MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 243

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If they had known that Rhodes had such strength, how would they have dared to do it.

What the Dragon King of the Four Seas didn't know was that what Rhodes used was the power of the time gem.

It can reverse time and reverse everything in the West Sea Dragon Palace to before it was attacked.

For Rhodes, this is nothing.

But in the eyes of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, this is a very powerful force.

Said Ao Run, Dragon King of the West Sea.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for your help."

Rhodes said.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of time before they pack up and don't know when they will go. Let them get ready."

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was even more surprised when he heard Rhodes say this.

Such a powerful supernatural power is just a matter of effort for Rhodes?

Seeing Rhode's way of lifting the weight lightly and disposing of it casually, it seems that it is indeed the case.

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, nodded quickly.

"Yes, I will send someone to prepare."

"Come here, hurry up and prepare the banquet of food and wine. This king wants to entertain Mr. Luo, and bring out all the things you are good at."


People from the surrounding Dragon Palace got busy when they heard the words of Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Said Ao Run, Dragon King of the West Sea.

"Young Master Luo, please take your seat."

When a group of people came to the main hall of the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas naturally invited Rhodes to take the seat.

Rhodes sat at the head, while Yang Chan and Mingyue sat on both sides of Rhodes.

Even the useless **** Taoist priests, who were like mascots, sat on the side of the superior seat, while the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas sat on the sides.

Not long after, the steaming plates of food and fine wine were served.

In the Dragon Palace, the wine vessels are all luminous cups.

These dishes are big on fish and meat, with lots of seafood.

This is the first time for Rhodes to experience eating seafood in the sea.

There are indeed too many seafood in the sea.

These seafood are just immature, and it is quite normal to catch a lot in the middle of the sea and use them for food.

Because in addition to practicing, the dragons usually eat these things.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said.

"Mr. Luo, what happened before is so offending, please ask Mr. Luo Haihan."

"Let's toast Mr. Luo first."

The other three dragon kings followed suit.

Chapter 465: Carrying jewels into boxes

Even the Jinghe Dragon King was sitting here, toasting with injuries all over his body.

Rhodes nodded.

"Okay, thank you all for your hospitality."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said.

"Don't dare to be, dare not be."

Everyone drank a glass of wine.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, chatted with Rhodes.

But Ao Guang didn't ask too many questions about Rhodes.

Rhodes also chatted with Ao Guang, Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The atmosphere is not bad.

It's just that the injury on the face of the Dragon King of the Four Seas is a bit out of place.

Yang Chan still turned on the wind and cloud mode, and swept away the abalone, sea cucumber, lobster, etc. in front of her.

Seeing this, Ao Guang, Dragon King of the East China Sea, said hastily.

"Hurry up, add food to Miss Yang Chan."


Another table of sumptuous dishes was delivered.

At this time, several crabs came in carrying more than a dozen large boxes.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said.

"These are small gifts I specially prepared for Miss Yang Chan and Miss Mingyue, please accept them with a smile."

Rhodes said.

"It was just a joke before. Why should the Dragon King of the East China Sea be serious? It's just a casual mention."

"These things are still unacceptable."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, has long been proficient in this method.

"No, no, Mr. Luo, you are being polite. These small things are not worth much. There are many such things in our four seas. Please accept them, Mr. Luo."

The rest of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas nodded one after another.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Luo, you don't have to be polite. We have a lot of such things, and it's really nothing."

After the Dragon King of the Four Seas crazily persuaded him, Rhodes didn't pay much attention to these little things.

Since the Dragon King of the Four Seas insisted on giving it away, Rhodes would simply be polite.

I didn't listen very seriously, since they are willing to send it, then send it.

Rhodes said.

"Well, if that's the case, then we're not going to be polite."

Rhodes said to Yang Chan and Mingyue.

"Go and have a look and see if there is anything you like."

Yang Chan and Ming Yue nodded excitedly.

"Yes, master/master."

Yang Chan and Mingyue picked and picked among these boxes of jewels.

Yang Chan took out pearl necklaces the size of eggs from the box.

"I'm going, isn't it, there are such big pearls? This is too exaggerated."

Ordinary pearls are only about the size of mung beans, but if they are round and lustrous like jade, their value is quite high.

But the pearl the size of an egg is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, laughed.

"Pearls of this size are not rare items here. In our East China Sea, there is also a pearl bred from the East China Sea Clam. The diameter of that pearl is about ten feet."

"It's placed directly in the clam, so that's the big one."

Yang Chan and Mingyue seldom come to this sea, so they naturally don't know much about the things produced in this sea.

When they heard that there was such a huge object under the sea, they were stunned.

That size is too big, it is almost the size of a room.

Who can take it, the price of pearls is naturally extremely expensive, but money in the world is meaningless to Yang Chan and Mingyue.

What they want is things, not money.

It doesn't matter how big the pearl you take is.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said.


"These things belong to Miss Yang and Miss Mingyue, you just take them all away."

"There's no need to choose."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was also generous, so he asked Yang Chan and the others to move away with the box.

Yang Chan was carrying the string of pearl necklaces that looked like white eggs.

"But this pearl is big, but it can't be worn. It looks like something hanging around the neck, just like hanging a circle of stones."

Rhodes said with a smile.

"Just hang on like an egg."

Yang Chan said.

"I don't want it, it's ugly, like a fool."


"Hahaha...then you can go back and pick some. Since the Dragon King of the East China Sea has expressed his kindness, then you can accept it."

Yang Chan and Mingyue were not polite either, and divided these boxes of jewels without saying anything.

Put it into your own space bag.

Seeing that Rhodes had accepted their gifts, the Dragon King of the Four Seas immediately relaxed a lot.

As long as Rhodes accepts their things, he shouldn't easily turn against them.

However, the Dragon King of the Four Seas still underestimated Rhodes' character, and Rhodes would definitely turn his face when he should take something or not.

Absolutely not the slightest courtesy.

Even if you take something.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said.

"Come on, Mr. Luo, it's rare for us to get together, today we won't go home without getting drunk."


Rhodes was not polite either, and drank with the Dragon King of the Four Seas without saying a word.

After drinking for a long time, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was quite generous, and what he drank was not ordinary wine, but some fairy wine given to the Dragon King of the Four Seas by the Heavenly Court.

The stamina of this fairy wine is naturally quite large.

Even the Dragon King of the Four Seas got drunk quickly.

Chapter 466: The Dragon King of the Four Seas Can't Drink Alcohol

Rhodes has an astonishing capacity for alcohol, even if it is immortal wine, he will not get drunk.

There is some heaven and earth aura in these fairy wines.

It is not intentionally added when brewing.

Rather, in the process of brewing the immortal wine, the raw material used is the immortal wine brewed from the spiritual fruit of the heaven.