MTL - I’m Actually Really Rich-Chapter 25

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Wen Le was shocked, her pupils tightened, she suddenly looked at Zhou Kao, her heart skipped a beat, blood rushed to her brain, her ears buzzed, and her face behind the mask turned red .

Zhou Kao's face is hidden under the mask, no one knows who this clown is. There was a roar from the audience, I just thought that this was another fanatical suitor of Wen Le, and I didn't think much about it, and there were even boys in the audience who did not shy away from challenging Zhou Kao, shouting: "The goddess is mine! "


The audience burst into laughter.

But not everyone doesn't know who the clown who confessed to Wen Le on the stage is, some good friends from the Zhou Kao Student Union, and the three sand sculpture houses off the stage Friends know it.

The moment Zhou Kao said Wen Le, several people who knew the official Zhou Kao on the stage looked at Zhou Kao in disbelief, and immediately began to whistle or laugh in excitement , However, they are hidden in the crowd and are not conspicuous.

The mask is really a good camouflage, those words that are not easy to say can be shouted out under the mask.

It's just that these excited guys would be shocked and excited if they knew that the clown who was standing beside Zhou Kao at the moment was Wen Le.

Today's host is a boy from the Social Association, who is not familiar with Zhou Kao and Wen Le, and I don't know that this pair of pseudo-clown CPs is Zhou Kao and Wen Le, I heard Zhou Kao All I can say is: "It seems that our goddess Wenle is really charming. But..."

The host changed the subject and shouted: "Let me see how many rivals he has!"

When the host finished speaking, there was laughter from the audience. I don't know if it was to join in the fun, and one-third of the boys in the audience raised their hands.

The host smiled and said "wow", patted Zhou Kao's arm, "Dude, you have to do your best."

Sometimes there was laughter in the audience.

Wen Le was a little distracted, and the words of the Zhou Kao were still in his mind, and his head was a little messy. After calling Wen Le twice, Wen Le came back to his senses.

Wen Le smiled embarrassedly at the host.

The host said: "It seems that this beauty is a little nervous, let's give him a little applause?"

There was a round of applause from the audience.

The truth drawn by Wen Le is

【If the ambiguous person confesses to you now, will you accept it? 】


When Wen Le drew this note, a group of divine beasts galloped past in his heart.

What the **** is this?

If Wen Le was not a staff member, he would wonder if someone had prepared a confession ceremony with ulterior motives.

Zhou Kao just answered that the first girl who was tempted was her, and she drew such a question.

Who wouldn't think too much about this?

If they weren't wearing masks at the moment.

Zhou Kao said that the first girl she fell in love with was Wen Le.

So Wen Le asked the question, are you willing to accept the confession of an ambiguous object.

It's like asking Wen Le again, would you like to be with Zhou Kao.

Wen Le's breath stagnated, she curled her fingers awkwardly, smiled and said to the host, "I choose a big adventure."

The host nodded, letting Wen Le take another big adventure.

The big adventure drawn by Wen Le is

【Not Heart Challenge: Complete three Not Heart Challenges, if you fail, you will be punished by bitter gourd juice. 】

Wen Le nodded, this is fine.

The host smiled and brought up an electronic watch that can measure heart rate and put it on Wen Le's wrist.

The first challenge is to show Wenle a video of a handsome guy with a lot of likes on a video software.

All projects are prepared in advance. There are five videos in total, all of which are the hottest guys on a video app.

The video is played on an LED screen behind the stage for all to see.

A handsome guy who can have so many fans on a certain video website is naturally worthless. When the first video started listening to music, I heard a girl screaming in the audience.

Wen Le was expressionless, but in the video, the handsome guy was stuck and his heartbeat slowly dropped from 85 to 82 after he finished changing.

The host laughed, "It seems that this is not your dish."

Switched to the next one. This time, it was not a dress change, but the bangs that covered the hair were stuck and lifted up, and then slowly turned to look at the camera in slow motion.

This boy has beautiful eyes and long eyelashes. When he looks at the camera in slow motion, he has an affectionate taste, which is very sultry.

Wen Le's heartbeat dropped from 82 to 80.

The host had a headache and said, "It seems very difficult to deal with."

The host chose three more, and there was even a popular traffic fresh meat.

The girls in the audience screamed constantly, but Wen Le watched blankly, her heart rate dropped at an almost uniform speed, until after a few videos, Wen Le's heart rate has dropped to 78.

The host glanced at Wen Le and wondered, "Why do I think your eyes are a little disgusting."

Wen Le laughed, "No."

The host wondered, "Wow, the boy who likes you is miserable, you look so hard to catch."

Wen Le blinked innocently, "Really?"

The host said: "It doesn't matter, there is a second challenge."

The host looked around under the stage and ordered the clown in the purple suit to come on stage.

Both Wen Le and Zhou Kao frowned subconsciously.

The host pulled the clown in the purple suit aside and whispered something.

After the host finished speaking, she turned to look at Wen Le, and deliberately made a very funny and sinister laugh: "Take it, hahahaha."

Wen Le looked away speechlessly.

The clown in the purple suit seemed helpless, but he obeyed the host's arrangement, took a red rose from the decorative vase next to the stage, and walked slowly to Wen Le.

This person deserves to be from the costume show department. Probably the posture of the model is different from that of ordinary people. The elegant steps he deliberately walk out through training all the year round are actually similar to Zhou Kao's from the inside out. The external temperament is somewhat overlapping, coupled with the similar height and figure, no wonder it is easy to be mistaken for Zhou Kao.

I don't know if it was Wen Le's illusion, he always felt that this person seemed to be imitating Zhou Kao intentionally or not.

The girls in the audience were a bit sensational, and seemed to be envious of Wen Le.

The clown in the purple suit walked to Wen Le, handed the red rose in his hand to Wen Le, and said to Wen Le in a deliberately lowered voice, "You are beautiful tonight."

Wonder: …

The affection under the mask of Zhou Kao was a little unhappy.

Wen Le did not respond, but first glanced at Zhou Kao.

At this moment, Wen Le's heartbeat rose from 78 to 82.

The host's voice was a little proud: "It's up, it's up!"

Zhou Kao frowned upon hearing this.

Wen Le turned to look at the clown in the purple suit, and said lightly, "Thank you."

Heart rate stabilized at 80.

The host was a little regretful, "Hey, hey, why did he go back again. This is too difficult to deal with!"

There was laughter from the audience.

The clown in purple stepped off the stage.

The host seemed to give up, and pointed to a boy casually, and pointed to Zhou Kao beside Wen Le.

The host said in a sullen mood: "Brother, come to the ear of the beauty and say something sweet."

Zhou Kao heard the host and glanced at the host, then looked at Wen Le, and raised his eyebrows lightly.

Wen Le's heart skipped a beat, and her heart rate began to slowly climb.

Zhou Kao slowly approached Wen Le's ear.

The host stared in disbelief, holding his breath as Wen Le's heart rate quickly climbed to 99 on the LED screen.

Everyone saw the funny orange clown standing beside the yellow clown's ear for a moment. I don't know what to say, the yellow clown's heart beat directly exceeded 120.

The heart rate index exceeded the standard, and the Wenle challenge failed.

Have a meal."

Zhou Kao glanced at Wen Le with a smile, but said nothing.

Actually, he didn't say anything.

Wen Le was disgusted and upset and didn't see him.

The host called for bitter gourd juice and filled half a cup with a small paper cup.

Wen Le is about to reach for it.

At this moment, a hand stretched out from Wen Le's hand and took the first step to pick up the cup of bitter gourd juice.

Wen Le looked behind him and saw Zhou Kao dressed as a clown standing behind him, holding the cup of bitter gourd juice in his hand, and said lightly, "I'll come."

There was a whistle from the audience.

The host also liked to see this scene and readily agreed.

Zhou Kao put the cup to his mouth and took a sip.

Wen Le looked up and watched Zhou Kao's Adam's apple slide up and down.

Zhou Kao put down the empty cup and nodded towards the host.

The host looked at Zhou Kao in disbelief and said: "I have tasted this stuff, it is absolutely so bitter that I doubt my life, and now I wonder if what I tasted you are drinking is the same thing already."

Zhou Kao didn't respond at all, as if he just took a sip of plain water.

The host gave him a thumbs up, "nb."

"If you can be single, then everyone should be a bachelor."

The girls in the audience burst into laughter.

Zhou Kao glanced at Wen Le for some reason.

After the punishment game is over, everyone steps down, and then comes the auction of masks.

Wen Le basically has no task, her task is mainly to write a publicity draft after the auction, to sublimate the theme of tonight, and submit it to the school journal for the school student union, social association, etc. There are A college students to improve their image.

Everyone on the field is paying attention to the auction session. Wen Le, as a spare staff member, is waiting in a remote corner behind the LED screen to help if there is any emergency.

Wen Le is located at an exit behind the LED screen. There is a long tunnel-like road out of this exit. The tunnel is actually just because the upper part is the auditorium of the basketball hall.

Wen Le leaned against the wall at the edge of the tunnel and played with her mobile phone alone. The tunnel was dimly lit, and she could hardly see the appearance of people in the distance. It was hidden and quiet.

Wen Le heard footsteps, which was normal, except that she had someone else passing by.

But the footsteps came to her side, casting a shadow in front of her.

Wen Le looked up.

It is a weekly test.

Zhou Kao is still in the same dress, clown costume, mask, hat, the only difference is that he still holds a yellow hydrogen balloon in his hand.

This is in line with the sand sculpture of their dormitory.

There are some sand sculptures, but Wen Le can't laugh at all.

To tell the truth, since Zhou Kao said that the first girl who was attracted to her was her, her heart was very chaotic, and now she feels a little slow in her reaction.

In fact, she was not surprised by this answer, she was the first girl he fell in love with, and he was the first boy she fell in love with.

But she didn't expect him to say it.

When the window paper was not pierced, Wen Le felt that everything was easy to say, and it could be as if that never happened.

But this time, it's completely different.

Wen Le was even a little angry that Zhou Kao pierced this layer of window paper like this.

In the dark and quiet tunnel, all sounds will be heard.

Wen Le looked at Zhou Kao expressionlessly.

Zhou Kao asked her in a low voice, "Did you unhappy just now on stage?"

His low voice seemed very gentle in this environment.

The anger in Wen Le's heart seemed to dissipate.

Wen Le looked away and whispered, "No."

Zhou Kao chuckled: "Our top lady can also accept failure."

Wen Le hammered Zhou Kao's chest, "You are so annoying."

Zhou Kao lowered his voice and chuckled.

A low laugh resounded in the tunnel, echoing slightly.

Wen Le's ears moved, and she retracted her hand behind her.

Zhou Kao took the hand she wanted to withdraw.

Wen Le didn't pull it back, only asked in a low voice, "What?"

Zhou Kao tied the little yellow duck hydrogen balloon in his hand to Wen Le's wrist.


Wen Le waved Zhou Kao's hand.

The little yellow duck hydrogen balloon shook Wen Le's wrist.

There was an inexplicable anger in Wen Le's heart, she suddenly couldn't stand it and asked: "Zhou Kao, do you know what you are doing!"

Zhou Kao looked down at his hand and spoke for a moment, his voice low and hoarse, "I know."

Wen Le raised her head and looked straight into Zhou Kao's suppressed **** and affection.

Wen Le was about to fall into those eyes that repressed her desire and hid starlight and tenderness.

Wen Le's eyes gradually blurred, and the two of them were breathing a little short. When they were confused, Zhou Kao lowered his head and kissed slowly.

Wen Le raised her head, her eyes blurred, and their lips gradually approached.

Zhou Kao's eyes were almost obsessed.

But the next moment, Wen Le suddenly turned her head and stretched out her index and middle fingers against Zhou Kao's lips.

His lips were soft and his breath was hot.

Wen Le's breath was unstable, and the fingers on Zhou Kao's lips were shaking slightly.

Wen Le's voice was unstable, but her voice was so calm that it was almost cruel, she said: "You are bewitched by the lights and music."


Zhou Kao sighed, and reached out to take Wen Le's wrist.

Wen Le lowered his eyes and did not look at the weekly test.

Zhou Kao looked down at Wen Le, Zhou Kao's voice was very low and light, he said, "You are right, it was me who was abrupt."

Then Zhou Kao lowered his head slightly.

Wen Le felt a warm touch on her forehead.

Wen Le's heart shrank as if being burned.

It was a very light kiss.