MTL - Master of Fist-v2 Chapter 1049 Sanyuan World

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"The Divine Kingdom under the crown of the Mother Goddess was incomparably brilliant. Although it belonged to the Divine Court, it would still have a certain amount of capital if it established itself."

Seeing these various scenes, the girl seemed a little sadder.

"The Mother Goddess controls the laws of life, and almost all strong men want to make friends with the Mother Goddess, so even if the Mother Goddess stays at home, she has friends all over the universe, and almost everyone has to sell the Mother Goddess.

At the time of the first and second battle of the gods, no matter how fierce the war was, as long as the mother **** did not participate, it would hardly affect the mother **** at all.

Of course, if the mother goddess is really angry, the giant beasts in God's country alone are a force that cannot be ignored. Although most of the giant beasts here are at the ninth level, there are also many existences comparable to true gods. "

The girl looked around and the mood on her face became even more depressed.

Her gaze flickered slightly, and the girl sighed and restrained her emotions, and said, "Let's go, be careful not to touch these giant beasts, this place is full of life, even if these giant beasts fall, there is no guarantee that they will not be deformed and have special reactions due to the strong life atmosphere here. "

Jiang Heng nodded and followed the girl cautiously.

At the same time, what Jiang Heng and Xueshen didn't know was that four or five middle-aged men with dull eyes were floating in the sea at the entrance of the Kingdom of God, and their eyes were all looking at the core. where the entrance is.

"This is the entrance to the girl's kingdom of God. Since the great war, this plane has been drifting in the chaotic space and it is impossible to capture its specific location. Now that the entrance is stable again is our chance."

A burly middle-aged man wearing a black martial arts uniform and a horse face pointed at the entrance dully and said.

"This is indeed an opportunity. As long as I wait to enter and wake up those elders, we may be able to set off a storm in advance and clear the way for a full-scale invasion later, especially that kid named Valkyrie, really hateful!"

Another thin man wearing a gray black robe and a monkey-like face flashed a sinister look in his sluggish eyes.

"Hmph! That kid named Valkyrie is just relying on the treasure in his hand, otherwise our hidden existence would have swallowed him in one gulp."

These five people were discussing with each other, they were three men and two women, and the leader of them seemed to be the middle-aged man with a horse face and a burly martial arts suit.

He glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "It's too late for us to get the news. We don't know what's going on inside now, so we should act quickly."

"Of course, we won't delay things. It's just that our body is too fragile, and I feel very uncomfortable." A fat middle-aged woman-like warrior frowned and made a fuss.

"Don't worry about this. The bodies of these believers are a little bit weak, but there is no way. The entrance here is too fragile, and it is not enough for us to enter directly. Okay, let's go in."

The middle-aged man with the horse face gave a soft drink, beckoned and rushed into the sea mouth first to enter the entrance of the Kingdom of God.

Seeing this, the remaining few people also followed closely one after another.

What they didn't know was that not long after they entered, two figures looked around furtively, hesitated for a moment in the distance, and then cautiously approached after seeing that there was indeed no one else near the entrance.

These two people are one tall and one short, one fat and one thin, and they look very contrasting.

Both of them were dressed in long robes, but the tall and fat one was wearing a dark blue robe, which seemed to be floating on the surface. The short and thin one was dressed in a fiery red robe, as if magma flames were flowing on the surface.

And the appearance of these two people is also very interesting, the tall and fat one is an old man with white beard and hair, and the short and thin one is a baby with immature face.

The two looked around, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother, those people just now seem to be the existences that the God of Beasts predicted to be concealed by the outer gods, so it seems that every move of this group of people was calculated by the God of Beasts. It means that they are here to wake up those people There are several more powerful Outer Gods suppressed in this ruins."

The baby frowned, looking at the tall and fat old man beside him, his voice was not as immature as a baby's, but that of an extremely old man.

"That's right! Everything is really as expected by the Beast God Venerable, and the Venerable Master told me to play it by ear." The tall and fat old man stroked his beard and said in a low voice.

Seeing him pondering, he thought for a while and explained:

"Your Majesty once said that the things done by the Outer Gods, such existences are the great enemies of our world, but he also said that these things are very difficult, if they are not sure to wipe them out in one fell swoop, there will be endless troubles.

The purpose of my waiting this time is to obtain the blood of the mother **** and contribute to the recovery of the Lord, so we don't need to have a direct conflict with those guys. "

"What brother said is very true. Those guys are not easy to mess with. The aura they emit makes me very uncomfortable. Moreover, there seems to be a great terror in their bodies. We must not confront them head-on unless we have to. "

After discussing, the two quickly reached a consensus, and waited at the entrance for a while, as if waiting for the group of people inside to stay away from the entrance to avoid colliding with them.

The two were very patient, and it took about half a day before they got into the mouth of the sea.

It's just that after these two groups of people entered it one after another, it didn't take long for another figure to suddenly appear near Haikou like a ghost. He looked down at the entrance with a slight smile on his lips.

"It's really interesting, I didn't expect it to be so lively here."

The person who came was none other than the Martial God, but his aura was only at the peak level of the sixth order, which was transformed by a ray of his aura.

After waiting for a while, he also disappeared into the passage in a flash.

Jiang Heng and the girl walked together for about ten days.

"The aura of the Mother God in front is more intense. It is best not to use power lightly here. The life is too strong, and some terrible growth will occur if there is a slight improper control of the physical body."

The girl looked around and frowned.

Jiang Heng also felt that the breath of life here was unusually strong, even if he didn't breathe, his body could still feel a suffocating vitality of life.

The breath of life here is so strong that it seems to condense the moisture in the surrounding air into water, which is the essence of life in the outside world.

Coming here, Jiang Heng can only run the Wuji Duotian Fortune Art at full power in order to digest the force of life that is continuously forcibly pouring into his body.

Jiang Heng felt a little bit emotional, the power of life that the outside world cherished so much seemed to be a rotten street thing here, I am afraid that just a piece of grass here would be a treasure that can prolong life in the outside world. ,

The surrounding vegetation became more lush, and each grass became extremely tall, as high as a hundred meters, and those trees were even more towering and thick.

A mosquito flew by, and Jiang Heng found that the size of this mosquito was tens of meters long and wide, and its terrifying mouthparts were as sharp as domain master level weapons.

"The Mother Goddess can't control the leakage of power now, and it seems that the Mother Goddess' state is not optimistic." The girl accelerated her pace while talking.

Jiang Heng followed closely behind, and moved forward for nearly tens of thousands of meters. At this time, the sight in front of them gave them a pause, and they looked at the sight in shock.

It's not that there are disgusting and distorted things in front of me, but that there is an endless milky white sea in front of me. It looks vast at first glance, but the sea water is milky white, as if the water flow is extremely viscous.

Jiang Heng looked at this scene but couldn't help but be shocked, because he could feel that every drop of water here contained incomparably amazing power of life, and this sea was like a complete law of life.

"Mother God! The Mother God has become like this..."

The girl was stunned for a moment looking at the scene in front of her.

"Is this the Mother Goddess?" Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help asking about his background.

"I can feel the breath of the mother god. This is definitely the mother god. She is in a very turbid state now, and she is suppressing three foreign gods under this sea."

Listening to the girl's description, Jiang Heng began to let go of his spiritual thoughts, and as expected, there seemed to be an extremely evil and distorted breath under the breath of life.

That aura was suppressed and leaked by the majestic life aura above was not particularly serious.

However, as the two of them appeared here, the sea that had always been calm became turbulent, and the turbulence became more and more frequent.

Suddenly a voice came from below.

"An outsider has come in? Who is it? If it is our companion in the Shengyuan world, please rescue us quickly!"

said the voice.

Listening to these Jiang Heng doubts, but the girl explained: "These outer gods call their own world the Saint Yuan World, but we generally call it the Heavenly Demon Realm. Newborn world."

"It turns out that their world is called Shengyuan World. It sounds normal, but their behavior and behavior are not worthy of this name." Jiang Hengdi muttered.

"Hmph! It turns out to be an ant from the second-class sequence world!"

The thing inside heard the conversation between the girl and Jiang Heng and guessed their identities and couldn't help but snort.

"Second-class sequence world?"

"They are hunters, and they define all the hunting target worlds they observe, and divide them into Class A, Class B, and Class C.

Depending on the level, the number of powerhouses and resources contained in that side of the world are different. Among them, Class A resources are the best and the most difficult to conquer, and Class C resources are barren and the least difficult to conquer. "

The girl explained.

Jiang Heng understood somewhat, but he didn't expect that the existence of these Saint Yuan worlds would have such a definition. This also shows that this world has gradually developed a political system and reward and punishment system for foreign conquests.

"What do you ants want to do here? It's not that the **** looks down on you, but that you can't do anything at all. Oh, by the way, I really want to remember you. Although your current body is much weaker than it was back then, but Your breath can't fool me, you are the little girl who followed this woman back then."

The guy inside seemed to be talking to the girl, and he recognized the identity of the girl Snow God.

"I didn't expect you to have a good memory. I thought you'd lost your mind after being suppressed for so many years." The girl snorted coldly.

"Hey, this woman just barely suppressed our three brothers. It's a little bit worse to make me lose my mind."

The man sneered.

"Why are you here trying to wake up this woman?"

"Awaken the Mother God? I did think about it, but you don't want to fool me. If the Mother God is awakened, you guys who are suppressed will definitely be able to get out of trouble immediately. I'm afraid that it is not yet known whether the Mother God will recover. , you will be able to escape successfully.”

The girl sneered and looked at Wang Yanghai talking with the things deep in the bottom layer.

Hearing the girl directly stated his purpose, the thing was silent for a long time.

It took a while before he opened his mouth and snorted coldly: "You guys are just stubbornly resisting, you don't even know the power of our Shengyuan world, according to your rank, the inner scene is your most powerful existence.

In our Shengyuan world, although the inner scene is also top-notch combat power, the number is not ordinary. Even the creator-level existence like yours back then has three existences.

It's just that the two old sun gods are conquering other worlds now, if not, your small world will be reduced to nothing in an instant! "

The thing under the sea spoke sarcastically, as if this was the only way to vent his depression of being suppressed for countless years.

"Bragging, we have also fought against you, and know exactly what your existence called the old days is. It is true that it is indeed a terrifying existence far surpassing the powerhouse of Nei Jingtian.

But it is absolutely impossible to say that such a being can be compared with the original Creator of our world. If this is the case, then our world barriers are useless to your old days! "

The girl retorted with a sneer. Although she didn't know what level the Creator had reached back then, it was certain that the level of the Creator was a level higher than that of the old rulers.

The existence in the depths of the sea was choked again, and there was no response for a long time.

"Hmph! No matter what you want, the end of your world will come soon. We have already plundered most of your world's authority in the last invasion, and you will only become weaker and weaker every time until you reach the origin of your world. Completely devoured by our Saint Yuan world!"

"You seem to care about the origin of the world? It seems that the mother goddess guessed well at the beginning. The origin of the world is your real purpose. It seems that there is a big problem in your world?"

" Our Saint Yuan World is the most powerful world among all the worlds in this radius, so how can something go wrong?"

The thing seemed irritated and began to refute.

Jiang Heng was listening, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

"What kind of foreign **** doesn't seem to have a bright mind, is this a cliché?"

Just when Jiang Heng was suspicious, a girl's voice transmission appeared in his mind.

"These outer gods tend to be clumsy in some small things. Their thinking is different from ours. They don't have as many calculations as our world's life forms. Maybe it's because of this that they are more united than us."

Jiang Heng understood. It was probably the difference between the ancient grassland dynasty and the Central Plains dynasty in the previous life. The Central Plains dynasty had many smart people, but because they were too smart, the intrigues were serious.

On the contrary, the Prairie Dynasty used the energy of internal friction for aggression, because compared with internal friction, the pressure of survival is more urgent.