MTL - Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again-Chapter 248 3 years in a hurry (Part 2)

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Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again Chapter 248 Three Years in a Hurry (Part 2)

"Have you failed again? It's really troublesome..."

In the room of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Habara slowly opened his eyes, and then shook his head involuntarily.

Obviously his attempt failed again, because the difficulty of improving the technique of Guiyaluo was beyond his expectation!

This is not to say that his attempt failed, on the contrary, he actually had a relatively good result, and this result is that he really successfully integrated Chakra.

He has successfully fused Fire Dungeon and Earth Dungeon together, forming a brand new technique called Melting Dungeon.

Such a successful fusion is groundbreaking for Yu Yuan, even if he himself has ice escape,

However, Habara didn't pay much attention to these two techniques, and didn't even have the idea of ​​further development.

Because for him, the best thing to use is always his own Huodun and Sharingan, and many other things are actually just assisting Habara's power.

Just like Ice Dun, since Habara got the Frozen Mausoleum, he also got Ice Dun, but the frequency and probability of his use are pitifully low up to now.

There is no other reason, but the effect of using it is not as smooth as his using Fire Dungeon, and his strength has reached his level, and the way of fighting has changed a lot.

There is an advertisement saying that the most extreme food only needs the simplest cooking. This sentence is also very practical for Habara's battle.

The most powerful battle actually only needs the most basic method. He only needs to maximize the power of his Sharingan and cooperate with his various auxiliary abilities.

But it is true to say so, but the matter of Xue Ji's snare cannot be stopped.

Now he already has ice escape and melting escape, which also means that he has merged wind escape, water escape, earth escape and fire escape.

The four kinds of chakras formed two kinds of blood succession boundaries, and Habara also began to think whether he could directly fuse these two combined blood succession boundaries?

That is to say, Ice Dun and Melting Dun are fused, and once the fusion is successful, it is equivalent to being eliminated by blood stains that surpass Otsutsuki!

However, Habara had a pretty good idea, but the reality was a little bit embarrassing.

His ice escape and melting escape are completely two extremes in terms of attribute restraint, and when these two blood successor boundaries are fused together, the ratio of chakra is actually not balanced.

If a certain attribute is particularly prominent, it will naturally show more of that effect.

As for Xueji's ability to collect the net, if there is no accident, it may require the ultimate chakra balance, so this is not particularly good news for Yu Yuan.

Fortunately, the ice escape given to him by his system gave him a good understanding of the process of the fusion of these two chakras.

And he himself completed the synthesis of melting escape with the help of the ghost bud Luo technique, and he has the fusion experience and fusion method of the two techniques in his mind.

So he still began to try to use the technique of Guiyaluo to adjust and fuse these two techniques.

However, this work lasted for more than a year. After more than a year, Habara continued to repair and repair, and constantly adjusted the chakra to achieve balance and fusion.

But it is a pity that knowing that he is still in a state of constant failure, this really makes him a little helpless.

"It feels like this is much more troublesome than Yin Yang Dun."

Habara stood up and shook his head helplessly, his mood was not so good.

Three years have passed, and the time has come to Konoha's 60th year, which is the time when Naruto and these little guys are about to graduate.

And after these three years, the ninja world will also usher in a huge change-that is, the Akatsuki organization will take action.

In three years, Orochimaru has basically become the mastermind behind the Akatsuki organization. He understands all the action plans of the Akatsuki organization, and has also figured out many of the Akatsuki organization's thoughts.

He didn't approve of these things, but he also didn't choose to leave there.

And as he successfully controlled the action direction of the Akatsuki organization in the dark, the Akatsuki organization can be regarded as advancing by leaps and bounds, after all, he is not an Obito.

It's just such rapid progress that the relationship between Orochimaru and Konoha began to fade, and now they basically have nothing to talk about.

But even so, Habara also got some information from the remaining value of Orochimaru.

That is, the Akatsuki organization seems to have recruited a very interesting person, and this person was once a member of Kong Ninja Village.

In addition, it is that Uchiha Itachi seems to be very close to Hei Ze!

These two pieces of news made Yu Yuan look very unhappy. If nothing unexpected happened to the remnants of Kong Nin Village, it would probably be Shen Nong, that shameless guy.

Habara really doesn't know what this guy is capable of, he dares to call himself Shennong, and this guy's performance in the original work is also extremely crotch.

The Chakra, which claims to have a zero tail and is close to infinity, also has the physical activation stolen from other villages, and the physical regeneration in the body constitutes the body transformation technique.

As a result, he obtained a body that would not die even if he opened the Bamen Dunjia stolen from Konoha, but the ability to become younger the more he consumed.

But the truth is, compared with Akai, who also uses Bamen Dunjia, this guy is nothing short of a star!

Habara didn't know whether he had learned the wrong Bamen Dunjia from the stolen Bamen Dunjia, or whether Konoha hadn't put the real Bamen Dunjia there in the first place.

Even this guy was able to seal Chakra with a thousand books by Zuo Zhu, but he didn't realize it.

Although this guy has stretched to an unimaginable level, no matter what, this guy still has abilities.

In particular, the Zero Tail he created and the forbidden technique, body metamorphosis, are all very remarkable things, and Habara has to admit this.

In the original book, Orochimaru was very interested in this guy, but now that he has joined the Akatsuki organization, isn't this equivalent to throwing himself into a trap?

Orochimaru may even choose to exchange with him, so as to teach him, or help him check the eight-door dunjia he got.

At that time, wouldn't this guy be like a tiger with wings added? This is also what makes Habara feel troublesome and tricky.

Not to mention the guy Uchiha Itachi, what kind of idea does Heijue teach Uchiha Itachi, can Habara not guess?

This is 80% because I saw that Obito was "dust to dust, dust to dust" by myself, so I re-selected a new carrier for Uchiha Madara.

Neither of these two pieces of news is good, which is why Habara was a little worried about the time.

The Xiao organization can be said to have become extremely strange now, but it has also been greatly strengthened.

After the undead duo and Didara were gone, they ushered in Beliuhu and Shennong successively, as well as Orochimaru who is still in the Akatsuki organization.

It can be said that strictly speaking, the strength of the Akatsuki organization has not been weakened, on the contrary, it has become stronger to some extent because of the addition of these "theatre version bosses".

Not surprisingly, I'm afraid it will take at most three years before they will prepare and implement the so-called tail beast collection plan.

"So don't worry, even if Orochimaru controls the Akatsuki organization, it may not be able to stop Uchiha Madara's resurrection.

As for Orochimaru's grass-like attributes, maybe he turned his head to help Uchiha Madara.

Although I personally feel that Orochimaru will never believe in such things as infinite monthly reading, and it may not necessarily help Uchiha Madara.

But can he really stop Hei Ze and Uchiha Madara's calculations? I'm afraid this is really not an easy task.

Therefore, this guy Dashewan is essentially playing with fire and setting himself on fire. "

Orochimaru's current situation is really dancing on the wire. If he is not careful, he may play himself to death.

But this guy seems to be very addicted to this feeling, and he likes this kind of action very much.

But this is Oshemaru's own business, and Habara doesn't think he can persuade Oshemaru about these things.

After all, with the support of Hei Ze, and Uchiha Madara standing on him, as long as he is careful not to be caught by Habara, then he will be fine.

With someone behind him, Orochimaru naturally gained self-confidence, and naturally he would not and would not want to be suppressed so hard by Habara.

"So, in order to deal with all these accidents and consequences, my strength must be stronger, whether it is the blood following the snare, or the yin and yang escape!"

The integration of Xueji's Snare has encountered some troubles. Although Habara is depressed about this, it is not bad. After all, he also expected it in his heart.

After all, Xue Ji Snare is something that even ordinary people can jump into gods in one fell swoop. If it can be fused at will, then there is a problem.

What Habara needs to do now is to guide slowly, slowly find a balance point, and then completely blend them together.

This is not an easy task, but once it succeeds, it will bring abundant experience to Habara, and it will definitely make it easier for Habara to integrate later.

As for Yinyang Dun, Habara actually mastered this thing quite quickly, but the embarrassing problem is that he guessed right with his crow's mouth.

He had guessed that the Yin-Yang escape that Hei Jue gave to Obitu was absolutely incomplete, and even problematic.

After all, they don't trust Obito, all they want is that Obito has this ability, but whether this ability is complete or not, is out of their scope of consideration.

Facts have proved that this is all correct. Obito's Yin-Yang Dungeon is not complete, and there are still a lot of problems.

After getting this information from Obito, Habara carefully studied and analyzed it, and as a result, he immediately noticed many strange things.

And when he summed up these abnormal situations and asked Obito, all he got was Obito's confused eyes.

Obviously, this guy doesn't know shit, or he knows there's a problem, but he doesn't know what's wrong.

"This guy can still learn it under such circumstances, and he can still live until now. Is this a miracle of life?"

Habara was completely stunned by Obito, he just knew that Obito was a 'Xian'er', but this was a bit outrageous.

Habara had no choice but to explore slowly by himself. Now he can indeed arouse the power of Yin Yang Dun, but he dare not use it lightly at all.

"Master Patriarch, Master Zhishui wants to see you."

Just when Hinata Gen felt his head was swollen, suddenly there was a crisp voice from outside the door, and Habara could only restrain his emotions.

"Let him in."

Habara said helplessly, and soon after the sound of the door being opened, Shisui appeared in front of him in a moment.

"Habara, what's the matter, you look so worried?"

Seeing Habara's appearance, Shisui couldn't help asking curiously, and then he found a place to sit down.

"Shouldn't you forget what day is today?"

"I haven't forgotten, isn't that group of little guys graduating? It's no big deal."

Habara knew why Shisui was looking for him, and of course he would not forget what day it was today, and today was the time when those little guys were divided into shifts.

It's just that how they will be divided into classes, Habara, as Konoha's senior management, has already known, not to mention that there are many shadows of him in this distinction.

Shaking his head, Habara gave Shisui a strange look, and then he asked.

"It's just that those little devils are divided into classes. Why are you so excited? Your current job is not easy."

"Don't worry, everything has been taken care of, I can't forget what my main job is."

Shishui smiled casually, expressing that he was absolutely fine.

In three years, Zhishui has also changed a lot, and the security department has also changed a lot.

With a whole half body of Bai Ze, and the perfect experimental body of Hiduan, and Tsunade's research in order to resurrect his younger brother.

Shisui and Uchiha Fugaku have also benefited a lot in the past three years. After conducting many experiments, his body has also completed a transformation!

Their bodies are very strong now, even if they are injured by ninjutsu or ninja tools, they can recover quickly.

And with the improvement of physical fitness, UU Reading, they either have more and stronger chakras, and even the power of their spells has also been improved.

Either their physical abilities have been enhanced, whether it is their reaction speed or physical coordination, there has been a huge improvement.

Apart from his physical condition, his eyes have also changed the most.

It can only be said that the powers of the Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan are mutually exclusive, but mutually unified.

After possessing these two kinds of power, although their eyes are not eternal eyes, they are not too bad in terms of strength.

They can be said to have reached the peak state of the kaleidoscope, and their Zuo Nenghu can easily be used to the limit of the third stage!

This improvement is not ordinary, especially even if they use up their children's skills, their eyes can be restored.

A pair of kaleidoscopes that can unscrupulously exert their power without worrying about blindness is definitely something that countless Uchihas dream of.

But now they have done it, and because they have done this, Uchiha has become more stable and prosperous.

And because of their becoming stronger, Habara also got two chances to draw skills.....


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