MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 15 15 (Thanks Chen Feng Cuoyu Alliance Leader)

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   Chapter 15 15 (Thanks Chen Feng Cuo Yu Alliance Leader)


  The raindrops slanted and fell on countless yellow-tiled and red-walled pavilions.

  The pavilions are like leaves, the roads are like silk, and the whole area is like a huge silkworm pot covered with mulberry leaves.

   The moving white carts are countless tiny white silkworms.

  In the corner of the city, in a luxurious five-story brown loft.

  A soft woman with bright eyes, dressed in a long blue dress, leaned in front of the window lattice.

   The skirt on her body is densely clouded, the waist is cinched with narrow shoulders, and the white jade arms are hidden in the long sleeves.

  The elegant color of the skirt is like blue and white porcelain, and it is matched with the complex bun that is pulled up high by the woman, which shows that its clarity is mixed with a delicate touch of fragility.

   "Little fish, it's getting dark, go back and rest."

   There was another person in the gorgeous room, a tall man with a dark red birthmark on his right cheek, wearing the same dark blue splendid robe, and softly persuading the woman.

   "Well, husband. Concubine will be back soon." The woman turned her head and bowed slightly.

   "Still thinking of your brother?" The man stepped forward and gently embraced the woman's waist.

   "I sent someone to look for him, but unfortunately I couldn't find it, but your Taoist registration has come into effect. I found someone using it, and he should still go the way you arranged.

   In fact, as long as you enter the door, it is much safer than outside. At least you don’t have to worry about food and clothing, and you don’t have to worry too much. Watch out for a broken body. "

   His hand lightly placed on the woman's lower abdomen, as if he was feeling something.

   "Even for our children, you have to take care of yourself."

  The woman's eyes showed deep emotion.

  Although the husband is ugly and looks a little scary, but the original self, the choice is really right.

   He really likes himself.

   Even if he is a barbarian Confucian householder, the other party doesn't care and includes himself in the door.

   In the system stipulated by the Great Spirit, the Spirit Race can marry four wives, and each of them is a regular wife of equal status, regardless of the level.

   Husband gave up most of his career and inheritance for him, despite the opposition of his family, and finally succeeded in letting her in.

  Nowadays, although the two of them are not as good as before, they are still living a good life.


   "Rong Fang has a stubborn temper since he was a child, I'm worried that he won't get over it" The woman is Zhang Rongfang's sister Zhang Rongyu.

   After she left Tianyin County, she followed her husband all the way to Dadu.

   Originally thought that her husband just wanted to play with her, but he didn't expect that he really liked him.

   Every time he beat himself up, he would cry and repent afterwards, begging himself for forgiveness.

   In fact, Zhang Rongyu also knew that if it weren't for this, he would not have the opportunity to get close to each other.

   And the husband is very gentle to her most of the time, except for occasional psychosis and irritability.

   So she is already very satisfied

   "Master, Madam! Found it, found it!" Suddenly a chubby little maid, waving the letter in her hand, pushed the door and rushed in.

   "Baozi, what did you find?!" Zhang Rongyu's heart jumped, and she quickly looked up at the maid.

  Bun is a personal maid arranged for her by her husband, and she was instructed to keep looking at the money to find her brother.

   Now this cry, is it.! ?

   "Master Madam, it's Madam's younger brother, found it! A letter from Tianyin County said that it was found!" Baozi exclaimed excitedly.


   Zhang Rongyu straightened up, her lips trembled, and her eyes turned red.

   "Is he all right?"

   "It's okay, it's a letter. Madam's younger brother is still in the Qinghe Dao Palace. Look, this is a letter!" Baozi hurriedly stepped forward and sent the letter.

   Zhang Rongyu and her husband took the letter and read it carefully together.

   Above is the information described by the investigators, all of which are general information about Zhang Rongfang.

   Before reading it, Zhang Rongyu couldn't help sobbing in a low voice. Not sad, she was too happy.

   "Tianyin County and Huaxin County are separated by at least two counties. How did he get there alone?" The husband sighed softly.

   "He must have suffered a lot" Zhang Rongyu leaned weakly in her husband's arms.

   "Don't worry. I am here, as long as someone finds it."

  The man hugged his wife gently, wondering how he could help her to make her feel at ease.

   With his current position, he can't make it clear, otherwise it will be harmful to his brother-in-law and will be targeted by some people and become a weakness of him.

  It is best to send someone to send some property quietly, and then entrust the most trusted person to take care of one or two, so it is the best.

   It's just Huaxin County. It's not his business place. It's easy to send some property, but the person who takes care of it has to think about it.




  ! !

   Zhang Rongfang's arms barely rubbed the edge of the dagger's blade, and hit the bandit in the heart of the bandit.

   Seeing that the opponent was caught off guard, his vision was disturbed by the beast clip, he wanted to punch, but his body was stiffened by his own blow, and he fell backwards.

   At this moment, Zhang Rongfang's body instinctively followed Yue Xingfu's follow-up moves. Thirty-two moves in a row were like flying down, and mercury poured down the ground. In just ten seconds, they all hit the mountain bandits.

   At this moment, why worry about being injured and infected, worrying about being disabled, worrying about leaving sequelae, worrying about yourself?

   They all vomited blood at each other's mouth, and their eyes squinted and quickly dissipated.

   The fists and palms are staggered and surrounded by a chain.

   The last form.

  The crane carries the fish.

   Zhang Rongfang's palms are in the shape of bird's claws.


   fell to the ground with the corpse.

   Zhang Rongfang was panting and stood there, blood spattered everywhere.

   His mind was blank, but his survival instinct made him quickly scavenge the mountain bandit once, then turned around and ran.

   He was afraid that the other party still had his comrades.

   Until now, he suddenly realized that the level that the person in front of him was dealing with was at most an ordinary warrior who had seen blood.

   This person's rough block, embarrassing dodge, speed and strength are definitely not of the grade, that is, similar to him, he has practiced some superficial martial arts, but the realm is not high, not even at the level of nourishing blood.

   The most important thing is that this person's martial arts skills are rough, and it is estimated that he learned ordinary boxing from somewhere. There are too many flaws in his gestures, and there are many small movements.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Rongfang understood a little, what Brother Zhang Xintai said, the most important thing is martial arts.

   Good martial arts, few flaws, great power, and quick shots.

   Poor martial arts, many flaws, low power, slow shot.

   Many times, a flaw is a fatal point.

After the    fight, Zhang Rongfang ran all the way, and ran for hundreds of meters in the woods in one breath, only to remember that he had to find Xiao Qingying.

   And didn't he just put out the messenger?

  ‘No, I have to rush back! If a person encounters a bandit gang, he will be in trouble! ’

  Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat, and he turned and rushed back towards the village.

   He walked very carefully, for fear of being discovered.

   Killing someone for the first time, Zhang Rongfang felt inexplicably frightened.

   He was afraid, afraid of being discovered, he killed the bandit himself. As a little Taoist priest who has not practiced martial arts for a long time, it is impossible for him to play the extremely skilled Yue-shaped talisman just now.

   is likely to be suspected.

   Afraid that he would kill someone, he was caught and imprisoned.

   I was afraid that someone else would come out behind that person and make trouble for him.

  What if they assassinate me?

  What if they attack me while I'm asleep?

  What if they use other methods to poison?

   All kinds of worries stirred in his mind again.

  ‘No, I can’t expose it, I can’t let people know that I killed the person.

   Moreover, my background determines that even if I show my aptitude and strength, it is impossible for me to turn over if I am less than the second rank.

   Instead of this, it is better to hide his strength first, and then wait for the second rank to see if he can go to the Imperial Court Jixianyuan for assessment. ’

  Jixianyuan is a special religious jurisdiction established by Daling to govern the Taoism of the world.

   As long as you can pass the second-rank assessment, even a barbarian can get a temporary rank.

   Even if he was just a temporary member without actual power, it was enough for him to break away from Xiao Qingying and live on his own.

   After walking slowly in the forest for a while, Zhang Rongfang gradually calmed down.

  Although there are still a lot of worries and fears, he is much quieter than at the beginning.

   Everyone was killed. Now, everything is a foregone conclusion, and I can only think about how to deal with it in the future.

and also

   "Xiao Qingying" Zhang Rong felt a headache when he thought of this guy.

   This guy doesn't know where he went with Chen Wuyou again.

   All the way back to the village quietly, Zhang Rongfang happened to meet Yang Xuanchao and others who came to support him.

   He didn't hide it, he told the specific things one by one. Except for killing one person, he didn't hide anything.

   After hearing that Xiao Qingying and Chen Wuyou were gone, Yang Xuanchao's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly dispersed and searched around.

   He received the money and was ready to cooperate with the other party, but what happened now? The target is still alive and well, the rest are.

   "Since you have nothing to do, just follow me to search." Yang Xuanchao thought for a while and directly ordered.

   "Yes." Zhang Rongfang was slightly taken aback, and he felt something was wrong from this sentence.

   Generally speaking, for a person like him who managed to escape from death, the first solution should be to let him go to a safe place to rest.

   But Yang Xuanchao's approach was to ignore his state and let him follow him again to find people.

   it seems

   Zhang Rongfang seemed to understand a little.

   This time, someone really left the relationship, and I want to target him.

  ‘Did you offend someone during your last outing? ’

   He pondered while following the team to search around.

   Being able to walk is related to the officers and soldiers, and the only one who offends may be Chen Wuyou.

   Soon the group returned to the place where the two mountain bandits died.

   Looking at the inhuman corpse on the ground, Yang Xuanchao's eyes twitched slightly, and he looked back at Zhang Rongfang.

   One was killed by traps, and the other was killed by someone who did not know how.

   He crouched down and examined the edge of the corpse.

   "I was beaten to death by the fist. There were wounds on the face, eyes and nose with the trap."

   "The rest of the people, take this as the center, and search in all directions." He got up and ordered.


   A group of Great Spirit officers and soldiers dispersed one after another. These soldiers were usually lazy, but at critical moments, their movements were still forbidden and very fast.

  Zhang Rongfang was in the middle of it, and after a while, he also joined the two captains, Na Mu Shi, who came in a hurry.

   (end of this chapter)