MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 190 Ten Ring Gang

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  Chapter 190 Ten Ring Gang

  The waves of a waterfall surged, and the blue ocean surface was dyed bright white by the countless foams beaten by the huge waves.

  Eric Lanshere glanced at the sea with his eyebrows lowered, and the electromagnetic force field around him suddenly burst into countless fine sparks, bursting into flames in no time!

  The sea once again surged with huge waves due to the tremors of the submarine continental shelf. If it is at the seaside with people at this moment, the tsunami formed by the violent earthquake is enough to engulf a city.

  Namor tore apart the colorful steel python as thick as a bucket with his bare hands, and the ear-piercing sound made his scalp tingle for a while.

   Immediately afterwards, the "Giant Python" suddenly split into dozens of "snakes" as thick as fingers, and they climbed up to Namor's neck and body.

  Suddenly, the entanglement of five-flowered arms sealed his hands and feet. While struggling, a gentle male voice full of magnetism suddenly sounded in Namor's mind:

"Mr. Namo Mackenzie, I am Professor Charles Xavier, and I am communicating with you through the power of spirit thousands of miles away. You are not only of human and Atlantean blood at the same time, but also a Mutant"

  Sea King Namor was in a daze for a moment listening to the voice in his head, his arms wrestled and broke the steel ropes that bound him and shouted angrily:

   "Atlantis will never surrender to the people on land! I am the king of Atlantis. I am the blood of human beings. It is the shame of my life!"

  Professor Charles spoke softly in Namor's mind:

  “. More and more powerful beings are constantly emerging, for the order and tranquility of the entire world, that’s why Mr. Howlett hopes to invite all the powerful people on this planet to meet.”

   "His Royal Highness, there is really no need to be ashamed of any blood you bear, I believe you know it very well in your heart, whenever you see yourself"

Although in the sea, the king of the sea is almost so strong that only James Howlett can suppress him, but in the spiritual realm, especially when the trident is not in the hands of Namor, Professor Charles still has the ability to suppress him. Forcibly control his abilities.

   But the professor doesn’t want to do this. In recent years, he has rarely directly controlled the spirit and will of action of others. This is Charles’s principled limitation to himself.

  The power of the mind is too strong, and the power to do whatever you want will breed arrogance and arrogance. Professor Charles strictly keeps self-restraint in this regard, unless necessary, and more often he only completes tasks through spiritual communication and search.

  More and more black shadows appeared under the sea, "Magneto King" Eric Lanshel did not know how many seabed metal minerals were extracted, and a huge number of metal pillars stood up like a piece of land breaking through the waves under the ocean.

Namor punched away the long steel dragon that was rushing towards him, but the metal split into countless messy steel cables, which caught his ankles, thighs, and arms around his waist one by one. Namor was completely bound into a cocoon while twisting. shape.


  Eric pushed the palms of his hands upwards above his head, and the giant metal pillar rising from the sea hit the "iron chrysalis", and then Namor was completely sealed by more and more steel, extending all the way to the sky!

Tens of millions of tons of metal formed a thousand-meter-high "steel pillar", which stood far away from the sea. Namor was trapped on the top of the pillar, except for a ferocious twisted head exposed, his whole body was sealed. in steel.

  When approaching the sea, Namor could continue to use pure brute force to break open the giant cocoon bound by steel, but as he was quickly pushed away from the sea, he became more and more powerless.


  Eric waved away the exaggerated steel giant pillar, leaving only a solid "steel ball" with a radius of two or three meters floating in the air.

  While shaking his head helplessly, he re-smoothed the giant metal creation he constructed, sank into the gap of the seabed, and said to Namoran:

   "Your strength seems to have decreased a lot. If you are underwater, you should be able to break through to this level."

   "Despicable land people! Take away my trident by weird means, what do you want!"

  Eric took Namor up again, and the Neptune's complexion became visibly depressed. He untied the blockade of the giant steel ball, but tied him firmly with metal, and then transported him into the aircraft.

"I said, someone wants to ask you to meet, the method is really rude, but I was beaten by a guy a few days ago, this time I can't lose face in front of my father again, don't worry, just a meet and greet."

  In the supersonic aircraft "Spike Fang", Alex and several Whip of Order team members looked at Neptune Namor curiously.

   Gradually, the Atlantic Ocean finally calmed down, and several Atlanteans surfaced to look for their king, but nothing seemed to have happened, and Namor, the king of the sea, and the people on the land completely disappeared without a trace.

   "General Haisha, we want to rescue the king! The land people robbed the king of Atlantis and they started a war. Atlantis will start a full-scale war with the land people!"

An extremely majestic blue giant, two or three circles taller than the surrounding Atlanteans, folded his arms solemnly. The armor on his body was extraordinarily thick, and he wore heavy armor in the ocean, even on the bottom of the sea. There are very few people who can do it.

  The Atlantean known as "Hai Sha" seems to be the highest-ranking person under Namor, his pale eyes flickering, and he angrily reprimanded in a weird and rough Atlantean language:

   "Idiot! Do you know where King Namo has been taken? Which coast should our army land from, and which land should we go to rescue our king? How long can our people last after going deep into the land?"

The thin and tall man next to him was speechless when he was asked for a moment. Because the Atlanteans lived in the deep sea for nearly ten thousand years, the infinite sea pressure of tens of millions of tons made their physiological structure and tissue density much stronger than that of ordinary humans. .

  Even the leanest seaman is stronger than a serum-modified super soldier.

   But once they leave the water, the Atlanteans will quickly weaken and even dry up to death.

  Hai Sha’s face was cloudy and uncertain. He scanned the surrounding Atlantean warriors, with some kind of brilliance faintly flashing in his eyes, and shouted and ordered:

   "All return to the royal city with me! After discussing with the elders, we will make a decision!"


  The last few waves turned up on the sea surface, and it turned back to the vast and empty appearance.

  Hong Kong, one of the three sanctuary nodes of Karma Taj.

  Due to historical issues, this oriental pearl, which has just risen for a few years, is now in a chaotic era of turmoil and chaos.

   "Captain Rogers, and Mrs."

  Master Wang nodded slightly to Steve and Peggy who came out of the secret portal:

"Although the 'Ten Ring Gang' is hidden, it is not a completely isolated organization. Kama Taj cannot participate in non-magical and mysterious worldly disputes. It is still up to you two to invite this leader of the underground world." It's time."

  The layout of the Mystic Sanctuary in Hong Kong is very similar to that on Black Street in New York. Karma Taj's unique brass-colored decoration and style full of oriental charm are more in harmony with this oriental city.

   "Whip of Order" chief executive Steve Rogers and his wife Peggy took several of their executive team members directly from the New York headquarters to Hong Kong in Asia through the secret portal.

  Steve smiled sunnyly, and said to Master Wang:

   "Thanks to Karma Taj for your help, we can leave the rest to us. I thought that people like Teacher and Master Ancient One were rare "long-lived people" in this world. I didn't expect this gentleman"

Peggy seldom performed field missions, but after she put on a dark blue combat uniform, she carried a cross sword on her back, and special pistols like "hand cannons" stuck in her thighs on both sides. A little more vigor.

  She said with a clear and clear London accent:

   "If the records of the Mystic Mage and the intelligence inferences compiled by SHIELD are true, and the many titles that have appeared in history all point to the same person, it is very likely that he is over a thousand years old."

Victoria Peak in Hong Kong was formerly known as "Hard Head Mountain" and was called Xianglu Peak in ancient times. Although it is only more than 500 meters above sea level, it is the highest peak on Hong Kong Island. A large area of ​​hills.

  The scenery on the top of the mountain is beautiful, the temperature is cool, and you can overlook the scenery of Hong Kong and Victoria Harbour. In the old days, due to inconvenient transportation, people had to go up the mountain by sedan chair, and not many people lived on the top of the mountain.

  At the end of the 19th century, the then Governor Macdonald chose to set up a summer residence on the top of the mountain, which was the Governor's Mansion at that time, and did not allow Hong Kong people to set foot on Victoria Peak.

But in less than two years, the Governor-General who held the power of Hong Kong Island went down the mountain without saying a word, and left the Victorian villa house built with a lot of effort on the top of the mountain, and never mentioned anything about the mountain. things.

  In addition to the private households who have lived at the foot of the mountain for generations, Victoria Peak has quietly changed to a new owner.

Carved railings and paintings, among the antique iron wood and bluestone mansions, in the central hall sits a man with a kind face. He sits on the grand master's chair and caresses a stone box silently. There are ten circles engraved on it. emblem.

   "My lord, the men of the 'Wolf Emperor' should be arriving soon. The eyes of the city have spotted a group of white men appearing from nowhere, and the leader is a blond man with a shield."

  In the empty courtyard and main room, a figure wearing a mask with a Beijing opera face appeared strangely from nowhere.

  The masked man knelt on the ground with one knee, speaking respectfully in Chinese to this thin and gentle man, never daring to look up.

   "Wolf Emperor? Such a title is still popular in today's world, hehe, it seems that human beings still respect and awe kingship."

  (end of this chapter)