MTL - I’m Actually Really Rich-Chapter 26

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A kiss that day seemed to be just an illusion under the madness.

After the operation of the Social Council and the Student Union, the number of people and online topics exceeded the expected standard the next day.

There was no theme for the third night of the party, and the band and DJ were boldly invited. If there was no wine, this place would almost become a bar.

The live music was mixed with cool lights, and the excited crowd swayed to the rhythm on the dance floor. Tonight's networking is not so much a networking as it is a party.

Even some young teachers and a lot of people from the school next door got in and joined the fun.

Wen Le walked away from the crowd after dancing for a while on the dance floor with a few acquaintances in the twinkling lights.

The atmosphere tonight is obviously better than the previous two days, but Wen Le always feels a little less interested.

"Who are you looking for?"

Wen Le was recalled by the voice, and saw Cheng Hui and Shan Shan came over at some point.

Wen Le shook her head, "No one was found."

Shan Shan suddenly said, "Why didn't you see Zhou Kao tonight?"

Cheng Hui gave Wen Le a teasing glance.

Wen Le paused and looked away, "How do I know, he is not from the HKCSS."

The two of them didn't want to talk about it, so they didn't continue this topic, and turned to talk about other things.

Cheng Hui said: "You guys have completed your mission this time, right? I'll go, three times the sponsorship fee, really awesome."

Wen Le said: "Thank you, father, the employer."

Shan Shan said with a smile: "Your social association and student union should hold a celebration banquet."

Wen Le said: "It's Monday night tomorrow."

Cheng Hui said: "It's good, I would have quit the student union if I had known."

Wen Le said: "It's not that you reported too much in the club back then, and you couldn't be too busy."

Shan Shan smiled gently and said, "Our volunteer association is not bad."

Cheng Hui said proudly, "That's right, otherwise I can't stay."

Cheng Hui remembered something and said, "Biochemical 7 is released, do you want to watch it?"

Wen Le nodded, "Go."

Cheng Hui said: "It happens that we have no classes for the last two classes on Thursday afternoon, and then we will call Bao Xiaofan and Man Qingxuan together. It's been so long since school started, and we haven't had a dinner together yet. I miss it so much. The smell of barbecue."


Shan Shan looked at the two of them enviously and said, "The atmosphere in your dormitory is really good."

Cheng Hui said: "There are six people in our dormitory, and the only four of us who can really get together are the four of us."

Shan Shan's voice was a little low, and she whispered: "Our dormitory...the atmosphere is a little subtle."

Cheng Hui said: "It's normal. There are all kinds of dormitories. If you can't get along, just find a good friend."

Wen Le unconsciously glanced at the crowd again, and she never saw Zhou Kao again that night.

Monday night dinner, very lively.

It was the first time that the Association and the Student Union cooperated. They worked together for more than half a month and won such a large order, which also attracted unprecedented attention.

The popularity of this friendship is unprecedented, and the discussion in the BBS forum has been high, even surpassing the popularity of the campus singer contest and the school flower contest.

Some people even began to propose that this kind of association be passed on from session to session, and such voices are getting louder and louder.

Although it has not been finalized, this is a recognition of their work for all involved.

Cooperation with each other for more than half a month has made them form a sense of belonging, the relationship between the entire social association and the student union has become much closer, and Wen Le has also met several friends from the student union.

But while everyone was getting closer, Wen Le and Zhou Kao were estranged and returned to the original point of origin, but the distance of this alienation was slightly different.

The two did not communicate during the whole process, and each celebrated in their own circles.

Zhou Kao was dragged by the president and the boys of the student union and poured a lot of wine, babbling about the topics between boys.

The president's insistence on bringing a few friends to drink alcohol for Zhou Kao mainly stems from a post on BBS.

Recognized as a weekly test.

Some people speculate that Zhou Kao has a girlfriend, and some people speculate that the girl is Wen Le.

But someone soon released a picture of Zhou Kao and Wen Le standing together, and compared the height difference between the red and blue clown and the purple suit clown. In contrast, the red and blue clown is obviously Shorter than Wen Le, obviously not Wen Le.

Netizens began to guess who the girl was.

But someone noticed.

Therefore, some students from the student union dragged Zhou Kao to drink alcohol and insisted on asking who the girl was.

Zhou Kao was drunk a lot, and it was repeatedly stated that the clown in the purple suit was not him.

But everyone didn't believe it, after all, that person's figure was very similar to Zhou Kao.

Zhou Kao reluctantly pinched his eyebrows, said a name, and said, "If I read it right, it should be Dingjian."

Someone didn't understand and asked, "Who is Dingjian?"

The insider looked a little strange when he heard the words, and explained: "It's a male model who wears the watch, and it seems that he is still their squad leader."

The neurotic boy was a little disappointed to see that it was really not a weekly test, "Oh, it's really not you, but you two look like you."

Some boys echoed, and laughed stupidly, "He doesn't mean to imitate our big school grass."

Zhou Kao lowered his eyes and took a sip of wine, but there was no expression on his face, and his cold and indifferent expression was somewhat mature for his age.

Boys who are acquainted with Zhou Kao are used to seeing him like this. In fact, the unspeakable temperament that Zhou Kao often leaks inadvertently will make people feel a sense of distance, like a Although they are all sitting at the same wine table now, they are not destined to be in the same world, or even the same height.

And it happened that the girls were also discussing this topic, Wen Le drank the wine softly and listened to the gossip of other girls.

Girls are more sensitive to these topics than some neurotic guys.

"The clown in the purple clothes seemed to be Dingjian that day," a girl opposite Wen Le said in a low voice with the gleam of gossip in her eyes: "To tell you the truth, in fact, the clown girl yesterday It's our class flower."

"Really?" A girl exclaimed, her voice seemed to be a little excited because she had eaten some amazing melon.

"Really, what are you doing to lie to you?" The girl opposite smiled and continued: "Actually, our class also thought that Dingjian was a weekly test, especially when Dingjian bowed his head and kissed her. , she is more certain, wasn't Zhou Kao just kissing Wen Le like that that day?"

A few people couldn't help but look at Wen Le, with the light of gossip in their eyes.

Wen Le tapped on the table lightly, and said reservedly, "We are here for hype. And he actually kissed the ring on my hand."

A girl next to her pushed Wen Le and laughed and scolded: "You lied, then why did you dance again."

Wen Le coughed lightly, a little embarrassed, but she still gave a reason without blushing, "Because I said that his dancing skills are not as good as mine, he refused to accept it, so he had to compete again. ~”

Wen Le gave herself a like, and she had to believe it herself.

"Pfft, hahahahaha."

The girls on the table burst into laughter.

"It's really something you two can do hahahaha."

"I'm really convinced, Wen Le, you dance with handsome Zhou, and you're not excited at all."

Wen Le tugged her hair in style, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why don't you ask him if he is interested in dancing with me, isn't my mother as good-looking as him?"

The girls were laughing like crazy while lying on the table.

And when Jian Wenle talked about this topic, she didn't look shy at all, and she believed it even more. After all, they had really seen the two confront each other during a meeting, arguing with each other, wishing to draw their knives and slash each other.

The desire for victory and defeat of these two people has become crazy enough to completely ignore the beauty of each other.

When everyone laughed enough, they lost interest in Wen Le and Zhou Kao and began to gossip.

The girl opposite said: "Isn't this what our classmate thought that Dingjian was a weekly test? She actually likes the weekly test. Then she took the initiative. Our classmate's provocative method It's not a blow. I always thought she had three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine fish in her pond, at least."

"Pfft, what the hell, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine..."

"Ah, I don't have a specific number, don't deviate from the topic."

"Our class was just about to use all our strengths to tease the legendary weekly exam that no one could hold..." She paused for a while, then suddenly smiled, "It turns out that , Zhou Kao really can't be moved by anyone, and we didn't move the big beauties."

A girl smiled and said: "This is mainly because others want to win the weekly test, she is a weirdo who wants to beat the weekly test hahaha."

Wen Le held her chest up, "Why, the female fighter is very proud."

"I'm afraid that if the female fighters continue to fight, they will become leftover fighters."

Wen Le issued a crooked building warning, "Gossip is just crooked."

The girl opposite folded her hands together, "My fault, let's continue to gossip."

"When our class was about to do everything possible to tease the legendary weekly test that no one could hold back, they found that the other party was also quite active, and the two of them ran off before they finished dancing. Find a place that is a dry firewood."

"At that time, the two kissed fiercely. Our classmates disliked the mask and slapped it directly. Ding Jian probably didn't expect that she would suddenly make such a move, and was immediately stunned."

"As soon as Banhua looked up, he saw Ding Jian's face and gave it directly to..."

Some girls excitedly asked, "What about it, won't you slap him directly?"

The girl opposite deliberately hanged everyone for a while, before she burst out laughing and said, "I just cried for Ugly, hahahaha."

The table was quiet, and after a while, someone asked, "No way, is that little room really that ugly?"

The girl in a yellow skirt next to Wen Le explained: "It's not that ugly, isn't it, it's actually average, it sounds a little ugly and handsome, but it's incomparable to Zhou Kao."

"Is he... imitating the weekly test, how do I think he is a little awkward?"

"I also feel a little bit, he didn't seem like that before."

"Why is he?"

"It's just gossip, and I just heard that it seems that an economic company came to sign someone before, and he went for an interview, but the economic company took a fancy to the passing weekly test, and the weekly test was rejected. , I don't know why, anyway, Ding Jian didn't sign it in the end."

"Ah, so, no wonder he wants to imitate Zhou Kao. But he's only a sophomore, so don't worry?"

"Be famous before you know it."


I was really happy this night, and everyone drank a lot of wine noisily.

Wen Le was happy and drank two glasses, but she was light in alcohol, and her face soon turned red.

Beauty becomes more charming when she is slightly drunk, Wen Le doesn't realize it, but more and more sights fall on him.

Zhou Kao drank a bit too much, got up to go to the bathroom, when he looked up, he accidentally glanced at the bright colors in the crowd, he couldn't help frowning, and got up after saying something to his classmates. leave.

After a while, the waiter went to the girls table with a freshly made strawberry milkshake.

The sweet pink strawberry milkshake was especially popular with girls, so soon the beer was put aside and no one cared.

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