MTL - Kingdom’s Bloodline-Chapter 692 Plan Z

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   Chapter 692 Z Plan

"What did you say?"

   Miranda, who had just taken a rest, leaned on his sword, knelt down on one knee, and asked Conmuto who came to give orders in disbelief:

   "Retreat? Now?"

She tried to adjust her breath and looked around: the royal guards conveyed orders with gestures or whispers. Many people showed equal surprise on their faces, but most people's expressions were fleeting, and they retreated in an orderly manner. .

   "What about the enemy?"

  Miranda looked at the center of the field: under Toledo's order, the four players who besieged Lausanne retreated at the same time.

  Lausanne II took a breather, but Toledo gave another order, and I saw (because he was ordered to stand by for too long) an angry Nate Nehi jumped into the arena with a roar, and his sword shot like a rainbow!


   Luosang parried the sword dangerously and dangerously, but Neshi's second sword immediately chased after him without stopping!

   "Interesting, young man," Lausanne's eyes lit up, but he didn't move slowly, "You are stronger than that girl in Tianma Movement."

   But when his voice fell, Nexi's expression changed greatly, and he was extremely ashamed and angry. I saw him roar, and the attack was even more urgent!

  Although there was only one person, Nexi's sword flashed rapidly, and his momentum was amazing. The sword light shrouded the opponent's body from every angle, no less than the previous four-person siege. For a time, he suppressed Lausanne II to the point of being unable to attack, unable to move an inch.

   Miranda frowned again and again.


   This stunned youth, when she played against her before, was not so strong in two-on-one.

"Ouch, the mad dog is out of the cage...cough, sorry, ma'am, I mean," Conmuto on the sidelines quickly changed his tune, he returned to the conversation with Miranda, his face embarrassed, "This is the prince's order: put a long line , catch big fish."

   "Is this fish not big enough?"

  Miranda is incomprehensible: "This guy's strength is close to the limit, and we are only a little short..."

   "He is in the extreme realm, even stronger." A familiar voice came from behind them, unhurried and confident.

   The two turned their heads, and Mallos stood behind them, staring intently at the one-on-one showdown on the field.

  Conmuto immediately said hello, and the watchman nodded to him, motioning him to continue to send orders.


  Miranda stood up and swung his sword: "But he—"

   Right at this moment, Mallos moved his arm and snatched Yingxiang from the female swordsman's hand!

  Miranda turned around in surprise: "You—"

  Damn, she was just caught off guard by him...


  In the field, Nexi seized the opportunity and attacked a murderous move with a sword and wind, but was dodged by Lausanne II at a critical moment.

  Marios frowned imperceptibly, and he flicked the long sword in his hand and inserted it to the ground.

   "In order to be flexible and changeable in posture, in the mainstream swordsmanship of the Tianma family, one-handed swords are more than two-handed," Mallos looked at Miranda, "but they have been fighting with two-handed swords continuously for more than five minutes."

   "What does this have to do with us—"

   But the next second, the watchman grabbed Miranda's right wrist!

  Miranda was shocked and angry: "What are you doing—"

   "Because I can't hold on with one hand." Mallos said lightly.

  Miranda was stunned.

  Marios' expression did not move, and he gently pulled away the female swordsman's black gloves:

  I saw that the female swordsman's right hand, which was full of thick calluses and was even slightly deformed, was shaking uncontrollably at this moment.

   And her fingers were severely congested, red and swollen, there were even bloodstains on the joints such as the tiger's mouth, and there was even a scratch on the back of her hand, which was oozing blood continuously.

  Miranda's breathing accelerated, her eyes focused.

   Looking at the injury that far exceeded the estimate, Mallos frowned and said:

   "I know his sword is not easy to catch, and I know you are strong-willed, but don't you feel pain?"

   Miranda's complexion changed, and she pulled her palm back!

   "It's just a small injury."

She gritted her teeth and put on her black gloves with a face full of resentment, but her fingers couldn't stop trembling: "The key now is that we already have the advantage, no matter how strong his swordsmanship is, he won't be able to last long with outnumbered enemies, so retreat at this time... "

   "No offense," Mallos interrupted her, his words were cold, "but everyone around the prince, up and down Star Lake Castle, must obey my orders."

   Miranda gave birth.

   Mallos narrowed his eyes: "Of course, according to tradition, except for the prince's mistress."

   Miranda's jaw clenched.

   Mallos' expression remained unchanged, staring at her indifferently.

   "Yes, Lord Mallos," after a few seconds, the female swordsman took a deep breath, regained her composure, stepped back and bowed, "As ordered, sir."

   That's right, she knew that although the prince himself was gentle and willing to speak, but joining the Star Lake Guard halfway through, still made many people uncomfortable.

  Some things are so ingrained that they can’t be solved by just a few words or a single command above.

It's like I just arrived at Broken Dragon Fortress - those big-headed soldiers, they not only respect Sonia Chief, but also support her and regard her as one of their own, they will bloom with the flowers of the fortress who can make everyone laugh together Dirty joke.

   But they never joked with themselves like that, even if they did, it would be behind the scenes, and it would still make her feel uncomfortable.


  Miranda looked around and retreated one after another, slowly disappearing from sight of the Star Lake Guards.

   But Paul also joined halfway, including Wyah and Dumb, but they were able to integrate well.


  Miranda took a deep breath and turned away.

   Well, compared to Ashe, she was much luckier.

   right now.

   "I have a plan."

   Mallos' voice rang out, explaining:

   "The code name is Z, I can kill this guy at the least cost.",

  Z plan?

  Miranda raised her brows and looked back:

   "Really? How?"

   While speaking, Nehi's offensive ushered in the second wave of climax. I saw that his attacking sword was faster than a sword, and the moves were linked to each other, and step by step, Lausanne II was forced to be unstoppable.

   But Mallos frowned more and more tightly.

   "Go and join the others, Hugo, I mean the Forbes flag officer will explain it to you."

  Miranda wanted to ask again, but she held back at the last moment, she bit her lower lip:

"I understand."

   In the next second, the situation on the field suddenly changed. One second before Neshi attacked the deadly sword, Lausanne sent a sword from the most impossible angle, hitting the former's wrist!

   Neshi groaned in pain, and everyone's nerves tightened.

   But the messenger Toledo rushed into the battle from one side at the right time, and his ordinary three swords were able to withstand Lausanne's counterattack, giving the lucky Nexi a chance to be replaced and withdraw from the battle.

   Faster than expected.

   Mallos pondered.

"Do me a favor, ma'am, go and persuade the young master of the Bozdov family. I can see that he also disagrees with the order," Mallos snorted softly. Young masters and young ladies, it's a headache."

   "I'm not - I get it," Miranda was upset at first, but then controlled her emotions, "Yes, I'll make sure Paul obeys orders."

   Or obey her sword.

   Mallos watched her reaction with a subtle gaze.

  Miranda wanted to get her own weapon, but Mallos reached out one step ahead of her and drew out the eagle.

   "Ancient Empire Sword?"

   "Recast, the predecessor has been destroyed, and it lacks many alleged magical powers," Miranda shook his head, "It is not comparable to His Royal Highness's Falkenhauser family's 'Warning', or other families..."

   Mallos shook his head and denied:

   "Wrong, it's definitely better than the prince's, much better."

  Miranda was startled.

  I saw Mallos move his wrist, and the hilt of the sword was handed forward:

   "Because he never used it."

  Miranda paused.

   After a few seconds, she nodded and took Yingxiang with trembling hands.

   "Remember how you feel today." Mallos said with a deep meaning.


   Mallos snorted lightly and looked at the two dueling in the field:

"It's not often that there are such opportunities, there are more than a dozen super-level masters to ensure your absolute safety, and an extreme master who specializes in swordsmanship and does not leave hands to give you a free sparring practice, so that you can be free between life and death. Use your hands and feet to hone yourself to perform beyond the norm."

   Free sparring, super performance?

   "It's not just me," Miranda felt uncomfortable, she looked at her colleagues around her, "they are the same,"

"No, they can't, most of them can't, it's just for being beaten," Mallos shook his head and turned to leave, "It's like when His Royal Highness the Prince's ancient empire literature class, Doyle also stood at the door and listened, but he listened to It's just croaking in the ears, it's useless, at best it helps sleep.

   Mallos turned his head and left her a profile:

   "Only when the level is reached, can you benefit from it."

  Miranda looked at her trembling hands, thoughtfully.

   A few minutes later, Toledo's sword light was unstable for a while, connecting with the three swords of Lausanne II, and retreating a few steps!

   "Very good defense," Lausanne sneered, sending the long sword forward, "but not enough."

   The next moment, Toledo roared, rolled on the ground in embarrassment, and retreated.

   But Lausanne II didn't pursue him, he turned around with a feeling, and found Mallos holding the hilt of his sword, standing behind him.

   And the surrounding guards have disappeared without knowing it, leaving scattered figures, also disappearing in the distance one after another.

   Lausanne II frowned.


  Why did they give up so quickly?

   With more and less, shouldn't they be very confident, feel that there is a chance, and want to survive in a protracted battle, and then...


   Lausanne II's voice was hoarse:

   "You obviously have caught me."

  Mario smiled and glanced around to confirm the orderly evacuation of the guards:

   "You mean, you caught us?"

   Lausanne II's eyes moved.


   Another firework exploded in the air, illuminating the two confronting people clearly.

   "You stayed alone," Lausanne II faced Majoros, his eyes locked on the opponent's sword, "Why?"

   "That way you don't have to go after the others."

   Lausanne's eyes changed.

   Mallos then asked back:

   "Why Lausanne? A mob nicknamed, there are so many powerful and famous folk robbers, why is this notorious and despised villain robber? Just to scare people?"

   Lausanne II was silent for a moment.

   "Like a name, people can't choose their own nickname." His face was hidden under the mask, only a pair of eyes were shining, "It's like fate."

   Mallos frowned:

   "Well, a bit esoteric."

   Lausanne II snorted coldly and was about to use his sword, but Mallos hurriedly raised his hand to block in front of him, signaling the opponent to wait.

   "Okay, okay, I admit it: I have to say that you are superb in swordsmanship alone, and you can rank in the top two among the warriors I have ever seen."

   Mallos' eyes moved:

   "It's not even inferior to Master Shao Yu of the End Tower."

   Lausanne II did not speak.

   "As for your fitness..."

   Mallos pondered for a while.

"You were under siege and fought fiercely for a long time, but you didn't pant, your movements were not deformed, your shots were steady, your center of gravity was perfectly balanced, and your steps were not chaotic at all," the watchman said more and more solemnly, "What's more terrifying is the intensity of each blow. It can be maintained at a very high level and has not declined.”

   The look in Lausanne II's eyes slowly changed.

   "And your injury, although I don't know how much you were injured before we arrived, but you shouldn't feel the pain, right?"

   Mallos sighed:

   "Anyway, I have only seen such abundant physical strength and such terrifying qualities in Kingdom Rage."

   is completely inconsistent with the previous information.

  Thinking of this, Mallos’s words changed:

   "Does all of this have anything to do with the abnormal descent just now? You used some... inhuman power?"

   Lausanne II was silent for a while.

   "You have good knowledge and eyesight," he said quietly, "I don't know, what is your strength?"

   Mallos smiled, he shook his head:

   "Uh, my strength isn't fighting—"

   In the next second, with an explosion, another firework exploded in the sky, and Lausanne's blade stabbed in front of Mallos instantly!


   Mallos gritted his teeth and drew his sword, worthy of this sudden blow!

   It seems that you have to fight if you don't.

  Lausanne II's sword trembled in the air, and as the light and shadow of the fireworks flickered, it struck again. Mallos had to swing his sword vigorously to block two attacks in a row!

   "You just said, you are the watchman?"

   Luosang strolled leisurely in the courtyard, but he stepped forward, the long sword in his hand was fast and slow, and the offensive swayed freely, which matched his pace.


   On the contrary, Mallos tried his best to block, but he seemed to be stuck on the left and right, and kept retreating:



   Lausanne snorted coldly:

   "I have the impression that the last watchman of the Royal Guard was outrageously strong - Joaquin praised him again and again, and even a arrogant person like Bruno was willing to be defeated."

   Lausanne II's long sword attacked from a different direction:

   "How did it reach you, and it was so outrageously weak, worse than your subordinates?"

  Malos defended hard and fell into a passive position; "Watchman, the most important thing is not martial arts..."

   But before he finished speaking, the long sword of Lausanne II moved like thunder, falling from the sky!



   Amid the roar of the wind, Mallos stepped back three steps in a row, dodging the fatal blow in embarrassment!

  The field returned to silence until Lausanne coldly drew his long sword from the foothold of Mallos just now.

   "I see, your skills are not very good," the black-clothed killer said slightly, "but your intuitive judgment, including the movement of dodge, is very good, very suitable for being a commander."

   In the next second, Lausanne's words changed, and the sword wind whistled!

   "Sit in the back, protect yourself, and let others die!"

  Malos saw that there was no way to avoid it, so he had to face it head-on!


   With a sharp sound, the watchman knelt down on one knee, with the long sword over his head, stubbornly resisting Lausanne's vertical slash.

  Lausanne occupied the upper position, his broken blade suppressed Mallos' weapon, combined with the weight, Mallos was shivering and unable to move.

   "You know, let others die," Mallos insisted, while speaking with difficulty, "It's much harder than dying yourself."

   "That's right," Lausanne sneered sarcastically, "Those who want others to die will think so."

   During the wrestling, the two swords were slightly deformed and groaned.

   Mallos gritted his teeth, watching the sword edge slowly approaching and straightening, but suddenly smiled.

   "You're right just now, my former watchman is very skilled in martial arts and is invincible in the world."

   He panted hard:

   "But no matter how powerful the martial arts are, they can't save him."

   I saw Mallos look sharp:

   "Or you."

   In the next second, the end power that had been building up in his body suddenly collapsed.

  I saw Mallos loosen the hilt of his sword and turn around, dodging Lausanne's condescending deadly slash!


   With a muffled sound, Lausanne's blade slashed into the ground.

   But the black-clothed killer's eyes narrowed: he saw Mallos dodge to the side, his hands flashing silver, wiping it towards Lausanne II's throat.

  Lord Lausanne II's heart sank, and he tilted his head to avoid Majoros's silvery hands!


   With a muffled sound, Mallos wiped his hands with a trace of blood.

   Lausanne II groaned and stepped back very quickly.

  Commeros chased after him, followed him like a shadow, and walked away close to Lausanne, even though he was not allowed to distance himself, the two of them were too close to avoid it!

  Shoo! Swish! Swish!

   After three consecutive muffled sounds of clothing and even flesh and blood tearing, Lausanne II roared angrily, and with a flutter of his long arms, the two figures finally separated!

   Mallos was "ripped" from his body like a sticker, and fell to the ground with a thud.

   At the end of this round, the field returned to silence.

   "The melee throwing technique on the grassland," Mallos coughed in pain and got up from the ground, "It seems that you are good at not only swordsmanship."

   Opposite him, Lausanne II described the embarrassment - he handed the sword to his left hand, raised his right hand full of blood, and looked at the countless wounds from the shoulder to the forearm in disbelief, one of which almost spread to the vital part of the chest.

   The killer in black lowered his arm and looked at Mallos:

   The watchman held two strange daggers in his hands, one with a strange arc, the blade hooked back, and the other with smooth lines but serrated blades.

   At this moment, the two ominous daggers were dripping with blood.

"It turns out that your nonsense, including your poor swordsmanship, are just decorations to hide people's ears. What you are really good at is this pair of short soldiers," Lausanne II woke up, "the prince's daggers, including his throwing knife tricks. , you taught it all?"

   Mallos sighed, feeling the weakness in his body.


   is obviously very close.

"I don't have that kind of qualifications and honor," the watchman flipped his palms over, two daggers swung in the air, shaking off the blood, and miraculously disappearing, "As a bright star, he still plays less tricks and learns the rules. Emperor Feng's swordsmanship is good."

  Lausanne II was silent for a while, he stared at Mallos' hands, his eyes moved slightly.

"These two daggers...a hook and a slash, a positive and a negative, a double-edged exchange, and the blood gleamed," Lausanne II hummed a proverb, his tone changed, "You are from the Mallos family. ?"

   Mallos frowned.

   "Old Joaquin has an old acquaintance."

   Lausanne snorted softly and answered the question in his heart:

"In imperial times, many knights would carry daggers as secondary weapons, but only the family of the Mariodios, hereditary royal torturers - or, as far as today, the Marios family - took the dagger as their main weapon. Cultivating skills is better than swordsmanship and archery, and it can be called a heresy of imperial martial arts."

   Mallos' expression changed.

   Sure enough, this black-clothed killer is well-informed and can be described as a martial arts master.

   Lausanne clicked:

   "But I heard Turnbull say that this family was linked to the rebels, and they were caught in a pot in the **** year - what, are you a slip through the net?"

   At that moment, Mallos remained motionless.

   Lausanne II did not urge him, he did not even take care of the terrible wound on his hand, but stared at Mallos wholeheartedly.

   "I lied."

   After a while, Mallos spoke softly.

   "I haven't found out much about your details," the watchman slowly raised his head, his emotions indistinguishable. "It's not as good as the watchman's records."

   Lausanne II's eyes changed slightly.

"That's right, Master Joaquin has accepted nine squires - but on the eighth time, he has accepted two attendants at a time, including Joao Arcnet," Mallos' expression was flat and indifferent, "But another servant from humble background, for some reason, the name and deeds have long been taboo."

   Lausanne II clenched his sword, his blood running down the hilt and down the blade.

   "Joe Boyer."

   Mallos spoke softly:

   "Or should I say, Servant Boyer?"


   Another firework exploded.

  Joe Boyer.

   Lausanne II froze in place.

   That name has been forgotten for a long time.

   "My name is, Lausanne." He said subconsciously.

   Mallos smiled.

"More than 30 years ago, at the 'election meeting' of the Emerald Celebration, you sneaked through the armor of Aknet's squire and made it to the finals. Zhu Qiang, Prince Horace who finally won the championship."

  Select will.

   The Sword of Light.

   Lausanne II trembled slightly.

"Although it's an impostor, but the first time you debut, you have achieved great results, and you are Master Joaquin. You should have become famous at a young age," Mallos continued, his voice was calm, "However, not long after, you committed It was a huge mistake, causing the eldest son of the king, Midir, to fall off his horse and be seriously injured."

  The eldest son of the king.

   Lausanne II was in a trance for a moment.

   But after just a few seconds, he sneered lightly.

   "Falling from a horse, seriously injured?"

   The face of the killer in black is hidden behind the mask:

   "What else do you know?"

   Mallos narrowed his eyes.

   "The eldest son of the king was in a deep coma, lying in bed and dying," the watchman said in a darkened tone, "and Queen Natalie, who was pregnant, loved her son very much, and unfortunately was born prematurely in fear and died of injury."

"The late king lost his wife and children, and he was full of grief and anger," Mallos observed Lausanne's reaction, "so a bunch of people were severely punished, and you, your swords and armor, were branded, stripped of all honor, locked up, In the prison of bones, even the name of the runner-up left in the election will be erased, and no one has dared to mention it for many years."

   Destroy the sword, seize the armor, brand the hand, remove the name...

   Lausanne slowly lowered his head and looked at his sword-wielding hand.

   Mallos sighed.

"It wasn't until the Holy Tree Kingdom sent the elixir that the eldest son of Wang woke up and recovered, and offered forgiveness to those involved in the past one by one - even though he was ill for many years because of this, he was unable to see his mother for the last time, and since then he has become more frail and ill. It's hard to walk."

   Lausanne II sneered.

   "Benevolence, forgiveness, ha, Midir, how noble." He gritted his teeth, and every word was filled with hatred.

   Mallos took a deep breath and moved his hands:

   "The rest of the story is probably that you met people from the Blood Bottle Gang in prison. After you got out of prison, you had nowhere to go, so you resigned yourself to the dirty work of killing people."

   "Then, one night many years later, you met a fellow student who was far inferior to you in the past, but now has risen to prominence, serving the royal guard before the royal family, Lord Aknet."

"Ha ha!"

  Without warning, Lausanne II suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "There is nowhere to go, hahahaha, self-deprecating, hahahaha!"

   Mallos frowned slightly.

   Lausanne laughed for more than ten seconds, then gradually stopped, and looked at Mallos again with a pair of eyes.

   Mallos exhaled.

"Perhaps you don't know that Master Hua Jin was implicated by you in the end, resigned with guilt, and went back to his hometown to live in seclusion," the watchman shook his head, "He relied on teaching basic swordsmanship to children, barely making a living, getting drunk all day, and the night scene was desolate and gloomy. end."

   "He deserves it."

   Lausanne II interrupted him without hesitation, and his words were full of complex hatred: "It is better to die than he deserves to live, drowning in the illusion he weaved for himself."

   Mallos frowned tightly.

   After a few seconds, he raised his eyebrows and sighed.

   "Do you know why people who have been branded with crimes can still swing their swords normally?"

   Lausanne's eyes moved.

"Back then, my cousin was in the punishment wing of the guards, and he was in charge of the torture, of course, including the crime brand," Mallos raised his head and looked at the colorful night sky of the Emerald City illuminated by fireworks, "As you said , he and Master Joaquin are old acquaintances."

  Lausanne II clenched the sword in his hand.

   But Mallos' words turned cold.

   "But my great-uncle is not a lawbreaker, and the guards are also illegal. Do you think he really dares, and can really let you go under the eyes of so many colleagues?"

  The field was quiet for a few seconds.

   "The truth is that on the night you will be executed, you will be a model of knights in your life, and you will be a master of swordsmanship who is a master of martial arts. He violated the ban and broke into the palace gate..."

   Mallos said in a calm tone:

   "In front of the late king and the entire court, Master Hua Jin removed his helmet - the helmet given to him by the late king..."

   He said softly:

   "Smashed his own swordsman."


   Was it not the Black Sword who defeated Lausanne II, but someone else?

   Thales was walking on the road, thinking about this sentence carefully.

   right now.

  【West · Ancient · Kerana——】


what sound?

   Thales turned his eyes back:

  Xilee was still in a state of embarrassment and full of thoughts. Slimani seemed to be restless and stumbled from time to time. Glover supported Rolf and Kathleen with a depressed look...

everything is normal.


   So he heard it wrong?

   Thales shook his head, turned back and continued walking.

  Then going to Kongming Palace next, is in this direction...


   Thales was startled again.

   Kongming Palace... Kongming Palace is there, in which direction?

   At that moment, he stared blankly at the soles of his feet and felt again:

   "Never Get Lost" has failed.

   He lost his way again.

   Thales looked around subconsciously:

   Left and right, front and back, all around... A faint ominous white smoke rose again from all around.

  【Mi Tara Naka...】

here we go again.

   Strange and blunt syllables murmured from the distance, vague, illogical, and meaningless.

   Thales was in a hurry and turned to greet the others:

   Did you see it? Everyone? This strange white smoke, like in the tunnel, and... what's going on?


   Thales was taken aback.

   feels weird.

   But he didn't have time to think about it, he just continued to call everyone anxiously:

   Let me ask you something! say something? Did you see this white smoke? why--

   The next second, Thales was heartbroken.

   The boy took a deep breath and realized instantly: No, he wasn't talking.

   He didn't even open his mouth.

   He didn't even move his tongue or teeth.

   He didn't even see everyone behind him.

   All he could see was the mysterious white smoke that slowly evaporated.

   He just felt like he said those words.

   It's like when you're half asleep, you always want to do something, and you always think you've done something: buy what you want the most, achieve the best ideal, and do the hardest homework...

   But in reality, you are in a dream and do nothing.

   Can't do anything.

  Thinking of this, Thales panicked and turned back suddenly and shouted:

   Did you see it? Hillary! Glover! Rolf! How is this going! what's wrong with us? answer me!

The white smoke around    grew thicker and higher.

   Thales roared with all his strength.

   But he realized again: he didn't do anything, he didn't look back, he didn't yell, he didn't roar.

   He just took one step at a time, walking forward in a daze.

   Half asleep.

  Wait, this feeling... Thales is extremely nervous: Is it Lausanne II chasing after him? Is it his power?

   When was he recruited?

  How to wake up?


Do not.

   Thales shook his head—or rather, he felt himself shaking his head.

   But he instinctively felt: this time was different.

   is different from the kind of dream illusion that Lausanne gave them.

   is like…

   is like a ghost press, with clear consciousness but powerless.

   As if he had become a walking dead, only the soul was trapped in the body, and there was nothing to do.

   He couldn't blink, couldn't speak, couldn't even move a finger.

   can only maintain the previous actions, move forward quietly, and let others be slaughtered...

How to do?


The strange syllable    penetrated the white smoke again and came from a distance, still incomprehensible.

   Thales was taken aback.

  Wait, these syllables, he has heard them, he has just heard them, these are not nightmares!


   In the next second, Thales was shocked!


   A burst of tinnitus came, but this time, Thales couldn't do anything and could only endure in pain.


   But the tinnitus soon disappeared.

  Gulong - He only felt his ears clogged and cleared, as if they had come out of the water.

   At the same time, those strange syllables seem to jump in the ear and automatically become recognizable language:

  【Please, not now. 】

   It was a familiar voice, speaking words he could understand.

   Just from...myself?

   Thales was startled and wanted to turn around, but no matter how he turned his head, he couldn't see the person beside him, so the young man realized that he couldn't move.

  【When can that be? Cecilia, the good girl I miss...]

   A chilling hoarse voice came from behind - when it sounded, Thales only felt trembling and goosebumps all over his body.


   The name is…

  【Okay, who are you this time? 】 Familiar voice.

   Thales frowned—or, he thought, he frowned.

  【Ha, how do I know? A cruel and cruel prince who murdered his brother? There are so many in history, so much to go... Your family is also quite experienced...] This is the voice that makes people panic and fear.

   Thales slowly reacted: This is two people talking.

   Although he began to understand these words, these words seemed to be separated by a layer of water... He had to work very hard, very hard, very hard to hear them clearly.

   And he, Thales' thinking seems to have slowed down at the moment, it will take a few seconds before he can barely understand the meaning.

  【Okay, what did you do to Lausanne II, to that black-clothed killer? ] This is the familiar voice, with disgust and impatience.

   And... the fear of being held back?

  Wait, Lausanne II, killer in black...

   He seems to have an impression?

  【So, he is a killer, interesting. 】 The voice that made one's heart tremble uncontrollably came again.

   seems to be close to my ear.

   Thales swallowed - if he really did this.

  【Don't follow me with this set! 】

  【I didn't do anything, just helped him. 】 That chilling voice was perfunctory and didn't care.

【help? 】The familiar voice suppressed anger.

   What are they talking about?

   seems to be familiar, but also seems to be... unfamiliar?

   Thales frowned tightly.

Do not.

   No, it can't go on like this.

   He has to understand, he has to understand, he has to react!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--

   Thales tried his best-although he didn't know how to work hard, but the next second...


   His eardrums made a loud noise, and Thales trembled throughout his life.

   is the crime of Hell River.

   The familiar power of end surprised Thales with joy.

   is an old friend!

  Come on!

help me!

   Thales roared.

  【A little bit of psychological enlightenment and a deep chat, so that he no longer hates himself, no longer hides himself, and becomes more... magnanimous and true? 】 Outside, the flustered voice seemed quite pleasant.

  【He is crazy! You almost killed us! 】

  【But aren't you fine? 】

  The Sin of Hell River is expanding slowly and arduously, like the instantly cooled lava, rekindling the temperature from the inside, trying to roll forward, trying to climb over the high wall.

   Inch by inch, little by little.



  The crime of the prison river overflowed the wall with a loud bang!

   it flows again, rises, burns,

  It looks like an animal that has been missing for a long time and finally returned to the territory, ramming back and forth violently in Thales.


   Thales' eardrum seemed to have been pierced by the crime of Hell River, it was painful and numb, and there was an indescribable burning sensation.


   "Yes, I'm fine! I'm so numb! I'm too good to die!" The familiar voice was much clearer, full of irony that he was not unfamiliar with.

   is a girl.


  Thiers, whose thinking gradually became normal, suddenly reacted.

  It's Hille!

  Is it her, is she talking to…and others?

   "But with this deal, you got out of the sewers."

   That chilling voice came, clear and accurate, long and enthusiastic, but for some reason, the moment Thales heard it, he couldn't stop shaking.

  Who is this...?

   At this moment, who is walking behind him and talking to Hillary?

   He still couldn't turn his head, but the sense of **** that came back allowed him to capture the situation behind him very clearly:

   Glover’s footsteps were steady, but he didn’t speak a word. He turned a deaf ear to everything around him. He moved forward, as if the most important thing in his life was to walk with his head covered.

  No, it's not just him, Rolf, Kathleen, Slimani...they all move on like walking dead, not caring about what's going on around them.

   Even if the white smoke in front of you has escalated into a thick fog, it blocks the sky and the sun, and you can't see where you are going.

   "Yes," Ciel said coldly, "Now that the transaction is complete, you can get out."

   "Yo, don't learn from the temple," the voice was slack and shrewd, "It's not easy to meet and catch up, isn't it good to chat?"

   "I have nothing to chat with you."

"that's it?"

   "That's it!" Sheila refused with a firm attitude.

   "Really?" The voice dropped suddenly, and even Thales shuddered, "My lovely six-fingered girl, don't you think about it anymore?"

   "What do you think?"

   "Don't pretend, dear," the terrifying voice trailed off, "According to the deal, you walked out of the sewers safely, your body is intact, and your soul is intact... But me, where is my reward?"

   Xilai was silent for a moment.

"That Lausanne II just now, he was your reward," Shirai's voice was shaking gently, "his soul, life, flesh and blood, perception, wisdom, belief, memory, experience, knowledge, personality, or whatever else you If you like hard currency, you can take it as you like, you're welcome."

   Thales thought for a moment.

   He realized in an instant: What Hillary is speaking now is not Common Language.

   is not any other language, at least not a language that Thales can recognize.


   "Look, my dear, you have made the mistake of taking it for granted. The fairness of the contract is not only written on paper, but not only in words..."

   That voice was friendly and authentic, as if the defense attorney was friendly to the client’s consultation:

   "More in the heart."

   In the next second, it was patient and peaceful, and he spoke word by word, but Thales became more and more flustered:

"My dear Cecilia Regina Bella Calvindir, do you really think that you invite or urge me to come up to the mortal world, and let me suffer the pain of crossing the barriers and the turbid Air, at the risk of being discovered, consumes energy and stamina to help you block the sword and eliminate disasters, and then you take that extreme enemy as a reward and let me go back and forth from where, you really think, this is A fair and equitable deal?"

   "Then..." Xilai said after a pause, and immediately said confidently, "That's right!"

   At that moment, although he couldn't look back, Thales could almost see: the domineering expression on Xile's face that he often saw, indifferent, "what can you do with me".

   Even that terrifying voice was silent for a second.


   It burst into a terrifying laughter, high and low, with the surrounding fog fluctuating endlessly:

   "I just like how you look like a rogue! Every time, every time, you can kill more people!"

   Sheila paused.

   "Shut your stinky mouth," when she spoke again, Thales could hear the gritted anger, "Where did you come from and where did you go!"

   "Ah, ruthless partner," it seemed to be accustomed to it without sulking, "it's okay, debt collection, you have to do it yourself."

   "I didn't reward you, and I don't owe you anything! Because you made things worse!" Sheila gasped, her reply a little out of control.

   "But that's not a reward, it's my due account." It was slow and unhurried.

   Thales listened for a while, and suddenly his heart jumped: it was the crime of the Hell River rumbling.

   He reacted with a jolt: What's going on?

   Sheila, what did Sheila do?

   That voice...

what happened?

what happened?

what happened?

"what happened!"

   Thales couldn't help but said:

"what is this?"

   He turned his head sharply and shouted:

   "He... what is it?"

   But the moment the words came out, Thales was shocked and immediately reacted: he succeeded.

   He moved successfully.

   He turned around?

  The air was quiet.

  The surrounding area is covered with white fog, and everything a few feet away is shadowy, and the visibility is extremely low.

   Behind Thales, Hillary looked at Thales who turned around in shock, his face turning pale with fright.

   "You...Are you okay? Are you awake?" Xilai said blankly.

   It was as if she had discovered for the first time that there was another person here, named Thales.


   Only her.

   Thales stared blankly at Shi Lai: behind him, there was only her.

   There is no second person - everyone else walks on their way intently, like a walking dead.

   That was just…

   "Yeah, it's interesting now."

   At that moment, Thales had countless goose bumps all over his body!

   Because the sound came from behind.

  His...behind ears?

   Thales subconsciously wanted to turn back, but Xilai held his face in his arms!

   "No, don't look at it!"

   Sheila looked terrified and shouted anxiously:

   "Stay awake, don't look at it, don't think about it, treat it as a dream, it can't-"

   But her voice disappeared instantly, only her lips moved up and down.

   seems to have been suddenly silenced.

  Xilei also realized this, she looked behind Thales, her eyes widened and her mouth wide open, terrified.

   "Look, dear Cecilia, tell me earlier..." The voice sounded softly, pleasantly surprised and happy.

   At that moment, Thales' nerves tightened and his whole body became weak!

   He felt it.

   A cold touch came from his neck.

   is it.

  Something gently hooked Thales' neck, like a mother stroking her son-"it" touched, rubbed, stroked.

  Xilei looked terrified, looked anxious, and shook his head subconsciously.

   No, no, no!

   Her eyes were sparkling, and there were even tears in the corners of her eyes.

   was only greeted with low and ominous laughter.


   That existence spoke again, but this time, Thales felt that the words of "it" were full of unimaginable malice:

   "Don't you have the money to pay the bill?"

   (end of this chapter)

Read My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World