MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 169 "Famine" and "Death" (Part 1)

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  Chapter 169 "Famine" and "Death" (Part 1)


   "The wolf tower was breached, repeat, the wolf tower was breached, and three unknown evolutionaries broke in. Your Excellency Barnes—"


  The jail gate twisted and burst open, sparks burst out, and finally a young guard who tried to call to the outside world was separated without a sound.

   The chubby head landed on the ground and turned twice, and finally saw a woman standing in front of him wearing a blue armor and an eagle helmet.

  Gambit was still sitting cross-legged in the training ground where he had a sparring with Warden Barnes not long ago. The energy suppression device locked on his body was like a thick vest.

  He sucked his teeth, tilted his head and looked at the prisoners who filed up from the various underground floors, and grunted a few times inexplicably.

   "Master, everything is gathered here."

   Caliban bowed to report to Tianqi. He and "War" Rasputin wiped out all the remaining guards in the underground prisons, and according to Tianqi's instructions, concentrated the prisoners in the largest training ground in the upper space.

"... No way, old snake, that 'janitor' was actually planted? Hey! What are these people doing? God. Broke the wolf tower and killed all the cold guards. This is not afraid of the whip of order at all' Wan Magneto' and the Chief Executive Officer also."

A white man with long and narrow cheeks and black scale-like tattoos on his neck habitually sticks out his tongue, rustling black and yellow forked snake letters, looking a little creepy, hugging his thin shoulders to The fat man beside him spoke in a strange voice.

"Hiss 'Magneto' is not clear. I heard from people who came in in the past two years, he hasn't appeared for a long time, hiss! But Barnes must have been killed, and he should have had a fight on the ice field outside. Hey, old snake, I've been lying on the ground listening to it, it's like an earthquake!"

   More than two hundred super criminals from all over the world gathered in the training hall, suppressing their voices and chatting with each other.

They watched as the two mutants in special armor killed the guards layer by layer, released all the people from the prison, and gathered together, as if they were waiting for the two-meter-tall, blue-gray The man with the skin speaks.

   "Look at the meaning, old snake, we are on the same path. Oh? That's the only kid locked on the eleventh floor, what's his name?"

   "Remy LeBeau, Hiss nicknamed Gambit"

  The skinny mutant named Old Snake seemed to be the most well-informed prisoner here, and several prisoners with obvious mutant characteristics surrounded him and listened.

  They looked at the long-haired man who was always sitting cross-legged in the room, keeping some distance from all the prisoners, and chatted curiously.

  In the Wolf Tower Super Prison, the number of prison floors is to some extent a symbol of status.

  At this moment, not only these prisoners are paying attention to the card player Remy Lebow, but also Tian Qi is staring at this sloppy brown-haired man who picks his ears from time to time.

  He was barefoot, and the prison uniform on his trouser legs was broken to the knees. The prison equipment he wore was thicker and more complex than all the prisoners here.

   "Tell me why you are here."

When Tian Qi's chest rumbled and uttered the first word, the entire noisy training ground suddenly fell silent. His voice was not loud, but it seemed to be able to penetrate into the minds of everyone present, and at the same time faintly caused spatial tremors buzzing.

   "Hi! I've committed a crime!"

   After a moment of silence, a sharp shout sounded from nowhere, and the silence that struck again seemed to acquiesce in this answer.

"I have been asleep for five thousand years, and my family's dynasty has disappeared, but the former slaves have become the masters of this world! And you, because these humble slaves are imprisoned here, those who are the same as you, even uphold certain principles for slaves. An order, my children, this is."



  Subject to Tianqi's sentence, with some kind of soul-shocking voice, he slowly raised his arms, blue light appeared in his eyes, and a series of crisp sounds of unlocking the locks sounded almost at the same time.

   Except for Gambit who sat at the front with his head bowed in a daze, all the special shackles on all the prisoners fell on the alloy floor tiles one by one.

  The old snake and the fat human prisoner next to him glanced at each other again. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his narrow face became more and more like a poisonous snake.

   "My name, En Sabah Nur, the ancestor of mutants! Only my children are qualified to praise my name, and this wrong world will be completely turned upside down! There is no order, no power, no law!"

  Plop, plop, plop.

  All the prisoners, even the two knights of the apocalypse felt their hearts and blood surging more and more violently, as if the strange voice of this man reverberated like thunder, inspiring everyone's spirit to resonate.

  Tian Qi's figure slowly rose into the air, igniting a blue energy flame. On the dome nearly ten meters high in the training ground, he stood majestically like a descendant in a mural, looking down on the world.

   "—This world will only have the only rules, my rules! Mutants' rules! Ordinary people are slaves, and you! You can live in this world that belongs to us without any constraints and restrictions."


  Apocalypse waved his hand and projected a giant light curtain that connected to the dome, shining purple-red light. The image was a golden plain. On the plain stood a majestic palace as tall as the sky, and there were countless scenes of human beings kneeling down and singing.

  The scene thousands of years ago reappeared, as if this was the "promised land" he gave these prisoners.

   "But at this moment, there are still some slaves standing among you."

Apocalypse, who fell back to the ground, glanced at several ordinary human prisoners. There are still many non-mutant prisoners in the prison on the first floor of the Wolf Tower, but they are heavy-duty prisoners who are extremely harmful to society. They also feel the strange atmosphere in the room at this moment. .

  Looking at the mutant "cellmates" with increasingly unfriendly expressions, dozens of human prisoners suddenly felt a biting chill in their hearts.

   "Fatty, Hiss"

   "Ah! Old, old snake"

  The fat and strong man shivered, and hesitantly looked at the "neighbor next door" who was two circles smaller than himself. Although he was not a mutant, he had always gotten along well with this old snake.

   "Hiss, this guy wants to overthrow the Whip of Order, he's no worse than Magneto, hiss"

  The old snake still looks the same, spitting out his snake letter from time to time, staring at Tianqi with long and narrow eyes, wondering what he is thinking.

Inexplicably, the fat man felt a little more stable in his heart. He took two rough breaths and his fat belly straightened up. He watched the old snake pick up the shackles that restrained his ability from the ground, and suddenly remembered that he didn't know the specifics of the old snake's mutant ability. what is it.

   "Old Snake. This guy is an extreme racist, and he is the exact opposite of the Whip of Order philosophy, which is uh. Hoho, old, old snake!"


  The tip of the old snake's index finger, the long black nail that had never been taken care of until now pierced into the fat man's neck with a greasy green light, and dark green blood vessels and meridians covered his cheeks and forehead.

  The fat body of more than 190 centimeters suddenly fell to the ground, his hands and feet twitched from time to time, and soon became silent.

   ". Hiss, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out if I don't do this. Fatty, I have entrusted you to take care of me these few years. My old snake's venom is strong, and it doesn't cause any pain. Hiss, let's go."

   There were more and more screaming and fighting sounds. The mutant prisoners with unique mutant abilities and occupying the majority of the population stretched out the killers to the human prisoners around them. They had almost no resistance to such behavior.

  The mutant criminals who have caused great harm in the society, and even take pleasure in hurting and fooling human beings, freely release the infinite hostility and fierceness that have been imprisoned underground for several years.

  Tianqi watched with satisfaction the hellish killing situation of Shura in the training ground. In his "Utopia", there is no place for ordinary human beings, and they only have the fate of becoming slaves.

   Of all the mutant prisoners, only two did not move at all.

Except for Gambling who was still sitting in the front and scratching his feet, a thin and pale young man at the end of the crowd stood there in a daze, his big head lit up from time to time, as if he was dozing off .

  A mutant prisoner who regarded him as an ordinary person approached him maliciously, and a sharp mouth with fangs burst out from the palm of his right hand.

Just stretched it out, but inexplicably shaking his mind, he smashed the **** mouth in his hand on his face, gnawed the flesh on his cheek frantically, until he bit the main artery of the throat and neck, and finally He died straight at the young man's feet.

   "You are very talented and willing to follow in my footsteps."

   Bang Bang!

   Remy Lebo looked at the blue iron boots standing in front of him, listened to Tian Qi's deep words, shrugged with a sneer, and brushed away the long hair that fell in front of his face and said casually:

   "Hehe, boss, you can open this for me, hey! My armor is not what those people wear."

   Bah bah!

  Gambling Emperor's knuckles tapped on the energy suppression armor made of pure vibrating gold on his body, playing a clear and clear sound.

   In the entire Wolf Tower, there is currently only Remy Lebo alone, who has the highest level of detention treatment.

   "My child, you can open it yourself."


  Tian Qi's hands were fully propped up and pushed towards Gambling King, his eyes turned pure white again, and with the raised arms, Remy Lebo's complexion suddenly flushed and floated into the air.

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho."

  His pupils and irises turned completely wine red, and his body was burning with blazing flames. His long brown hair turned into blue-gray strands and stretched down from the top of his head, flowing down automatically without wind.

   Gradually, the killing in the training ground finally came to an end. The blood-stained mutant prisoners all turned their heads to look at this strange scene, wandering between the two of them with uncertain expressions.


   After a while, Gambit fell from a height of more than two meters, touched the ground with one knee, and slowly straightened up. He blinked his dark red eyes, and subconsciously looked at his hands.

  The purple-red energy flames on his body rose again and poured into the suppressing armor, with both hands clasped—pata!

  The locks on the armor were automatically disengaged all the way along the spine, and fell to the ground with a bang.

   ". With this kind of energy intensity, is it possible that the power level of the top level 5 is here?"

  Caliban's black eyes were wide open, and he felt the power of this man gushing out from his body to an unimaginable height, far surpassing the "war" Rasputin beside him.


   With a complicated expression, Gambler picked up the energy suppression armor that had been worn for a long time on the ground, looked at the calm Tianqi, and just sighed.

  (end of this chapter)