MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 19 giant bug runaway

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The whole classroom was excited. Most of them had dissected dead ones, and this was the first time they had been delivered alive.

A group of people came to the laboratory happily, "Musashi, why are you so excited, are you going to fight the bug one-on-one?" Ma Long said with a smile.

"If there is a chance, I would like to try it."

"Crazy, Zuo Xiaopang, where are you going!" Ma Long hugged Zuo Xiaotang, who was about to run away, and Zuo Xiaotang's chubby face twisted together, "I think that thing is disgusting, it's dead. It's all so scary, and it's even scarier to live, forget it."

"Little Fatty, you are a mecha type. Anyone can be afraid, but you can't do it. You must go!" Li Hao also came, and the three dragged poor Zuo Xiaotang toward the laboratory. Zhou Nai behind him Yihe Yetong couldn't help laughing and laughing. He could also enter the mecha system, but he could only say that he was talented.

However, Zuo Xiaotang's weak personality still needs to be changed, otherwise, no matter how good his technique is, it will be useless in battle.

Entering the laboratory, there is a giant razor worm in an iron cage tens of meters high. At this time, it is lying on the ground half-dead, surrounded by tempered glass. This giant worm can't last long. Everyone is lying on the tempered glass. Looking at the glass carefully, and waving his little biceps excitedly, but this razor giant worm is not strong enough to jam its teeth.

"Its claws are very sharp, and it also has barbs. The mecha can't completely resist its attacks, and there are few survivors on the battlefield at present. Humans seem to have an appetite for them..." Niggins began to explain to everyone After explaining it on the spot, the people who were still a little excited began to feel a little disgusted, "Take a good look at the movement habits of these giant insects in the EMP, these are the data collected with great sacrifices, be more serious, just a few more. the possibility of surviving.”

However, for students, going to the battlefield is still quite far away. The solar system is peaceful, and Kepler is far away after all.

Li Hao looked at the giant razor worm in front of him in the crowd. He had taken an anatomy class in his freshman year. The structure of the giant worm was exactly the same as in his dream, but it was the first time he had encountered it alive.

The half-dead giant worm seemed to be stimulated by the eyes of the crowd. It slowly raised its head and opened its four huge compound eyes. In an instant, everything around it came into view. Suddenly, it felt something, and the four giant eyes focused a little.

"Don't think that it has only four eyes, each eye is full of sensory cells, and each compound eye is composed of more than 20,000 single eyes, and there is no dead angle in 360 degrees. It can be said that even in the jungle of Kepler As long as you enter its range, there is no possibility of hiding, and there is no chance of any luck, and the target locked by it will feel the terrifying touch of being stared at by countless giant insects. mental breakdown..."

At this time, Li Hao's body was motionless, he was being watched, and the giant razor worm struggled to get up. It was already dying and suddenly rushed towards the iron cage frantically. To tempered glass.

The entire laboratory is full of sirens, and the vents are still flooded with low-temperature nitrogen. The giant insects are very resistant to hypnosis and other gases. Only low temperature can reduce their functions, but this time it is obviously miscalculated, and the giant insects madly hit the glass.

"Disperse, disperse, all evacuate!" Niggins roared, he felt the murderous aura of this giant insect.

The laboratory was in chaos, but before it had time to respond, the tempered glass burst, and the giant razor worm rushed out. The laboratory people turned on their backs, and many people were injured by the ejected tempered glass. At this time, two figures rushed out. Yetong and Zhou Nai threw the table next to them, but the giant razor worm cut it open with a wave of its claws, and then rushed towards Zhou Naiyi, with all four giant eyes open, Zhou Naiyi, who was about to flee in an instant, was completely unable to move.

At this time, Zhou Nai was surrounded by countless eyes, like a nightmare, and completely lost consciousness.


A figure came out, and Li Hao hugged Zhou Naiyi to avoid the fatal blow of the giant razor bug, but the giant razor bug had already come to the two of them, and the huge razor cut it down.

The entire laboratory was screaming, and suddenly the giant razor worm seemed to have lost its strength, staring at its prey, and finally fell down, a pool of green liquid flowed out of its sharp mouth, followed by a turtle. Cracked, puddles of green liquid seeped out...

Niggins breathed a sigh of relief, and his face was very ugly. Fortunately, this razor giant was seriously injured. He looked at the torn alloy steel column and the broken tempered glass. How could this be? ?

It's not like they haven't evaluated it. This giant worm has only one breath left when it arrives here. How could it suddenly run wild, and it's useless even with low-temperature nitrogen?

Li Hao didn't pay attention to the surroundings, but immediately placed Zhou Naiyi on the ground, squeezed his chest, and performed artificial respiration. After several times, Zhou Naiyi's breathing slowly calmed down.

If a normal person is not protected by a mecha and is suddenly stared at by the compound eyes of a giant insect, not only will his spirit be suppressed, but his breathing will stop instantly. He has a profound experience of this feeling.

It didn't take long for the school's medical staff to arrive, and the response was quick, but this time it was really good luck...

The laboratory is still being cleaned and disinfected. Dozens of injured students are being treated. Fortunately, the giant worm has exhausted its last physical strength after hitting the tempered glass, otherwise there would be no survivors.

Long Danni looked at the influence of the surveillance with a dignified expression, surrounded by Niggins and experts in giant insects.

"Professor Niggins, have we tested this giant bug when it came in?" This kind of omission is absolutely not allowed to exist. Is Tianjing Jiwu already absurd to such an extent that Long Danni is very surprised anger.

"Principal, we have indeed undergone strict inspections, and the laboratory has double defenses and prepared low-temperature nitrogen gas to deal with all changes, but this time it is really strange, this giant insect seems to be stimulated by some kind of Judging from the situation of the body cracking, it should be some kind of stimulation method that we don't know yet to have such offensive power." On the one hand, Niggins was afraid, but on the other hand, he was full of strong curiosity, "Principal Long, in this situation There has never been such a strange situation, at least according to the information from the front."

"Play the video again, is it stimulated by anything?"

More than a dozen people in the room were staring at the screen. While playing slowly, the razor giant worm that was dying suddenly became restless at a certain moment.

"Listen, can Professor Niggins determine that its sight is locked?" Long Danni pointed at the screen and asked suddenly.

Niggins was also stunned. This giant razor worm has an accurate target. From an angle... it's... Li Hao!

The target of the giant bug is obviously Li Hao, and the direction of the impact after breaking the tempered glass is also Li Hao, but it was disturbed by the table thrown by Zhou Naiyi and Yetong. I have to say that the two girls reacted really fast. Although the instant interference had no attack power, it interrupted the giant worm, and it was obvious that the aura of the giant worm was very exhausted.

Then, Zhou Naiyi's body was still waiting to die. Everyone present knew that this was a "nightmare" state in the face of giant insects, similar to the mental suppression of human beings. Soldiers on the battlefield encountered it.

And at this time, Li Hao came over at some point, and rescued Zhou Naiyi without hesitation. He thought that when the two of them were going to die, the life of the giant razor worm came to an end.

However, Long Danni noticed a detail. The giant razor worm blocked most of the viewing angle, but in the gap, Li Hao seemed to be facing the giant worm head-on.

At least...he wasn't affected by the giant bug, was it by chance, or was the giant bug exhausted at the time?

"Professor Niggins, follow up on the follow-up matters. You have to give an explanation to the students. The most important thing is to take care of the wounded first."

"Yes, principal."

The others left the principal's room. After a few minutes, Long Danni called Sky News, "Call Li Hao here."

Long Danni sat quietly. People who have experienced war will not make a fuss because of such a little thing, how to deal with it, but this time it is obviously not an oversight in the laboratory, but something she does not know. clear factor.

Li Hao, Solar System Junior Class, is this person useful?

Even in Long Danni's position, you have to be cautious.

While waiting, Long Danni replayed the video again. She had been to Kepler without the protection of mechas. It is no exaggeration that giant insects mean demons to humans. It is normal for students to be afraid and flee. The reaction, so Zhou Naiyi and Yetong's reaction made her very happy, courage and methods are excellent, obviously in the face of the suffocation and suppression of the giant insect, Nighteye was not affected, and Zhou Naiyi was a little short, so I don't blame her , Nighteye is one of the very few people who owns a "golden zone" after all.

Li Haojian's ability to rescue Zhou Naiyi was quite strong, but he didn't face it head-on... No!

She made a habitual mistake. When the giant insect attacked Zhou Naiyi, the compound eye's attention...

The video played slowly, and Long Danni suddenly stood up.

All the compound eyes of the giant insect were on Li Hao. Turning around, although Li Hao was rushing towards Zhou Naiyi, at that moment, his eyes were on the razor giant insect.

The video freezes, Li Hao staring blankly at each other on the video, while all the eyes of the razor bug are also staring at Li Hao.

Li Hao, who fell to the ground, hugged Zhou Naiyi and rolled away from the attack position of the giant insect. Under normal circumstances, Li Hao should pick up Zhou Naiyi and continue to escape. Although it was blocked by the giant insect, Li Hao's first choice was this time. Not running, but looking back at the giant insect.