MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Thank you brothers." Yan Fei Ze took the book and looked at it.

Su Xiaopei looked at her eyes as a "women and women". She was not good enough to grab the book, so she warned herself to hold her temper and have patience.

Fortunately, Bai Yulang did not sit and eat. He asked me for details. When he looked at it, he also said it in detail.

It turned out that this serial case began a year ago. A young lady named Chen Dahu in Kang County was killed in his attic. Not only did he kill him but he was shaved. The accompanying shackles were broken and the personnel were unconscious.

The next day, the other ring was sent to the water, and it was discovered that the house was miserable. Master Chen immediately reported the official immediately after the shock, and blocked the door of the family, and severely investigated the people who had been sent to the scene, but unfortunately there is no clue. The ankle ring that was wounded was also overweight and died two days later.

This case is an unsolved case and has not been solved.

"How did the lady die?" Su Xiaopei inserted _ came in and asked.

"Ah?" Bai Yulang said in a vivid voice, seeing Su Xiaopei listened with gusto, but also asked the details, not a glimpse.

"The dagger, the thorns and the thorns are stabbed to death." Yan Feize saw it on the case and answered for him.

"What about the ring?" Su Xiaopei asked again.

"It was broken by the big vase in the house." Bai Yulang replied this time.

"Is the dagger in the house of the lady still brought by the murderer?"

"Nature is the murderer's thing, how can there be such a thing in the lady's house." Bai Yulang answered and whitened Su Xiaopei's eyes, and the woman's family was really ignorant.

"That is to say, the murderer killed two people. First, he used the vase in the house to knock down the ring. Then he used the dagger to bring him to the court. After the traitor, she killed her?" Su Xiaopei frowned. "He doesn't have both." With a dagger, it’s hard to find a simple one."

Bai Yulang heard this again: "This, I don't know how the criminal thinks. Xu is nervous. When he was discovered by the ring, he couldn't come to the dagger. He took the vase on the table and murdered."

Su Xiaopei did not take his words, but asked: "Miss's boudoir is not easy to enter?"

"Of course." Bai Yulang almost scratched his head. How could the question asked by this big sister be eccentric? Miss squatting room is placed behind the back of the house. Generally, people who are not close can not enter and leave at will, let alone strange men. Is this something everyone knows? Still need to ask?

"He just knocked the ring to the ground and didn't invade her, didn't he?" Su Xiaopei asked again.

"Yes." Bai Yulang remembers this.

"How did he deal with the body of Miss? Is there any clothes? Is he on the bed _ on the crime or in other places in the house? Is the body of the lady discarded at random or is he arranged? The ring is OK? Have you ever moved?"

Su Xiaopei’s series of problems made Bai Yulang’s mouth open. The big sister was not only brave, but also very heroic. She asked this question even if she was not ashamed. Her curious things were too strange.

She is not shy, but he feels that she would say to her. He opened his gaze and coughed twice, and shifted the topic: "The local county magistrate and Chen’s lord are suspected to be the servants of the family or the goods that are delivered outside, only they can be mixed in the house, take the opportunity to see Miss residence started. But after careful investigation, no criminals were found. The case was put on. After several months, in the other two places, I saw the same kind of murder case. The case raped and killed the young lady in the word, and cut them. Hair. No other person was killed in these two cases. The criminals were all started when the young lady was in the squatting room. When someone found out, he had escaped."

Su Xiaopei did not interject, only frowned and thought.

When he was listening, he kept looking at the file and was serious.

Bai Yulang then went on to say: "The three pending cases have been unresolved. After one of the surnames, the people of the family are really dissatisfied. They ran up to the city government to apply for re-reporting, hoping that there will be a fairness for the deceased daughter. This matter is a big problem. The Fu Yin adults checked, and several cases were in the same situation. The first trial was repeated, and the two cases in other cities and counties were turned over. This is a five-prong case. Things are different. Yin Daren then asked Qin to catch up and go to various places to pursue investigations. The matter was not progressing, but Skynet was restored. In Yunsha County, Miss Liu Jia escaped from the dead and remembered the appearance of the murderer. There was a breakthrough in the case. It was just that the wicked man was rampant and there was an overnight reward notice. He dared to continue committing crimes in Ning'an City. It is really abhorrent."

"I know his appearance, can I find out the identity?" Su Xiaopei suddenly asked, she remembered that the name of the suspect was not written in the wanted notice.

"I have not found identity."

“Is that haircut before or after the violation?”

"Ah?" This question asked Bai Yulang again.

"Isn't that Miss Liu Jia escaped? Since it is possible to merge Miss Liu's case with other cases, she must have been cut, and the haircut is the hallmark of this series of cases, right? Miss Liu Jia was cut, was it before or after?"

Su Xiaopei’s quirky language of speech and unrestrained content kept Bai Yulang lingering, and after a reaction, his face was red. He did not answer, bowed to eat. Discussing these infringements with women and women, before or after the event, he really couldn’t open his mouth.

He looked up and looked at Fei Fei, really want to ask the eldest brother, can you let this woman's house leave, do not stop his brother to discuss the thief. He has been eager to participate in the fast-track competition but has never had a chance to show his talents. This time, it is a rare event to meet such a character as Big Brother. It is just around the corner. Don't end up ruining this weird woman.

But he looked at Yan Fei, Su Xiaopei is also watching. This little white-faced police officer should not be twisted, it is better to be half-reliable. He ignored her and she asked for the answer.

Yan Feize looked at the file, and said: "Miss Liu Jia of Yunsha County said that she had not suffered."

"So the haircut is in advance? Miss Liu Jia escaped and shouted when he cut his hair, so he survived?" Su Xiaopei asked.

"According to what is said in the volume, it is true."

Bai Yulang coughed twice on the side, and shouted in his heart. Big brother, the woman's curiosity is too heavy is not a good thing, do not condone, he said in his mouth: "Big brother, here is the general food, it is better to change the place?" ”

Su Xiaopei swears at him: "Are you coming to talk about the case, discuss the justice, or come to drink?" If you want to open her, then you can't.

This words won Bai Yulang, because the idols are not present in the scene, but they can not attack, only in the heart to recite: women and women, really women.

At this time, Fei Zeze put down the booklet and reached for Bai Yulang to pour wine. He asked him: "What do you think of the little brothers chasing this thief?"

Bai Yulang was suffocated by Su Xiaopei, but he was comforted by Yu Feize. The older brother poured himself a drink and took his own opinion first. It was really a big brother.

He thought that he had been excited by a single sentence. It was too bad. This is too light. It’s too good, it’s not good, it’s hard to learn big brother.

Bai Yulang coughed twice, saying: "I have asked carefully, this thief is dedicated to the rich girl, the appearance is not all good, I want to come to see the other's family. Xu is a hateful family, to vent their hate."

"Why does Qiufu not rob money?" Su Xiaopei inserted a sentence.

Bai Yulang was stunned again, and his heart was not happy. The woman and the woman were not acquainted.

Su Xiaopei took the booklet and turned it over. A bunch of classical Chinese texts, she saw her hard work, and even the meaning of guessing with the guesswork. When she heard Bai Yulang’s words, she subconsciously returned. She went back and looked up at Bai Yulang. I feel that I have lost my word.

This is not modern. Bai Yulang is not a police officer who comes to listen to the analysis of psychologists. His own words are not well inserted and quite fail. She saw Bai Yulang trying to pretend to be fine, but his expression had revealed his anger and could not help but blame himself.

"It’s a small loss of money, and it’s a big loss. This thief’s means is a hundred times more vicious than robbery.” When he was not in a timely manner, he solved the deadlock between the two men.

Bai Yulang heard the spirit and rushed: "The big brother said what he said, and I think it is the same." He proudly aimed at Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei secretly smiled.

"Now the thief fled everywhere, but we have laid down the nets, but I said that there are several cities in the vicinity, and there are also places where there are more rewards. I want to come to the thief and have no way to escape. Only he has committed many crimes. It’s bold, not afraid of official differences, but now I have a big brother to help, this thing will be appropriate. I will discuss with the big brother to see where we go first.

冉非泽道: "The location of this thief's crime is very scattered. It seems that wherever he goes, he will start with it. There is no law to be embarrassed. This thief who walks around indiscriminately, unless he commits another crime, can show traces, not good. Guess."

"The big brother said it." Bai Yulang shot a big _ leg, "the head of the catcher said so."

At this time, Su Xiaopei coughed twice and said: "The two days of the sturdy man told me about the case. He couldn't analyze it. I think it makes sense."

Bai Yulang did not want to listen to Su Xiaopei’s speech, but she said that it was the truth of Yu Fei’s analysis. He was interested and asked: “Big Brother, you have all the ideas, and you are pointing to the younger brother.”

Yan Fei Ze looked at Su Xiaopei.

Su Xiaopei straightened his waist. The gender discrimination in this place is serious. She wants to "speak by mouth", fearing that she has no chance to say it.

"The sturdy man told me that in the serial murder case, the sooner the case occurred, the more flaws the murderer would reveal, and the more he could reveal his details. Because the murderer of the serial case is more proficient in committing crimes, the more successful he will succeed. He is more confident. The strong man said that now the government has laid down the nets. If he goes to these places to chase after fear of wasting his energy, it is still necessary to trace the original case, find out the identity of the murderer, and understand why he committed these things. This may predict the action of the murderer and arrest him."

Bai Yulang listened to this, carefully pondered, and slammed a big _ leg: "Big brother said it!"

The author has something to say: Hey, today is actually more successful! ! !

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