MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 647 Agriculture and Commerce, Civil and Military

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In the first half of the sixth year of Zhaowu, it can be said that it is the second year that the world has turned from chaos to great governance.

If the country has been established for five or six years in the past dynasties, even if there are still wars and chaos outside, at least the internal center must be stabilized.

But in Daheng, where the country was inherently unstable, this was obviously not the case.

Like every previous year, although the center is not turbulent, it is not very calm-

The so-called tax case involves civil and military affairs, and it has evolved continuously. During the six years of Zhaowu, most of the Daheng world, all factions, it can be said that you sing me

On stage, it is dizzying and stunned.

From a simple tax case, to the consideration of all parties, it touched the darkness behind the scenes, and evolved into a major smuggling case that swept the civil and military, and then the death of Liu Hongtao changed the so-called case.

to an extreme.

Originally, both civil and military were involved, and no one could please anyone, but suddenly he pulled out abruptly, and the spearhead was all on Wu Zhi.

This operation almost completely detonated the contradiction between Daheng's civil and military affairs.

In the past Ming Dynasty, the nobles and nobles of the military for hundreds of years, to the martial arts who followed the emperor with military exploits, and even when they were weak, they completely ignored the high-ranking civil servants.

Contradictions have long been ingrained.

As Wu Li became more and more powerful, the contradiction between civil and military affairs in the former Ming Dynasty, Qin Gongxuequan, has been completely clear.

Since the early years of Jingwu in the former Ming Dynasty, the most fundamental reason for the internal and external troubles of Daheng's establishment of the country is obviously not only because of the Houjin Mongolia Liao Town, which was suppressed by the emperor's army.

The most fundamental reason is that when Wu Xun faced foreign enemies, the internal civil servants, or the landlords and gentry who were incompatible with Wu Xun, frantically made troubles, and even did not hesitate to fight with them.

Conspiracy of foreign enemies.

This also directly led to the conflict between civil and military. In those few years, it broke out completely and without reservation for the first time.

There is also the madness of Daheng to quell the foreign enemies, the mad bloodbath of the landlords and gentry, and the mad suppression of the civil servants.

With the unification of the world in the past two years, the situation has gradually stabilized, and the restraint on the civil servants and even the gentry has gradually loosened.

It is obvious that the relaxation of the restraint on the civil servants and the gentry, and the gradual transfer of powers to the court civil servants, is obviously a serious violation of the interests of military officials.

After the conflict broke out completely, a new round of accumulation began.

And this time the so-called case is evolving step by step, but why is the reason behind the scenes? On the bright side, at the beginning, both the civil and military were involved, and the face was torn apart.

That is, the interests of both parties will be damaged.

Wu Xun obviously did not want to tear his face, but Liu Qiyuan, the chief assistant of the cabinet, brazenly tore his face, dragging both civil and military into the muddy waters of Quanzhou.

Under the supervision of the three judicial divisions, officials and generals were sacked one after another, no matter whether they were literary or military, although they were all dragged in, they were still rolling in the quagmire.

Say who's not.

If both sides are rolling in the quagmire, if Liu Qiyuan wants to investigate, he will kill 300 enemies and lose 1000. After all, the existence of Liu Hongtao ensures that Liu Qiyuan will not be able to escape.


In this way, if only a few pawns were lost, then the chief assistant of the cabinet would be dismounted. This transaction is obviously cost-effective.

In this way, from the beginning of the case, the rapid progress of the case also clearly proves everything.

But Liu Hongtao's death suddenly pulled Liu Qiyuan out of the quagmire. Now, the balance of interests is obviously extremely uneven.

The contradiction between civil and military, under this fuse, is once again completely ignited!

It's just that this time, the only difference between this time and the previous conflict is that, this time, it was not the overturning of the table led by the emperor, but the text in the order.

Wu tore his face!

The Duke of Yasukuni immediately filed a memorial for the Son of Heaven, and took the trial and disposal power of the lieutenant generals involved in the case back from the three judicial divisions of the court.

The temporary honeymoon period has come to an end.

In this case, Wen and Wu were completely torn apart.

In just a few months, the three judicial divisions have thoroughly investigated the case in the sea and borders.

As if the entire sea area was thoroughly investigated, there were nearly a thousand officials and soldiers involved in the case.

As for the sea frontier, it is obvious that the lieutenant generals and soldiers of the army occupy the vast majority.

Although the officers and soldiers involved in the case were returned to the Military Justice Division for trial, the three judicial divisions were ordered to supervise the handling.

In the end, to what extent is involved, the three judicial divisions are the leading functional institutions.

Being caught by the civil servants and beating hard at the sore spot, Wu Xun obviously would not sit still.

These days, there are a few more people in the world who dare to say that they don't have **** on their ass.

Really want to check, few can stand the check.

Also in the first half of the sixth year of Zhaowu, there were frequent major cases all over the world.

The case involved is also very simple.

One word: tax!

Daheng's tax is divided between merchants and farmers.

And these two items, in a sense, also represent the contradiction between the old and the new, the civil and the military.

Daheng's martial arts are all following the will of the emperor and occupying the top of Daheng's business.

And farming lies in the fields.

What is inseparable from the land is the existence of the landlords and gentry.

Even with the previous purges, the fiscal and taxation reforms, and the division of the land in a certain sense, it is obvious that in the historical environment of this era.

It is impossible to be as thorough as the battle of the landlords in later generations.

Landlord, still exists, and this era, Landlord, is also combined with another noun

Farming and reading heirlooms.

This is also the foundation of the landlord gentry, or the gentry and the civil service.

If there are fields in the family, tenants farming, and wealth, you can read, study, and become famous, and you can better protect the family's wealth, and so on and so forth.

It became a family entrenched in one place!-

Again and again, the purges led by the emperor and presided over by Wu Xun, although they were a great blow to the existence of the landlords and gentry, the establishment of the fiscal and taxation order was also on the necks of the landlords and gentry.

Put on an irresistible yoke.

But it is undeniable that the ruling order of Daheng, officials at all levels, are mostly the existence of family heirlooms.

In the face of Daheng's new order, ordinary people have one mu of land, so they must pay the agricultural tax of one mu of land, and it is impossible to pay more, so that officials can enrich their personal pockets.

But the powerful and powerful landlords and gentry, the existence of these family heirlooms, have 100 mu of land, - 1000 mu of land, but they may not be able to pay the full amount of agricultural tax honestly.

Wu Xun can collude with each other to avoid order supervision, smuggling and tax evasion. Civil servants, or in other words, they are all landowners and gentry who originated from farming and reading heirlooms. They must avoid supervision and collude with officials.

Tax evasion, obviously more