MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 826 Black Adam...die! (

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Chapter VIII Black Adam... Die! (The third is to ask for flowers)

Said to be a gun, in fact, the shape is more like a long blade. Look at the ╓毛╓线╓小╓ says

When the long blade is out, one hand pushes it out. In a flash, a dazzling ray of light screams out like a sun. It makes people unable to open their eyes. The hot light turns into a flash of light. Black Adam.

The series of attacks before had already made Black Adam a little embarrassed, the glare of the light lit up, he did not react at all, the whole person was instantly bombarded.


The moment the squatting down, the ground sag into it. The huge force made Black Adam shake and fall again. After repeated several times, he lay in the deep pit and did not move.

The light gradually dissipated. At this time, the Soviet war was suspended in the air like a god. There were already many people who could not help but squat.

The blade of the gods changed again, and the long blade turned into a trident, and the sea behind it began to choppy. In the churning, I saw a water column rising from the sea and went straight to Black Adam.


The water column dissipated, and the water waves were scattered. Just like a drifting rain, the drops of water and water fell, and they unscrupulously extinguished the war.

The Soviet war slowly fell from the sky, and the Blade of God has become the initial appearance.

Strolling to Black Adam, no one around the soldiers dare to block, all eyes are full of awe and gratitude...

Looking down at the edge of the deep pit, Black Adam’s clothes were broken and looked pale, and it seemed that they couldn’t move. It seems that I felt the shadows cover the sun, and Black Adam barely squinted and saw the condescending Soviet war.

Oh, of course!

His eyes are a bit sluggish, as if some of them have not accepted this fact, as if ... have not figured out, how can they lose?

Looking at the black Adam's look, the Soviet War shook his head, and the phagocytic ability was launched in an instant.

"You...what have you done? My abilities, my abilities... no... no, please... please..."

Feeling that the ability is rapidly losing, Black Adam struggles to get up but can't do it at all, can only go to the bottom of the big shackles. Seeing that the Soviet War was unmoved, the ability lost more and more quickly, and the tone of Black Adam became pleading.

He can't lose his ability, never!

Black Adam’s pleading for the Soviet War did not pay any attention. He was not a soft-hearted person. If he lost his kingdom, he would have to pay the price if he lost.

It seems that I know that the Soviet War will not let go of myself. Black Adam is desperate and begins to scream. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the Soviet War directly sealed his mouth until the anger in his eyes became unwilling, and then nothing. Vitality, the Soviet War has swallowed up his abilities.

Shazan, the power of the six gods in Egypt.

The blade of the gods still went out, and the exact intrusion into the black Adam's body, Black Adam struggled a few times, and the soul was directly absorbed by the blade of God. With the return of the Blade of God to the body of the Soviet War, the Soviet War found a detail that was not noticed before.

The soul swallowed by the Blade of God, he can perceive his memory!

"This is going to save trouble."

The Soviet Union faintly said a word, and then looked around.

There is a mess, and there are people who have been injured and have been killed.

After thinking about it, the Soviet War took out the blade of God.

This makes the surrounding soldiers nervous in an instant, he still has to do it, do you want to kill it?

Just when they were desperate to die, they found that the Soviet war did not go to them at all, but to the side of the Jade Emperor and others, and the blade of the gods was free to make up a knife.

"What is he doing? It is not like venting anger."

Seeing the Soviet War on the dead body, everyone was inextricably confused.

"Soul, his sword is consuming their souls." The ghost fox killer shouted with amazement.

She has the ability to control the soul, is naturally sensitive to this aspect, and responds quickly.

"It turned out to be consuming the soul."

This is what everyone has realized.

The gods of the false gods are swallowed up by the gods of several false gods. At this time, he just happened to see the guy who should be the leader of the base.

Lying in the corner next to it, the body seems to have been burnt, apparently dead and transparent.

At first glance, I know that this guy is estimated to have been affected by the birth of the Thunder of the Black Adam. It should be considered as a newspaper.

"What should I do next?"

The ghost fox killer looked around and asked in a low voice toward the Soviet War.

She did not expect that this time she was able to annihilate the false **** organization.

"The sky archer and the Xuan Ming old demon are not gone? It should be no problem to take over here. As for this, it is your business, and I will not be reconciled." Su war said faintly.

The ghost fox killer nodded and turned to contact.

Although the ghost fox killer did not specifically explain to them, but they naturally know what happened, but they did not join. Now the ghost fox killer notice can take over here, and soon... Xuan Ming old demon with the sky The shooter came over.

When the matter is over, the Soviet War will naturally not waste time here. As for the pseudo-god organization, the Soviet War is not a little interest, and the ghost fox killer confessed, let her finish the process and then go to the hotel to find herself, then fly directly with Diana. gone.

Flying back to the hotel all the way, naturally attracted attention, but when the discovery was the Soviet War, the people were not so surprised.

Back in the hotel, Lin Ruling waited fidgetingly. When she saw the Soviet War and Diana came back, she gave her a breath and was relieved.

She is very clear that if the Soviet War fails, I am afraid that it is of little value. Don't look at her as a popular star, but for the pseudo-god organization, she is just a chess piece. Only when the Soviet Union succeeded in eliminating the false **** organization, can we completely gain freedom. Therefore, after leaving the Soviet War, what she worried was whether the Soviet war could return safely.

"You are back, great."

Lin Ruling stood up excitedly.

Su war nodded: "Come back, get some food, some hungry."

"Okay, I will go right away." Lin Ruling responded and hurriedly turned and went out.

The Soviet Union turned to sit on the sofa and began to fuse the magical power of the Egyptian six gods swallowed up by Black Adam into the power of chaos. \')

Chapter 827

Read My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World