MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 444 Too badass

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  Chapter 444 is too chicken thief

  Finally, Mrs. Li stopped crying, Ye Song squatted down, carried Ye Anlan out of the house, and sent her to the sedan chair.

  The once thin and small boy has grown into a calm and reliable tall young man. He walked steadily, and carefully and solemnly sent Ye Anlan to the sedan chair.

  Ye Anlan was full of emotion and relief. She glanced at Ye Jinkui, Li Shi, Ye Song, Ye Wei, and Ye Tang who were looking at her eagerly. She was very happy and thankful that they all survived the troubled times.

  The person who truly loves her is by her side, and has walked with her from hardships to a bright and smooth road. Compared with this, the dragon chair is not worth mentioning at all.

  She waved vigorously at the Ye family until the car curtain blocked her view.

  The bridal sedan chair was carried out of the British residence, and the joy resounded even more lively and festively. Ye Anlan's dowry followed closely behind the welcoming procession, and was carried out of the residence by guards and servants with red silk around their waists.

  Her dowry is a lot, if you really want to pack it all, let alone a hundred and twenty-eight liters, 1,280 liters will definitely not be able to be packed.

Fortunately, Ye Anlan did not intend to bring all her property to the Duke of Anguo's mansion, except for the betrothal gift from Li Jing, all kinds of precious items rewarded to her by the emperor, empress, harem concubines, empress dowager, and her mother Li According to the rules and customs, the clothes and bedding, jewelry fabrics, furniture decorations, etc. that she bought for her, she left directly in the British government.

  Anyway, even if she is married to Li Jing, she will often stay in the British government in the future, and everything can go on as usual here.

   But in this way, her dowry list is not as thick as the people who eat melons expected.

The official lady and the official wife who were envious and jealous of Ye Anlan, when they saw that Ye Anlan only had one hundred and twenty-eight to carry the dowry, you immediately pulled me and I dragged you to start a new life. A round of whispering.

  Most people thought that Ye Anlan should have reduced the amount of her dowry because she was worried about exceeding the limit, but there were also a small number of people who maliciously speculated that she wanted to take advantage of the marriage to make a fortune.

  Think about it, Li Jing gave all of her property to Ye Anlan when she was hired, but Ye Anlan didn't give back all her property when she got married, what does this mean?

  It means that the things of the Li family have become Ye Anlan's dowry, but Ye Anlan's personal property still belongs to Ye Anlan himself.

   This is too badass!

  As soon as they talked about their ideas, some of them who had no opinions were gradually shaken by them.

   During the short time from the British government to the Anguo government, these ladies and ladies have already demonized Ye Anlan.

  In their wishful thinking, Ye Anlan had been blackened into a pitch-black coal.

As a matter of fact, Ye Anlan brought less dowry, on the one hand, it was because it was not good to exceed the control, and it was easy to be caught and attacked; Then, after finalizing the heir, the property of the two governments will be re-divided.

  Rather than splitting and reuniting in this way and creating a lot of troublesome things, she would rather keep them separated from the beginning.

  Anyway, unlike the previous feudal dynasties, Daqi's law recognized women's private property other than dowry.

The feudal dynasties before Daqi paid attention to the fact that parents had no selfish property, not to mention women in a disadvantaged position, even men who were treated preferentially by society, before the separation, no matter how much money you earned by your own efforts, you Your parents and your grandparents can take it all with confidence.

  They can confiscate all your private property, and they can distribute your private property to your brothers or even uncles. You can’t object, otherwise you will be disobedient and disobedient to your elders.

  This is not the most unfortunate thing about being a child. The most unfortunate thing about them is that they must obey and defend their elders unconditionally.

  Your parents, grandparents, even your uncles, aunts, uncles and aunts have committed crimes, you can’t report them, and you can’t produce evidence against them, otherwise you will be a determined wolf.

   Even some dynasties stipulated that if a child sued his parents, no matter what the reason was, the child would have to be punished by the yamen before the parents.

  After receiving the punishment from the yamen, they even had to be severely punished by the clan to which they belonged.

  The law and the clan are all on the side of the "elders". Those who are children, even if they are killed by their parents, the law and the clan will not uphold justice for them.

Take Dazhou, the former dynasty of Daqi, as an example. In the first two hundred years of the founding of the Great Zhou, if the parents were sued to the Yamen for killing their children, the Yamen would be sentenced to one and a half years in prison for the murderer. , the parents are already exempt from any responsibility for killing their children.

  The ruler at that time changed the "one and a half year's imprisonment" into oral education by local officials.

  Ye Anlan is very uncomfortable with this point. When Xie Yuan asked Xie Yuan to amend the law, she also specifically discussed this point with Xie Yuan.

  She pursued a strategy of never appeasing murderers. Before the Ye family was merged into the Xie family, Ye Anlan completely copied the modern law's sentencing levels for murderers.

   Ye Anlan doesn't accept the terms of exoneration and sentence reduction for parents killing their children and dignitaries killing civilians.

There is also the fact that evidence collection should mainly be based on the testimony of the relatives and servants of the parties concerned. If the testimony of other people conflicts with their testimony, then their testimony should be adopted and the testimony of others should be discarded. Ye Anlan also changed it to all witnesses. equality.

  On the one hand, legislate to punish juniors who expose the crimes of their parents and servants who expose the crimes of the master’s family, but on the other hand, they mainly rely on their testimony. Isn’t this obviously covering up criminals?

  From Xie Yuan's point of view, Ye Anlan first elaborated on the various harms of these strange laws to the country, and then vigorously promoted the relatively reasonable legal provisions that she copied from modern times.

Xie Yuan was persuaded by her. In order to guard against the passing of time and prevent the **** of a thousand miles from being destroyed by ant nests, he not only abolished the exemption and commutation clauses for parents killing their children and dignitaries killing civilians, but also recognized the private property rights of those who are children of men. The priority of the testimony of the relatives, servants, and subordinates of the parties concerned has been cancelled.

  These extremely changing laws, if not handled properly, can easily cause national turmoil. Fortunately, Xie Yuan was reminded by Ye Anlan that he has already controlled the direction of public opinion.

  Before writing these greatly changed laws into Daqi Law, Xie Yuan had already let his public opinion team headed by Xiyu take action.

   This group of people first lit lamps and boiled oil to write several best-selling story books, and then gave the story books to storytellers and theater troupe owners, asking them to either preach in teahouses, or adapt the story books into dramas for performances across the country.

  (end of this chapter)