MTL - Kingdom’s Bloodline-Chapter 693 Integrate

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   Chapter 693


   In the study, my father's roar shook the world.

The last time Tormund saw his father so angry was when he was six years old.

   At that time, he ran wildly in the fields with the daughter of the farm manager's daughter in the countryside, laughing, throwing mud, rolling dirty clothes, and having fun, but his father and uncle who came back ran into him.

   He still remembered his father's blue face, and the faint sneer between his great-uncle's brows.

   And now, many years later, my father is trembling all over, pointing at him and gnashing his teeth:

   "Razor Mallos, a thousand-year-old heritage, you will destroy your hands now!"

   Thousand-year inheritance, destroy my hand?


   Tormund wanted to laugh.

laughing out loud.

   "If the Mallos house was destroyed so easily," he said blankly, "then maybe it's already exhausted?"

  Father became more and more angry, got up and drew his sword, but someone held him on the shoulder.

   "Don't panic."

  The great-uncle sits on the left of his father, as calm as ever. He has advised his father and family for many years, resourceful and dedicated.

   But did he enter the penalty wing because of this? Calm enough when skinning prisoners?

   Or is it because the great uncle is also good at giving advice on how to torture people?

   "We still have one last chance." My cousin's expression was calm.

   "You don't have a chance," Tormund said coldly. "The big crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason—the Black Prophet and his kingdom secret department will track it down sooner or later."

   "I'll kill you before that!" the father roared.

  Why, why do they all like to use this to intimidate others?

   Even if it doesn't work?

   "Why, Xiao Tuo?" The voice of the uncle came, and there was exhaustion trying to hide in the words.

   "Why do this? Why betray us?"

   Tormund was silent.


   He parted his lips: "Because..."


  Because it was all predestined.

   He looked at his angry father and his calm cousin, and said softly:

   "Because none of this is true."


  The watchman of the guards, Tormund Mallos stood in the study, looking at the red fire behind his father and his great-uncle, his eyes were as deep as water, and his heart was as clear as a mirror:

   This is not reality.

  Because this place is so beautiful.

   is too soft.

  Because my father's study was colorful and magnificent.

   And the world, the real world, the present world, his world should be...

  Desolation and desolation.

   "Father, uncle, you and here, everything here is fake, just the killer's ability." Mallos said softly.

   "Rebel!" The father roared loudly, causing the fire behind him to shake.

   Great-uncle took a deep breath.

   "Since this is the case, there's nothing we can do," the old uncle said sharply, as if he didn't hear his answer, "I'm going to see Big Barney: I'll do it tonight."

   "Uncle?" The father turned his head, shocked.

   As in memory.

  The great-uncle ignored his father.

   "And you, Xiao Tuo," the uncle looked at him with a smile on his lips, "You think this is the end?"

   At that moment, everything in front of Mallos' eyes lit up with raging flames!

  The flames burned through the study, corridors, halls, and the fields of the Mallos family's manor. The color in front of him peeled off piece by piece, turning black and pale, revealing a barren land.

  The way the world should be.

   In this barren, a deadly cold light - the blade of Lausanne II cut through the air and roared!

   After regaining his senses, Mallos tried his best. He rolled his sword towards the ground and turned back to block with all his strength.


  The metal collided and the sound was harsh.

   The timing of the opponent's force was all the best, and Mallos, who hurriedly blocked, couldn't bear it, and he took a few steps back.

   "You think I don't know?"

   Lausanne's words were hurried, but his feet were steady as he approached step by step.

   "I don't know what kind of person Joaquin is? I don't know what Joaquin has done for me and his student servants?"

   Looking at Lausanne's appearance, Mallos stepped back.

  Looks like I was only distracted for a moment, Mallos thought.

   And this Lausanne II, he didn't even realize that he activated the ability.

   Strange, a master of the extreme realm like him who has experienced hundreds of battles, can't use his own abilities proficiently?

   "But what did he get!"

   Luosang's voice was cold and harsh, and the long sword came out sharply!


   The watchman cursed in his heart, after all, there was no way to retreat, so he was forced to fight.


   Mallos parried this stab, but with a flick of Lausanne's wrist, the sword light flashed again!

   This is... stabbing swordsmanship?

   The watchman recognized it: what the other party used was the stabbing sword technique that was widely spread in the southwest and was carried forward by Kuradel, the "Thorn Excalibur" in the Tower of the End.

   This guy knows a lot!

"Nine squires, nine riders—no, eight knights," Lausanne's eyes exposed outside the mask were dark and silent, like the eyes of a dead man, but they kept catching Marios' flaws, "all shouldering hope, He taught him to be a good person, but everyone has different personalities and holds ideas."


   During the metal friction, Mallos scored the second blow, but he was in a wobbly shape and was shaky.

"So in the Scarlet Year, four people served for the royal family, two of them stood on the side of the rebels, and two also followed different princes... And Joaquin, Joaquin could only watch the knights he cultivated turn against each other, Killing each other with the various martial arts he carefully taught," Lausanne's voice continued, "one student chopped off another student's head, then the third one cut his throat, and then the fourth one went to take revenge... The cycle goes on and on, and on and on, until the eight knights..."

   "None survived."

   The third stab struck again.

   Mallos struggled to retreat, posing for the best defensive posture in the face of stabbing swordsmanship—Huh?

   At that moment, I saw Lausanne II turn around, his hands clasped together, and the original stabbing attack turned into a sharp downward slash in an instant!

   The watchman was taken aback:

   This is the main attack style of "Blade Forging"—a martial art that is basic in all "Emperor Wind" genres, but has been honed to a stunt in the hands of Thousand Blade Knights—Iron Cross?


   He couldn't react in time, he could only change his moves in a hurry and ate this "Iron Cross" abruptly!


   With a loud noise, Mallos shook his hands, his sword dropped, and he lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground.

  The battle ended in a flash of light and flint, and the field returned to silence.

   "And poor Joaquin can't do anything about it - this time, he has no hands to smash." Lausanne said quietly.

   Mallos clutched the blood oozing from his chest, coughed in pain, and there was a bloodstain on his face.

   The winner has been divided.

   He looked at the weapon that flew ten feet away and sighed inwardly.

  No, or should I say, the outcome is divided early.

  Lausanne II wiped the blood from the sword with his arm sleeve and walked towards Mallos.

   "He was depressed and ended up not because of me, not because he lost his swordsman, nor because of poverty."

   The killer in black stared coldly at his defeated general, alert to the short weapon in the opponent's arms:

   "And all because of himself."

  The field was quiet for a second.

   Mallos struggled to sit up, sighing inwardly at the opponent's skill.

  Luosang just used two types of swordsmanship, thorns rapier and forged blade, or in other words, each part of the two.

   Well, the other party may have learned both, even if their styles are diametrically opposed, that's fine, but...

   "How did you do that move just now?"

   Mallos stared fixedly at his opponent.

This guy, he broke up the complete swordsmanship that was integrated into one inch by inch, stripped them from their respective systems, and then remodeled and reorganized these disparate fragments, and perfectly integrated them into one move in actual combat. The achievement is the most suitable. The new move in the current battle situation... It's like, after the elegant and smooth jab in the first half, the second half should have been connected to the solemn and staunch steel cross, completely natural, without any stagnation?

   This requires an unparalleled proficiency in the existing swordsmanship, a deep understanding of their swordsmanship and kendo, and a thorough grasp of the essence of different swordsmanship...

  No, the difficulty of this matter is no less than that of creating a new martial art from scratch after learning from others' strengths.

   Not to mention in the midst of a tense and fierce battle?

   These skills, even the well-informed watchmen, have never heard of them, and they have never seen them before.

"Thanks to you."

   But Lausanne II seemed to know what he was wondering:

   "I changed a long time ago, I can't do it, at least it won't be so smooth."

   Mallos was startled when he heard the words.

   Lausanne silently looked at the watchman.

"Of the seventeen masters under your command, many of them can even perform extreme skills, with different styles and specialties: quirky and changeable, swift in style, moderate and peaceful, endless, cooperative. The tacit understanding, the rhythm... and you divide them into teams, make use of their strengths and avoid weaknesses, complement their weaknesses, and add bows and crossbows to form a high-pressure formation and a complex battlefield that can suppress and even kill the extreme masters."

It's not surprising - Luosang thought to himself, the origin of the imperial wind swordsmanship, the legion knights of the ancient empire, it's not like this is the way, relying on quantity and cooperation, discipline and formation, they will exert their personal martial arts to the limit. The disciples of the temple are firmly suppressed. Under the emperor's order a thousand years ago, they besieged the peak masters one by one and demolished the temple of the knights again and again?

   "And you know how many years I haven't had the chance to fight head-to-head with an opponent of this weight, do my best, hone my swordsmanship between life and death, and prove my skills under extreme pressure?"

   Lausanne raised the long sword with gaps and sighed deeply:

   "So, thanks to you for this opportunity, this occasion."

   Maybe thanks to "it" too.

   allowed him to go further.

   is really fun.

   Mallos instantly understood and sighed inwardly.

I see.

  It wasn't just Miranda Aarend who got a promotion tonight.

   The enemy in front of him, he doesn't need any ability at all, he is already a first-class master.

   But Lausanne II looked at his weapon with fascination:

   "You know, integrating different schools, integrating hundreds of martial arts, and bridging the differences and differences, such as the emperor's style and the temple, were originally Hua Jin's ideal and ambition in martial arts."

   is also the reason why he taught students according to their aptitude, encouraged students to pursue their individuality, and embraced a wide range of rivers.

   But unfortunately, being proficient in sword disciplines like Joaquin can never make up for those who use them, even if they are his servants and students.

   Because the noble way of knighthood is long gone.

  Because of the rules of this world, there is another preference.

   Lausanne slowly came to Mallos.

   Mallos looked at the blood-covered hands, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.


   Can't hold the sword for at least a month.

   Maybe even the little puppet bear can't hold it.

  If he still has a chance to take it.

   He closed his eyes.

   "Pick up your sword -- or dagger."

   Mallos opened his eyes.

   "For the commander who broke up for his subordinates," Lausanne looked down at him condescendingly, his eyes darkened, "You shouldn't die with your bare hands."

   Mallos was slightly startled, then smiled.

"When Aknet's flag officer's body was found, he was lying on a high platform out of reach of ordinary people, neatly dressed and peaceful, with a sword in his hand, and two gold coins in his eyes for the funeral. "

   Lausanne did not speak.

  Marios sighed, but did not take his sword:

   "Master Joaquin, more or less left something for you, right?"

   Lausanne's eyes moved.

   "No," Lausanne's fingers stroked the notch on the sword, but his eyes were fixed on Mallos' hands, "At least not as much as he thought."

   "What about this?" Mallos pointed to Lausanne's feet.

   Lausanne bowed his head in confusion: "What?"

   The next second, Mallos suddenly got up from the ground, silver light in his hand!

   But Lausanne, who had been vigilant, had long expected that with a move of his long sword, he parried the thrusts of the two daggers, and immediately flew back quickly, preventing Mallos from approaching to repeat the old trick.

  At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the sky!

   Lausanne's complexion changed, and just as he raised his head, a huge black shadow came from his head!


   It was a caravan with bundled goods.

   It fell in the air, right where Lausanne II stood.


   Only heard a loud bang, the caravan fell to the ground, and the smoke and dust stirred!

   Mallos hurried back clutching his injured arm. He looked at the bridge pier above his head and shook his head slightly:

"This is it."

   He picked up his saber with difficulty, looked at the wagon that had been thrown out of shape in the smoke, and smiled.

  Z plan completed.

  What a pity, what a great swordsman.

   But right now.

   "Your subordinates used this trick once."

   The watchman who was about to turn around and leave froze.

   A few seconds later, the outline of the caravan appeared in the diffuse smoke:

   It tumbled with a huge impact, twisting the stand, shattering the wheels, and twisting the signboard and streamers on it.

  Lord Lausanne II was half-kneeling on the top of the caravan, his body was covered with dust and ashes, and he was described as embarrassed.

   "Can't you be a little new?"

   But he was in good shape.

   No broken hands or feet, no broken bones.

   Mallos closed his eyes sadly.

   is really hard to do.

All right.

   "What did you just say, something new?"

   Lausanne on the roof of the car snorted coldly, but his color suddenly changed.


   With a muffled sound, a crossbow arrow pierced deep into the roof of the caravan, a few steps away from Lausanne.

   But before he had time to wonder why the arrow was deflected, he heard a sound of machine brackets, and a dozen slender shadows sprang from the top of the caravan, rushing towards Lausanne II!

   Lausanne's reaction was extremely fast, and the sword light flashed repeatedly, repelling half of the shadows, but there were still several shadows flying back and forth, rushing towards the legs of Lausanne II!


  When the last shadow came to a stop, Lausanne II on the roof could see everything in front of him: these shadows were solid ropes, six in total, wrapping his waist and legs firmly around the four corners of the caravan.

This is……

   "The purpose of the refined rope traps of the guard wings is to limit and hinder the movement of the enemy." Mallos snorted softly.

   is to take a little time to arrange in advance, and you have to use the force of the crossbow to fire.

   Lausanne frowned.

   Mallos smiled slightly, dragged his severely injured body, and swung his sword above his head.

The principle of the    trap, um, is actually surprisingly simple, very similar to a mousetrap.

   But there is no need to say this.

  After all, the Guard Wing also has to declare a budget.

"that's it?"

   The next second, Luosang raised his sword and fell, and cut off one of the ropes with incredible sword speed!

   Mallos frowned.


  Can't the restraint rope be any stronger?

   Alas, forget it.

   After all, the **** wing has to declare a budget.

   In his thoughts, Lausanne swung his sword again and cut another rope.

   "What's the point of doing this?"

   Lausanne II said coldly, with a flash of sword light in his hand, breaking the third rope.

   Mallos' brows tightened.


   Can't they just replace the rope with a tiny wire, at least a sharp blade? With a bit of kill?

   But it's better not to say it.

   After all, the guard wing also needs to declare the budget.

   In the next second, Lausanne's complexion changed, and he turned his head sideways!


  The arrow that fell from the sky brushed the side of Lausanne's ear and stuck firmly to the caravan!

   Looking at this arrow, Mallos frowned again:

   Can they shoot a little further?


   Another arrow fell.

   As he had hoped, the arrow went even further: it fell straight behind Mallos and stuck at his feet.

   But unlike the previous one, this crossbow arrow was tied with a long rope to the tail, hanging all the way down from the bridge overhead.


   Mallos breathed a sigh of relief.

  Lausanne II moved his eyes and cut off the fourth rope:

   "This is about to escape?"

  Marios grabbed the rope on the arrow, looped back and forth around his arm, and said something inexplicable: "Twenty for one shot, sixty for five."

   Lausanne frowned.

   "Ten rounds and one hundred, buy more and give more." Mallos tightened the rope on his hand and clenched his chin.

   Lausanne doesn't know why: "What?"


  Another arrow - a rocket - from the top down!

   It shot accurately through the window and into the cabin, and the arrows were still crackling and burning.

   The precious arrow tail exposed outside the window is engraved with a black lion.

This is……

   Looking at the rocket in front of him, Lausanne's expression changed.

   He struggled to cut the fifth rope blocking his vision, and finally saw the banners and signs on the side of the caravan:

  【Special for Emerald Celebration·Suleiman's Old Lijing Fireworks·Ten Years of Word-of-mouth·Seiko Handmade·Sufficient Loading·Fantastic Effect】

  [Transfer to clearing positions, big sale at a loss, the last day! 】

  【Warning: It is strictly forbidden to approach this stall with an open flame! 】

   Looking at such a large caravan, Lausanne's pupils froze.

   Mallos sighed and waved his hand vigorously above his head.

Do not.

   Looking at Mallos' movements, Lausanne II flashed this thought.

   The flames in the carriage grew louder and louder, making an ominous sizzling sound.

   The next second, Lausanne unleashed his sword with all his strength, roaring and slashing at the last rope that bound him:

"Do not--"


   An earth-shattering bang!

  The inconspicuous caravan fell apart in an instant, one after another, turning into countless rays of light!

boom! boom!

   In the splendid light that erupted under him and the unwilling roar of Lausanne II, Mallos pulled the rope into the air and flew towards the top of the bridge!

boom! boom! boom!

The open space under the    bridge was instantly shrouded in a curtain of fire and rain, and nothing was visible.

  There are only the sparkling fireworks, which are colorful and very splendid.

boom! boom!

  Under the gift of this dazzling light, Mallos dragged the rope, stepped on the bridge pier, and flew straight up!

   "Band together," Mallos, who was covered in blood, looked at the splendid scene below and coughed, "The effect is even better."


   At the moment when the rope reached the top, Mallos resolutely reached out and firmly grasped a hand stretched out from above.

   A hand with black gloves.

   Mallos raised his head and frowned, "How are you?"

   The top of the watchman's head, with only one leg wrapped around a rope, Miranda, who was hanging upside down in the air, shook off her drooping tresses and sneered: "Because I am the lightest."

   Mallos frowned.

   He clasped Miranda's hand, the two of them were facing each other, their eyes were facing each other, and they were tied by a rope and floated under the North Gate Bridge.

boom! Bang bang bang!

   The celebration fireworks under him—a large car—became more and more magnificent, causing many citizens in the distance to exclaim.

   "I just saw it, you are really good at short-handed soldiers," Miranda, who was hanging upside down, tilted her head, her eyes sharp, "Terrorist blade."

   Mallos frowned.

   "Do me a favor, Ms. Miranda."


   "Don't be like a little kid and make up nicknames."

  The two were silent for a while.

"of course not."

   Upside down Miranda blinked:

   "Mr. Blade."

The   rope tightened again, slowly but firmly, pulling the two of them up the deck together.

   (end of this chapter)

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