MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 189 Magneto VS Aquaman

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  Chapter 189 Magneto VS Aquaman

  Gudongdong. Gudongdong.

  Pillars of water surged up one after another on the surface of the ocean, and blue heads wearing various fishbone crowns emerged from the sea one after another.

   Their bodies slowly rose until they floated above their knees, their faces were long and narrow, and their blue and white pupils stared straight at the blue-black aircraft floating above the sea.

Alex Summers watched hundreds of sea people holding sharp knives, guns, forks and spears, and the cracked holes on the side of their faces opened and closed slowly like fish gills. He couldn't help swallowing. Spitting, looking at the two figures facing each other far away in the sky.

  “.It’s easy to be able to speak English.”

  Eric Lanshere was not only amazed by the fact that the man who seemed to be the leader of the crowd in the sea was able to float and fly, but was also shocked by his familiar language. He spread his hands and nodded slightly in greeting:

"I'm sorry, the methods are a bit rough, but I really don't have a good way to communicate with you. I am 'Magneto' Eric Lanshere, ordered by the king on the ground, please go and see the leader of the ocean. !"

The skin color of the man is not the same as other Atlantean people, although these blue-skinned sea people still maintain the basic shape and appearance of human beings, and did not give birth to fish tails, fish heads, or many extra arms. Huge morphological difference.

  However, with gills on his cheeks and dark blue skin, he was very different from this leader who was holding a trident and looked more like a land human.


  The man flipped the halberd on his wrist and danced a stick flower. The waves under his feet seemed to be stirred up, and he said arrogantly and disdainfully:

   "Atlantis and the people on the land have never had anything to do with each other, and they have multiplied and thrived for thousands of years. Why bother!"

   "What's the name?"

Eric suddenly smiled, looking at the man on the bottom of the sea who looked like a stranger, he was full of interest, especially this man with fin-like wings on his feet, it should be the man in the ocean that Charles said Mutant.

   "Aquaman, Namo Namo Mackenzie."

  Alex below, while guarding against the Atlanteans floating on the sea, whispered to himself:

   "Professor! Did you see Mackenzie?"

  At the other end of the continent, in the Whip of Order headquarters in Manhattan, New York, Professor Charles said with a rather excited face in the brain wave amplification room:

"Of course Alex, Mackenzie. Let me look for it! In 1920, there was an American ocean-going captain named Leonard Mackenzie. According to records, when he went to the Antarctic expedition, his route was blocked by ice floes. Then the ship crashed and people died, and there was no more news."

  Alex opened his mouth in shock after hearing the voice in his head. He didn't expect that in just a short moment, Professor Charles searched for someone's memory.

   He had already learned the relevant information, and shouted loudly to Eric, who was floating above, through the bodies of the players around him.

   "How do you know!"

After Neptune Namor heard this, he raised his trident and pointed it at Magneto. The sea area below became more and more unsettled, and the waves surged with no wind. The "Spike" supersonic aircraft had to rise several meters again .

"It seems that is your father. You are older than me. Although I am not American, I grew up there. You are a hybrid of humans and Atlantis. You should go out and see. The world is in turmoil right now."

Hearing that the man in red armor on the opposite side spit out the word "hybrid", Namo MacKenzie's expression fell instantly. He twisted his neck left and right and swung his halberd with a very bad tone. road:

   "The secrets of Atlantis are never allowed to be leaked out. I don't know what the so-called 'king' you call wants. But you guys can't leave!"


  Namor held up the golden trident and pointed it at the sky, and a water column with a diameter of nearly ten meters burst up from under the "Spike Fang", immediately overturning the supersonic aircraft.

  Alex and two team members grabbed the edge of the metal shell of the plane and hanged in the air. Thousands of Atlantean figures below looked like sharks waiting for fresh flesh to fall into the sea, with fierce eyes.

  Eric's right hand was in virtual control, stabilizing the fuselage, and after climbing to a height of tens of meters with the start of the energy engine of the Wolf Fang, he finally got rid of the influence of the raging waves on the sea.

   "Well, is it your own ability to control the power of the sea or this trident? Haha, it doesn't matter."


  Sea King Namo’s feet are empty. Although the wings on the ankles are not much bigger than a palm, it seems that they can’t really make people fly.

  But his speed and impact in the air are exceptionally fast, almost as fast as James's early flight with pure vigor and energy.

  The tip of the trident with a sharp hook stopped suddenly more than one meter in front of Eric, shaking and trembling.

  He looked at Namor's eyes that were gradually reddening, and the eyebrows exposed from the T-shaped hole in the helmet became more and more serious.

   "Strength is not small, Neptune Namo, do you know that you are also our compatriots if you compete with me purely with physical strength!"

   buzz buzz.

  The trident in Namor's hand seemed to be alive, twisting and resisting his grip. In the ocean, Namor's power was almost endless, but even so, he still gradually felt unable to hold his weapon.

   "Bring it!"

  Finally, Eric fought with his hands out of thin air, and when he flipped his wrists, the golden trident burst into the sky, and then fell straight back into his hand with a buzzing sound.

   "What monster are you! How could the holy Neptune's trident—"

   "So I said you should go out and have a look! Although the ocean is vaster than the land, it lacks the collision of intelligent life and civilization after all. It is a waste of the rest of your life after all to huddle on the bottom of the sea."

Eric interrupted Namor with a loud voice, and lowered his head to caress the extremely heavy golden trident carefully. If it wasn't for the control of electromagnetic force, he would definitely not be able to hold the long halberd with his own physical strength alone. .

  And the metal material in it is also the first time Eric has seen, and there is a special energy field faintly condensed on the body of the halberd.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  Namor swung his fists, constantly blasting the electromagnetic force field around Eric, suddenly turned over and flew backwards for a certain distance, his eyebrows twisted into Sichuan characters, and he suppressed his anger and said solemnly:

   "I don't know what kind of weird ability you have, but above the sea, even if you don't hold Neptune's trident. The royal family of Atlantis"

  He looked at his hands slowly, as if accumulating some kind of power, he broke the sound barrier and blasted a wave of tens of meters, rushing towards the man enveloped in the faint circular force field in front of him.


  Erik was blasted into the ocean by Namor's fist with his hands clasped in the air, and the spherical space formed by the electromagnetic force field isolated the sea water.

  He was like a balloon filled with air, being dragged by Namor on the bottom of the sea and punching him back and forth, constantly crashing into the reefs and ringed mountains on the sea floor.

   Neptune Namo's pure physical strength is actually stronger than Apocalypse!

   ". The power of the unknown Atlanteans, the ability of mutants, this Aquaman's ability is quite good, and this trident is also weird."

  Eric doesn't need to care about being punched and kicked by Namor under the ocean, it's like his whole body is covered in tempered glass, watching the sharks under the sea hitting them head to head but he has nothing to do with himself.

  The seamless force field formed by the super-strong electromagnetic force control of "Magneto King", even the apocalypse can only be broken through the full blow of the body and energy.

  Although Neptune Namor is unparalleled in the sea, the "ball" he hits is running around, but there is nothing he can do about the people inside.

   "I can't delay any longer, this guy may also have the idea of ​​suffocating me under the sea"

  Erik looked at the electromagnetic stand that adsorbed fine metal debris, as if it was the best underwater tourist facility, but the air inside was limited after all.

   "The 'turtle shell' is very strong, but I plan to see if you don't even need to take in oxygen!"

A series of white bubbles spit out from Namor's mouth, but I don't know what the physical structure of these Atlanteans is. Eric can hear what he said, and shakes the trident in his hand, which seems to be the same. Played twice.

  "Seventy percent of the earth's surface area is ocean, but have you ever thought that no matter how vast and boundless the ocean is, it always relies on the solid continental shelf of this planet?"

   chi chi chi chi

  The sand, gravel and soil on the seabed floated up layer by layer, completely muddying the sea area in an instant.

   Perhaps a large piece of the seabed continental shelf, which has not been exposed for hundreds of millions of years, cracked dully and cracked, spreading out tens of thousands of meters long and several meters wide gullies.

Namoben had stopped attacking, just waiting for the man with the strange name to die from lack of oxygen and suffocation, but the surrounding broken seabed ring mountains rumbled and trembled, twisting and undulating to form a black hole. columnar shadow.

  The metal minerals contained in countless seamount rocks, together with the boulders, were pulled out in groups, twisted and condensed into deep sea dragons, and suddenly rushed towards Namor!

   Whoosh whoosh.

  The swimming speed of the king in the ocean seems to be unaffected by the resistance of the sea water, even faster and more agile than in the sky.

   The dozens of metal dragons controlled by Eric were easily dodged by Namor while they were biting. He looked at the sea above him, and taking advantage of Namor's inability to restrain himself at this moment, he quickly floated up and soared into the air again.


Giant dragons made of metal on the bottom of the sea vacated the sea at the same time, and casual collisions between twists and turns could stun ordinary Atlanteans. They sank under the sea like facing the most terrifying giant beast in the sea .

   And Neptune Namor finally flew out of the sea again, and wrestled with these metal dragons in the air, but it was difficult to get close to Eric.

  "I can't let him escape back to the sea. If this guy tries to escape after fighting for a while, I can't find him."

  Eric murmured softly, his five fingers on his right hand were nimble, driving a giant octopus-like steel substance to rush towards Namor, and his left hand reached the bottom of the sea again, and the sea bed rose again!

  (end of this chapter)