MTL - Kneel to Me-Chapter 101

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Song Juyao followed Yun Yang's instructions and walked in the direction of the Academy of Sciences, but found that the road was much longer than she had imagined. After walking for more than ten minutes, there was no shadow of Cangwu Academy. What surprised Song Juyao even more was that she met maids, servants and patrolling soldiers along the way, but none of them stepped forward to stop her.

The sky is getting darker and the wind is getting stronger. Song Juyao's long hair is rolled up, and the hem of her skirt is flying. Song Juyao stops to look at the sky. It seems that there is going to be a heavy rain, but they have come here, and they have not seen When I went to Duke Murphy to make sure he was Jiang Baiqi, I always felt a little bit unwilling...

Thinking of this, Song Juyao gritted her teeth and continued to move forward, hoping that the sky would hold on for a while and the rain would not come down so quickly.

The sky failed as people wished, big raindrops fell, Song Juyao didn't care what would happen if he ran in the palace, so he lifted his skirt and started to run in big strides.

The torrential rain came down as soon as it was said, without any buffer at all. Soon the world was wet and the rain curtain was heavy. The soldiers on patrol retreated to the eaves to shelter from the rain.

Song Juyao's whole body was wet all at once. Under such circumstances, she was even more unwilling to see Duke Murphy today.

At this time, a car came from behind.

"Who's running wild in the palace?" the driver muttered in surprise.

The king in the back seat opened his eyes, looked at the embarrassed figure, and felt a strange feeling, as if something was secretly urging him to stop the car and let her get in the car. It disgusted him, and he closed his eyes again. He is very uncomfortable now and has no time to take care of those troublesome old things.

The car drove past Song Juyao. Song Juyao turned her head, and time seemed to slow down for an instant. She saw a side face, which was a little blurry, but it was so resembling that her heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

That's... Archie. That face, she won't admit it wrong!

"Wait, wait a minute..." Song Juyao chased after him in big strides.

"Wait a moment!"

The elders of the cabinet were watching secretly, wanting to see where Song Juyao was going and what he was going to do, and specifically ordered other people not to stop Song Juyao. When they saw the king's chariot passing by, they were still full of excitement. Sure enough, fate would guide them to meet!

In the end, seeing the king pass by Song Juyao mercilessly, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him, what a great opportunity, Your Majesty, you deserve to be single like this!

But who would have thought that Song Juyao suddenly ran after the car.

? ? ?

! !

Several pairs of gossiping eyes immediately turned to the monitor screen, and the internal affairs officer also swept away the depression just now and stared closely.

"Wait a minute!" Song Juyao shouted.

The driver drove for a while, glanced at the rearview mirror, and saw that the woman running in the palace seemed to be chasing the car. He was taken aback, and glanced at the king. Seeing him close his eyes and rest, he didn't know whether he should tell the king. .

Forget it, not everyone who wants to see the king can see it, and this person doesn't know who it is... Thinking about it, the driver drove for a while, seeing Song Juyao still chasing him, he still couldn't help making a small noise.

"Your Majesty...well, there is a lady chasing a car..."

The king opened his eyes, looked in the rearview mirror, and saw Song Juyao chasing the car. He frowned, "Keep driving."


The driver dared not speak any more.

Song Juyao was already tired, but the feeling of wanting to see Jiang Baiqi made her grit her teeth to hold on, but she was wearing high heels, and her steps were a little unstable due to exhaustion, so she finally sprained and fell down up.

She sat on the ground, looking at the car going away, feeling extremely lost. But soon she became happy again, she had nothing to lose, at least she was sure that the Jiang Baiqi in reality was in the palace, he looked exactly the same as him in reality, yes, it was a matter of course, every time he They all look the same, unlike other NPCs, even if the soul is the same, each phase will have a different body.

The king looked in the rearview mirror, took a deep breath, and said calmly, "Stop."

He wants to see what she wants to do. Did she want to tell him her grievances and pray for help, or did she also feel something and wanted to use this to climb up smoothly.

Song Juyao just took off her high heels and stood up from the ground, wanting to return to the banquet venue, since she has already confirmed that Jiang Baiqi is in the palace, this trip can be regarded as rewarding, and there is no need to see Duke Murphy. Unexpectedly, she stood up and saw the headlights of the car coming. She squinted her eyes and saw the car coming back.

Holding her high heels, she watched the car getting closer and closer with her heart beating fast, until it came in front of her eyes.

The rear window slid down slowly, revealing a handsome and majestic face, with long silver hair and silver eyes, staring at her expressionlessly.

Song Juyao was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Jiang Baiqi's eyes and hair to be this color in reality, although the pupil color and hair color are different, but the face looks the same, so she quickly accepted this kind of color. Set, smiled at him uncontrollably.

Jiang Baiqi's sense of presence is already very unusual, and even if his appearance is a little unusual, it seems to be nothing.

The king frowned, becoming more displeased. What are you laughing laughing?

"You... are you Duke Murphy?" Song Juyao asked, suppressing the joy in her heart. She shouldn't remember Jiang Baiqi in reality, but what to say, she already has a draft.

The driver in front stared wide-eyed, but dared not speak. What? Dare the lady chasing the car not because she knew that His Majesty the King was sitting in the car?

Although their king has never appeared in front of the public, basically no people know what the king looks like, and the photos don't exist, but every citizen will have a wonderful feeling in their hearts when they see the king. They will know that this person The particularity, he is the master of the land, someone they must respect.

The king froze for a moment.

Song Juyao didn't have that kind of wonderful feeling at all. I don't know if it was because she was a time traveler. She was afraid that she would be too abrupt, so she quickly continued: "My name is Song Juyao, and Duke Murphy has always been my idol in studies. , inspired and encouraged me, I was invited to attend his banquet today, but I haven't seen him, so I'm so presumptuous... Excuse me, are you Your Excellency the Duke?"

Duke Murphy is also a person who has hardly shown his face in public, and the reporter who interviewed him wrote a few words about his appearance, so she didn't know that his appearance was normal.

The king stared at Song Juyao, is she pretending?

"Yeah." He responded lightly, "What's the matter?"

Song Juyao's eyes curled up. In such an embarrassing situation, in this rainy day, her eyes were unusually bright and gentle, "It's nothing, I just want to see you."

She knew that Jiang Baiqi existed in this world, just here, it was enough. In this cold and dark real world, it was as if there was a bonfire, which made her no longer afraid and at a loss.

She took a step back, "I won't bother you, Your Excellency."

Seeing that she really had nothing else to say, the king tapped his fingers on the car window and looked at the driver, who immediately started the car and left.

The king looked in the rearview mirror and found that Song Juyao really turned around and left. She was wearing high heels and stepped on the rain with her bare feet. Although she sprained a bit, it didn't seem serious, because her back looked inexplicably excited.

The cold rain fell on her body, but Song Juyao didn't feel cold at all, she was very happy. It turns out that Jiang Baiqi in reality has this kind of character? He clearly knew who she was, but acted indifferently as if he didn't know her, but it was clear that his personality clone was not like this.

Is it a duplicity of characters?

But why is the pupil color silver? Innate, or some kind of experimentation? It's so beautiful, it's hard to imagine that Jiang Baiqi in reality is just as insignificant in the eyes of others as Jiang Baiqi in the virtual world. Otherwise, how could the reporter write that his appearance is mediocre? Anyway, no matter whether it is in the virtual world or Jiang Baiqi outside the virtual world, they are all the same in her eyes.

Just as shiny, just as good-looking, just as cute.

The headlights flickered beside him again.

Song Juyao turned her head and saw the car coming back.

"Get in. I'll see you," said the king. He is much more comfortable. Song Juyao just saw him, and his mood has changed. Are you so happy? Just because I saw Duke Murphy? But she didn't even know what Murphy looked like. He wants to see how far she can act.

Song Juyao blinked, and a smile flashed in her eyes, it really is a duplicity of characters. She didn't care that she was wet all over, she opened the car door and got in.

"Mr. Driver, please turn on the heat."

The driver was surprised, glanced at the king, saw that he didn't respond, and turned on the heater.

Song Juyao looked at the king again, and found a blanket beside him, so he said naturally, "Can you bring it to me?"

The driver couldn't help but want to turn his head to look over. He had been the king's driver for so many years, and this was the first time he saw someone talking to the king in such a tone! It's too casual! It's too bold to instruct him to do something!

The king stared at Song Juyao, and Song Juyao raised his chin, urging. hurry up.

The king frowned slightly, looking a little unbelievable, but under the staring and urging of Song Juyao's wet cat-like eyes, he still reached out and picked up the blanket displeased, and threw it to Song Juyao.

Song Juyao was wrapped in a blanket and had a heater, making her much more comfortable.

"You look confident," said the king coldly.

"Because I don't think you are the one I need to be afraid of." Song Juyao smiled.

"You don't even know who I am, but you act like you know me well. Do you really not know me, or are you pretending not to know me?"

Song Juyao blinked: "Aren't you Duke Murphy?"

He was bored for a while, and suddenly felt what he was wasting time doing here, and heard Song Juyao tentatively asking:

"Are you in a bad mood? Is there any trouble at work?"

The king turned his head to look at Song Juyao, and said coldly: "The king's destined man has appeared, and he hates this man very much."

Song Juyao was stunned for a moment, the destined person? Is there really a destined person? He didn't look like he was joking.

That's it, she thought, clutching her chin, so the king ordered him to solve this matter, and if he didn't solve it, he would look good to him, so that's why he couldn't help her in reality? His Majesty the King has become more and more volatile in recent years, and he hates people undermining judicial justice. Therefore, if she did not meet the condition of 100 million votes, it would not only be of no benefit to her, but also possible Self-defeating?

Song Juyao felt that this was likely the case. In this way, it became clear why she was guarding her in the virtual world, but unable to lend a helping hand in the real world.

Song Juyao asked: "If you hate it, why don't you cancel the agreement?"

Legend has it that in ancient times, landowners and human beings made an agreement. From then on, every landowner will meet a destined person, who can feel the seven emotions and six desires, and life will no longer be boring.

But it is written at the end of this paragraph that this agreement can be rescinded.

If the predestined person really exists, then the termination of the contract should also exist.

The corner of the king's mouth showed some sarcasm, and he stared at her: "You know a lot. To terminate the contract, you need the consent of the destined person. Do you think she will be willing to give up the right to control a ruler?"

How could such a greedy human being be willing? How could she give up when she knew that she was the destined person of a landowner and could have everything at will?

The king stared at Song Juyao's face, wanting to see her flaws. However, Song Juyao had no flaws, she wondered: "Have you already asked her?"

"Hmph, you don't need to ask."

Song Juyao found it incredible: "How do you know if you don't ask? What if she has someone else she likes? What if she is already married? What if she also hates the king? Why must she be tied to the king? What if Does she hate being doomed as much as the king?"

The king stared at Song Juyao's face in shock, and felt that she seemed to be really confused and said these words from the bottom of her heart.

"Ridiculous," he said for a moment. In history, no king has ever terminated the contract with the destined person. He does not believe that he is the only king who rejects it. Since there is no one, it means that the destined person has rejected it.

It seems that she really didn't know that if she knew that she was his destined person, she wouldn't say such things so easily, otherwise she would be digging a hole for herself to make her hypocritical.

"That's why I didn't ask." Song Juyao had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, "It seems that the king is a coward."

The driver almost hit the brakes, this woman! ! How bold! What to say in front of the king!

The king turned his head slowly and looked at Song Juyao with terrifying eyes.

However, Song Juyao was not frightened at all. She grabbed the blanket and rubbed it against her head. Her whole face was buried in the blanket, and the king's face could not be seen at all.

"The king hates the doomed person, but he has never reached an agreement with her to settle the contract, but has been silently hating it in his heart? He is afraid that the one who knows that he is the doomed person will not want to terminate it, is that right?" Song Juyao The voice muffled in the blanket. Because he has already identified him as Jiang Baiqi in his heart, and he is sure that he will never hurt her, so he is really confident in speaking.

this woman!

The king stared at her for a while, didn't want to talk to her anymore, closed his eyes, and rubbed his temples with his hands.

The car stopped in front of the banquet hall, and Song Juyao got out of the car, watching the car go away quickly with a happy mood. As soon as he turned around, he saw Yun Yang standing at the door with a dumbfounded look, the red wine in his hand was almost poured out without realizing it.

"Mr. Yun."

"Just now, in that car..."

"Ah, it's Duke Murphy. If you hadn't shown me the way, I wouldn't have been able to see him, thank you." Song Juyao said with a smile.

Yun Yang's expression became weird, "How do you know he is Duke Murphy?"

Song Juyao was puzzled: "Isn't it?"

"No, I'm just curious. After all, I didn't see his face clearly."

"He said it." Song Juyao said, Jiang Baiqi's sense of existence is very thin, and it's normal that Yun Yang can't remember his face, so it's normal to ask this question. If you can't remember the face, how can you know who he is?

"Ah, so that's the case. It seems that it is indeed Your Excellency the Duke. If I knew it earlier, I would have gone to say hello." Yun Yang smiled and changed the subject: "You're getting wet, I'll have someone take you to change clothes. , Don’t catch a cold.”


Yun Yang looked at Song Juyao's back, confused and solemn.

Duke Murphy did not show up at the banquet, and Song Juyao was sent back to prison.

As the time for the press conference drew closer, online discussions about whether Song Juyao would choose retrial or commutation intensified. Major gaming companies also launched related lotteries, and the number of commutation and retrial was almost equal. There is also a gaming company that launched a lottery on whether Song Juyao will participate in the fourth round. The odds are very high because no one buys it.

Almost everyone thinks that Song Juyao will not participate in the fourth round. She already has 50 million votes. If she continues to participate, is it because she wants to get 100 million votes for the king's review team? That was too exaggerated. It was unprecedented to get 50 million votes, and no one who was judged would dare to bet anymore by this time.

Liang Qiao was very anxious. He was afraid that Song Juyao would not participate in the next issue. He lost all face in the third issue. He only thought about winning back in the fourth issue. The script of the fourth issue, which I think is exquisite, will definitely make Song Juyao fall from the altar.

As a result, I never expected that at the end of the third period, Song Juyao won 50 million votes!

If she doesn't participate in the fourth period, how will he win back?

He expected the big shareholders to send people to threaten and lure Song Juyao to ensure that she would continue to participate in the fourth phase, but it took too long to wait.

On the other side, Su Qing who was at Huo's house also received a call.

"Sorry, no one dares to touch Song Juyao now." The person on the other end of the phone said, "I dare not give her this pain, you should take care of it yourself."

Su Qing froze, looking at the phone that was hung up. what happened? She made several phone calls before finding out that Song Juyao had actually been to the palace!

In the palace, there lived a person with the highest power who frightened all the people in power in this country. No one dared to make small moves when Song Juyao might be noticed by the king. Don't want to risk your life.

Because Su Qing was reminded by Yuan Manzhi, she discovered that Huo Sen had special feelings for Song Juyao and became jealous. She wanted to make Song Juyao suffer in prison, but she died before she could act.

After hearing this, Su Qing also broke out in a cold sweat.

After the news spread in the upper class, those involved in Song Juyao's case couldn't sleep at night, their fingers trembling in panic and fear, for fear that the king's inspection team would break into their homes in the next second.

Frightened and frightened, it finally came to the day of Song Juyao's press conference.

This is a fixed procedure. In order to highlight the extraordinary ceremony of "Justice Trial", Song Juyao, who won 50 million votes, can finally speak in front of reporters and announce to the public that she will choose the court to retry or commute her sentence.

But isn't this another malicious trap?

If you choose a court to retry, how many courts will want to admit that they have made mistakes and wronged people? If you choose commutation, the public will think why you choose commutation instead of retrial? You are guilty, you are not wronged at all, and the public's attitude is related to the court's consideration of her commutation period.

Everyone is curious about what choice Song Juyao will make.

"Hurry up, the live broadcast of the press conference is about to start!"

"Turn on the TV!"

"What's the rush, what's there to see? You can guess what Song Juyao will choose."

"Definitely choose to reduce the sentence."

"Bah, I will definitely choose a retrial. She doesn't like Huo Hai's type at all, so it's impossible to **** him!"

"Hey... I haven't watched enough of the trial show, it's only three episodes..."

"Forget it, Song Juyao won't be participating in the fourth phase."


Reporters from major media packed the venue, looking at the direction of the backstage expectantly. Finally, under the eyes of everyone, Song Juyao came out.

"Song Juyao!"

"Come out, come out!"

Click, click, click, the flashes kept blinking.

Followed by two policewomen, Song Juyao walked to the middle of the stage.

The members of the Tianhuiliang forum are all paying attention. They clasped their hands and said silently, choose to reduce the sentence, you must choose to reduce the sentence, and you must not choose a retrial.

Feng Linxia and others were also watching at home. They had already taken care of everything. As long as Song Juyao made the choice to reduce the sentence, Song Juyao could be released from prison on parole and be free within the next month at most.

Song Juyao looked at these people, feeling very ironic in her heart.

"My choice is—"

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Song Juyao to say the answer. Is it commutation, or a court retrial?

"—Continue to participate in the fourth period."


The scene was silent, and even the photographer's hands were stunned, and he forgot to continue shooting.

The audience who were watching the press conference were also dumbfounded.

Read Extra's Descent