MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 92 Tide reversal

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  Chapter 92 The Situation Reversal

  Ye Anlan stood at the front of the team, facing the intimidating elite rebels who came on horseback.

  Standing behind her, the members of the guards who were still a little bit frightened, for some reason, when they saw the thin and short back of their boss, their flustered hearts gradually settled down.

  They clenched the weapons in their hands, silently watching Ye Anlan's every move.

   "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to our Shanghe County?" The horse's hoof was about to step on Ye Anlan's face, so the leader of the middle-aged rebel army asked Ye Anlan condescendingly.

  Ye Anlan had no intention of backing away at all, she just stood where she was, with her head raised, and answered the other party's question calmly, "It's just a passing refugee."

  The leader of the middle-aged rebel army frowned, "Are you the leader of this team?"

  Ye Anlan nodded slightly under Ye Jinkui's worried gaze, "Yes."

  The leader of the middle-aged rebel army looked Ye Anlan up and down, "It's interesting."

  Ye Anlan didn't speak, and the leader of the middle-aged rebel army said again: "The general has his eyes on you, are you willing to join me and make contributions with me?"

  Ye Jinkui, who almost didn't yell, shut his mouth silently. He was scared to death. When he heard the first half of the sentence, he thought that this smelly and shameless middle-aged man saw through Ye Anlan's body as a daughter, so he wanted to play tricks on his eldest daughter.

  Ye Anlan didn't know Ye Jinkui's emotional ups and downs at all, she shook her head, "Thank you General for your kindness, but we just want to find a deep mountain and old forest, where we can farm and hunt peacefully."

The leader of the middle-aged rebel army snorted coldly, raised his chin slightly, and glanced fiercely at the members of the guard behind Ye Anlan, "Are you fooling a fool? Farming and hunting require such a well-armed team." The elite teacher?"

  Ye Anlan:? ? ? They are at best a bunch of rabble, right? Is there something wrong with this man's eyes?

  She was a little speechless, "It's just that the situation forced it. If we don't try to protect ourselves, we can't get to Shanghe County."

  Paused, Ye Anlan said again: "If the general doesn't believe it, he can send someone to follow us, and we will definitely leave here as quickly as possible."

  She felt that she had shown her utmost sincerity, after all, she was already willing to be watched and followed.

  The leader of the middle-aged rebel army felt that Ye Anlan was young after all, and still retained the arrogance and arrogance of young people who hadn't experienced much in the world.

who is he? He is the second in command of the volunteer army in Shanghe County! He took the initiative to put down his posture to solicit, but the other party was not at all sensible, and refused when he said no. Isn't this a slap in the face?

  It's just a group of refugees, but they dare to treat him arrogantly, and don't let oil and salt in!

  He suppressed his anger and asked Ye Anlan, "What if the general insists on recruiting you?"

  Ye Anlan frowned, "Everyone has his own ambitions, so please don't make things difficult for us, General."

When the leader of the middle-aged rebel army headed by    heard this, the anger that had been suppressed by him suddenly burned up. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he raised his whip to slap Ye Anlan in the face.

  Ye Anlan calmly raised his hand to block it, but a middle-aged man who was running behind the horse team, panting and panting, widened his eyes anxiously.

   This person knew Ye Anlan. Although they didn't say a few words at the beginning, because Ye Anlan was still willing to sell food to them under that situation, this person has always been very grateful to Ye Anlan.

  At the beginning, he also agreed with Shao Tianqing's opinion, thinking that they should follow Ye Anlan to act together with the Shao family.

Although in the end they and Ye Anlan's team took different paths because they couldn't hold back the rest of the clan, Ye Anlan, who became the leader of the team in his teens, left a deep impression on him that was not so easily lost by time. obliterate.

  He subconsciously wanted to warn, but before he could yell out, Ye Anlan grabbed the whip of the middle-aged leader of the rebel army, and pulled him off the horse with lightning speed.

  The leader of the middle-aged rebel army led by the leader was very confused, and the other rebel troops brought by the leader of the rebel army were also very confused.

   What happened? Isn't it their second boss who wants to whip someone? How could it be that in the blink of an eye, their second-in-command was put around the neck with a big knife?

The leader of the middle-aged rebel army led by    didn't realize that he had been hijacked by the half-grown boy in front of him until he felt a slight stabbing pain in his neck.

  His black face was flushed, and emotions of fear and anger alternately occupied his heart.

Ye Anlan didn't know that this guy still couldn't see the situation clearly. She kicked the middle-aged leader of the rebel army twice on the back of his knees, causing him to kneel on the ground involuntarily. , The embarrassing situation of raising the arm hard.

  She put the knife firmly on the opponent's neck, then smiled and said to the other rebels: "If you don't want him to die, I advise you not to act rashly."

  No one knew, but Ye Anlan was already happy.

   Originally thought it would be a fierce battle, but unexpectedly, this group of rebels did not meet them with swords as soon as they came up.

   What made Ye Anlan secretly happy was that the leader of the other party jumped to her hand in a foolish way.

  Ye Anlan, who once again enjoyed the age bonus, thanked herself for the umpteenth time for her deceptive young appearance o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

  She said to the rebels who were staring at the knife in her hand with apprehension: "Please make way for me. As soon as my companions and I are safe, I will let your general go."

  The middle-aged leader of the rebel army held hostage by her was trembling with anger. This was the first time that he was reduced to such an embarrassing situation in front of his subordinates.

  He blushed and yelled at Ye Anlan, "You little boy! How dare you humiliate this general like this! This general is the general of the rebel army who saved the people of Shanghe County!"

  Ye Anlan rolled her eyes, "You can pull it down! With your posture of prospering and perishing, you will save the people from fire and water? Stop joking, okay?"

   Just now, wouldn’t this wicked **** disfigure her with a riding whip?

  It is obvious that selfishness is more serious than anyone else, and eating is uglier than anyone else, but you actually have the nerve to play a moral role model here, what do you think this is?

I am greedy for profit and want to take advantage of everything. When I see a better team, I want to recruit it under my command. I don't care about the opinions of the parties involved. I just want to satisfy my selfishness under the banner of righteousness. But they keep asking others to be enlightened, to make selfless dedication, and to have a heart for the people of the world.

Emmmmm, she should say that no matter in ancient times or in modern times, this world will never lack double-standard dogs and dogs who are better selfish for themselves, so they try to use morality and conscience to brainwash you, restrain you, and entrap you Granny Wolf?

  (end of this chapter)