MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 14 Either make a fortune together, or don't make a fortune with anyone!

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  Chapter 14 Either make a fortune together, or don't make money with anyone!

   In the afternoon, Jiang Chen went to the second level first, to beat the single-player hard version.

  Wang Zhen was pulling people outside.

  Single-player hard version, the Eldar and Zerg here have reached the late second stage.

As soon as the    condensed, Jiang Chen had already turned into an afterimage and took the lead.

   Four feet of qi and blood are trained, and the heat wave is rolling, like an oven, directly evaporating the Eldar and Zerg.

  Get the resource exchange code and go out to exchange resources.

   A bottle of second-grade Qingling Dan, ten pieces!

   Not long after, Wang Zhen brought people back.

  Jiang Chen continued to lead people through the level, playing the difficult version of the simulated level.

   All the resources he obtained were used to add to the two skills [Toughness] and [Swiftness].

  Equal distribution and balanced development.

   And with the improvement of [Swiftness], his speed is getting faster and faster.

   Walking like the wind and running like electricity, the teenagers who passed through with him were stunned.

   have speculated about his strength, suspecting that he has reached the fourth or fifth rank.

   After all, third-rank warriors are not as fierce as him.

  Whether it's an Eldar or a Zerg, all of them are blasted with one punch.

   However, as I thought before, there were indeed a lot less people in the afternoon.

   There are many students who have already started to grab business.

   Some people even bid maliciously, raising the share to half.

  Jiang Chen can only change the share price, let part of the profit go out, and continue to lead people to play the difficult version.


   Getting the medicinal pill again, Wang Zhen's face was ugly: "Brother Chen, Zhang Yangming's people came just now."

   "What did he say?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

   "He wants this business, he just wants to kill you, so that we can't get a single pill."

  Wang Zhen said with a sullen face: "He has already arranged for someone to do it, and give others 60%, and I can't find anyone."

  Jiang Chen said coldly, "Tell Zhang Yangming that I can't get the pills, and he doesn't want any of them. I'll bring the second level for free!"

   "Okay." Wang Zhen took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Yangming.

   The other side was quickly connected, and a disdainful voice came: "Are you ready to beg for mercy?"

   "Brother Chen said, if you do this again, everyone will stop earning resources, we will bring them for free." Wang Zhen said coldly.


   Zhang Yangming was stagnant, obviously not expecting that Jiang Chen would just give up.

   He was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Well, let's do our own thing, I can also contact the others and let them all adjust the price to 50% without interfering with each other, how?"

  Wang Zhen looked at Jiang Chen, saw him nodding, and then said: "I hope you will do what you say. If you do this again, no one will want to seek benefits."

   "No problem." After Zhang Yangming finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

   "Although we have no advantage at the same price, we can get a little bit." Jiang Chen sighed.

  Wang Zhen grinned and said, "Brother Chen, don't worry, Zhang Yangming can't eat all of it, and we have made a lot of money."

   Jiang Chen nodded and said no more.

  The fourth layer of the simulation level.

   A red-haired boy with ear studs is Zhang Yangming.

   "Well, you Wang Zhen, how dare you betray me and run to Jiang Chen's side to be a dog?"

   Zhang Yangming cried out in anger, the phone in his hand almost smashed.

   "Brother Yangming, what should we do, why do you agree with them?"

   A young man beside him said puzzledly: "The second pill, we don't need it, it's okay, we can completely let them get none of the pills."

   "They've made a lot of money."

   Zhang Yangming glanced at him and said coldly: "Stop now, they still earn, then let them earn a little more, and at night, it's all mine!"

   The young man was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Brother Yangming means, let's do it at night?"

   "That traitor Wang Zhen, don't even want the other arm!" Zhang Yangming said coldly, "Do it yourself at night."

   "Brother Yangming, don't worry, I not only want his arms, but also his legs." The boy sneered.


  Jiang Chen didn't finish his meal, so he could earn more now while he was earning more.

   I have to go to work tomorrow, so I have no chance to come here.

  Wang Zhen pulled people hard, the pills had already filled his backpack, and his face was full of smiles.

  Although there are not many people here, as long as there is only one person, it is a lot of energy.

   It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that no one came to break through the barrier, so the two stopped.

  Jiang Chen also checked three skills:

  【Toughness lv3】: 100%

  【Quick lv3】100%

  【Digest lv3】60%

   gave Wang Zhen a fraction, if Zhang Yangming hadn't stepped in, he would definitely be able to upgrade the three skills to lv4.

   "Let's go, let's eat." Jiang Chen got up and said.

   "I'm starving too." Wang Zhen grinned and said, "Following Brother Chen today, I really made a fortune."

   "I'm going to work tomorrow, and the school should also change the reward."

   Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "You can digest these medicinal pills with peace of mind, and don't think about anything else."

   "I understand." Wang Zhen nodded again and again.

   It is still Laoliang Restaurant, and Wang Zhen ordered a large table of dishes.

   "It's a lot, you have to spend a lot of money." Jiang Chen shook his head.

   He can't get enough to eat now, and he has never thought about getting full, so he doesn't feel too hungry.

   "I still have this money. Besides, compared to what I made today, these dishes are incomparable."

   Wang Zhen laughed.

   If you really want to compare, one or two medicinal pills are enough for this table.

  Jiang Chen didn't say much, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

   "Brother Chen, do you want to drink?" Wang Zhen asked.

   "Don't drink, depending on your age, you should be younger than me, and have already started drinking?" Jiang Chen swallowed his food and said lightly.

  When my father was still there, he liked to drink. When he was young, he used chopsticks to dip the wine to feed him.

   Every time I have a holiday, I get drunk.

   To use the words of his father Jiang Shanhai, that is, how can a man not drink alcohol, one day he will go to the battlefield, be injured, get drunk, then he will not be in pain, not afraid, and continue to fight.

  I haven't touched alcohol since my father left.

   "When I followed Zhang Yangming, I was scolded for not drinking." Thinking of the past, Wang Zhen felt a little sad: "I am a sophomore in high school this year, and I will be a senior in high school soon. Luckily, I opened the door to psionic energy."

   "That talent is good. I only pushed it away recently. Many of our class didn't push it away, such as Yang Xiaowen." Jiang Chen smiled.

   "Where does the talent come from, the affinity of the aura is only 60, which is barely above the average."

  Wang Zhen said with a bitter face, and then adored the tunnel: "Brother Chen is so strong as soon as he pushes away, and the affinity of aura is at least ninety, right? This is a super genius."

  Jiang Chen: "…"

   Let's stop talking about this.

  Jiang Chen's expression became solemn: "Don't eat or sleep, don't speak, don't talk during mealtime."

  Wang Zhen: ? ?

   This was a good chat, why did he suddenly change his face?

   Could it be that Brother Chen doesn't want to reveal the fact that he is a super genius?

  It must be like this, I won’t ask in the future.

  Wang Zhen ate very little, Jiang Chen was like a reincarnation of a starving ghost, showing what a rice bucket should look like.

   Watching the dishes go down his stomach, Jiang Chen didn't react at all, and Wang Zhen wondered if there was something wrong with his stomach.

   After eating, Wang Zhen settled the bill and the two left together.


   As soon as he walked out of Lao Liang Restaurant, Jiang Chen frowned. He felt that someone was staring at them.

   "What's wrong?" Wang Zhen asked suspiciously.

   "It's okay, let's go." Jiang Chen pondered for a while, and said in a low voice: "Maybe someone sees that we have made too much money and thinks about it, so don't separate."

   Wang Zhen's heart froze, nodded slightly, and followed him away.

   (end of this chapter)