MTL - Later, He Became a Royal Healer-Chapter 49

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After thinking about the cause and effect, You Liangxing's first feelings in his heart were nothing more than anger. This anger was different from his usual feeling of being angry from time to time when chatting with Ah Sheng. It was a real annoyance. .

Recalling this period of time with A Sheng, You Liangxing became more and more chilled. After the mobile phone was turned off, he took a cold bath, and his mind gradually calmed down. However, after calming down, his anger did not diminish, but he felt more anxious. He didn't feel sleepy for a while.

For half a month, it ’s not long or short, but for You Liangxing, it really took a lot of thoughts invisibly. He even considered whether to meet the other party for a while ... Now I want to come, the two are compared. , The more angry.

What makes you a girl? He has always regarded A Sheng as a friend.

You Liangxing lay down to sleep, but was not sleepy, turning to the other side, his mind still couldn't shake the thing just now. A Sheng is the anchor, Liao Su's favorite anchor kk ...

Suddenly, You Liangxing was startled, something flashed into his mind, and he looked for a moment.

Liao Su? Before, he seemed to have asked Liao Su to play games with A Sheng. At that time, how did he introduce with A Sheng?

Because I felt a little guilty at the time, I still remember it clearly until now. He told A Sheng that Liao Su was his roommate ...

Roommate, after that, Liao Su also gave a big voice in the team voice.

You Liangxing: ...

In this way, if A Sheng is not too stupid, he should have known that he should be a man. When you think about the way he got along during this time, You Liangxing did not feel that the other person treats him as a girl.

A thought that came suddenly and the effect was like a cloud and fog, although You Liangxing himself didn't realize it, but at that moment, his expression was much clearer and clearer.

In this sense, he should be too decisive, and there is indeed a misunderstanding in the middle.

At this moment, thinking of quitting the game indifferently last night, he didn't listen to A Sheng's words, and after he knew it, he had an unspeakable embarrassment.

I wanted to say something to Asheng right away, but because the mood changed so much, You Liangxing hesitated a bit, and this time hesitated, so that You Liangxing still regretted it.

It was already dawn, and You Liangxing had not fallen asleep. There was a knock at the door. "Clean."

At this time, cleaning seemed to be a little bit earlier. Between the doubts of You Liangxing, the knocking sound outside the door kept ringing, You Liangxing said: "Wait a moment."

He opened the door just halfway, and suddenly a Bai Nen's hand suddenly reached into the outside, holding a high heel tightly in his hand, and left it on You Liangxing's lap without saying a word. When You Liangxing stepped back, the whole person squeezed in Out of the room.

Bai Yao held it by hand | gun-shaped, serious: "Don't move, raise your hands! You have been arrested, you can choose to be silent or speak, but remember that every sentence you say will be presented as evidence ! "

You Liangxing: "..."

Bai Yao: "Give some reaction."

You Liangxing: "... Well."

The memories came to an abrupt halt. You Liangxing turned his head to see Bai Yao who had caught him early in the morning. The sleeping white fairy was staring at him with big eyes. "what are you thinking."

You Liangxing slowly said, "My phone."

Bai Yao: "No."

After catching You Liangxing, in order to prevent him from escaping, Bai Yao confiscated his mobile phone. You Liangxing sighed, turned his head to the side, didn't insist, but was a little bit lost.

It is true to want to get back to A-Sheng early on the mobile phone, but at the same time, he is also hesitant about A-Sheng's attitude and how he should respond. Heaven and man are at war, and the mobile phone is not an excuse for delaying him. .

Yao Miaomiao called out, "Sister Yao Yao?"

Bai Yao said: "Well." Looking at the time, by the way, sorting out his own chaotic shapes, star idols are perfect at any time, even if they are private, they must be beautiful to the world and explode.

"OK, go."

Bai Yao's schedule is very tight. He just took a nap with You Liangxing for a while and was in a hurry. When the time was up, he switched to work, and got off the bus halfway. Bai Yao glanced at Yao Miao Miao who was behind him. "Don't go."

Yao Miaomiao was startled: "Ah?"

Bai Yao pointed to You Liangxing, "You look at him."

Yao Miaomiao hesitated: "No, I can't leave you alone."

Bai Yao said, "Why am I alone, isn't it human?" He glanced at the driver Xiao Zhang, and said, "Come and come, you follow me."

Yao Miaomiao looked nervous: "This ..."

Bai Yao pulled her closer and instructed: "What can I do if I see a host, I will give Aliang to you. You showed it to me, you know?"

Bai Yao looked serious, and Yao Miaomiao changed from declining to being a close enemy, "I know, I know."

To explain the matter well, Bai Yao finally let go, she threw You Liangxing's mobile phone to Yao Miaomiao and turned into the company at a beautiful pace.

The back of Bai Yao gradually went away, and Yao Miaomiao and You Liangxing were speechless for a while.

Slightly, You Liangxing said, "My phone."

Yao Miaomiao: "This ..."

You Liangxing looked at her, frowned, and had a two-point discussion. The close-up face value shocked the second wave. Yao Miaomiao immediately defeated: "Here you are."

It's not Bai Yao's miscalculation, just a joke. If you don't want to return it to You Liangxing, just hold it by yourself. Give it to Yao Miaomiao in front of You Liangxing, it's no different than giving him directly.

You Liangxing took the mobile phone. On the surface of it, unconsciously, he was a little nervous. Did he send a message to him after he hurriedly shut down last night, and if he did, what would he say.

You Liangxing lowered his head and turned on, while Yao Miaomiao, who looked at You Liangxing and did not leave, looked around with anxiety and worried, "Can Sister Yao Yao be alone? What if I sign the contract directly?"

You Liangxing took a moment to look out, and within the scope of his eyes, he could not help seeing the words "Meng Mao". You Liangxing knew that Bai Yao was here to do things, but he didn't know the specific matters. Now his thoughts diverge, and he suddenly thinks of A Shenglai.

Ah Sheng ... kk is the anchor of this company.

Suddenly remembering that You Liangxing is also playing the glory of the king, Yao Miaomiao said: "Today I heard that kk and Piaoluo are both. It seems that they are two very famous anchors. I do n’t know the king. I do n’t know. Who will pick? "

You Liangxing: "..."

You Liangxing: "kk?"

Yao Miaomiao said, "Yes, kk and Piaoluo."

You didn't find that You Liangxing only asked kk a person, Yao Miaomiao didn't care much, "I don't worry if I don't follow her, I have to remind her not to take photos with her."

You Liangxing said: "You mean kk is here?"

Yao Miaomiao is unknown. "Yes, Sister Yaoyao picked up the live broadcast of Meng Mao TV, and wanted to work with a host, and today is to meet them, don't you know?"

You Liangxing didn't hear the remaining half of the words. He looked at the door of the cute cat tv outside the window, but he was a little lost. He heard the sound of the success of turning on the mobile phone. You Liangxing woke his head like a dream, and clicked in. WeChat.

There are two new messages from Ah Sheng in the chat list.

[A Saint]:-I didn't hide you intentionally, I was always serious.

[A Sheng]:-Go to Beijing tomorrow ... Will you meet?

You Liangxing: "..."

Slightly, Youliang walked: "I want to get off."

The author has something to say: 补 Complement words tomorrow. 2k novel reading network