MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 16 16 (Thanks to Chen Feng, the wrong rain leader)

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   Chapter 16 16 (Thanks Chen Feng Cuo Yu Alliance Leader)

   Fortunately, luck was good, and it didn't take long for a few people to meet Xiao Qingying who also came over because of the fireworks.

   She didn't seem to be hurt, and there was still a hint of surprise on her face, not knowing what happened.

   She was dragged away by Chen Wuyou before she could see it clearly.

  After she left all the way, she had time to come back.

   After learning about the situation, Xiao Qingying suddenly opened her mouth wide in shock.

   "The mountain bandits appeared!? They also attacked Zhang Rongfang?"

   Zhang Rongfang is her sidekick, that is to say, if she walked slowly just now, it might be herself who was attacked.

  Wait until the way back to the village.

   "Are you okay? Zhang Rongfang?" She hurriedly approached, hesitated, and asked with concern.

  Essentially, she is not bad, just a little willful, but her heart is still kind.

   Otherwise, he would not have helped Zhang Rongfang.

   "Thank you for your concern, Senior Sister, it's ok, all this blood was spilled from someone else's body, not mine." Zhang Rong showed a 'moved' expression and hurriedly saluted.

   "It's fine. After all, you were injured because of my injury. If something really happened," Xiao Qingying didn't say anything, her pretty face was a little worried.

   "Don't worry, Senior Sister, I'm a martial artist now, so I'm not that vulnerable." Zhang Rongfang said seriously.

"That's good."

   Xiao Qingying wanted to ask something more, but seeing Zhang Rongfang's tired face, she held back and didn't speak any more.

   The group returned to the village.

   Zhang Rongfang returned to the village house where he was staying and changed his clothes under the strange gaze of the others.

   The person who was killed by the trap, he admitted, but the other person he bluntly said he didn't know.

  Yang Xuanchao also judged that the death of that man had nothing to do with him. After all, according to Zhang Rongfang, he had only practiced martial arts for a long time.

   and the person who died was obviously beaten to death by a guy whose strength far surpassed Zhang Rongfang in martial arts.

  According to Yang Xuanchao's judgment, that person should be a person with strong muscles and a strong body.

   A martial arts, at least for several years. Such a person is most likely Chen Wuyou.

After   , Yang Xuanchao didn't have time to pay attention to the rest, because on the way to search, he found more bandits hiding on the mountain.

   There was a small-scale fight between the two sides.

   He personally went into battle, and after killing several people, he repelled the mountain bandits. But he himself was shot through the shoulder by a crossbow arrow and suffered a lot of injuries.

   The opponent actually has crossbow arrows!

   This made Yang Xuanchao's attention instantly shifted from some doubts in Zhang Rongfang's body, and quickly sent someone to Huaxin County to ask for support.

   And the Qinghe Palace and his party of four returned from the official road alone after the time was up, and took turns with the rest of the forces.




   Huaxin County urban area.

  Li's Pharmacy.

   In the evening, old man Li, who was weighing the newly arrived medicinal materials in the pharmacy, held a small scale, carefully put a little bit of homologous grass on it, and then got close, using his shortsighted eye of more than 800 degrees to write down the weight scale.

   "Shopkeeper!" Suddenly a voice came in from outside the shop, making Old Man Li tremble in fright, almost throwing the homogenous grass to the ground.

   "Who is it!" He put down the scale angrily and looked up at the door.

   Outside the dimly lit door, a young man in a dark blue Taoist robe walked in quickly.

   "Shopkeeper, I'm not feeling very well recently. Is there any recipe for tonifying qi and blood? Give me some, money is not a problem!"

   The young man waved his hand, quite proud.

  "." Old Man Li rubbed his sore eyes and squinted at the person who came.

   This young man was dressed in a Taoist robe, with the waist badge of the Qinghe Palace hanging from his waist. It seemed that he was a Taoist from the Qinghe Palace.

   "A recipe for tonifying qi and blood?" Old Man Li was a little puzzled.

   The face is ruddy, the body is strong, the limbs are well-proportioned and powerful, and the voice is full of vigor and blood.

   "This Taoist priest, you have stronger blood and energy than ordinary laborers. What's wrong with you? You can't take tonics indiscriminately. If you eat too much, you will get sick." Old man Li spoke with a Ningzhou accent and kindly advised.

   The Taoist patted his chest.

   "Boss, don't look at my loud voice, but I feel empty. I look ruddy because I just took something to nourish qi and blood. Once the medicine stops, it won't work so well."

   Old man Li shook his head. He was just a shop owner. Since someone else asked for it, as long as it wasn't a poison that was strictly prohibited from being sold by the government, tonic or something would be up to the other party.

   Maybe this person looks healthy, but is there some kind of unspeakable hidden disease?

  Thinking of this, Old Man Li couldn't help but glance down at the other's lower body, his eyes strange.

   Zhang Rongfang didn't care about this, he is now immersed in the harvest just now.

   The two mountain bandits, in their purses, were forced to pull out 5 taels of silver bills.

   This is 5 taels!

   In Huaxin County, 5 taels can buy more than one stone of brown rice, and replace it with the unit of the previous life, which is about 150 jin.

   Even for Zhang Rongfang, it is a lot of income. Especially after he was fined for two months without a bill, he cherished the hard-won money even more.

All the money from    was used for gifts. And this time, the money he has worked so hard to accumulate is the savings that he can truly freely dispose of.

   "The recipes for Dabu, here are Bazhen Tang and Shiquan Dabu Tang. Which one do you want? You can also choose the year of the herbs in it. But those that are more than ten years old are very expensive, so let me remind you."

  Old Man Li rummaged through, and there happened to be some leftover medicine packs bought by old customers before. They were all packed in advance, and the paper packs were very neat.

   just happened to be sold to this man.

   "Eight Treasures Soup? Which Eight Treasures?" Zhang Rongfang felt that he was a little familiar. In his previous life, he seemed to have heard of this kind of medicine.

   "Well, it's a combination of Sijunzi soup and Siwu soup." Old Man Li gave a brief introduction.

   "Among them are ginseng, Poria, Atractylodes, Licorice, Rehmannia glutinosa, Paeonia lactiflora, Angelica, and Shanxiong.

  It is mainly used to treat symptoms such as deficiency of qi and blood, pale complexion, general weakness, dizziness, and loss of appetite.”

   Old Man Li looked at the Taoist's slightly strong arm, with a red complexion, and didn't say any more.

   "Can this thing make up for it?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

   "Well, qi is the main thing, suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach," said old man Li.

   "I'm just exercising to reduce the spleen and stomach." Zhang Rong was happy.

  "." Watching the other party tap the banknotes on the counter, Old Man Li chose to stop talking nonsense.

   "However, is it okay to simply replenish blood?" Zhang Rongfang asked again, he felt that his attribute abilities might only need blood, not qi.

   "Then just buy Siwu soup. But..." Old Man Li wanted to say something else.

   "That's it! How much is a pair? How long can a pair last?" Zhang Rongfang waved his hand and interrupted.

   "One or two pairs, one can be eaten twice, the third time the effect will be much weaker. The way you take it depends on your condition. Of course, the medicinal materials are all in poor years. If you want a good year, you have to pay more."

   "Five pairs! After eating it, the effect is good!"

   Soon, Zhang Rongfang left in a hurry with five sets of Siwu soup. Leaving the old man Li, who was hesitant to say anything, stand in the counter.

   He actually wanted to say just now that Siwu Tang is used to nourish blood and regulate menstruation for women, so it is also commonly known as Women's Friend Tang.

   Zhang Rongfang went out of the pharmacy, holding the cloth bag in his hand, feeling at ease.

  5 two silver notes, which is equivalent to the sum of his regular money for two months. Unfortunately, after this time, it will be difficult to think about this opportunity again.

   For many wealthy households, 5 taels is just the price of a piece of clothing, but for him, who has no source of income, it is a lot.

   He walked quickly in Huaxin County, crossing small stone arch bridges from time to time.

   On the street, there are a lot of pedestrians coming and going.

   Many of them had pale skin, similar to the Europeans he had seen in his previous life. There are also occasional black people passing by, most of which are yellow-skinned people.

   However, unlike in Tianyin County, passers-by here don’t have yellow faces and thin skin even if they dress up as farmers. From time to time, people gather around some square wooden platforms to shout and applaud.


   A gong sounded in the distance.

   "It is the will of the Holy One to send troops to the country, and those who are willing to take the initiative to join the army can go to the yamen to receive compensation materials."

   "The will of the Holy One, send troops to destroy the country"

   With the sound of a gong, a small group of officers and soldiers wearing iron hats slowly walked along the street.

  These officers and soldiers wore gray cloth uniforms, leather belts, long knives hanging from their waists, and most of them carried bows and arrows on their backs.

   The leader who walked in the front was also wearing a protective black iron mask. The mask is engraved with a wolf pattern.

   Zhang Rongfang stopped a little and looked at the officers and soldiers passing by.

  Looking at the other people around him who avoided snakes and scorpions, he seemed to be able to understand why so many people wanted to sharpen their heads and squeezed towards Taoism and Buddhism.

   Daling is a warrior, fighting every year, always going out to invade other countries and regions.

   In any battle, regardless of victory or defeat, there will be casualties. Although the Great Spirit is powerful and invincible, it does not mean that it can conquer other countries without damage.

   In addition, the uprisings that broke out from time to time in various places also required a large number of soldiers to suppress.

   In such a situation, being a soldier is really a chore. Once he leaves home, he may never come back, and he may die in an unknown battlefield.

   Zhang Rongfang's heart was heavy, and he suddenly remembered the predecessor of this body.

   The predecessor's elder sister, in order to avoid military service for the predecessor, so that the two brothers and sisters would no longer be bullied, took the initiative to design and seduce the powerful.

  Because she was born in a Confucian family and has a family background, her temperament is far better than that of ordinary women. Unexpectedly, she actually succeeded in the end.

  Unfortunately, they are now separated.

   But that's fine, if he didn't get separated, he really didn't know how to disguise his previous personality and other characteristics.

  At the moment, he didn't think about it anymore, hurried back in the direction of Qinghe Palace with the medicine bag in hand.

   That is, taking advantage of these few days to come back from the outside inspection, Xiao Qingying settled down temporarily.

   Because of her private gathering with Chen Wuyou, Xiao Rong was punished by Xiao Rong to go to the Lingguan Hall to recite sutras and think about it, and she was not allowed to go anywhere.

  In this way, Zhang Rong has time to move freely, but he has to rush back as soon as possible before dark.

  Because Xiao Qingying's daily rest time is one hour before dark.

   Carrying the medicine bag all the way back, from Huaxin County to Qinghe Palace, it takes an hour and a half for a single trip.

   When he returned to the room and started to prepare the medicine, it was already dark.

   First go to the dining hall with Xiao Qingying, and then send the woman back to her room to rest.

After   , he came to the back mountain alone, put the medicine pot he bought, stuffed the medicinal materials into it, added water, set firewood, and set fire to it.

   Half an hour later, Zhang Rongfang picked up a bowl of dark medicinal soup and smelled the strong medicinal smell inside.

  ‘Hope it works. ’

   He felt that it was too slow to accumulate attribute points by eating.

   If you can open up a way to speed up taking medicine, you may be able to walk a lot better in the future.

   swayed the medicinal soup in the Xiamu bowl, he blew, and slowly drank it in small sips.

   (end of this chapter)