MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 616 Deadly poisonous fog and desperate poisonous fog

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The poisonous hand's body was slightly sideways, and at seven o'clock, "Sakura's broken heart" all wiped his body and flew over without hitting. The poisonous hand continues to move forward slowly, and the air is still the low voice: "Come on, try to attack..."

During the speech, his right hand, which had been hanging down, suddenly stretched out, palms facing the blood cherry, and a bunch of green smoke shot straight into her body.

mean! The people who are on the scene or watching the live broadcast can't help but come up with the word. Blood Sakura raided the emperor to release the demon, people will not think that blood sakura is despicable, but rather cherish the meaning of the emperor's release of the demon, because she is a woman. And a man suddenly spoke on a woman while talking - except for despicable, they couldn't think of anything else.

Blood sakura is blood sakura after all, her body slanted and jumped, and a perfect arc fell on the right side of a dozen meters. When she just landed, it was a group of the same smoke that rushed to her body, as if she had already settled her. Blood Sakura has not yet stabilized and the body bounces again, and once again moved sideways by a dozen meters, it is able to step on the edge of the arena.

"It’s very close, and it’s a sudden shot when you talk, two consecutive attacks—all perfectly escaped. Oh, I started to think that this woman is getting more and more scary.” El Raffar’s look of horror .

When the blood sakura stabilized again, the attack of the poisonous hand has followed. Since he has given up the passive waiting for the blood cherry attack, he will not give the blood cherry a chance to breathe. At this time, the green smoke around his body has expanded to nearly one meter, which means that as long as the blood cherry is within one meter of him, it will be poisonous.

Blood Sakura is uncertain, and I dare not rush to try it. In desperation, I can only open my poisonous hands with my own degree. The attacking mode of the poisonous hand is very monotonous. Only the right hand can continuously spurt the poisonous smoke, and the maximum attack distance will not exceed ten meters. But despite this, on the competitive stage of this limited area, she is not easy to avoid,

After three consecutive minutes, the attack of the poisonous hand still did not stop, the blood cherry was in a completely passive situation, and if it continued, she always had the moment of being inadvertently scanned.

"It seems that I can only try to rely on you..." Blood Sakura once again stood on the edge of the arena, silently watching the spurs of Gaia in the palm of his hand.

However, the poisoned hand first stopped her step by step. He took the green right hand back into his sleeve and stood in the middle of the arena again with a deadly breath.

"I don't really like playing the game of catching mice. Then, the game is over. Although this will expose my strength, even if I expose it, it may only make the people behind me more afraid, and no one can Find out how to deal with it. Because... this arena is really perfect."

Blood cherry eyebrows.

"Sports? What is he talking about?" El Raffan was surprised.

Wilcotes was silent for a while, staring at the action of the poisonous hand. Suddenly his face changed and he said: "If he has a way to be full of poisonous fog on the entire arena, how would you cope?"

El Raffar screamed and then screamed: "Oh! No! This is impossible, it is terrible."

“Is it impossible?” Wilcotes glanced at the stage and said with a dignified look: “I have a strong sense of foreboding, and my guess may be right.”

"Deadly poisonous fog!!"

The poisonous hand on the stage finally had an action. With his shrill screaming, his hands stretched out and the green smoke around his body suddenly doubled. After a brief pause, he continued to swell up, such as a The blown balloon generally expands and expands.

El Raffar's eyes widened: "Dear Wilcotes, unfortunately, seems to be spoken by you."

The face of the players on the scene showed no sorrow, and the sound of horror came from time to time around the world. If the poison of the poisonous hand is as terrible as the legend, and the scope of the poisonous mist can cover the entire arena, who else can not die under him.

In just a few seconds, the toxic fog has covered more than 20 meters, but the degree of expansion remains undiminished. The face of Blood Sakura changed and changed, and it continued to retreat under the force of poisonous fog until it retreated to the edge of the arena.

"Give up, the space in this restricted area determines that you can't escape the deadly poisonous fog. You have no chance of winning. Giving up or surrender is your best choice. Even if you can resurrect, you will be in this poisonous fog again. Poisoning. If you don't give up, your only consequence is to become a beautiful green body."

The demonic mist was getting closer and closer to her, and the **** cherry blossomed in the hands of Gaia, and closed her eyes silently: "My partner must succeed."

The toxic fog finally spread to the edge of the arena, and the invisible energy hood blocked the pace of continued expansion. In the people's exclamation, the entire stadium is surrounded by green mist, and the blood cherry is so completely immersed in the poisonous fog.


Very strong, and not too strong. Compared with its toxicity, its effect is even more terrible.

The life of blood sakura is quickly lost, and a layer of faint green is beginning to appear on the surface of the body. This layer of green will continue to deepen and gradually expand from the body surface to the body. At the moment when life is swallowed up, poisoning The people will become green and miserable.

This poison has no medicine to solve, whether it is the restoration of the temple sacrifice, or the antidote sold in the prop store has no effect. And once poisoned, the poisoning state will continue until it stops. Therefore, once the poison of the poisoned hand is taken, it is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

This is why people can't help but shudder when they hear the name of the poisonous hand.

"Oh! God, I really can't bear to see the beautiful Miss Blood Sakura dying in the ugly poison. I vomit! I think I still close my eyes. I am now afraid to run into poisonous hands." El La There was fear in the mouth of the flange, and his face was exaggerated, but there was no shadow in his eyes.

"Hey, take your boring, open my eyes, what the woman seems to be doing."

"Oh?" El Raffar's obedient eyes widened to the blood cherry, but there wasn't much panic between her expressions, but she raised her right hand as if she were making a decision.

Almost everyone has identified her failure. She even hopes that she will give up. After giving up the game, she will immediately return to the initial state. The poison is naturally relieved. If she continues to struggle, she will not change the status quo, but will only die more tragically.

The city of the wind and soul, Feng Yao also nervously clenched his hands. Blood Sakura sister, come on... It doesn't matter if you fail, you really have done very well.

Blood Sakura clenched the spurs of Gaia in his hand, feeling the faint sacred power, and the nervous heart began to calm down.

Must be successful... She meditates again, and her right hand begins to release a warm, holy white light.

"I hope the blessing of the goddess!"

Although the white light is weak, and it only spreads about a metre range, but wherever it goes, it actually dispels the green poisonous mist. No, it is not dispelling, but a silent annihilation! The white light gradually reflected a vague girl figure. She was petite and delicate, her body was white, and her white head floated behind her back. Although she could not see her face under the cover of white light, she knew that she was the sleeping child. At the Gaia cemetery, and gave her the young girl of Gaia.

The moment when Gaia’s image appeared, it attracted countless exclamations, and people speculated about what magical skills it was. Among the white light, Gaia lightly closed his eyes, and the hands on his chest gently opened to both sides, sprinkling a large sacred light around him. The light is still slowly descending from the air, sprinkled on the blood cherry, and filled the entire arena. The green smoke disappeared when the light came, and there was no chance to struggle.

When Gaia’s image disappeared and the light fell, the original green misty squad no longer had a smog.

Wishing the blessing of the goddess: Sprinkle the light of the goddess of hope within 5m of the surrounding area, and increase the full capacity of all partners and all partners by 2o% for 1o minutes, and relieve all abnormal state and ability of the partner and all of them. All deaths The partner resurrected and returned 3% of the vitality, cooling time of 1 hour.

Gaia's sneak attack ability is slightly inferior to that of Blood Sakura, and the attack range is far less than that, but it comes with seven skills, three attacks, three assists, and a summons. The overall strength is obviously over the grass, because it is something that belongs to the realm.

The poisoning state of Blood Sakura disappeared, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was worried that it would have no effect. It seems that the poison of the poisonous hand is not in the legendary way. Her footsteps were wrong, like a black lightning sprint forward, with two cold awns through the poisonous hand still in a sluggish state.

"This is not... maybe..." The poisonous man murmured, and the short figure fell on the stage.

The audience outside the audience was all stunned because it was a truly incredible reversal.

The blood sakura stopped the body shape and slammed back. As she expected, the poisoned hands immediately resurrected in a group of green light, but this time she had no scruples, even though he could poison her again when she attacked him, blood sakura also had absolute confidence. Kill him again before being poisoned.

Because he can never resurrect the second time.

However, her "killing the goddess of the goddess", which will kill this trick, is short-selling. The poisoned hand did not choose to poison her. Instead, she chose to avoid it. The body wrapped in a black robe was like a ghost, and it turned to a dozen meters away. Then she turned and screamed coldly. "So... I can only use it three times in my life. As long as you touch it, you will become the deadly poisonous fog of the green corpse!!"

Dead at first sight? Desperate poison fog?

This time, even the many masters on the stage showed obvious horror on their faces.

The poisonous hand of Russia, under the terrible appearance, actually hides such a horrible horrible killing trick!

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