MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 621 621 Battle Nine

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   Xuehong Pavilion.

   Between the floating clouds.

  The continuous white snow-capped mountains are like sand dunes, constantly dropping powder in the rumbling vibration.

  The middle part of the tallest snow peak.

  The terrain here is like a curved screen, facing the sun.

  At this time, the remaining daylight slanted on the screen-shaped snow peak, reflecting bright white light.

  On the mountain steps leading to Xuehong Pavilion, there are long rows of ice steps, and rows of sharp ice edges hang from the edge of each step.

  Yue Dewen was standing at a corner of the steps, with the Xuefeng cliff behind him.

   In front of him was a white-haired old man in a blue-gold robe, standing quietly.

  The two were more than 20 meters apart, the wind and snow drifted between them, and piled up obliquely.

   "I should have thought a long time ago that you belong to him." Yue Dewen looked at the other party, his expression turned bitter after all.

   "We have known each other for many years, it turns out that you have always had other plans before."

  The old man was silent for a while, looking up at the snow scene in the distance.

  The sky light at dusk dyes the snow-capped mountains in the distance into a light golden red, which is so beautiful.

   "Old Yue, do you know that I didn't really want to come to your place at first, you and I met once, the last thing I want to fight is actually you."

  He replied in a low voice, also with regret in his tone.

   "If you don't want to fight, get out of the way." Yue Dewen said, "Old Dou, I don't want to do anything to you, let alone kill you!"

   "I came to stop you, just to save you!" Lao Dou said in a deep voice. "Old Yue, give up. You can't be the Holy Xun's opponent. He and you are not at the same level at all."

   "It's useless to talk more." Yue Dewen's eyes were fixed, "Let it go, or not!"

  On the other side of the battlefield, people from the Great Church Alliance and the Sensing Gate are buying time for him, so...

   He clenched his hands and took a step forward.

   But the expected confrontation did not break out.

  Old Dou turned sideways and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.

   "Don't regret it, Lao Yue."

   "If I don't go, I will regret it!" Yue Dewen let go of his fist, took a deep look at him, and suddenly dodged, passed him, and swept towards the depths of Xuehong Pavilion.

   Only Laodou was left alone, standing on the ice steps, looking at his back and sighing slightly.

   "Why didn't you stop him?" A tall man in gray and white stone armor slowly emerged beside him.

   It is the main pavilion of Xuehong Pavilion.

  The Chief Pavilion and the Grand Pavilion Master, they are the highest level who govern the entire Xuehong Pavilion.

  But at this moment, the two of them were outside instead of returning to the cabinet.

   "I have been an old friend for so many years, I can see his determination clearly. At this time, whoever stops him will die." Lao Dou said calmly.

  He glanced at the other party.

   "Didn't you come late on purpose?"

   Zongge smiled.

   "Each to each other. Anyway, no matter what, the final result of his past is certain death. Why did you and I sacrifice in vain before?"

  Old Dou didn’t speak any more, just looked at the depths of Xuehong Pavilion, a little lost in thought.


  The previous huge shock started again, and waves spread out.

   The vibration made the surrounding snow mountains start to drop snow powder.

  In the depths of Xuehong Pavilion, there are black pointed buildings, covered with snow powder and ice, as if they were purely made of ice.

  Crossing the stone steps, skimming across large slopes and squares, Yue Dewen's figure flickered, and finally stopped in front of the gate of the last Temple of the Earth Mother. …

   "Holy Xun! Come out and die!!" He shouted sharply.

   Circles of moon-white halos rose into the sky all over his body.

   "Surrender, God!!!"

   "Return to Truth!!"

  He didn't hesitate at all, his body was covered with countless white lights, and a huge silver crescent moon appeared behind him, shining brightly.

   Then palm forward.

  As his body swelled and grew bigger, the dark gold discs with twelve runes appeared behind him, all brightly illuminated.

   This palm drove countless clouds to emerge out of thin air behind Yue Dewen and condense.

   Then it turned into a huge sea of ​​clouds with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

  Looking from a distance, it seems that the entire sea of ​​clouds is falling towards the Temple of the Earth Mother under the moonlight.

  Like a tsunami!

  In the temple.

  Sheng Xun slowly put down his hands, looked at Shen Mu and Sheng Wu who had just recovered and stood up, and turned to face the direction of the gate of the temple.




  In midair, a large cloud of blood dyed the sky red, spreading straight towards the distant Daxue Mountain.

  Zhang Rongfang leaned over and was at the front of the sea of ​​blood, staring at the ground below, in the direction of Xuehong Pavilion.

  ‘Can I ask you a question, why did you sneak attack just now when you are so strong!? ’ Bai Lin asked foolishly in the air.

  ‘Strong strength, more convenient for sneak attacks, and faster to resolve battles, isn’t that good? ’ Zhang Rongfang asked back. "Don't you want to be happy if you hurt both sides? If I hit him lightly, he won't die, but if it's serious, I won't hurt myself?"

  ‘Eh, didn’t you like fighting very much before? ’ Bai Lin was surprised.

  ‘If I had time, I might have a good fight with him. But it's a pity' Zhang Rongfang sighed. 'It's a pity that the time is not waiting for me, the timing is not right, so I have to resolve the battle as soon as possible. '

  ‘Are you worried about your master? ’ asked White Scale.

  ‘I left a drop of blood on him as an induction, and it doesn’t seem like a big problem now. ’ Zhang Rongfang replied.

  Before he helped Master Yue heal his wounds, he deliberately left a little blood on his body, but Yue Dewen found out, and did not rule out that the two masters and apprentices had a tacit understanding.

  'Then you' Bai Lin still wants to ask questions.

  'Wait!' Suddenly Zhang Rongfang's eyes froze, and he felt his own blood trembling violently in the distance.

  The blood is rapidly transpiring and dissipating, offset by the power of the gods and Buddhas.

  The manifestation of the power of gods and Buddhas, such as the blood essence of his ancestors and the spirit line of gods, is essentially the opposite.

   There is no one who restrains the other, but only a quantitative comparison in which the more the more the stronger.

  Just now, some of the blood drops he left on Master Yue's outer robe were instantly corroded and dissipated.

   This means, Yue Dewen, the fight is on!

  Zhang Rongfang flapped his wings and tried to accelerate again, but he had already reached the extreme level at this time. Flapping the wings only increases the psychological effect.

   A group of plateau blue sheep were jumping and on their way. Looking up from the ground below, they could only see a huge blood-colored bat flapping its wings, occupying almost half of the sky.

  Behind the **** bat, there are countless seas of blood that completely cover the sky, moving forward with it.

  The blood cloud passed by, and everything on the earth was shrouded in shadow.

  Snow foxes hunting on the snow field.

  Aborigines with bows and arrows besieging and killing yaks.

   Even two white bears walking together.

  All creatures looked up at the sky that was gradually being dyed blood.


   At this time, in front of the Earth Mother Temple. …

  At the mountainside of the snow-capped mountain, a large sea of ​​white clouds descended from the sky, slamming into the main body of the temple.

  Rolling clouds carry Yue Dewen's general trend of the world, forming various graphic patterns such as landscapes, flowers and birds from time to time during the rush.

  Yue Dewen flew up in front of the sea of ​​clouds, became an arrow at the front of the sea of ​​clouds, and slammed his palm at the gate of the temple.

  The surface of the gate was shining with blue light, and it was knocked away by the cloud after a few strokes, and opened wide.

  Yue Dewen flew straight into the hall, his eyes glowed with bright white light, and he was facing the innermost saint patrol.

  Sheng Xun held the scepter and looked at him quietly without moving.

   Only a large number of statues of the Earth Mother around them began to light up with bright blue light.

   The blue light shattered into countless light spots.

  All the light spots converged into a big river, which also galloped towards the sea of ​​white clouds.

  Blue and white, the two colors suddenly meet at this moment.

  The silent huge vibration exploded at the moment of docking.

  The blue light dissipated rapidly, and the sea of ​​white clouds was also rapidly thinning.

  Yue Dewen flew into the hall, and hit Sheng Xun's chest straight with his palm.


  His palm was blocked by the scepter, making a loud noise.

  The strong wind pressure spreads out in all directions around the point where the two fought.

   Circles of explosive airflow will empty out a circular cavity around it.

   "It's amazing." Sheng Xun sighed. "The agglomeration of the general trend of the world, reaching your current level is far beyond the reach of Damir and his ilk. Being able to face my general trend of the sky head-on, just based on this alone, you have already surpassed the previous two rebels at the intersection of heaven and earth .”

   "Anyone can say big things." Yue Dewen's face was calm. The strange thing is that, although he has already descended to the gods at this time, his sanity still hasn't lost himself. Just calmed down a little bit.

   "If the Lingfei Sect represents all living beings in the world, then what is it that I brought with me now!? A knife."

  His arms suddenly blurred, turning into palm shadows, finger shadows and fist shadows, blasting towards the opponent in a violent storm.

  Hundreds of shots in one instant, each move is an opportunity to defend against the enemy that contains the realm of the top master, the power of the top spirit general combined with the general trend, and the terrifying power brought by the great séance.

  The combination of moonlight and white clouds turned into white streamers with the pattern of the moon **** around them, dancing around Sheng Xun and the god, animal husbandry and Sheng Wu behind him.

  Saint Xun holds a scepter, and also blocks and dodges at an amazing speed.

  His hundreds of years of martial arts practice are not only not weaker than Yue Dewen, but even stronger.

   "After hundreds of years, there is finally another person who has reached the pinnacle of martial arts." Sheng Xun looked calm, and he didn't even take half a step back.

  But the next moment, his color suddenly changed, and he was about to back up.

   But it was too late.

  The disc behind Yue Dewen was simultaneously shattered, and the patterns representing the twelve talismans were simultaneously shattered, shining brilliantly at the last moment.

   "True Seal: Promise Returns to Truth!!"

  A thicker white cloud suddenly appeared beside Yue Dewen.

  This time, as soon as the cloud and mist touched the surrounding blue light spots, they quickly suppressed, purified, and counteracted them.

   Its concentration is more than ten times that of the previous cloud!

  The number of flying moon-white streamers increased rapidly, densely covering the entire temple around the mahjong, and occupying the original positions of all the statues of the Earth Mother.

   Also completely turned this place into a pure white world.

   "Today, I will end everything!!"

  Yue Dewen opened his arms wide, and behind him a phantom of a giant moon **** more than ten meters high slowly emerged.

  The Moon Goddess was dressed in a white dress, with countless pure white arms, and her complexion was neither male nor female, with a gentle and serene implication in her neutrality.

  Phantom slowly leaned over, hundreds of arms like wings, layer upon layer downwards to catch the three Saint Patrollers.

   "Sure enough" Sheng Xun seemed to see something. "The **** you worship is not Yujinghanshi Tianzun Sword at all."

  He stood still, behind him, Shen Mu and Sheng Wu gritted their teeth and rushed towards him.


  The three of them fused together in an instant, transforming into the main body of the holy dance finale.

   It was a snake-tailed figure with three heads and six arms, and a golden mask on its chest.

   But this time, the three faces correspond to the holy patrol in the middle, the priest and holy dance on both sides.