MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 91 narrow road

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  Chapter 91 Encounter on a Narrow Road

  Ye Anlan didn't know how those villagers who had avenged their vengeance told their relatives and friends who hid in the mountains. Anyway, it took less than an hour for the other party to bring over 90% of the villagers here.

In this regard, they still feel quite regretful, because although some villagers believe in them, in the end, they are still reluctant to part with their houses and fields, or because they are afraid of unknown risks on the way to escape, or because they still cannot bear to live on this land. Other relatives in the village chose to stay in the village, or go to other nearby villages and towns to join relatives.

  Ye Anlan was taken aback by the number of people brought out by the other party. She did a rough calculation and found that if these people were added, the number of their team would be almost 1,200.

  She originally brought more than 200 people, the homeless women and children rescued from the county, and the more than 800 villagers now have so many mouths. Just thinking about it, Ye Anlan feels that she is under a lot of pressure.

  She asked Li Jing who was standing beside her in a low voice, "Well, we shouldn't be able to support so many people, right?"

  Li Jing held back a laugh and replied in a low voice, "Don't worry, if you save some of the food we brought from the county, it will be fine for a month."

What they moved away was the grain that the "rebel army" had scraped all over the county. Although this is a small and poor county, and what they took away was not all the grain stored by the "rebel army", but even so, they are now The total amount of food on hand is already very impressive.

  Ye Anlan was relieved when she heard this. In another month, they should be able to reach their original destination.

   And the further they go, as the weather gets warmer, their recipes will also become richer. After all, the wild vegetables on the mountain have already grown by then.

  Furthermore, she can lead everyone to fish and hunt when encountering mountains and rivers along the way.

  Thinking about it this way, Ye Anlan didn't think these villagers were a burden anymore.

   Just like the previous two hundred people, train them well. After training, these are her right-hand assistants.

  After thinking for a while, she called Ye Jinkui and the others over, and asked them to take the team members under her to be responsible for the investigation and training of some new members.

  Everyone is familiar with the routine. After all, the same thing has happened once. Now that it is happening again, Ye Anlan doesn't need to say anything, and everyone can arrange things clearly.

  Especially Pei Huaiyu, who was forced to run away from home, was better at internal affairs management than Ye Anlan. After Ye Anlan discovered his ability, what he did with the shopkeeper was a peace of mind.


   Another 20 days have passed, and the new members of the team have just been trained by everyone to look a little better. Ye Anlan and the others have encountered the biggest trouble since they set off.

  Between the two mountains where fresh green sprouted, Ye Anlan and his group were driving, pushing, and walking forward, when a well-equipped team rushed towards them.

  The guards in charge of exploring the road ran on two legs. Before they could breathe heavily and send the information back to the main force, Ye Anlan and Chang An heard the slight sound of horseshoes from afar.

  The two of them coincidentally lay down on the ground and listened for a while to confirm, and then Ye Anlan began to arrange for everyone to step aside to make way.

  Actually, if they weren't already halfway there, turning around would cause confusion and be too late. Ye Anlan wanted everyone to retreat one after another.

   "There are about 300 horses in total." Chang An was more knowledgeable than Ye Anlan. Not only did he hear that there was indeed a team of horses approaching, but he also heard the exact number of horses.

  Ye Anlan frowned and signaled for the young and middle-aged guards to stand in a horizontal row and guard the outermost side of the team.

  The members of the **** team with relatively average skills are responsible for guarding the supplies and pulling the easily frightened livestock, while the elite teams with better skills hold weapons in hand to guard against sudden attacks from those people.

  As for the elderly, women, and children in the team, in order to prevent them from being accidentally injured when the chaos broke out, Ye Anlan asked Ye Song, Wang Tai, Zhou Mingyuan, Su Xiaohe, and Yang Xiaomei to take everyone to the nearby hillside to take shelter for a while.

What Ye Anlan, who was distributing medicinal powder to Li Jing, Chang'an, Yang Xiaotao, Zheng Fengshou, Wei Zhen, and Pei Huaiyu's bodyguard Qingji, didn't know that although these half-grown children went up the mountain obediently, Ye Song and others who took the lead While organizing everyone to climb the mountain, you encouraged everyone to prepare for battle.

Among the girls, Su Xiaohe, who has practiced martial arts for the longest time, held a longbow in his hand, "Although there are guards protecting us, we can't rely on others. We have also practiced martial arts, and Yuan Niang even equipped us with bows and arrows, Hidden arrows and pointed wooden sticks, we have to learn to protect ourselves."

Under the influence of Ye Anlan, Yang Xiaomei, whose personality has gradually become more cheerful and aggressive, nodded and said, "Xiaohe is right, we are not easy to bully. Those who have bows and arrows will stand below later, if we really want to fight, look out If you get a chance, you can shoot one of them."

  Little Ye Tang asked: "Sister Xiaohe, what about those who don't have sleeve arrows, bows and arrows, and pointed wooden sticks?"

   She was talking about some old men and old ladies who joined in later. These people are old, and unlike children who have room to be trained, Ye Anlan didn't include them in the coverage of all soldiers.

  Su Xiaohe glanced at the old men and women who were holding their grandchildren's little hands tightly, "Then use a kitchen knife or hatchet. If you don't have a kitchen knife or hatchet, then break a branch."

  Old men and old ladies said, what kind of branches are they breaking? They all carry their own weapons with them.

  Ye Anlan understands that these old bones are getting old and can't afford to make a fuss, but they themselves are very envious when they see their children and grandchildren practicing martial arts.

  Usually those young people are learning **** people, but these old guys often sneak around and watch.

   No, when Su Xiaohe mentioned to get everyone to act, the old men and women all took out the various "weapons" they carried with them.

  Let’s not talk about kitchen knives, hatchets, sickles, hoes, etc. Some people even found rolling pins, wooden pot lids, and large iron spoons that they picked up and hid in their clothes _(:з」∠)_

  Su Xiaohe was very satisfied and nodded to everyone, but Ye Anlan on the other side was exuding a deep sense of unhappiness.

   We got closer, Ye Anlan finally saw clearly the team that was rapidly approaching them

  It was a rebel team with a few people on horseback and most people on foot. The leader was a strong man with a big Yang character flag flying on his horseback.

  Ye Anlan gestured and told the companions behind that this was a rebel army of nearly a thousand people.

Although in terms of numbers alone, their team, which has grown to 1,400 people, seems to have an advantage, but the problem is that their team is full of young and middle-aged men who have seized territory from other rebel forces. At most, they have only dealt with Hungry and Jiyan, and they are those refugees who rushed forward anyway.

  (end of this chapter)