MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 648 Push the boat

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The interests of martial arts lie in business, while the interests of civil servants are deeply rooted in farming and reading.

Now, Wen Gong can easily catch the pain point of Wu Xun, and the sea trade business is beaten. It is obviously not difficult for Wu Xun to find the pain point of civilian officials.

Since April of the sixth year of Zhaowu, the Quanzhou smuggling case has gained momentum, and there have been many cases of tax evasion and tax evasion in the field of agricultural tax, and even collusion between officials and officials, concealing and omitting reports.

Cases of land, occupation of civilian land, and increase of tenancy rent in violation of court laws and regulations came up one after another.

Although he is an inspector of the three judicial divisions and is the home court of the civil servants, but under the staring eyes of Wu Xun, whoever covers up a little, then Wu Xun will definitely not mind coming to catch the pain-

Beat up!

Wen and Wu, agriculture and business, after tearing their faces, this turmoil caused by the tax case seems to have completely changed its nature, and has slipped in a completely unknown direction.


The Son of Heaven had long anticipated plans to inspect the world, and in such a battle, he had to temporarily suppress it.

In the Palace of Heavenly Purity, there were significantly more memorials piled up on the Emperor's table than in the past.

The situation of smuggling cases in Haijiang has changed, and land tax cases all over the world are coming like snowflakes.

Obviously, such a battle is still in order, but it also affects the most important stability.

The emperor slowly flipped through this volume of memorials, his expression did not change in the slightest, as if everything was normal, and he still turned a blind eye to this destabilizing battle, completely ignorant.

There is the slightest idea of ​​interference.

The emperor sees it very clearly. As long as it is in order, everything is easy to say. After all, in order, it is necessary to talk about evidence. Those who can be caught with pigtails must also do it.

If something is out of the ordinary and there is **** on the ass, you will be caught.

Whether it’s text or martial arts, since we want to fight, we should fight thoroughly and clean up the filth.

More importantly

The emperor stared at the recitation played by the cabinet, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The content of the memorial is very clear. Regarding the second imperial examination in Daheng, when discussing the imperial examination in Daheng, it is inseparable from the new study.

In this memorial, the new study was also elevated to a high position on the same level as Confucianism.

For the reform of the imperial examination system, a detailed charter was drawn up.

As long as he is approved by the emperor, the imperial examination in the coming year will be the first step in the reform of the education system and the selection system.

Of course, these are not important.

The important thing is that in this case, everyone will know that the ultimate proponent of the reform of the imperial examination system is Liu Qiyuan, the first assistant of the cabinet.

The emperor chuckled, picked up the seal and stamped it on the album, and immediately threw the album aside without hesitation.

Just these are not enough.

Reforming the imperial examination is something that has already been decided. Although it has not been completely formed into the regulations, the pressure to face and the people who should be killed have all been experienced by the emperor.

Even if the civil officials of the Manchu Dynasty did not support it, customized implementation is inevitable.

These have nothing to do with him, Liu Qiyuan.

Just - a statement, this sincerity, is not enough

The emperor picked up a copy of the memorial on the table, and wrote that the local officials and the landlords and gentry were in the same boat, concealing and ignoring the fields, evading taxes and squeezing hundreds of people.

All kinds of deep-rooted sins are still deeply rooted in this land.

The Son of Heaven naturally knows that many things are inevitable.

Human nature is like this, it can only be suppressed, not reversed.

This is also part of the reason why the Emperor sits and watches Wu Xun lift the lid almost retaliatory, but is indifferent.

What's more important is that although Wu Xun can't support the wall with some mud, the premise that the mud can't support the wall is that Daheng's rules bind the generals of Wu Xun and let them follow the officials.

The old fried dough sticks that have been ups and downs for several years, naturally do not understand

Even if you don't say anything about jumping over the wall, the intricate world of martial arts, it is not difficult to investigate people and who to involve.

He found that neither the civil servants nor the gentry had understood their own situation until now.

In Daheng, he was never the emperor who begged them to do something. Under the suppression of this mighty martial arts, if they wanted to survive, they could only ask him for the protection of the emperor!

They can stand in the world of Daheng, not because they can compete with martial arts, but because he, the emperor, is protecting them and pulling the sidelines.

They can grab Wu Xun's sore spot and beat him, not because they can suppress Wu Xun, but because of his powerful authority as the emperor.

Such tolerance, and now even the sincerity that should be rightly twisted.

Do you really think that if you continue to adhere to the so-called literati demeanor of the former Ming Dynasty, he, the emperor, will let them continue to maintain the honor of literati?

"I will pass on my will that all cases involving land taxation, no matter how big or small, shall be investigated strictly and strictly by law!

"Also, summon the world to me and encourage local people to report those who violate the agricultural tax law. If the report is true, half of the amount involved will be rewarded!

The Emperor spoke slowly, his voice was flat, but there was a deep coldness in his eyes.

Those who obey prosper, those who oppose perish.

He really doesn't have much patience, waiting for the so-called trade-offs of the officials.

Now that the situation has evolved to this point, he might as well take advantage of the situation.

The Emperor was quite looking forward to the evolution of the situation. This smuggling case, UU reading www. Even if covers the entire sea, it is only the sea, and there will always be an end.

But the so-called heirlooms of the civil servants, in the current environment of Daheng, what was right in the past is wrong now, and if you don't check it, it will be a problem.

ass shit!

When they investigate more and lose more, but when they are helpless, they will understand who is in charge of this Daheng.

Where are they based on the foundation of Daheng!

Daheng, after all, is not Da Ming.

In the middle of his thoughts, the emperor let out a long sigh and leaned back. Several beautiful and graceful palace maids immediately stepped forward, left and right, one after the other, either pressing their heads or hammering.

shoulder, or massage

There were also two eunuchs holding big palm fans, carefully fanning them, removing the heat of the scorching sun.

On both sides of the table, several basins of large ice cubes were placed to lower the temperature in the hall.

The emperor squinted his eyes slightly, just enjoyed it for a while, then got up and started writing for a while, as if thinking of something, suddenly looked at the ice basin placed in the hall, and asked casually.

"Have all the concubines and nobles in the harem sent ice cubes to cool down?"

Erdezi immediately replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the ice room has set the rules, ladies, highnesses and princesses, there are special people lining up every day.

The emperor glanced at the blazing sun outside the palace, and then said: "The weather is hot, let the Taiyuan Hospital prepare a prescription for clearing heat and detoxification, and send it to each palace.

"The slave understands."

Erdezi responded again.

The emperor nodded, and after giving his relatives a little concern, his thoughts returned to the endless state affairs.