MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 825 Fighting in the nest? (

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The 825th chapter is fighting in the nest? (The second is to ask for flowers)

"The other people handed it to you. Look at the ◥ ◥ ◥ ◥ ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏

Black Adam did not stop, even looked at it.

That kind of attitude is obvious, and obviously others are not in his eyes.

"I heard that you have the power of the six gods of Egypt? Let me see how strong it is that you can be so conceited that you can win me." The Soviet war is hooked, and some expect to say.


Black Adam suddenly screamed, and the lightning suddenly became more powerful. The magical power of the body has rapidly surging and has leaked from the body. The powerful magical atmosphere surrounds Black Adam, his cloak swings with the wind, and his body slowly floats.

“Good shape!”

Su war nodded, commented casually.

"Hey!" Black Adam snorted, his palms suddenly slammed out, and a flash of lightning had surged in the blink of an eye. Hearing, Black Adam rushed straight, and then went first and caught up with lightning.


Black Adam shocked, and the Soviet Union fought against his arms. The huge force actually made him back a few steps. At the same time, lightning hit the body, the current is extremely strong, let him have a moment of paralysis. Black Adam’s backhand grasped the wrist of the Soviet War and slammed it hard. The Soviet War was suddenly left out, followed by lightning flashing. Black Adam had already come to the front of the Soviet War and slammed down.

No skill, but power is extremely powerful.

This is the power of Amon among the six gods of Egypt!


The Soviet War was like a cannonball, and it was dropped by the hammer.

"Oh, it's just that!" Black Adam floated in the air, proud of the martyrdom.

"Yes, it's just that."

When Black Adam’s voice fell, he saw a flash of light, and the Soviet War had already appeared in front of him. The body is unscathed, as if he had suffered a series of attacks just not at all.

"I think the strength of the six gods in Egypt is so strong that it seems to be no different. In other words, can you give more strength? Otherwise, it would be boring." Su said with a chuckle.

"How, how is it possible?" Black Adam was surprised.

Su Zhan smiled: "You won't come because I really reacted just now. I just want to see how strong the power of the six gods in Egypt is. I have to say that I was disappointed after the knowledge!"


Thoroughly humiliated.

From the beginning, he couldn't afford to be himself. Otherwise, how dare he endure his own attacks?

In exchange for others, this series of attacks died early.

Black Adam was angry.

The strength of his body is getting stronger and stronger, the thunder bursts, the lightning shines, the sky does not know when it has been gloomy, and the dark clouds cover the day, there is a sense of oppression of the end.

Black Adam’s power is rising rapidly, and the thunder and lightning are appearing beside him until he climbs to the top, and Black Adam suddenly screams.

Thunder is coming to the world!

In an instant, countless lightnings swarmed from the air.

The sound of screaming is deafening, as if there is no sound between heaven and earth.

Bang, bang.

The thunder and lightning collapsed, the surrounding buildings collapsed instantly, and the tank armor exploded. The people around them were horrified and screaming. Many people were electrocuted into charcoal.

"Own people, these are all people!"

The Jade Emperor did not expect that Black Adam would not be separated from the enemy. He looked at the three people in the Soviet War and had nothing. He had been killed and wounded in his blink of an eye. He could not help but screamed out.

Although he usually does not take these ordinary soldiers seriously, but watching them screaming and horrifying death under the black Adam's attack, the Jade Emperor is also somewhat unbearable.

He screamed in anger at the black Adam in the sky, and answered him with a huge thunder.


Thunder and lightning are accurate and incomparably fast. On the body of the Jade Emperor, his face is still angry and unbelievable. The thick smoke BGBI floats and the Jade Emperor slowly falls to the ground.


The big knife fell off the hand and made a crisp sound.

"Do not!"

Zhu Rong, Guan Gong screamed and anger, looking at the black Adam's eyes full of anger.

The two looked at each other and wished that the body was turned into a flower. Guan Gong picked up the sword of the Jade Emperor and made a desperate attempt. The angry roaring rushed toward the black Adam.

Black Adam glanced at the eyes of a cockroach, and two lightnings came out instantly.


“砰” “砰”

Guan Gong and Zhu Rong suddenly landed, and they died.

"Garbage!" Black Adam said disdainfully.

Chu Jiang Wang, Lei Gong, electric mother, Soviet war also killed three. As a result, Zhu Rong, Gong Gong, Jade Emperor, Guan Gong actually died in the hands of Black Adam. He killed more than himself. I really don't know who is the enemy. Even if I add a wind-in-law who indirectly lives in my own hands, it is just a tie.

This sudden nest fight really makes the Soviet War do not know what to think.

This is the end of the game with the tiger!

Shaking his head, the blade of the gods slowly appeared on the hand.

With a bang, a black flame appeared on the blade of the dark god, and the flame beat, there was a feeling that it could burn everything. Feel free to take a sword flower, and the flame on the blade of the **** suddenly thrived, and instantly became like a huge sword of fire.

With the emergence of the Blade of God, the momentum of the Soviet War changed, and Black Adam knew that the Soviet War had been serious.

Lightning gathered in the hands as a spear, and Black Adam suddenly rushed over.

At the moment of his movement, the Soviet War also moved.

The huge sword of black flame has risen.


The two collided together and two powerful forces in the air hit the sound of a nuclear bomb explosion. The Soviet war went on and on, and Black Adam flew out with a shocked look.

So strong!

The power of his own six gods in Egypt could not compete with it.


The Soviet war was low, and the black flame instantly slammed into Black Adam.

The black Adam in the air was suddenly slammed down.


The blade of the gods suddenly changed, and a cold gas emerged. An icicle suddenly appeared on the ground, and the black Adam was quickly knocked back.


The blade of the gods changed again, the thunder died, and countless thunderbolts swarmed on the black Adam.

But... this is not over yet.

The blade of the **** of God changed again and turned into a long gun with a dazzling light. \')

Chapter 826

Read Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse