MTL - Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again-Chapter 29 scary security department

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Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again Chapter 249 The Horrible Security Department

As Habara's strength became stronger and stronger, the possibility of him relying on his own strength to extract wool from the system became less and less.

But the development of the family made him more happy, but at the same time he also found that he actually seemed to have misunderstood the system.

That is the judgment of this system, and there is a big error in my own judgment.

He originally thought that as the children continued to grow in three years, he would be able to continuously gain family prosperity and thus get more system draws.

In fact, this is true, but he overlooked a small problem - that is, these children do not grow fast, and the points given for becoming Sangouyu are not too many.

Moreover, the system had already given the family's political and economic development to Yubara and transformed it into abilities.

Therefore, when judging whether to improve again, the judgment value and score will drop. Unless there is a major breakthrough, don't think about it.

This really gave Habara a bit of a headache, but the good news is that he really doesn't need skills much now.

After all, after three years of development, everyone has made progress, how could Habara himself have not made progress?

Maybe it's because his strength is really too strong, so his progress doesn't seem to be that great, that is, he can open the fourth stage Xu Zuo Nenghu relatively easily.

However, it is this ability to easily open the fourth stage of Xu Zuo Nou, which has already allowed him to stand at the level when Uchiha Madara and Senju Zhuma entered the level.

You can even split with them, Uchiha Madara's level is comparable when he chooses to forcibly "retire from the group"!

He has tested it himself, if he goes all out to activate the fourth stage Xu Zuo Nenghu, that is, with the help of skills such as Dao Rebellion, Great Destruction, and Firm Will.

At this stage, he can definitely create a Xu Zuo Nenghu that is over 250 meters long, and even bigger!

You must know that he is only at the peak level when Uchiha Madara opened the Eternal Eye, and after Uchiha Madara, there are reincarnation eyes and six modes.

But under the same circumstances, he has already surpassed Uchiha Madara. Even if this kind of progress does not seem to be big on the whole, it is already a big step forward personally!

With such strength as a guarantee, he originally thought that the system might not provide him with much to look forward to.

It's just that the system still gave him a small surprise, and he also found that the system seemed to be really good at cooperating with him, and what was given to him could help him.

[Mysterious Art · Silk Thread Entangling Flow: A special forbidden area can be formed by configuring Yin Dun, Yang Dun and space power in the body

In the forbidden area, all external attacks will not be able to cause any damage, only entering the forbidden area can attack the host

The duration of the mysterious art of silk thread entanglement is decided by the host itself, but it will consume a lot of chakra when it exceeds ten seconds]

When Yubara saw this technique, he immediately remembered that it seemed to be the ability of a certain loli who was carrying scissors, and this ability was really good for Yubara.

This technique of forcibly forming a barrier can allow Habara to better attack some targets at fixed points, and if he really plays tricks, he can hide inside and attack other people.

Of course, this is also an extreme situation, and he doesn't need to do this at all when dealing with some ordinary people.

But in the face of some powerful people, such a move is very effective, especially those big tubes in the future!

Therefore, this skill was undoubtedly retained by Habara.

As for the other skill, it is also very interesting, or it is a modified skill that Habara shook his head when he saw it, but it happens to be the best skill he has obtained so far!

[Mysterious Technique Meditation: After activating this technique, the host will enter a 24-hour meditation state

In the state of meditation, the host will receive unprecedented protection. It is difficult for the enemy to injure the host with any attack. Even if the host can recover quickly

And in the state of meditation, the host's own perception ability and thinking ability will be greatly increased, which can help the host to learn and think

Even, comprehend some difficult-to-learn techniques, the activation time of this technique is once a month]

If this technique Yuyuan remembers correctly, it is the ability of Master Yi, the sword sage, but this technique has been modified by the system.

Although it still retains the almost 'invincible' meditation feature, it also gives it the ability that meditation should have.

That is to enhance the ability to learn and enhance the ability to perceive!

These two points are what Habara needs most, and they are also what Habara dreams of most.

What he has to do now is to integrate chakras of different attributes, and to solve the problem of yin and yang escape, which naturally requires a super learning ability.

Habara felt that there was nothing wrong with his learning ability, but he also knew very well that he was not particularly good at research.

Perhaps this has something to do with his being a liberal arts student in his previous life, and he was not good at science, and he can only rely on himself if he has no ability to help him.

Therefore, the emergence of the technique of meditation, especially after being transformed by magic, really helped him a lot.

It's a pity that this obviously can only be used once a month, and the duration of one time is only 24 hours. This kind of efficiency is a bit slow no matter how you look at it.

But the effect of this technique is really good. At least for now, Habara has made some progress in fusing Chakra and Yin Yang Dun.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, even with Obito and Kimeara's skills, it is not so easy for Habara to make progress, but now he has taken that step and is constantly moving forward.

"If I can go faster, then I will be more confident in the future."

Habara was thinking about it, and soon he stood up and stretched slightly, then looked at Shisui with a smile and said.

"Forget it, since you care so much about those little guys, let's go and have a look together."

"Say it as if you're not curious, though you may have information."

Seeing that Habara agreed, Shisui also smiled and stood up to go out with Habara.

This time, the graduation of the Konoha little guys is actually much more than expected, and every time they encounter a big graduation in the past three years, the major families will take action.

Because this will be the time for them to recruit the talents they need. When Habara asked for reform, he had already mentioned this matter.

Therefore, at this time point, the patriarchs, deputy patriarchs, or some important elders of the major families will be dispatched.

Then, according to the distribution plan they had discussed a long time ago, choose the people you want, and persuade them to let them join you.

Then fund them, support them, let them grow better, so that they can stand for their own family in the future, and even provide more help.

In fact, Zilai really wanted to object after knowing this, but after thinking about it, he knew that even if he objected, it would be useless.

In the end, he could only pinch his nose as if these families were helping Konoha to train ninjas.

Because besides thinking about it this way, it seems that there is really no better way for him to think about this matter calmly.

And the ninjas of the major families are also very clear that this kind of thing can be done, but it must not be known by everyone.

Therefore, after they recruited these young people, in addition to providing them with resources, they were strictly prohibited from speaking about these things.

Those young civilian ninjas would naturally not refuse, but there is no really impenetrable wall in this world. Almost everyone knows that outstanding students may have better development.

But as for what this development is, they don't know, but they basically guess that it may be some excellent treatment given to them by the village.

I have to say that this is a better way to deal with it, at least it doesn't make people feel that their family's ninjas are too ugly.

Of course, there are also some people who think that their family's ninjas are ugly, and the most talked about is their Uchiha family.

The village is stable, there are not so many messy things, and Uchiha's development is naturally rapid.

Especially after Habara had determined the follow-up development model of the security department early, Uchiha Fugaku, Shisui, and the elders were all working hard in this direction.

Therefore, in the past three years, they have completely turned the security department into an organization that makes people look big.

The current Ministry of Security is already a super behemoth that completely covers law enforcement, judicial power, and the military!

The guard governors who appeared at the very beginning were already somewhat criticized. These people were basically from the ninja family, but they had no chance to squeeze into the club of Habara and the others.

It's just that the governor of the guard is still within a reasonable range, and the civilian ninja has also obtained good rights and interests, so no one dares to say anything.

But as time went by, when the governor of security and the governor of legal affairs appeared, everyone was dumbfounded!

The legal governor is okay, because the security department is a law enforcement department anyway, and many things are handled in accordance with Konoha's laws and regulations.

It is not a big deal to have such a legal governor specially used to judge prisoners publicly to everyone.

But the Governor of Security is different. Once this department comes out, it will really enhance Uchiha's power!

Although according to Habara, the governor of security is the department responsible for the defense of the village.

But the ninjas here are all elites, and this department focuses on recruiting retired personnel from Anbu.

Habara defines this department as the last line of defense for Konoha, and even the last line of defense for Ninja Village in the Country of Grass and Yuno.

Their concept of existence is to carry out extremely dangerous tasks, but they are within the Fire Nation. If there is a war, they will directly become the troops participating in the war.

In other words, if there is no war, I will call the shots in the defense of Konoha, and the other ninjas will stand aside. If there is a war, this is the army, and you can attack directly.

What is this equal to, this is equivalent to Habara, or Uchiha has the right to get Hokage!

Because of this, many people couldn't bear it anymore, even Tsunade and Jiraiya wondered if Uchiha had any ideas.

However, after they communicated with Habara, they realized that all of this was a sinkhole dug by the Second Hokage!

The various explanations of the Security Department have been written in great detail in his hands, but no one in the Uchiha back then knew how to do it.

And after the succession of the three generations, they are busy with stabilizing the rule internally, and they are also busy dealing with external wars. How can it be possible to suppress it even if it is too late to win over?

When the war finally came to an end, they would start to recuperate and recover their strength, but when they felt that they could almost fight, the war came again.

This is why until the end of the third war, the Uchiha clan has been safe and sound, and the security department has never had any problems.

After the end of the Third World War, under the condition of ensuring that there will be no war for a long time, and Uchiha and the village do not deal with each other, the contradictions are getting deeper and deeper, and they plan to do it.

It turned out that it was a coincidence that a Habara appeared at this moment and directly defeated them. Not only that, but this kid even 'sent away' everyone in the end.

After figuring out these things, and then through some publicity, everyone will know what the establishment of the Ministry of Security is all about.

Now, of course, no one dared to say that there was a problem with Habara, but they didn't feel at ease. Instead, they began to sing about the division of powers in the security department.

For these guys, Habara was not angry. In fact, they didn't think that they could really weaken the security department and Uchiha.

I just hope to attract attention in this way, and then I can try to get more rights and interests.

The Konoha reform has restored a lot of vitality to the small families, and Konoha has become more and more stable and stronger, so they naturally hope to go further.

As for harming the rights and interests of Uchiha or the Security Department, I am afraid they dare not even think about it, let alone do it.

It's good to talk about it, but if you really do it, maybe the next day the whole family will go to the Pure Land to report.

"Speaking of which, how is the Governor of Security now?"

After Habara and Shisui left the clan land, UU read the book www. walked all the way towards Hokage's office, and Habara also asked curiously.

"Everything is fine, and everyone is very happy, but the days are relatively boring."

As the first chief security officer, Zhishui naturally knows these things well, he spread his hands helplessly and said.

"Because no one dares to mess with Konoha, Renren dare not run in, thieves and robbers have all gone into the mountains and cannot come out, and now everyone can only organize their own practice and exercises.

If it's okay, we can go to do some community service for Konoha together. In general, I am afraid that except for the worry that I will fail the end-of-year assessment, everything else is very good. "

"Isn't peace good?"

When Habara heard Shisui's words, he couldn't help laughing.

"If it was in the past, who knows if a mission will end, and I will lose a teammate. The peaceful environment is rare now."

"Of course I know, in fact, everyone knows."

Speaking of this topic, Shisui's expression suddenly became serious, and then he nodded to Habara very seriously.

"Thank you, Habara, you really proved everything with your actions.

Peace, you made it! "


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