MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 13

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Hunting quickly had no interest in Su Xiaopei. He confirmed that Su Xiaopei was really just a "big sister". After he was not very close to Yan Feize, his attention was turned back to Ruan Feize.

Song boss came in behind him and saw the scene was shocked and suspicious. He used the hard work of Zedong, especially when he talked well, worked fast, didn't complain, and had a good strength. He really wanted to call him with a cheap heart, and he didn't have to pay for it. what.

He dared to do this, but also squatting with Fei Ze with a weird woman, no relatives, no family, no one can afford to eat. I never thought about it. How long did it take for a few days to run a brother who was in Dangmen?

"Boss, give us a table in this yard, I have a good conversation with my eldest brother."

When the official is an adult, where does the boss of Song dare not listen, he quickly put a table in the small courtyard and sent the wine to the dish. He still wants to listen to the relationship here, and the result is fast. However, he was driven away, saying that there is a government office to discuss things, and the idlers are waiting to quit.

Song boss quickly retire, and then take a look at the 冉 泽 泽 and Su Xiaopei. These two, what is the character?

Soon in this small backyard, there were only three of them, Su Xiaopei. The small catch was very bold, and they poured wine on both Fei Ze and Su Xiaopei, greeting them to eat.

He was not busy talking about business, but he talked about it all over the world.

Su Xiaopei knows this. It turns out that Xiaobai face catches a real name. He is Bai Yulang, and this year is eighteen. It’s only three months after catching it.

Su Xiaopei listened to this and felt that there was no need to hope for Wushuang Silver. This is really a small catch, and the qualifications are so shallow. Where can I speak in front of the total catcher?

But it’s a slap in the face, but it’s a boast: “The white brother is really capable, and this public door can follow the job of Qin’s headhunting, but it’s not the average person.”

Is this flattering, too much? Su Xiaopei listened in silence.

"Oh, that's of course." Bai Yulang is obviously very useful for the words of Fei Ze. "If you can't follow the golden knife and do big things to do big things, then when you catch it, I don't love it."

This tone, and sure enough, it is a passer-by.

"But I can't compare with my eldest brother." For the white jade lang, flattering the singer, "The big brother camel camel ridge, the sound of the rivers and lakes, famous in the world, is a true hero."

So exaggerated, is it right? Su Xiaopei, while eating the first big meal after she fell to the world, kept calm and listening.

"This big brother's deeds, I heard friends from the rivers and lakes rumors dozens of times, I heard that the story of Mr. Book more than ten times, really admire in my heart. Big brother quickly told me, what happened on the camel ridge?"

Su Xiaopei swept the eyes of Fei Fei, thinking that the little brothers in the heart would hold you as a god. Do you mean that your diarrhea poisons a lot of heroes?

As a result, Fei Ze did not say this. He started from the fact that he was alone on the mountain. He said that he was looking for the whereabouts of Zhao Yuzhi in the traces of Lin, how was the ambush of Zhao Yuzhi, how did the two people move their hands, then chased the two hills, spent a day, and finally he won.

He said that it is not too exciting, because this person is even a serious story, no mistakes, no use of too fancy description, and does not deliberately create a story atmosphere, but he said very smooth, there is a little need in the middle The place of recollection slows down the rhythm of the story, but adds realism.

Su Xiaopei took the opportunity to observe that he did not lay a lie. It’s just a story to call, she can’t hear the meaning.

However, Bai Yulang listened to that input, only wished that he was there at the time, helping to smash the devil. His reaction made Su Xiaopei feel that the whole thing has influence because the person named Zhao Yuzhi has influence.

"How many devils does this person have?" She couldn't help but ask.

Bai Yulang looked at her in surprise, as if she didn't know how big Zhao Zhizhi was.

"All the bad things you can imagine, this person has done it." Compared with Bai Yulang, Yan Feize really seems more calm.

"The most important thing is," Bai Yulang said with a serious look, and said to Su Xiaopei seriously: "How high and strong the martial arts you can imagine, how strong he is."

"Oh." Su Xiaopei didn't mean to say she couldn't imagine it. She glanced at Xiao Fei, and then proceeded with this reasoning. Is the martial artist of this strong man more powerful than the "imaginable high strength"?

冉非泽抿抿口角, gave her a "yes, I am so strong" expression.

Su Xiaopei turned his eyes away, and he was confident that he felt untrustworthy. This is also his ability. But in fact, she believes, but this person is very disgusting, and I really don't want to admit that she believes.

"Right, big brother, I heard that there were more than a dozen martial art monks in Kunlun, Wulu, and they all rushed to win the devil. How did you suppress them?"

Come here, this question is well asked.

Su Xiaopei felt that she could not blame her for gloating. This mentality is normal.

"They are noisy and they are not finished. The dozens of people are doing things under the mountain. They are in the way of ruining their feet. I put laxatives in their drinking water. When they are honest, I will go up the mountain and catch people."

Su Xiaopei nodded and looked at Bai Yulang. Did he hear it? Disillusioned?

Bai Yulang apparently did not expect that this was the case. He was surprised to open his mouth for a while, then slammed his thighs: "Big brother is a good means! Good courage! I am so angry!"

Su Xiaopei was almost caught in a dish.

This person, how is this reaction?

I really want to tell him that the strong man will not only diarrhea, but also the drug, little brother, you check your poison?

Su Xiaopei had no idea about the Camel Ridge. The martial arts, martial arts, what is like watching TV dramas for her, the reality is quite weak, so she did not feel much touched.

But Bai Yulang is different. He is full of enthusiasm for the martial arts. For all the major events and legendary heroes, he is shocked to hear that he was in the Camel Ridge with a laxative.

These martial arts factions have been arguing in the mountains for a long time without attacking. It is because the demon head Zhao Yu knows that the martial arts is high and strong, and everyone wants to let others go up and die, and they are cheap in the back, or they are worried that they should be the first to make a bird. Others are smashing their own cheaper behind.

In short, the interests have not been clearly stated, no one is willing to take risks and suffer losses.

And this is not a daring to dare to stumble these people alone up the mountain, that is how courage and discouragement!

Bai Yulang rushed to the top, suddenly stood up and raised his cup: "Big brother, I respect you!"

Su Xiaopei was not able to sense the heart of Bai Yulang, but she suddenly thought of an important thing: "The big devil, Zhao Yuzhi, is there a silver medal?"

冉非泽 nodded.

"How many?"

"Not too much, one thousand two."

Su Xiaopei took a breath: "One thousand two?" That is two hundred times the price of five or two silver!

冉非泽 nodded.

"You have spent all your money?" There are only fifteen copper plates left on the body. Who can imagine that there was a thousand silver in the first place!

冉非泽 nodded again.

Su Xiaopei took another breath, and this defeated the family, looking at his expression with no expression, it seems that he is really not doing anything.

"Big sister, you are cheesy!" Bai Yulang’s small catch was quickly opened. "The money is a thing outside the body. Is it important?"

With a wave of his hand, Xiaobai’s face was bold and heroic. "We are asking for justice and for the people. The value of Zhao’s knowledge, the official government means to get a thousand and two silver. You know, there is something that can hold him, but it’s not rare, it’s rare. I didn't have the ability to catch him. The official government also knows it, but it is a reward, but there is no price, but it is only one thousand two. At the beginning, Zhao Yuzhi also killed some official differences to show dissatisfaction, saying that the district is one thousand two, 侮His identity."

You are drinking, don't talk. Su Xiaopei also immersed himself in eating vegetables and did not speak.

Bai Yulang is still in the middle: "Don't say those mundane things." He took out a booklet from his arms and shot it on the table: "Big brother, this is the case I got with my master. The younger brother and you." One will be able to hold the wicked man who raped and killed the girl, punish the evil and promote the good, and the town will be evil. I have been arrested for three months, and this time I finally have the chance to do a big case!"

Have you finally said this?

Su Xiaopei’s heart was happy, and he said hello: “Little brother, you go to eat, I will take a look.” Reaching out, I want to draw the booklet from Bai Yulang’s palm.

As a result, Bai Yulang said: "Women's family, don't mess up. Big brother, show it to you!" He said, holding the book in both hands and handing it over to him.

Su Xiaopei’s hand was stiff in the air, and only one word appeared in his heart: **!

The author has something to say: You don't want to overthrow me, oh, the diving gentlemen are coming out to breathe! ! ! 2k novel reading network