MTL - Later, He Became a Royal Healer-Chapter 48

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At this moment, Wang Lu was full of chaos in his mind. He looked up, and for a moment, he couldn't see the face of the person in front of him, but only conditionally said, "k, kk?"


The sound is familiar, and the word saturates a listless taste, which is indeed kk's style. Wang Lu, the whole person, unknowingly stepped back and opened a little distance from kk. At the same time, his eyes quickly fell on kk's face.

This time it was completely blank, and it was swept away by ecstasy.

There is such a good thing ...

kk looks too dazzling!

Not only is it better than Piao Luo, if it is really better, in Wang Lu's view, it is obviously better than the howling wolf.

Such an analogy is actually a bit subtle, because the person in front of him does not match the words used to describe the handsomeness and handsomeness of young boys. It is not handsome, but a type of beauty ...

kk is very high. It is conservatively estimated to be two meters. He is not thin and has a well-proportioned shape. It looks too tall for ordinary heights. If you look at him alone, you will find that he does not appear to be obtrusive because of his height. With an intangible temperament, it gives a feeling that he should have grown up like that.

In general, the facial features are exquisite, profound, and stunning. He just propped up the two-meter body with a look of decadence, like an international male model with some gloomy winds.

Wang Lu was surprised at first, and was immediately overjoyed when he calmed down. He was excited for a while and was excited: "Okay, okay, it's good when you arrive, right, are you sick? Would you like to rest?"

Kang Shengzhe shook his head and said, "No need."

It's still that listless voice. Wang Lu could not help but be attracted to attention. In the spirit excitement, he also remembered that the state of kk was the most important. After a careful examination, he found that kk was not only mentally unsatisfactory, but also a little dark and black, like sleep Not enough, fortunately, he has a good background, and people have a natural stigma. Otherwise, because of the dark circles, I don't know how many impression points to reduce.

Wang Lu was anxious. "Did not sleep yesterday? Who is going to do nothing?"

Kang Shengzhe said lightly, "It's all right."

How could this be okay? Obviously, I didn't want to say it. Wang Lu estimated that it was mostly a private matter, so I did n’t ask much. I just prayed not to delay serious work. I looked down and said, "Okay, let's go to the company first. Your luggage? , Checked? "

Kang Shengzhe said: "No."

"No? You went out empty-handed? Wait, wasn't it stolen?" Wang Lu was surprised. Looking at Kang Shengzhe, he really didn't see the packages and luggage on the left and right sides.

Kang Shengzhe didn't speak, only turned his side, and Wang Lu looked up. He saw a backpack behind Kang Shengzhe. The shoulder bag was small. It was conservatively estimated that he could not hold much. Kang Shengzhe had grown too tall. Wang Lu had never seen this bag.

"Just bring this bag?"


Wang Ludao: "Let's go, give it to me, you should lie down in the car for a while, anyway, it's important to sleep first."

Kang Shengzhe did not refuse, Wang Lu dutifully took over Kang Shengzhe's backpack, and found that it was lighter than expected. At the touch, it felt a bit swollen and did not know what was installed.

After getting in the car, Kang Shengzhe was sitting in the back seat. The carriage was a bit small for him. He deliberately lowered his upper body, but his two long legs seemed nowhere to rest.

Wang Lu saw him uncomfortable, hurriedly adjusted the front seat, squeezed himself to leave space for Kang Shengzhe, and at the same time, while Kang Shengzhe was not asleep, gritted his teeth, and told Kang Shengzhe the current situation.

"... This incident happened too suddenly. Piaoluo's heart wanted to overwhelm us, but we still have a chance. It depends on Bai Yao's attitude for a while. You have to behave well, but don't be too nervous. Naturally be kind Just fine ... kk? "

Kang Shengzhe returned to God, "Listening."

Wang Lu gave a sigh and sighed softly. He wasn't sure how much kk had listened to, but in the final analysis, he had the responsibility of his agent who did not do a good job and had no right to teach kk, but said: "Well, in your heart Just a few things. If we can survive today, I promise that there won't be any mistakes in the contract. You can rest assured. "

Kang Shengzhe was not very interested in this matter from the beginning. Naturally, he did not get excited when things changed, and nodded to see Wang Lu being so serious.

Wang Lu was relieved and relieved, "Let's rest and sleep for a while."

Kang Shengzhe answered, closed his eyes, but had no drowsiness. Compared to sleep, he unconsciously took a breath from his chest and let out a deep sigh.


He was really looking forward to coming to Beijing. He didn't want this day to come, but he was in a cold war with He Liangliang.

After matching Xiao Jianxian last night, Kang Shengzhe sent a large friend application to You Liangxing, and WeChat also left a message. However, no matter which one, he has not been responded so far.

Kang Shengzhe turned around in the night, and was always in a bad mood. After a night, it turned out to be a world of insomnia.

It stands to reason that Liangliang ran in the morning every morning. It is impossible to see the message sent at night, but why not reply if you see it?

Or does he feel so angry that he doesn't want to reply?

Kang Shengzhe was worried. He couldn't fall asleep and couldn't keep up. He closed his eyes for more than an hour and arrived at Meng Mao TV's head office. It was a bit more decadent than before.

Wang Lu looked anxiously, "kk! You, you ..."

Beauty is beautiful, but not too mournful.

At that point, Wang Lu suddenly stopped, staring at a black nanny car on the side of the road, his face turned white.

"Damn, this car, Bai Yao has arrived? Are you kidding me, don't you say that you will arrive at 1 pm! This is the company ..." He didn't finish the last words, but it was obviously annoying. Bai Yao met, kk is not even more chance.

Thinking, Wang Lu anxiously said, "Hurry up, kk, let's go, hey! You hair, you hurry up."

Kang Shengzhe's hair was a little messy just now. He had no energy in his own hair, and his hair was chaotic. He seemed to have no vitality. After being urged by Wang Lu, he pulled the development circle, looked around, and bent over to the side of the road. The window of the nanny car was combed a bit.

He was tall, with a low waist and a subtle angle towards the window. His fingers stretched out on both sides of his long hair, making his features look extra strong and sharp. Sharp feeling.



"Hurry up, come here, here."

Kang Shengzhe followed, with a small pony tail hanging from his head, and formed into small spheres. His hair was curled up, and the lines of his neck and jaw seemed particularly clear. He did look a lot clearer, and he was temporarily overwhelmed by the beauty of stunningness. Condensed as a natural sense of oppression.

He followed in a few steps and didn't know that just across this window, someone inside the nanny car covered her mouth tightly and pressed down a scream that was caused by the violent blow from the quiet distance just now. .

Yao Miaomiao opened her eyes and covered her mouth, and then whispered, "Wow, ah, ah, it looks so good."


The cold tone was a sweet voice. Yao Miaomiao turned her head back, her mood was not calmed down, and she couldn't help but said, "There is a person outside who is tying his hair. He looks beautiful and looks special."

An assistant who had seen Bai Yao's flowers and grass around the whole day used this expression to describe it. It is conceivable how good it is, but You Liangxing only murmured and didn't care much.

Yao Miaomiao couldn't help pulling You Liangxing's sleeves and said, "That ... oh, look."

You Liangxing had to look sideways out of the window, but the timing was unfortunate. The man had stood up and turned. Due to the obstruction of his sight in the car, You Liangxing did not see how tall the person was, but only saw the half-waist line facing the window. .

"It's a pity." Yao Miaomiao covered her mouth again. "He really looks good ..."

Looking at You Liangxing's face, Yao Miaomiao swallowed the second half and looked at You Liangxing's appearance. She could easily understand the reason why You Liangxing was indifferent. You Liangxing was so handsome, how could she care like herself? The appearance of others.

Yao Miaomiao closed her mouth, and she was speechless, so she said, "Well, hey, I don't know when Yao Yao will wake up."

When mentioning Bai Yao, You Liang walked, frowning, always a look of sadness on his cold face, he looked over to him, Bai Yao was sleeping, but his hands still hugged You Liangxing For fear of him running away while she was sleeping.

You Liangxing looked up at the sky and sighed softly.

How could he run away, his mobile phone was still pressed in Bai Yao's chest, even if he was worried about it now, he could not reach for it, let alone leave the mobile phone and run.

Escaping is impossible, and today is July 1st, a day when family reunion is more compulsory than the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Restricted actions, You Liangxing was idle, and remembered yesterday's events: match the game anchor, found that A Sheng is kk, was ridiculed and led a girl, thought that he had been played, and quit the game in a hurry ...

Ah Sheng is kk, and this fact seems to have many clues.

After being suddenly called out last night and indeed hearing Ah Sheng's voice, You Liangxing calmed down and struck these things together.

It's no wonder that every time I play with Ayutthaya at 10:30, restraining kk's gameplay will be effective for Ayutthaya, saying that it is a student who has to work, but it is not the anchor.

Thinking about this, You Liangxing quickly thought of all the reasons that he first knew with A Sheng.

That sound is very familiar. If you have the opportunity to add a friend, you must have played the game together. In addition, the other person thinks that he is a "sister".

Who would have thought that Yuanyuan had been held so long.

The author has something to say: I really have no intentional hydrology.

I just used to write the place where I want to explain the situation objectively into a person's psychological activity.


Knowing that progress is slow, but as soon as I write it is so slow, slow, slow.


*** 2k novel reading network