and Danzo left quickly without stopping.

As far as the end of Byakugan's sight, Danzo could not be seen.

The smile on Kaito's face faded instantly. He looked at the commission in his hand and then at his legs.

An unknown light flashed in his eyes.

Chapter 84 Obito’s blockade

Dream space.

Bai's body was covered with runes and spells, and he was trapped in place, unable to move.

Xiamu didn't know beforehand that Bai's loyalty would be full so quickly.

When opening the force template, Xiamu was a little surprised to find that Bai could already simulate dreams.

But since Bai trusted him, he just happened to go into the space to practice ninjutsu.

The strength of the characters in the dream space is linked to reality, so Bai is a standard rookie.

He knew the ninjutsu of the Blood Succession Limit, but he only had a few back and forth strokes, so he was easily controlled by Natsuki.

And Xia Mu started practicing in this space.

The first is water escape. As long as you know how to use water escape, finding water sources will be very easy.

Natsuki doesn’t need to bring so much drinking water on his journey.

Of course, there are several people in the team who are good at water escape, but for the future, Natsuki still needs to learn both.

A person's energy is limited, and Xiamu still knows that he can bite off more than he can chew. Learning water escape is just to enrich his combat system.

He didn't want to change his fighting style, so he took a look at the Uchiha's ninjutsu collection.

It's embarrassing. There are too few Uchihas with water attributes, and most Uchihas of other escape techniques are included.

But there are only a few water escapes, and they are all copied.

Natsuki scratched his head in embarrassment, why not let Kisame teach him?

Immediately in Xia Mu's mind, he clapped his hands together and shouted: "Big blast of water!"

Natsuki shivered.

The style of painting is too weird, but I’m not in a hurry anyway, so I’ll forget about it.

There are only a few types of ninjutsu that everyone is good at. The main reason is that practicing ninjutsu is not that easy.

In addition to the seals, there are also very strict requirements for the path of chakra.

In the ninja world, it doesn't matter if your attributes change only slightly. As long as you practice well, you can still become a master.

If your attributes change a lot, but your talents are not enough, and your training is only half a bucket of water, then the lethality of the ninjutsu you use will be insufficient.

Each attribute change requires enough energy and talent, and enough ninjutsu to learn.

In addition to being in school, civilians have to spend a lot of money and merit to get their favorite ninjutsu.

Among the current multi-attribute transformation experts, Natsuki saw that there was the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Natsuki has never used Thunder Release because his Thunder Release is a secondary attribute and not as good as his own Fire attribute.

Before, he was afraid of biting off more than he could chew, so he specialized in fire escape.

It would be better for him to imitate Chidori and stab him with a knife. After all, he has the talent for combat intuition and his physical skills are not bad either.

Now that he has water affinity, Natsuki finds that he can learn water properties very quickly, much faster than Thunder Release.

Simply learn water escape first.

Xia Mu killed Bai with one blow and exited the dream space. He was now sitting cross-legged on the deck.

After finding all the people, Xia Mu had no intention of staying in the Kingdom of Water.

After all, he was not actually welcome in this place. Natsuki was not interested in knowing how Terumi Mei stabilized the situation in Kirigakure and secured the position of the Fifth Mizukage.

Judging from the fact that he did not receive a reward, Terumi Mei will definitely still secure his position as the Fifth Mizukage, while the Fourth Mizukage will commit suicide just like the ending of the previous life.

He just wanted to send Kimimaro's child to Orochimaru as soon as possible. He knew that the earlier Kimimaro's disease was intervened, the greater the possibility of cure.

Once Kimimaro starts to develop, the disease will become very troublesome.

After Natsuki took Kimimaro under his wing, he also strictly prohibited Kimimaro from using corpse bone veins anymore, not even allowing him to extract bones and use them as daggers.

Natsuki tells Kimimaro that the blood inheritance limit of the corpse bone vein is defective, and if it is overused, it will cause illness.

Kimimaro didn't understand either, but except for him and Shiro, everyone else in the team was very skilled, and Natsuki was a strong Mangekyō Sharingan.

It was not Kimimaro's turn to take action, so Kimimaro obeyed.

It was easy for Natsuki to come here. She used Sasuke's space teleportation. It was very fast, and she arrived in a flash.

As a result, it would be difficult to go back, because Obito was messing around and large merchant ships basically did not approach the Kingdom of Water.

Natsuki was originally planning to take a boat directly to the Country of Yu, and then to the Sound Ninja Village. Unexpectedly, there were no long-distance ships, only ships to the Country of Whirlpool.

Now the Country of Whirlpool is just a place name, and the country back then has been destroyed.

There is a piece of land there that is very close to the Kingdom of Water. It is the largest port between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Water.

In the Kingdom of Water, Natsuki has always been wary of Obito's sneak attack. After all, Obito's mind is smaller than his asshole.

The layout of the Kingdom of Water was destroyed in advance by Natsuki, and Obito must have a grudge.

But I don’t know if Obito was scared after being beaten last time, or because he couldn’t find any trace of him, so he never took action in the Kingdom of Water.

Now that Natsuki and the others have boarded the ship, the best place for Obito to take action must be on the ship.

In order to prevent accidents, Xia Mu directly used his money ability when selecting ships.

With a wave of his hand, he directly chartered a boat and cleared the deck, with most of the shipping staff below.

There was nothing on the deck except the huge sail.

He knew that with Obito's small-mindedness, he would definitely come to find him.

So Natsuki has been waiting on the deck.

Natsuki's prediction was good, Obito was coming, but his scout Zetsu was not in the Kingdom of Water.

Natsuki was looking for someone everywhere, but his whereabouts were uncertain, and Obito couldn't find any trace of him for a while.

So he has been waiting for Natsuki near the port, and what he wants is to deal with Natsuki once and for all.

For Obito, Natsuki's appearance hindered his plan. As long as Natsuki is still alive, the Uchiha clan may rise.

Natsuki is the only one who can destroy his divine power from the front. People who threaten him must be killed.

Of course, it would be better to get Natsuki's kaleidoscope.