MTL - Kingdom’s Bloodline-Chapter 696 plan plan

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   Chapter 696 Planning

   Kongming Palace, the camp of the Star Lake Guards.

"I beg you, Servant Officer Caso," Kongmutuo, whose arm was bandaged, sat on the bunk with a helpless expression, "Just let me go! I'm not like them, I swear I haven't used it outside. Your name, it's all other Wyers, sorry, it's all other people..."

  Wiya Caso, who was holding a notebook, turned black.


It's ok.


   "That's not what I'm asking," Huaiya struggled to squeeze out a social smile, "Please, guard Conmuto, recall carefully, when you fought against that Lausanne II, did he..."


   "I haven't finished speaking yet - have you noticed that there are some subtleties in his movements..."


   At this moment, a relaxed voice came from outside the door:

"What's wrong?"

  Conmutuo's eyes lit up, as if he were amnesty:

   "Who is that, just in time, the prince's attendant has something to ask you!"

  Wiya was stunned when he heard the words, but Lao Kong ignored the injured arm hanging on his chest, jumped off the bunk and rushed out of the room with a swoosh, and disappeared outside the corridor.

  The attendant was speechless for a while, so he pouted and turned to look at the newcomer:

   "Yes, I have a few questions to ask... Oh, it's D.D. Forget it."

   After saying this, Wya shook his head and sighed, passing Doyle in disappointment.

  D.D just brought back a bag of almond patties from the dessert shop. Originally, he was puzzled. The hand that handed out the patties only extended halfway, and he lost his goal. The scene was embarrassing.

  Wiya walked to a table, and a sturdy back covered with bandages was sitting at the table, carefully wiping the sword.

   "Hey, Glover Pioneer..."

   The sturdy back moved for a while.


   Glover, who was still recovering, turned his head and wiped the rag back and forth dozens of times on the same spot on the sword: "I, um, I did once."

   But just once.

   Really, only once.

   "What? What happened once?" Wyah was at a loss.

"your name."

my name?

  Wiya was stunned for a second before he reacted.

   "What? You, you? You too... why are you? How could it be you? I don't understand, it's okay for others, but why should you..."

   With his words, Glover's expression became more and more indifferent and stiff, which made Wyah realize something and quickly shut up.

  No no no, Wya Cassel, no, you are not asking this, not this…

   And you don’t care at all, you shouldn’t care, isn’t it just a name, what a big deal…

   Well, yeah, yeah, don't care...

not give a **** about…

  Wiya took a deep breath and calmed down, holding the book and asking in a good voice:

   "Sorry, Pioneer Karen Glover, can I borrow you a few seconds now and ask a few questions?"

   Glover gave a sharp look:

   "If only for a few seconds."

   "Then, how many minutes?"

   "No." The zombies were neat and tidy, making Wya's expression slumped.

   "Then... for the sake of using my name?"

   Glover's movement of wiping his sword stopped.

  The zombie didn't say a word, just slowly raised his head and looked at Wyah.

   His movements are slow but extremely oppressive, his face is stiff, and his eyes are dead, which makes people feel inexplicably flustered.


  Why is this big guy looking at me like this?

   It’s obvious that he is in the wrong, but why do you feel that it is me who is wrong?

   Several seconds passed, and Wyah was stared at so much that he couldn't stand it, and he finally had to smile awkwardly:

   "Okay, okay, then, um, maybe, maybe next time, next time ha..."

   Glover with a cold face watched Wyah leave, secretly relieved from an angle that no one saw, and started wiping his sword again.


   passed again.

   No need to apologize.

   But before Wyya left, a big bag of almond patties hit the table.

   "Hey, what happened to True Wyah?"

  D.D stared at Glover's death without any guilt, he bit the pie and sat down, not forgetting to take another one from the bag.

"I don't know," Glover stared at Doyle for a while, and finally he could only sigh in his heart, and reluctantly took the almond pie handed by D.D. If so, just asking once is not enough, ask back and forth in another way.”

  D.D frowned and looked into the distance: Rolfe was sitting on the box in the corner, jingling trimming his frayed combat prosthetic right leg, when Wyja cautiously came up to him and coughed.

  Rolfe snorted without raising his head.

   What happened to this self-righteous young master?

   to collect money?

   Wya has a bright smile:

   "Hey Rolf, old friend, did you do well yesterday? How are your legs?"

The    voice fell, and only a click was heard, and Rolf's heavily worn combat prosthesis was abruptly disconnected from the connection and fell to the ground.

   A metal lock popped out of the prosthesis, rolling on the ground.

  Rolfe raised his head, looked at Wiya coldly, and compared several gestures:

  【What do you think? 】

  Wiya looked at this scene awkwardly and blinked.

   "Looks like you might be going back to those old cold legs... By the way, I have a question to ask..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Rolfe grabbed his prosthetic limb and turned around with a cold snort, facing the wall.

  Leave only the back to Wyah.

  The attendant stood there stupidly, before he could close his mouth.

"You probably don't want to disturb him at this time, True Wyah," D.D raised his voice, waving his pie happily at Wyah and Rolfe, "Dumb yesterday, um, something happened, Some unbreakable concerns."

   An unbreakable concern?

  Wiya was taken aback.

   The next second, Rolf turned his head sharply!

What? how did he...

  Rolfe looked at D.D in disbelief at first, and then wanted to understand something. He looked at Glover and pointed out his **** in alarm:

  【You are paralyzed, you can’t keep your mouth shut, you can’t keep your words, you can’t keep secrets, you live without parents, no children, no children to eat, insects, poop, no P eyes, you deserve to be an orphan, a dead pen zombie who’s been turned to do it…]

   Glover was stunned for a moment, then shook his head subconsciously:

   "No, I didn't! Not me! I didn't say it! I don't know anything...Fuck! Fuck you, D.D!"

   He felt wronged but didn't know how to justify it, and in the end he could only look at D.D, who was smug and unaware.

   "Unbroken care? What do you mean?" Wyah looked suspiciously at this circle of gestures and responses, inexplicable.

   Zombies and Dumbs stay together

   Rolfe swallowed, breathing faster.

   Glover frowned fiercely, the rag squeezed tighter.

   "Ah, it's so obvious, can't you see it?"

Guard   Doyle gleefully pointed to Rolf's prosthetic limb:

   "His prosthetic leg! Look, he's worried, he's connected - oh, it's broken now, haha, isn't it a hard-to-break concern?"

The voice of    fell.


  Rolfe's other prosthetic leg hit the ground hard.

   Dumb stared at D.D coldly, looking unhappy.

   Glover's gaze became even more terrifying.

  Wiya felt that he had heard a bad joke and looked at him bored and helpless.

"Uh, yes, I'm sorry," D.D felt inappropriate, he put away his smile, pulled back subconsciously, biting the pie and looked at everyone, "Well, you can't even joke about your legs, right? I don't To make fun of - uuuuuuuu sorry..."

   Before he finished speaking, Glover stood up abruptly, grabbed two pies, and pressed them hard into Doyle's mouth.

   "Mmm zombies don't um, I didn't say you um..."

   "Why is he so energetic today?" Wyya ignored the inhumane scene on the other side, pulled out a chair, put down the notebook, and expanded his chest.


  【Because he is a bad pen. 】 Rolf gestured coldly.

   "Because he brought back the bedside bear," Glover resentfully released his hand, letting go of D.D who was coughing in pain: "Also, Lord Mallos is still in bed right now."


  Wiya was flipping through his notes when he heard the words.

   "What did you write on it?" A female voice came from the side.

   Everyone turned their heads in unison, and a sassy figure came towards them.


  D.D took a bite of the pie, got up quickly, and opened his arms in surprise:

   "Isn't this my savior, the sword of Neverwinter in the north, the invincible steel female warrior, the brave and fearless good girl Mira!"

   Miranda, who was already familiar with the atmosphere of the guards, didn’t look up, passed by the disappointed D.D without looking at it (and took out a piece of pie), sat beside Wyya, and turned his eyes to the notebook on the table.

   "Nothing, Ms. Allende," Wyah shook his head and spread out his notes, "just some...summary notes."

   "Just call me by my name, after all, we are both studying under Teacher Shatil," Miranda's black gloves were gone, replaced by densely wrapped bandages, "What summary record?"

   That's worse, am I going to call you "Chief Miranda"?

  Wiya silently complained.

   "And we are still good comrades in arms, Mira, remember?" D.D tried to squeeze into the conversation, "I fought that Lausanne II for three hundred for you..."

   "I recorded something suspicious," Wyah ignored Doyle's noise, turned a page, and pushed it in front of Miranda. "For example, this, Lausanne II's skill."

   Glover, who was wiping his blade, frowned upon hearing this:

   "What happened to his skill?"

   "Simply put, his strength fluctuates up and down. Sometimes he is so strong that dozens of people are besieged by Mo Nai, and sometimes even D.D. can be on par with him."

   "Hey, polite!" D.D protested angrily.

   "He's hiding his strength," Miranda looked at the notes carefully, with a certain tone, "I played against him twice, the first time I only felt that he was a strong player in the super-order, but the second time..."

   She squeezed her bandaged hand, thoughtfully.

   "Yes, but, why? A master of the extreme realm, hiding his strength?" Wyya wondered.

   "Because he is just like His Royal Highness."

   Everyone turned their heads and looked at Doyle.

"During the martial arts class, His Highness's final power of the 'big wave at sea' was quite intimidating at first, but when the time was up, he fell to the ground and rolled his eyes, haha, only to catch his breath. D.D gestured hard, "That Lausanne is probably the same as His Royal Highness - his strength has a time limit, so he seems to be strong and weak, do you know what to do?"

   "Don't let His Highness hear this." Wyah looked around nervously.

   "That should be the first strong and then the weak," Glover disagreed, "Shouldn't it be like Lausanne, the weak first and then the strong?"

   "That's the other way around, he's usually weak," D.D whimsically said, "Do you have to meet a certain condition, such as taking medicine, in order to become stronger?"

   Everyone looked at each other, but there was no answer after all.

   "And this is it," Wyah turned to the next page. "According to everyone's recollection and the judgment of Chief Majors, there is something very strange about Lausanne."

   "Isn't Terrorblade still in bed, can you still ask questions?" D.D was surprised.

   "Yes, I asked when I went to visit him."

   "Great, you dare to disturb him," D.D gave a thumbs up, "I just went to visit Terrorblade and brought a gift, but his attitude is..."

   "The lord told him to get out of the way." Glover broke the news from the sidelines, and received D.D's indignant eyes unsurprisingly.

   "You mean," Miranda, looking intently at Wyya's neatly written notes, interrupted them to return to the topic, "Lausanne II's injury?"

  Wiya nodded.

"He was shot by Master Bozdorf's arrow at Diop's mansion and fled in a hurry, but he showed up in the dock warehouse the next day and fought against the dumb and the Glover pioneers, but he was not affected at all, as if he had suffered hurt."

   Glover and Rolf frowned.

   Miranda's eyes on:

   "And he endured the siege of the guards just a few hours later. He was still agile, with no visible injuries, and even his stamina was amazing.

  Huiya nodded and said:

   "So, either I made a mistake in sorting out the information from everyone's knowledge, or..."

"Maybe it was some kind of potion that temporarily covered up his pain," Glover guessed, "I know of a wonderful cel herb, including its close relatives, that had been made into drugs by unscrupulous apothecaries and could be used in It can relieve pain and relieve pain without affecting the movement, and it can also make the spirit hyper…”

   "How did you know that?" Wyah wondered.

"I've seen people take this drug before," Glover didn't want to talk about it, and turned to the other side, "Dumb, when the killer chased out of the sewer, his mental state was indeed different. He was overexcited and talked nonsense, right? "

   Rolf in the corner did not answer, only his expression became more serious.

   "Or he has a special end power that can heal wounds in a very short period of time," Miranda mused. "When I was in the end tower, I heard that there was such a precedent in the 'miracle' series."

   "This possibility is not ruled out." Wyah immediately started recording.

   At this moment, a worried voice came from the side:

   "Different descent."

   Everyone froze and turned their heads in unison.

  I saw D.D's eyes uneasy: "It's a strange descent."

   "What, what?" Wyah exchanged suspicious glances with the others, and asked unsurely.

   "Different descent, haven't you heard of this?"

  D.D came back to his senses and looked at everyone in disbelief.

   Everyone shook their heads together.

"I heard what Toledo said, well, it's actually he who was leaked by my cliché, don't tell anyone else," Doyle became serious in a rare manner, and he gestured to get everyone around, "According to him Ah, when you rounded up that Lord Lausanne II, he was carrying out the evil spirits, and all the lives in a radius of ten miles were sucked dry, no grass and nothing to live!"

  Doyle's tone was rather mysterious and disturbing.

  The people in a circle look at me, and I look at you.

   But after thinking about it, Wyeth couldn't help but say:

   "There is nothing to live... Then how did Sir Majoros and the others, including His Highness, survive?"

  D.D waved angrily, as if reproaching him for interrupting.

"Listen to me, that's a strange descent, a strange descent! The fanatical cultists carry out the taboo blood sacrifice of life and soul, and draw strength from the crooked way of evil. They are terrifying and cruel. The cost is also unimaginable, maybe every time a living person is sacrificed, drinking blood and meat, peeling skin and gnawing bones..."

   Everyone was silent for a while, and Qi Qi stepped back.

   "Nervous disease." Glover dismissed.

   "Superstition." Wiya pouted and shook his head.

   "Humph." Rolfe looked contemptuous.

   "Next." Miranda was too lazy to listen.

   "Oh, there are many people on the South Bank who believe in this evil thing... Don't believe it, then how do you explain that Lausanne II!" Doyle said anxiously.

   But Wyah has turned to the next page:

   "There is also his ability. Although he defeated Lausanne II, we still haven't been able to understand its working principle. According to Dumb, it is quite rare to affect mental abilities..."

   "Time to feel."

   "What?" Huaya looked at Miranda who suddenly spoke.

"There was an old gardener in Cold Castle, who was very old, a little confused, and always thought of me as my grandmother," Miranda recalled, "and told me about my uncles—as if they were children. "

"I know my aunt had this condition before she died," Doyle said. "She would think that when she was young, she always mistook me for my grandfather and cried for me to marry her instead of her sister. ."

   "Wow," Wyah couldn't believe it, "your grandfather is really... um, happy?"

   "That's because you don't know my grandfather," Doyle sighed. "Believe me, I didn't marry him and have a family. The real happy person should be my aunt."

   "Many people get so demented and confused when they get old, they feel like they are still young," Miranda said.

   "I'm good at this, I don't even have to wait until I get old," D.D said happily, "I open my eyes every morning and feel like I'm still eighteen..."

   "It's eight years old," Glover snorted coldly, "After all, you're a puppet bear with your eyes open."

  Doyle shut up and handed out a pie.

   "In short, these old people have problems with their cognition of memory, and they can't tell which memories are the past and which are the present."

   "That is to say..." If Wyya realized something.

Miranda nodded and continued: "The ability of Lausanne II is not to create hallucinations, but to temporarily confuse memory, disrupt our sense of time, that is, the perception of chronological order, making us forget the present and think that we are still alive. past."

   "Like a dream?" D.D asked.

"People are conscious of dreaming, and vaguely know that it's fake, it's a dream," Miranda shook his head, "but in his powers, you can't tell the difference-because those are our memories, which happened in reality. There is no doubt about the scene, so there are no flaws, so we are convinced that it is difficult to extricate ourselves."

   Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

  Our memory…

   The scene that really happened…

  Believe in it, hard to extricate yourself…

   "Fuck him!" Glover slammed the table hard.

   "Don't fuck, he's dead." Doyle sighed, gloomy.

   "Ms. Allende, how did you see this?" Wyah wondered.

"His Royal Highness said it, and I don't know why, but he seems to be very sure that it has something to do with time," Miranda also shook his head, "The rest is my own reasoning—my finishing power has a special effect on human perception. understand."

   "As expected of His Highness," Huaya sighed, his tone full of admiration and powerlessness: "And you, ma'am, you are indeed the chief seed."

   "Sure enough, it's a prince," Doyle also raised his arms in a pretentious manner: "And you, Mira, are worthy of being the chief seed."

   Rolf in the corner pouted in disdain.

   Glover looked at these two people with a strange expression, and after holding it for a long time, he whispered, "Uh, that, yes."

  Please, Chief has nothing to do with this.

  Miranda raised her eyebrows, resisting the desire to complain and roll her eyes, and turned to the next page of her notes.

"According to the memories of Lord Mallos and the Glover pioneers," Wyah came back to his senses, "Lausanne II's ability, whether it is the timing of activation or the continuous effect, seems chaotic and disorderly, and even difficult. Control, this is incompatible with his exquisite and accurate swordsmanship. And according to His Highness, Lausanne's swordsmanship and supernatural power cannot work at the same time. Once he starts to work and his energy is scattered, his supernormal power will weaken..."

   "Indeed, the subtle swordsmanship, the chaotic and uncontrollable powers, but they are incompatible with each other, appearing contradictory in him." Miranda pondered.

   "What do you mean?" Doyle was confused for a while.

   "When you go to the battlefield, do you carry two mutually exclusive weapons on your back? Especially when you can only choose one at the same time?" Glover asked coldly.

"Isn't this normal? Swordsmanship is practiced by oneself, but supernatural powers are innate," D.D nibbled on the pie, "Just like me, handsome and charismatic, but my parents took a mediocre one. name."

   Everyone covered their faces in unison, and groaned helplessly.

"Mr. Shatil said that a warrior's fighting style, style, power of ending, weapons, abilities, and even personality should be unified and coordinated, and the heart of the sword must be inseparable from the essence of the sword," Wyah thought, "If you want to reach a higher level, you need to do this, otherwise it will be difficult to create a powerful warrior."

   "Old Joaquin didn't say that," D.D said embarrassingly, "He said that you have to learn a hundred different schools, learn multiple arts, and learn from your opponents before you can finally see yourself."

   "This is actually not contradictory," Wyatt said. "Speaking of this, that guy is from the same school as your teacher. Can you provide any new information?"

   "Yes," D.D was not ashamed, "he's dead."

   Everyone sighed in unison.

   "Speaking of this, this also makes me wonder: why does Lausanne II hide his identity?" Wyah picked up the pen.

   "It's easy to understand, whoever does bad things dares to be fair..."

"No, more than that, according to my investigation," Wyah turned to another page, "when he caught up with you in the sewer, because of the female gang leader, his identity was already called out and he was recognized as a blood bottle. The former killer of the gang..."

   "But he still carefully covered his face, even if the mask was torn, he had to put it back on again, as if he was afraid of being recognized in public," Glover remembered something, "Why?"

   "Is it possible that he is not actually Lausanne," Miranda asked, "just in the name of Lausanne II? And there is someone else under that mask?"

   "I don't think Catherine will admit her mistake, she is the boss of the party after all." Glover shook his head.

   "Anyway, there are too many doubts in this guy, one layer is peeled off, there is another layer," Wyah frowned tightly, "There are too many things, I can't figure it out until now."

   "Anyway, he's dead," D.D felt at ease. "With such a powerful close-range explosion, even if he survived, the skin would be scorched and the flesh would not be able to breathe for a few days."

   Everyone nodded silently with lingering fears.

   "What is this page again? A map?"

   "That's right, I asked someone to get it from the Vigilance Hall. The map of the Emerald City area."

  Wiya took out a map from the notes and spread it out for everyone to see:

"Here, here, and here, these are the areas where the Blood Bottle Gang has been attacked in the past few weeks. Based on the intelligence obtained by the undercover officer of the Glover Pioneer, I cross-checked it with the documents in the vigilance hall, and tried to Circle the crime scene, match the time, and deduce the attackers—probably Lausanne II and his associates—the approximate number and even the hiding place, but…”

"but what?"

  Wiya hesitated for a few seconds and pointed to several red dots on the map:

"The attacks on the Blood Bottle Gang can indeed form a circle, including a small half of the Emerald City, but the distribution is uneven - for example, here, Harvest Casino was attacked several times, and at least six members of the gang died. This The same goes for the underground black boxing arena, there are missing boxers every week..."

   "That's the business of Gamandia and Gutierrez, two ruthless characters." Glover gritted his teeth.

  Wiya continued: "But within the same radius, here, the theater, which is engaged in skin and flesh business, sang and danced, and not a single attack occurred. Here, the paper mills and weaving workshops protected by the Blood Bottle Gang are also peaceful."

   "It's Franco and Jaga's territory, don't worry, they're already dead." Glover snorted.

   "Anyway, this big circle, the scope of these attacks, it's uneven thickness, like, like..." Wyah pointed to the big circle he drew on the map, hesitating.

   "It's like someone doesn't pay attention when eating pie," D.D had a brainstorm, "a spoon in the east, a fork in the west, and the digging is full of pits?"

   "Uh, right?" Wyja reluctantly said.

   Everyone frowned.

"Because Lausanne II was not a random attack, but planned and directed: Catherine's men, leaders like Gamandia and Gutierrez were attacked with emphasis to provoke their dissatisfaction, while the other half Leaders like Franco and Jaga were deliberately let go, favoring one over the other, in order to incite conflicts between the leaders."

   Glover said coldly:

"As a result, we have all seen it: the gang members who were damaged too much were full of resentment. Under the instigation of the red pit vipers and the homeless, they broke up with the gang members who had been quiet in those years and enjoyed their success, and Kathleen was subverted and stepped down. ."

   No one else could talk about this topic, and Wyah had to nod:


  Wiya thought of something, turned to another page:

"But when it comes to 'Magic Blade' Kathleen, the Glover Pioneer and Dumb said that you both escaped into a remote sewer, a place where even the officials of the Emerald City don't know the power of the Blood Bottle Gang. , dark and narrow, like a labyrinth... But if the Blood Bottle Gang doesn't even know about that place, how did Lausanne II find you?"

   "Is there a traitor? Betrayed your position to him?"

"Catherine said that there are people in the Blood Bottle Gang who specialize in domesticating hounds and are especially good at tracking them," Glover pondered for a while, "and we just made our way out of the fire in the warehouse, and the filth couldn't be washed away. "

   "This still doesn't make sense. If he really used the blood bottle gang's hounds to track you down, but in the end only Lausanne showed up, and there were no other gang members, why?"

   "Because his abilities are indistinguishable from me," Miranda guessed, "Besides, with his skills, bringing more people is just a burden."

   "Because he doesn't want more people to know what he did? And he doesn't trust his gang, or rather, the former gang?" Doyle rarely said something that didn't make everyone frown and groan.

   Wyya pondered for a while.

   "Then this brings up the next question. If Lausanne II returned to the Emerald City to avenge the past, then..."

"What happened to the Blood Bottle Gang," Miranda took over, "What does it have to do with Catherine? It made Lausanne II so angry, so patient, and waited so many years to come back here for revenge? "

   "That Catherine, where did she go?"

  Wiya was a little lost: "I need to see her and ask her some doubts."

   "His Royal Highness let her go," Miranda replied, "She can't go back to Kongming Palace with us. As for where she went, I am afraid only His Highness knows."

   "And with that mother-in-law's character," Glover snorted and looked at Rolf, "I'm afraid she won't be reconciled and won't stop."

  Wiya was silent for a while.

   "What about that defense attorney? If I could ask him..."

   "No," Glover said. "He was frightened and insane. He called his wife when he saw anyone. Of course, His Royal Highness had instructed him to say that he was dead."

   "Really, are you sure? Does he really have no reason left? Even a little?"

  Rolf shook his head.

  Wiya still unwilling to give up: "What about his wife? Are there any clues..."

"We investigated and found that his wife is mentally ill, insane, and has been raised in the countryside. I heard that she has been childless for many years and is under too much pressure," Miranda shook her head. "

  Doyle frowned:

   "Sounds like a good, devoted man."

   "Good guy?" Glover shook his head disdainfully, "Humph."

   "Then how did you settle him later?"

   "The old place—I mean the sewer," Glover said. "He seems like a good fit there when he's crazy, at least having fun with some goofy deformed big guy."

  Everyone was silent.

  Miranda sighed:

   "Unfortunately, in so many silence cases covered up by Duke Jane, I originally thought he would be the breakthrough."

  Wiya also nodded regretfully, but his words changed:

   "But not without clues, look here."

  Wiya turned the notebook to a very back page, and on it was a long hand-drawn table:

"These victims, Dagory Moss is a businessman and a white glove, responsible for making money and business intelligence, Diop is in charge of secret accounts, and is responsible for contacting outsiders like the Blood Bottle Gang, Jeff Rene It is the former police chief, Slimani also served in the police department, and now he is the defense attorney of the emerald city dignitaries... I found that these four people have something in common. "

  D.D looks dizzy:

   "Uh, are they all men?"

  Wiya's expression froze.

   "All rich?"

   "All bald?"

  Miranda sighed: as expected of Cohen's relative.

  Wiya had no choice but to take a pen and click on the notebook:

   "Seriously, these four people have all worked for Emerald City or Kongming Palace, at least they can be related."

  D.D scratched his head: "This Highness said, they are in a special position, and the reason why they want to die is to attack Kongming Palace."

   Huaya nodded:

   "And they are all people with heads, faces and identities. Their resumes, even if they don't say they have a prosperous official career, at least they are all smooth sailing."

  Miranda's eyes moved.

"That brings up the next question," said Wyah, "according to you, before Slimani died, oh, before he went mad, he said to His Royal Highness: There is another person who has been silenced these days, but it is a An underground boxer who fights black boxing?"

  Glover frowned: "Yes."

  D.D scratched his chin, trying his best to pretend he was participating in the conversation: "The gangster who hit the black fist..."

   "From the previous four people with heads and faces, to this underground boxer... There are too many differences in identities. Who is this boxer?" Miranda said sharply.

"His Royal Highness asked us to check when he came back: I just got the last two months, when the blood bottle gang was attacked, the missing list of all the underground boxers, dozens of them, basically have nothing to do with the blood bottle gang. But I don't know which one it is, and I am still confused." Wiya shrugged.

   "We can go to Gutierrez from the Blood Bottle Gang. The Black Fist arena is his place," Glover snorted. "Tie it up and let the good-natured Morgan question him."

   "Good idea," Wiya nodded, "Unfortunately, the Blood Bottle Gang has just gone through fire, and it's definitely not easy to start now."

   "And don't forget, Duke Jane must be quite dissatisfied with what happened yesterday, and now he is eyeing our every move." Miranda said.

   "His Royal Highness Thales went out to deal with him in person, it must be no problem." D.D finally found a familiar topic.

"Another point…"

  Wiya continued to speak, unconsciously, everyone was listening carefully:

   "According to you, defender Slimani, though respected, is a coward who faints at the sight of weapons."

   "At least until you go crazy, yes," Glover affirmed.

   "Then why is he so arrogant? He knows that there may be problems behind so many murders, but still has the courage to pursue it? Until he is targeted and endangers his own life?"

   "Remembering the kindness of your old boss? That deceased former police chief, Jeff Rene?"

   "Favor? I don't think so." Glover shook his head in denial.

   "Professional instinct?" Doyle shrugged, "A defense attorney—my family has a lot of lawsuits, and I have dealt with this kind of person a lot."

   "Because he's timid." Miranda said suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

"How to say?"

  Miranda raised her head, her eyes sharp:

   "Because Slimani was guilty and afraid of death, after seeing those murders, he was afraid that the next person to die would be himself, so he wanted to find out and ask for peace of mind."

   Everyone was stunned.

   "So ironic? I was afraid of death, so I traced it, traced it, and killed myself?" D.D wondered.

   "Is this some kind of dramatic self-fulfilling prophecy?" Glover asked.

   But Miranda was silent, thinking.

   After a few seconds, Huaya's expression changed and he reacted:

   "I see, the key here is: Why does Slimani feel guilty after seeing those murders? Why does he think he will be the next to die?"

  Miranda nodded and said firmly:

   "Because he was one of them."

   "A member of what? A member of what?" D.D was confused.

"The one who was silenced! They - Moss, Diop, Rene, Slimani, plus the guy who punched the black fist, five people, they are not isolated, and they were killed one after another to provoke us and Kong Minggong. ," Wyah said, the more surprised, "on the contrary, they must have some kind of internal connection, maybe they are members of the same secret society, maybe they are involved in a certain secret, maybe they both know a certain person, maybe they have done the same thing. …”

  Miranda raised her head, her tone affirmed:

   "And it is very likely that that is the reason why these people will be silenced, and the news will be covered up after they die."

   Everyone froze in unison.

   "I, I have to find time to chat with the clerk of the local city hall," Wyah thought, looking solemn, "I need more detailed resumes of these deceased... more information."

   He stood up and was about to go out, but was stopped by Miranda.

   "Wiya, so many records in your notebook, so many doubts, so many... details," Miranda squinted, "After you discovered it, you wrote it down one by one?"


  Wiya came back to his senses and forced a smile:

   "It's not like Your Highness and you, Ms. Allende. I'm stupid and slow to react. I can only use this stupid method. If I don't understand, I just write it down and remind myself of these clues."

  Rolf snorted in the corner.

  You should look at his room, the walls are covered with papers, one after another, full of words and colorful charts, even the ceiling.

  Miranda looked at him for a while.

   "I know, my strength is limited," Huaya was very unaccustomed to being stared at by her, and smiled bitterly, "I'm not as lucky as you guys to be able to share the worries for His Highness by fighting with swords, and risking my life to die..."

   "This is lucky for you, I don't want it anymore." D.D immediately raised his hand.

   "...The task assigned by the superior is the easiest, most boring, and the least valuable. Using my father's position and reputation, I go to get close to all kinds of officials..."

   "Easiest?" Glover pouted.

  Wiya spread his hand: "All in all, I can only contribute as much as I can."

   "No, you are very powerful, Servant," the female swordsman applauded, "I know why Shadyr wants to admit you."

  Wiya was flattered and a little embarrassed.

   "As expected of the son of the cunning fox." Glover's words made Wyah's smile a little stiff.

"No, my stepmother has dealt with the Earl of Castle, she said that he is naturally smart, knows a little bit, and is a rare genius," D.D flipped through the notebook, looking at the beautiful handwriting on it that he could not practice in ten lifetimes , surprised, "But look at these, Wyya, you can't be a genius."

   Including Wyah, everyone was stunned for a moment.

   "Uh, polite?" Glover whispered.

   "Because you're Wyah."

  D.D put down the note, gave up the plan of "maybe I can do it too", and sighed:

   "Unlike any other Wyah—True Wyah."

   As soon as this remark came out, Huaya's expression changed.

   The others turned their heads subconsciously.

   Glover frowned, biting his head: "Polite?"

   But unexpectedly, Wyah suddenly smiled after being stunned for a long time.

   He took a deep breath, sincerely and calmly:

   "Thank you, Guard Doyle."

   "Your findings, these doubts," Miranda asked, "Have you reported it to His Royal Highness?"

   "No, it's not too late," Wiya shook his head. "Time is in a hurry, Lord Mallos is bedridden again, and His Royal Highness is very busy these days, he already has enough things to worry about."

   "For example, running away from home and going on a date with his fiancée?" Miranda joked once, and everyone laughed.

"Don't talk about it," D.D sighed bitterly, "Yesterday I went back to the theater as a substitute, and the most painful thing was to explain to Caquere, who was in charge of monitoring the prince, that the prince was not missing, just talking to Kevin Die. Miss Er is playing peekaboo..."

  Wiya thought of something and turned around suddenly, startling everyone.

"What's wrong?"

   "I remember," Huaya said in a daze, "His Royal Highness said that Srimani went to the theater yesterday to find the one you mentioned - the Caquere vigilante."

   "So what?" Doyle wondered why.

  Wiya's face became more and more solemn:

   "So, if the defense attorney is really 'one of them' and suspects after seeing the murder case, if he wants to pursue it, what channel will he go through?"

  Miranda's eyes moved.

"More than that, when the previous wine merchant was killed, it was this Caquere who took me and Aarend to the prison to check." Glover's face turned cold, "and he was tongue-tied, shirk the blame, and told us the wine merchant. He was hired by the enemy to kill him."

   "The defender won't go to him for no reason. This local vigilante must know something, maybe that's why these dead people were silenced!" Miranda frowned.

   "I'll report directly to His Royal Highness Thales," Huaya nodded, "Today is the selection of the Emerald Celebration, and Kaquere will lead the prince as usual and accompany him throughout the journey."

   "I'm going to see the horror - is Chief Majorus awake," Miranda mused, "he needs to know about it."

   On the other side, Glover had a fierce look in his eyes:

   "Then I'll go find some big guys, Morgan or Bastia, and find a sack to pocket that Cacquere—"

   "Wait! That guard is from the Kongming Palace, we can't just tie people up for interrogation!" D.D grabbed the zombie.

   "Something has to be done!" Zombie said dissatisfied.

"Hey, you don't understand zombies, kidnapping tickets for the nobles privately or something, this is an excellent biography of our guard wing - ahem, expertise," D.D looked around cautiously, blinked his eyes, and showed a sinister smile, "Who is still Use a sack, listen to me, how about we, hey, plan?"

   plan plan.

  Wiya and Miranda looked at each other with weird expressions, but they nodded anyway.

   Everyone stood up and performed their duties.

   "I can't think of it," D.D looked at Wyah who was adding something to the notebook, and whispered to Glover, "True Wyah still has this ability."

   "Everyone has their own strengths." Zombie is concise.

   "What about you, how did you get along with that mute yesterday?" D.D pointed to Rolf in the distance, "You guys are very hot today..."

   Glover's expression changed.

   "Bah, Lao Tzu didn't die in his hands, even if the gods have spirits, the holy day will appear holy, and the sunset will bless you," Zombie said fiercely, "That sheep is playing with dogs and playing with wind—"

   "Huh?" D.D's eyes widened.

"what happened again?"

"you've changed."

   "What has changed?"

"No, I suddenly found out that you seem to be more cheerful," Doyle was pleasantly surprised. "Compared with before, your temper has improved, and your words have increased, and even the sentences you have spoken have become a lot longer? "


  Open, cheerful?

   Glover was stunned for a moment.

   "Also, you don't seem to reject me calling you a zombie anymore?"

   After being stunned for a few seconds, Glover suddenly changed color!


   He hummed angrily, punched the table, and walked away.

   "Hey don't go," D.D couldn't catch up, "Aren't we planning to kidnap the ticket..."

   At this moment, only a muffled sound was heard, and the door of the room was pushed open roughly!

   A few people were shocked, and Glover even raised his long sword.

   "Forbey's commander! Everyone, those who are on vacation will return to work immediately, those who are on duty will work overtime, and as for the wounded, as long as they can move their fingers, they will gather and set off immediately..."

   The person who broke in was the guard officer Conmutuo, who was panting and anxious: "Today the prince is attending the election, we will protect you throughout the process, and be on the highest alert!"

  Wiya and the others were relieved.

   "But the election will only start in the afternoon, now... is it too early?" Wyah wondered.

   "Highest alert?" Glover didn't understand.

   "That's right, because something happened just now!"

   Conmuto was anxious, making everyone nervous:

   "Just this morning, an official in the Emerald City was killed!"

  Everyone was shocked.

   "Another one?" Glover drew his sword back into its sheath.

   "Six people, six lives." Wiya squeezed the notebook tightly.

   "I heard that his death was terrifying, and the whole city was in uproar, and the Emerald Legion was dispatched - there's no time, hurry up!" Kong Muto added hurriedly.

   Everyone moved subconsciously, only Miranda frowned:

   "Then why are you so nervous? Why even the wounded—"

   "Because rumors of malicious intentions spread out in the city!"

  Conmutto gritted his teeth:

   "The mastermind behind the killing of the deceased is-His Royal Highness Thales!"

   At that moment, everyone was stunned.

   There was silence in the room.

   "Isn't it, come again?" Wyya thought of something, unbelievable.

   With a thud, Rolf landed on his asymmetrical metal prosthetic limb. He limped with a grim expression, grabbed his weapon and walked out.

   "Why? Why do the rumors spread like this?"

  Miranda suddenly had an ominous premonition: "Who is the dead man?"

  Conmutto sighed deeply:

   "It's an old acquaintance, the special security officer sent by Kongming Palace to be responsible for the security of His Highness, the one who accompanied him all the way these days—"

   Everyone's breathing stopped for a while.



  The pie bag on the table fell to the ground.

   "I, I just, my..."

   The shocked people turned their heads in unison.

  I saw Doyle holding the last almond **** that survived and staring at everyone in stunned eyes:

   "It's really just—planning, planning!"

   (end of this chapter)

Read Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse