MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 251

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"Don't worry, they just stayed on the edge for too long and were overly fed by the escaping life energy. They can wake up after a good sleep, but if you are in a hurry to wake him up, cut him twice with a knife and let him go." Bleeding is also OK. "

Boss Qiao shook his short tail violently to shake off the dirt on his body, and then slapped Mostima's smooth white thigh with his fins.

Well, it feels good in the hand, quite strong, and has its own advantages and disadvantages with the black silk flow of the angel. It would be perfect if it could be a little more fleshy.

"Who are you!"

Mostima, whose leg was touched, didn't seem to respond, but Fiameta had already picked up her gun and pointed it over. Although she was almost amused by the huge psychological gap just now, she didn't look down on Penguin at all. mean.

After all, she was also the one who came into contact with the Emperor with Mostima. It has to be said that although the Emperor's ambition is not here, he does have the qualities to become a hero.

"Huh? Didn't they introduce you just now? I just said that these rookies are unreliable. Okay, then I will introduce myself once. I am the commander-in-chief of the Rhodes Island Operations Department, code-named Doctor.

Of course, in terms of your relationship with Neng Liang...cough, Neng Angel, you can call me another code-named boss. "


What the hell, is this the righteous person of Remulle? Isn't this a righteous goose! ?

Fiametta suddenly fell into a sluggish state, and even Mostima began to ponder. Although she was the one who suggested to the Emperor to recruit Remuule into the team, now Remuule is obviously more at home in Penguin Logistics than she is. .

In addition, the righteous person that Lei Mule talked about was actually a penguin like the emperor. Could it be...A Le is a Fu Ruikong! ?

Well, it seems wrong to say Fu Ruikong in Terra, but at least one Penguincontrol can't escape.

It's over, I abducted Lei Mule to Longmen, and as a result, she twisted her sexuality, how can I explain this to her sister, Lei Mu'an!

Chapter 677 Sister Inherits Sister Business, Nanfeng Second Team, Assemble!

As I said in advance, Boss Qiao came here after being fully prepared, so not only did he recognize the Mostima he had drawn when he was a Doctor of Games, but even Fiameta, Lemuane and Andor I probably know about En.

Because even if Andorn hurt Lemuane in order to verify the question of "why only Lateran is a paradise and why only Sakota can be favored", he still failed to find the answer.

So he took the initiative to resign from the Pope and left Lateran, went to Iberia to help those poor and unblessed non-Latlan people, and also met many like-minded "pathfinders" on this long journey ", until recently returned to Rutland.

Although his identity as a Sakota deserves the hospitality and privileges of the Iberian side, Bernard, the Chief Secret Service responsible for monitoring the Lateran Church and its punishment army, certainly does not think so.

And An Duoen is not a conspirator like Black Snake who would hide everything to death, and he never thought of covering up outside investigations, so the information collected by Bernadine is now cheaper, Boss Joe .

After all, even if the vest of Shark Pepper is not moved out, Rhodes Island and Iberia are now a cooperative alliance, and some information that is not related to Iberia's domestic secrets can still be shared.

"Please tell your two bosses, the Pope, that Rhodes Island never discriminates against operators of any race. If I can't let my secretary Sarkaz enter the country, I will turn my back and leave now! What's wrong with the Conference of Nations, Can such a narrow country be called Ten Thousand Kingdoms?"

After introducing himself, Boss Qiao gave an ultimatum without delay. Mostima and Fiameta looked at each other after hearing the words, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

In fact, one of them is a fallen angel, and the other is Li Boli, who wants to kill a certain angel. Both of them can be regarded as outliers among the Lateran people. As far as their personal thoughts are concerned, neither of them objected to Boss Qiao's approach.

As for this airport that has been transformed into a virgin forest? In Rutland, there are not a few buildings that have been blown up and then rebuilt by the Sakotas who are good at working outside the rules. They even invite the staff of the notary office to observe in advance.

The reason is simply "this thing is too perfectly coordinated, I want to see the novelty and contrast after blowing it up".

So as long as they didn't kill the residents here and arouse hatred, the Sakota people have always been indifferent. The big deal is that Rhodes Island will pay to rebuild a forest park here.

However, they are just wage earners here, and the only one who can make decisions is the Pope who has the sole right to interpret the law. Although the Pope has always been very talkative, Lemuen even dared to call him an old man in front of him.

But compared with letting Sarkaz enter the city, the impact is still different. Since Tracys took control of Kazdel, some Sakota have had a real blood feud with Sarkaz.

But what they didn't expect was that the Pope agreed to let that Sarkaz enter Lateran, on the condition that any actions of the Rhode Island delegation in Lateran must be supervised by the Pope. accompanied by envoys.

Needless to say, the so-called special envoys were Mastema and Fiameta.

"...Why do you feel something is wrong?"

Fiameta always felt that she had been betrayed, while the deeper Mostima just smiled and said nothing, because she had already seen the importance of Rhodes Island to today's Lateran.

The Pope most likely wanted to use Rhodes Island as the key to try to end the feud between Sakota and Sarkaz, otherwise he would not have made such a compromise.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I wouldn't want to come if your pope boss is the kind of stingy Bara. Let's go, the two envoys, lead the way. I want to meet the old lady who can make an angel. I have something here that the angel asked me to bring, and I want to give it to her."

Boss Qiao was a proficient flying suit, and then sat down on Shirtel's shoulder, while Fiameta, who had no sense of blessing and empathy, could only choose to perform the task in a fog, but looked back before leaving Seeing the guards sleeping soundly all over the floor, they used a communicator to contact others to come to deal with the aftermath.


"Why did you come back so soon, and the mission went smoothly... Hey, who is this?"

Lemuen, who was still sitting there, turned her head to greet Mostima and Fiameta, but she caught sight of Sylter, who was particularly eye-catching in Lateran, and failed to accept the Pope's order. Of course she would be surprised.

As for the Boqi sitting on Shirtel's shoulder... I'm sorry, Lemuane, who spent five years wasted on the hospital bed, doesn't have such a rich imagination. She must have thought it was someone's favorite decorative doll.

However, the moment Boss Joe first entered the ward, his special agent instincts keenly discovered the abnormality here. Right next to the wheelchair where the pink-haired chick was sitting, the drooping sheets of the bed were still shaking, and It doesn't match the direction of the wind blowing in from the window.

Obviously, Lemuane noticed that when Mastema and Fiameta returned, they hurriedly hid something inside.

According to Angel Neng, although her sister looks quiet and skillful, she is actually a restless guy like her, so there is a high probability that it is Lemuen's guardian gun that should have been kept by the hospital.

As for how to get it, it must be some shady tricks. Boss Qiao nodded calmly to express his satisfaction. It seems that the "newcomers" in this class are of high quality.

"This is the doctor from Rhodes Island. Your Excellency the Pope appointed the two of us to accompany the doctor during the Conference of Nations. However, the doctor has something that Ale asked you to give to you, so he came back first."

Although Boss Qiao had said that Fiameta should call him Boss, but as a Rutland official, she would definitely not want to call someone else Boss, even if that was his name.

But it doesn't matter, the big-hearted Joe doesn't mind.

Hehehe, anyway, when she calls.

"Ah! Is it what Ale brought me? Thank you very much, Doctor of Rhodes Island, may I ask... eh?"

At first, Lemuian was puzzled as to why the Dr. Righteous that Lemuule was talking about was a woman, and she was also a Sarkaz, but she didn't mind it too much.

Because Lei Muan had already lost the five years of growing up with Lei Mule, and for the rest of her life, she only wanted to cherish everything about her younger sister, even if she was...aluminum copper.

However, when Lemiuan calmed down and happily reached out her hand to shake hands with "Doctor", the penguin on the other's shoulder suddenly jumped into her hand, and even spoke openly.

"Hey, this pink lady, yes, I am the doctor, it seems that you are the elder sister Lemuen who can be an angel?"

Lemuen's expression froze at the moment when her lips just showed a curve, and at the same time, her neck turned as if it was rusted, looking at the person behind.

Mostima could only give her a guilty smile with erratic eyes, which was equivalent to confirming the identity of the penguin for her, and at the same time racking his brains to make up a reason to justify Lemule's sexual obsession.

"This... hello, doctor, what did Ale bring me?"

Now that things have come to this, Lei Muan can only carry out her previous thoughts and try to cherish everything about Lei Mule, even if she is... um, let alone talk about it.


Boss Qiao took out a small object from behind and handed it to Leimuan. After taking it, Leimuan took a closer look, and found that it was a small assembled toy gun that looked very much like an AWM sniper rifle.

Although it is indeed very cute and interesting, it is inevitable for Lemuen to feel a little disappointed, because what she wants is not this, even if it is just a video, a recording, or a letter brought to her by Remuille .

"Thank you doctor, I..."

"Wait! It's not over yet."

Leimuan just wanted to take the Lego toy gun and put it on her hospital bed, but Joe jumped onto the handle of the wheelchair and pinned her wrist.

"Your sister brought you more than this, but before I hand over other things to you, I have something to ask you first. I learned about the grievances between the three of you and the former captain Andoren from some sources." , What do you think of him now?"

"Grudges? No, I don't think so. He is just looking for another way to interpret the law, and wants to bring blessings to other races, not just Sakota. I am just an accident. I don't want to blame him."

As soon as this remark came out, Fiameta behind him became anxious before Boss Qiao could make a comment.

"What is an accident, hey!? If it was an accident, would Mostima shoot him for you! He obviously attacked you on purpose, oops! I really don't understand you Sakotas, why..."

"Hey! Calm down, red-haired rookie, let the professional do it."

Boss Qiao turned back and said that he was a rookie, so Fiameta was stunned. He wanted to refute but couldn't get out, because the penguin in front of him was an excellent tactical commander, and even Kazdel and Ursus would be afraid of him. even fear.

So Boss Qiao continued to talk to Lemuen.

"However, the red-haired rookie does have some truths. What I want to hear is not these general opinions. What I want to know is in terms of your personal experience with Mostima, how do you think about this man who betrayed the trust of the players?" What about the former captain?

I hope you give an answer according to your true heart, Miss Lemuane, this is not only my request, but also the request of an angel. After all, the person she wants to know better is her dear sister, not Rutland's lawyer. Law. "

After this question, Lemuen remained silent for a long time, and Fiameta didn't even dare to show his air, and stared at Lemien with bulging eyes.

"...You are right, doctor, although I understand the path Andorn is seeking, he has indeed betrayed our trust. A small team is a whole, but he, as the captain, privately put us in his On the contrary, such behavior is inexcusable."

"Hey? Hey!"

Fiameta was immediately dumbfounded. The fluffy back of the flat-headed penguin in front of her suddenly became taller in her mind. She had been making trouble for so long but could not make this old comrade-in-arms change his words. nailed it.

He is indeed a professional, and I, a rookie, still have to learn a lot.

"So, do you want to fight side by side with your former comrades-in-arms again, and challenge the irresponsible captain Andorn to prove him wrong?"

"I want to! But . . . I'm afraid I can't."

Lemuen looked down at her almost unconscious legs covered under the blanket, although now her wheelchair manipulation skills have been perfected, and she can even sneak into the hospital's security warehouse to steal her own guardian gun.

But wheelchairs still have many inconveniences and limitations after all. She is not afraid to fight in this way, but she is afraid of dragging down her comrades.

But just when she was unavoidably feeling sad, a black and white goose face suddenly occupied all of Lemuane's vision. It turned out that Boss Qiao jumped onto her lap again, leaning back with his strong waist Look upside down with her.

"Very good! Very good! As expected of Aneng's sister, I am very satisfied, then, I will give you what the angel really entrusted! Also, please allow me to introduce myself again.

It’s true that I’m a doctor from Rhode Island, but my other identity is the captain of the best, most elite, and most powerful special agent team in the world, the “Southern Penguin Special Agents Team”, codenamed, boss! "

Stelter, who knew what Boss Joe was going to do for a long time, closed the door of the ward intimately for him. The three of them who didn't know why were just about to ask aloud, when they were completely enveloped by a sudden burst of cartoon-like auspicious clouds and smoke.


"Welcome to the second team of Nanfeng Agents, I am honored to fight side by side with all the new members!"


After an eerie silence, an indescribable penguin shriek from Fiameta's goose beak echoed in the ward.

Chapter 678 The Ultimate Insult of Goose Head Four


"Why are you still screaming? Are you summoning your companion of the Destroyer Phoenix who is roaming proudly in the universe?"

"Gah... no, how can you two be so calm? We have become penguins, hey!"

"A penguin is a penguin, don't you find it interesting?"

Unlike the rookie Fiameta who is still in a state of collapse, Kawaii Mostima and Cool Lemuane have adapted very smoothly. Mostima may be because she originally belonged to the role of wise general in Andorn's team , No matter what kind of unexpected situation you encounter, you can calm down the fastest.

After calming down, she began to play Sakota's optimism. For example, Mostima has discovered the special reasoning and analysis ability of Kawaii, a penguin, by self-exploration before Boss Joe taught her.

So when Fiameta let out an indescribable penguin scream, Mastema took the opportunity to calculate her number of times this month based on the clues of the clothes she shed.

how many times? Needless to say! As a righteous and healthy one-armed chainsaw man, of course he has to do his best and comfort him!

As for the former "Wheelchair Gunrider", she has already started to learn how to use wheelchair maneuvering techniques to use belly drift guns on walls and ceilings Doushu.

Of course, what I used was not Lemuen's original guardian gun, but the toy Lego sniper gun. Its size and shape fit the penguin's cool body very well, and even the fins feel very smooth. Obviously, this is the special weapon that can be used when an angel becomes cool for her sister. Customized weapons.

Although it is just a toy, it is precisely because of this that it is more suitable for Agent Penguin to use it to even surpass conventional weapons.

"How is it, after becoming the elite among the elite, the most expert South Wind Penguin agent, how does it feel?"

With a snap, Lemuane flipped forward from the ceiling and landed lightly in front of Boss Joe with her flippers. It sounded like a rubber duck in a bathtub had fallen.

"The body is really light. Although I am not used to walking wobbly, but if it is sliding, I can easily realize the wheelchair tactical maneuver that only existed in my imagination. It is simply amazing, doctor!"


God tm wheelchair tactical mobility, even if I don't show up, are you going to fight in a wheelchair?

She is worthy of being the cool older sister of the first generation Fruit God of War.

If it hadn't been for Neng Angel to say that Lemuan was not her own sister, but adopted by Neng Angel's parents. In order to allow her to integrate into the family, Neng Angel changed her name to Le Mule when she was a child. Boss Qiao even thought that Le Muan An is more "authentic" than she is.

Lemuen, who was sitting in a wheelchair in a gentle manner before, looked more happy than the capable angel who found out that the "fluorescent lamp" above her head was gone, and even patted it excitedly with two black fins without a teacher. her white belly.

This is no wonder, after all, whether to wear a blindfold at night is completely incomparable with the significance of allowing a half-paralyzed person to move freely again.

"You can get used to it, but you must remember to call me the boss, and your code name is Liangliang. Although I came to the meeting this time as a doctor, this is the tradition of our Nanfeng spy team for thousands of years. "

"Thousands, thousands of years!? Why have I never heard of it?"

Boss Qiao started talking without paying attention, and casually said that he was supposed to prepare false information for the enemy. If the angel was present, he would definitely expose him without hesitation.

Of course, the angry boss Joe will definitely jump up and slap her thighs with penguin fins.

"Hey, this involves a tragic Civil War that crossed the two poles, but you are just new team members I have developed. The primary goal is to familiarize yourself with your respective agent skills as soon as possible. I will talk about the others later. Got it!"

"Oh, I understand, boss!"

So Boss Qiao explained the essentials of belly drifting to Lemuen again, and then looked back at Fiameta, a rookie who was still arguing, and... Kawaimos, who was staring at her penguin buttocks with weird eyes. Tima.

"It's you next, rookie."