MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 272

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After learning about Shark Pepper's intentions, Urbian couldn't help but pay attention to the matter of this deep-sea knight, whether he was a former science consul or a deep-sea hunter.

But when he really saw Don Quixote awakened by the shark chili, Urbian had mixed joys and sorrows. The joy was that there had been a breakthrough in the technology of making deep-sea hunters. be saved.

As for the worry, it is natural that this technology does not belong to the deep sea Agor.

Urbian is well aware of the arrogance of other deep-sea Agor high-level officials, and even has another even more terrifying conjecture. If the "naive" Gloria still holds the expectation that Rhodes Island and Agor will live in peace, then His idea is that there must be a battle between the two sides.

Although Urbian didn't want to stand in front of Agor without a brain, they were his compatriots after all. The stronger Rhodes Island was, the worse it would be for Deep Sea Agor to be beaten in the future.

But just as Urbian was thinking about whether there was a solution, a strong metal palm patted him on the shoulder from behind.

"Third Captain, is it still so deep? It's time to go!"

"...What, where are you going?"

When Urbian suddenly saw Shark Pepper's handsome face in the deep sea aesthetics again, he was in a trance for a while, and there seemed to be two images interlacing in his mind.

One is Shark Pepper standing on the stage in the middle of the deep-sea city, clenched his fists like a superstar, raised his arms and shouted, making the Agor people in the audience respond.

As for the other, Shark Pepper stepped heavily on a **** hand protruding from the ruins of the deep-sea city, and even the high-pressure seawater rushing through the barrier behind him shunned him.

"Huh? Third captain, you can forget all this. Didn't you want to send her to the flagship of the Fool to raise Gu? My old friend has already sent the exact coordinates."

Shark Pepper even slid Amaya's back neck with one hand and showed it to the third captain like catching a cat. It is amazing that Amaya, who was treated in such a humiliating manner, did not show any resentment. Fortunately.

Because she was just raised from Warfarin by Shark Pepper, and since Amaya is the enemy, it makes sense to have Gavial as a guard.

The third captain at least had blood drawn under anesthesia, but Amaya wanted to watch Warfarin do whatever she wanted with an evil smile on her face.

Even if the protective mechanism of the human body's instinct is triggered and wants to pass out, Gavial will "lightly wake up the sleeping soul".

'It turns out that the real monster is not this shark-shaped super robot, but Rhodes Island! '

Maybe Amaya is the one present who most urgently wants to reach the Fool, anyway, just get away from those ghost and animal doctors as soon as possible.

"...Oh, yes, that's right, let's go then."

After being reminded by Shark Pepper, Urbian finally remembered his original purpose. He could only temporarily put those new ideas behind him. After all, the importance of this experiment was originally related to how he would face the deep-sea Agor. status quo.

Chapter 719 Amaya: Shark pepper, but that's it

A huge ship made of gold is moored on the lonely sea, even though the wind and waves beat on its side full of barnacles and remains of sea children, but it can't shake it at all. This is Stutifera, The Iberian Fool.

But even if it is real gold, it will be dimmed by oxidation and corroded by the blood of people and sea descendants, and cannot hide the traces of time. However, when Shark Pepper boarded its deck, he immediately witnessed its changes over the past few decades. struggle.

Unlike the vicissitudes of the outer side of the ship, everything on the bow deck is as clean as new, as if the ship has just sailed out of the port and is ready to carry out its first voyage mission.

Someone is clearly doing routine maintenance on a non-stop basis, even if it seems pointless, it can't be for the postpartum care of the mother and child, can it?

However, Shabo, who had seen this kind of sophistication, obviously thought of something, so he patted the shoulder of the third leader who was kneeling on the floor to sort out his stomach.

Then he threw Amaya, who had the same green face and was foaming at the mouth, in front of him.

"I'll leave it to you to dispose of her. I'm very interested in the mixed design style of sails and machinery on this ship. I'll go and visit it first."

"Wait! This ship may not be as simple as Hai Si's lair, if you rush into it..."


The third captain endured the turbulence of the liquid in his stomach, and instinctively and kindly reminded the shark that there may be a high degree of danger inside the pepper. After all, this is where Amaya's belief in survival lies, and he has to guard against it.

But it wasn't until he looked up at Shark Pepper's scarlet eyes that somehow perfectly expressed bewilderment that he realized that he was being stupid.

This guy in front of him is a robot more powerful than himself, and even the operator behind him may be a powerful existence beyond Terra.

Even if the Haisi inside could threaten Shark Pepper and even destroy it, it should be Haisi himself who needs to worry more about being retaliated by this guy's narrow-mindedness, maybe it will be a round of space-based weapons from outer space.

After all, if you are in a hurry to play the game, you will drop the controller and hit the screen.

"No, it's fine. I just want to make a little trouble. If you encounter a unique Haisi evolution individual, try to catch them alive if you can."

"No problem, it's a small matter."

Shark Chili walked into the cabin's staircase entrance indifferently, leaving only the third captain and Amaya, a strange pair of "lonely men and widows", falling into an awkward silence here.

To be honest, although Urbian is not at all the same as Amaya, the deep-sea bishop, but also as a "victim" of Shark Chili, he did start to sympathize with Amaya.

"Aren't you thinking about completing your experimental project in Chao Simu? Then stand up and act immediately. If you procrastinate and anger that guy again, I can't protect you anymore."

"What if I can kill him? Urbian, would you like to be my compatriot?"

Amaya, who hadn't spoken for a long time, almost frightened the whale to death as soon as she uttered it. Urbian's eyes widened and he turned to look at this arrogant woman.

"… What are you kidding? "

"Are you kidding yourself, don't you know? Even if my experiment didn't achieve the desired effect, Agor still has no future, and the same is true for a alien like you who has kept our blood."

"About Agor and the deep-sea hunter, you've already nagged me countless times, but you know that's not what I just asked!"

At this time, the corner of Amaya's mouth showed a slight arc. The reason why she became the bishop of the deep sea was not only the biochemical experiment technology she learned from Quintus, but also because of her eloquence that was so deceptive.

This is largely due to her hobby of translating literary works from various countries in Terra.

For a person like Urbian, who looks simple and strong on the outside, but is actually extremely delicate and complex on the inside, Amaya can easily use language skills to take the initiative in the conversation.

And the reason why she didn't dare to speak when facing Shark Pepper was, of course, because she was afraid that such a reckless man who would directly smash through the roof and floor of your house to arrest people would be unreasonable and would reveal his intentions in vain.

"Just to give you a possibility. Agor's technology is so advanced, don't you hunters still need to use the most primitive fighting methods to fight against us? That shark-shaped robot is just a product of a more advanced civilization.

Do you still remember that Hai Si is the natural enemy of civilization? "


Of course, Urbian remembered that Hai Si was not as cautious as he is now, lurking and sneaking everywhere to plan his territory, but like locusts covering the sky and encroaching on the territory recklessly.

Even Agor of the deep sea, whose technology has crushed all of Terra, is as helpless in front of sea children as crops under the mouth of locusts, all because of a terrifying power of the mother of sea children—"Quietness".

Iberia, who must have endured the "great tranquility" of Haimu's death, has a deep understanding of this.

"Quiet" is like the final form of information warfare in another time and space. It completely paralyzes all the advanced means of the enemy, and its combat capability immediately regresses to the level of a small African warlord holding up an AK and blindly shooting Jaguar without even opening his eyes.

The crystallization of wisdom in electronic machinery has all been reduced to scrap iron under the cover of "Quietness". The deep-sea Agor, who is used to being crushed by technology, can only take up cold weapons and fight with Haisi, but he still can't stop his defeat. slumped as they also had to deal with nerve damage.

It wasn't until the Priest Consul Amy Bosh, one of Agor's nine consuls, proposed the deep-sea hunter project that Agor gradually turned from defense to offense, and finally launched a general attack on the sea mother.

However, this plan to use their own compatriots for cruel experiments is not approved by all consuls.

But the Deep Sea Hunter project did save Deep Sea Agor, and the Priest Consul Aimeebosh, who had the least power, became very popular because of this. He was almost unanimous in the Consul Council, just like a real queen.

So typical opponents like Urbian and Gloria can only resolutely choose to join the Deep Sea Hunter, one is to set an example for their compatriots, and the other is to personally supervise the normal operation of the project and avoid the tragedy of abuse of power.

And other consuls who don't have this kind of awareness, even if they feel dissatisfied with Aimee Bosh, they can only hide it in their hearts and obediently obey her orders.

Urbian's thoughts gradually drifted away, but when he recovered, he still understood Amaya's meaning very clearly.

"You want to be..."

"Yes, I want to be ishr-mla, or in the language of the land, Isamura, whichever you prefer."

"It's impossible! Why do you have such confidence?"

Ishamura, this is the first speaker's name for Skadi, and it is also the "sacred name" that Haizi's ancient **** Haimother has in the Haizi group.

"Hehe, when the current Isamura successfully resisted the fate of becoming a compatriot, you also didn't believe it, and even went to confirm it in person, which just shows that neither you nor I know anything about the true potential of people.

Besides, I don't want you to express your attitude now. I just said that if I have the ability of Isamura after I become a compatriot, maybe you and I can start a real cooperation. Dealing with an acquaintance is better than dealing with those who just Wouldn't it be more convenient to learn to speak as a messenger?

Because only I know what you are worried about, as long as you can try your best to protect me when I am weak, I hope I can help you eliminate the threat to Agor. Whether the two are equivalent is up to you to decide. "

Although Amaya didn't say it clearly, Urbian knew very well that the threat she said to Agor refers to guys like Shark Pepper who use Cybertron technology to reduce dimensionality.

Presumably including Rhode Island as well.

It is precisely because Cybertron technology is too advanced that it is even more afraid of being devastated by silence.

After hearing Amaya's proposal, Urbian did hesitate, and he even recalled the imaginary picture of the shark chili trampling the entire deep-sea city under his feet.

But after thinking about it for a while, he didn't reply.

"Stop wishful thinking! Hurry up and go to complete your experiment!"

Amaya was forcefully pushed forward by Urbian, but she was not annoyed because she knew that she had successfully planted the seed.

Chapter 720 Alfonso: No one knows how to pretend better than me!


The casual visit that Shark Pepper mentioned is not the same as those exploration and decryption games, where you just honestly look for keys or mechanisms when you encounter a door that cannot be opened.

Instead, he directly blasted it away with an old fist, without any intention of respecting the precious heritage of the Iberian Golden Age. Before coming to this room, he had broken through more than a dozen rooms in the same way.

First of all, what he found was entrenched in every corner, and he seemed to regard this place as his own bedroom to enjoy. Of course, every one of them was cut off by Shabo with a cybertron saber.

If it wasn't for Haisi's bodily fluids not wanting to spill all over the room, their fate would probably have been blown out of the air by Shark Pepper on the spot like a door with his Sea Shark Exploding Fist.

And the second most discovered are those personal belongings scattered everywhere, many of which are very valuable belongings, jewelry and so on, but when they lose the love of their masters, they are treated as garbage by these Hai Si who only like nutrition Wanton discarded.

But these are just appearances, and only after an in-depth search will you find something truly meaningful, such as the letters and diaries left by those crew members back then, and even the drawings of the various functional areas of the Fool.

Although these letters and diaries are basically like the classic diary format of Resident Evil at the end, they start to go crazy when they write.

If the willpower is weak, half of the content will be cut off in the air, leaving a large blank space, just like a pigeon.

But for those with stronger willpower, the handwriting only gradually became intermittent, scribbled and distorted, at least you can barely see what he wants to express.

Or the farewell to the family, or the worry about the fate of the country, or the heartfelt blessings to the captain before he died, with the addition of the buff of martial arts prosperity, hoping that he can overcome the disaster and bring the ship back to Iberia ya.

Among them, the most outrageous letter that Shabo saw was a suicide note left by a crew member to his family. It started to gradually become intermittent and scribbled.

But at the end, the style of painting changed, and the handwriting suddenly became neat and correct, and he began to invite his family to join him in the harmonious and friendly family of Hai Si, and the whole family moved to the big pineapple in the deep sea...

Then there was a purple-red spatter-like bloodstain on the letter paper, probably executed by others.

This old man is obviously so talented that after being completely transformed, he has an IQ comparable to that of a high-ranking Haisi, and even retains the ability to write.

If he hadn't died, how could there still be a beautiful brother today... as the first speaker?

However, no matter how touchingly written these letters were, they could not impress Shabo's "cold" fire. It was not because of a loss of sympathy, but after seeing tragedies, he knew that mourning for the past was the most ineffective form.

Perhaps ordinary people desperately need this form to condense their inner strength, but for a resolute leader like him, the only thing to do is to completely prevent it from happening again.

So he turned to study the blueprint of the Fool he found. Although it is just an ordinary blueprint used by the crew for daily maintenance work and basically does not involve any confidential matters, it is also more convenient for Shabo to familiarize himself with the overall structure of the ship and analyze it quickly. at its core.

Sure enough, he immediately found three important cabins, one was the officers' meeting room, the other was the archives room, and the last one was the captain's room with the word "throne" handwritten on the side.

"It's really arrogant. A fleet captain can also use the throne. This can only happen in a country like Iberia that worships sea power?"

The captain of the Fool's flagship, Alfonso, used to be a more important figure than the saint Carmen. Back then, Carmen was elected as the Pope of Iberia. It is not very unusual for Alfonso to be as famous as the "King". .

Originally, Shabo planned to go to the archives to search first, but seeing that Alfonso was so pretentious, he decided to divert to the captain's throne to pay his respects.

Anyway, the file will not run away, so Hai Si doesn't eat that stuff.

But when he turned around to look, he found a "alien" Hai Si looking at him from the opposite side of the railing.

Hai Si has a strange shape, but most of them can recognize the characteristics of marine life at a glance. The reason why this one can be called "alien" is because it doesn't look like a marine life at all.

It's more like a top laner from Gavill's hometown, except that his slightly thin body is a serious Haisi-style blue-gray, and he wears more tattered cloth than those on the crocodile top laner, and even wears a jewelry.

Although it doesn't look like a human at all, this appearance is still humanoid in Terra's half-beast species.

When the shark walked out the door, it turned and fled immediately.

"...Meaning, is this guy also a 'wild deep-sea hunter' like Don Quixote? If that's the case, I can't let you go, come and work for me obediently!"

Shark Pepper immediately leaped over the nearly 20-meter railing and aisle, and then chased after the opponent. His Cybertron system had already locked on the opponent. Coupled with the structure diagram of the Fool just scanned, the opponent wanted to It is impossible to escape.

However, after chasing for a while, Shabo found that its escape path was most likely to lead to the captain's room he wanted to go to just now, so he simply slowed down and let it run in before chasing him.

I want to see who else is pretending to be in it!

After all, the most basic virtue of a pretender is not to interrupt other people’s pretending, because if you beat him after he’s done pretending, his pretending will naturally become your pretending.

But Wei Laoer was the exception, the old dragon stick of this coin did not perform in public, it was so boring.

Later, when Shark Pepper walked into the so-called captain's room leisurely, he finally knew why it was called the throne.

Nima! Alfonso is worthy of being an old-timer in the world of pretending! What kind of captain's room is this? It's clearly the Roman royal bathhouse made of gold in mythological dramas!

If Alfonso was a little less serious back then, the whole wine pool and meat forest here would not violate harmony at all.

Shabo seems to be immersed in this artistic style full of "humanistic atmosphere", completely forgetting the original purpose, and even leaving aside the sea descendant he was chasing just now.

Until a slightly embarrassing voice sounded in the spacious bathhouse.