MTL - Napoleon II Reborn-Chapter 564 reinforcements are coming

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"Is it because of this reason that the construction of capital ships has been stopped?" Kirkbride asked, his tone full of puzzlement and a hint of anger. This book is updated in real time. No matter how bad the economic conditions in France are, they are at least better than those in the United States. Although France has been at war for years, every war has achieved great results. With the character of His Majesty the Great French Emperor, wars without interests will never be launched. Just like a cunning Jewish businessman, he never does business that loses money.

With France's economic strength and shipbuilding capabilities, it is absolutely possible to double the number of capital ships in each fleet when a war breaks out. In this case, the French Navy will not be in a battle, and the capital ship will always be at a disadvantage in this battle.

Hercules smiled slightly, but didn't stop Kirkbride from venting. After Kirkbride finished speaking, he went on to say: "We did not stop the construction of capital ships, but secretly built a fleet. In this way, Americans and Canadians can relax their vigilance. It is in line with our principle of obtaining final victory at the least cost." [bsp; "Marshal Hercules, is this Toulon?" Clarence asked. For the past two years, the port of Toulon has been on high alert. Clarence's Mediterranean fleet defends the entire Mediterranean region, so he naturally knows it. It's just that even he kept it a secret, so he didn't know what happened to Toulon. Now that Hercules said it, he was keenly aware that the French secret fleet must have been built there. Now the entire Mediterranean Sea has become the back garden of France. It can also effectively avoid leaking secrets.

Hercules nodded: "Your Majesty, Marshal Burt and Marshal Sucrete, let me convey my apologies to everyone. It is really to avoid being noticed by the Americans, so I kept it secret from you. Throughout the country, Apart from His Majesty the Emperor, Your Excellency the Prime Minister, Marshal Burt and Marshal Sucrete, and me, only the soldiers of the 'Brilliant' Fleet know about this. This book is updated in real time, so we can keep the fleet a secret until now."

All three said that it doesn't matter, everything is for the empire to achieve the final victory.

"Marshal Hercules, can you tell us what kind of fleet it is?" Bennett asked eagerly. So was Kirkbride and Clarence.

"During the battle in the English Channel, the Channel Fleet lost a lot of warships. But it raised a lot of soldiers. These soldiers were all sent to the 'Brilliant' Fleet. The size of the Brilliant Fleet is not large, only ten There are only two battleships and more than twenty 'Bayonet' class and 'Dolphin' class destroyers." Hercules said lightly.

"Ten warships are not many, but they should be enough. The key is that the Canadians still have five fleets and twenty battleships. But as long as we wipe out everyone's navy this time, the whole army will go north to attack Canada People, it is not necessarily possible to lose." Kirkbride was slightly disappointed. Although the ten battleships are powerful, they are still not enough compared to the dozens of battleships in the United States and Canada. Therefore, he believes that even if the French navy can achieve the final victory, it will probably be a miserable victory.

"Marshal Kirkbride, don't be impatient. The battleships of the Splendid Fleet are not ordinary warships. They are not our existing 'Tiger Shark' and 'Giant Whale' class warships. They are newly developed by the Department of the Navy. At the same time, this is also an epoch-making warship. The combat power of each ship is more than twice that of the "Giant Whale" class warship. However, due to the high cost, it is almost the same as the "Giant Whale" class warship. More than three times, so only ten ships were built in total." Hercules said with a smile.

"What? The combat power is twice that of the 'Giant Whale' class? If that's the case, wouldn't we win?" Kirkbride said loudly. Both Kirklis and Bennett also had joyful expressions on their faces. Even if the French Navy has ten more 'Giant Whale' class warships, it is very likely to rewrite the entire battle situation. The latest and fastest update of this book comes from the addition of ten more warships that are much more powerful than the "Giant Whale" class, so there is no suspense for the French Navy to win the final victory.

"The battleship of the Brilliant Fleet is a brand-new battleship named the 'Brilliant' class battleship. The 'Brilliant' class battleship has a displacement of 23,000 tons, a length of 214 meters, and a maximum speed of 18 knots. The main weapon uses four double-seat 305 Composed of 12mm naval guns and 105mm rapid-fire guns, while ensuring the speed, we have also increased the thickness of the armor. The armor of the turret and bridge has reached 305mm. The horizontal armor is also 200mm, which greatly increases the defense. Moreover, the 'Brilliant' class battleships adopted the latest targeting equipment and fire control systems, which greatly improved the hit rate of the battleships. The power of salvo shots is even more terrifying." During the test voyage of the 'Brilliant' class battleships, He Chris once went to watch a salvo. That kind of ferocious firepower left him with lingering fear to this day.

"Reduce the auxiliary guns, increase the thickness of the main guns and armor, while maintaining a high speed. It is indeed a good way." Kirkbride nodded.

"It would be great if I could bring some huge and powerful warships to my fleet!" Clarence was also full of yearning.

"Don't even think about it, there are only ten ships in total. However, the Glorious Fleet should be disbanded after the war, and each fleet will definitely be assigned by then," Hercules said.

"Now, the Glorious Fleet is on its way. It is expected that after dawn, after the US 1st and 2nd Fleets approach, they will show up and launch a fierce attack. What we have to do then is to closely defend the surrounding area , not to let go of any American battleship. When the time comes, the destroyers will be on standby, and any battleship that tries to escape will be directly sunk with torpedoes." Hercules' words were full of murderous intent.

Kirkbride, Clarence, and Bennett all nodded in agreement and were very excited. In this battle, if the capital ship of the US fleet is wiped out in one fell swoop, then the US Navy will be wiped out. It will be much easier to deal with the Canadian Navy next. Although the French fleet now has few capital ships, it has a lot of cruisers and destroyers. Blocked by destroyers at high speed, the capital ship of the US fleet is hard to escape.

After Hercules announced the existence and strength of the brilliant fleet, several fleet commanders were full of confidence. In this battle, the French Navy won. Unless the Canadian Navy goes all the way south, nothing will stop them from winning.

Kirkbride quickly issued the order. All ships use the time tonight to take a good rest. At dawn tomorrow, the final blow to the Americans will be launched.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning sprinkled the entire Caribbean Sea, the darkness slowly receded. The Caribbean Sea in the morning is very quiet and peaceful. Of course, it would be perfect without a bunch of outsiders ruining it all.

Two huge fleets galloped northward one after the other, with a distance of no more than 20 kilometers. Both fleets looked very miserable, especially those capital ships, whose superstructures were scorched black. On the deck, there are still traces of burning. Although there was no further attack last night, the soldiers who had been exhausted all day had no extra energy to clean up everything. After eating, all the soldiers except the soldiers on duty fell asleep.

Because, they all know that after dawn, there is still a fierce battle waiting for them. Perhaps, these few hours are their last peaceful time.

When the sun jumped out of the sea, the French battleship immediately began to get busy. The soldiers began to clean the cannon and carry the shells. After breakfast, the attack will officially begin.

At the same time, the remaining 7 "Giant Whale" class warships and 4 "Tiger Shark" warships of the French fleet also started to form formation, and the huge 305mm naval guns began to rise, and their ferocious muzzles were exposed.

"General, the French are catching up!" On the bridge of the "Philadelphia", an officer reminded.

"Order the ships to prepare for battle, and send a power signal to ask General Paret, how long will it take for them to arrive?" Aldrich calmly gave the order. Reinforcements are coming soon, and even though he is at a disadvantage now, he is not afraid of the French fleet at all. When the 1st and 2nd Fleets arrive, it's time for them to counterattack in an all-round way and let the French fly away.

The remaining six capital ships of the US fleet also formed a battle line under Aldridge's order. There are dozens of cruisers and destroyers on the periphery, protecting them from the lightning strikes of the French.

"General, General Paret is calling, they will be here in an hour!" the communications officer reported.

"Very well, it will be time for us to fight back soon!" Aldridge smiled.

"Boom!" After the preparations were completed, the battleship "Azores" of the French fleet started shelling first, and the other ten followed suit.

Under the huge thrust, the shells slammed into the US fleet, but basically fell into the sea, splashing large swaths of water.

The American fleet retreated northward with all its heart, and the French fleet's counterattacks were also intermittent. With both sides sailing at high speed, the French fleet's hit rate was not high. It's just that the formation of the US fleet is relatively dense, and it will often hit the cruisers and destroyers of the US fleet. These battleships are small in tonnage and thin in armor. Basically, they will be severely damaged or even sunk directly if they are hit by a single shot.

An hour passed quickly. During the bombardment of this hour, the French fleet sank several cruisers and destroyers, but the capital ship, only the unlucky "Boston" was hit by a shot on the front deck, destroying a mén 305mm naval gun.

While the French fleet was fighting in full swing, on the sea ahead, a huge fleet appeared at the junction of the sea and the sky. At the forefront, there is a battle line composed of 8 huge battleships, which are at a height of

. High-speed first release of the latest chapter of Rebirth: Napoleon II. This chapter is Chapter 564. The reinforcements are coming. The address is . Recommended by friends!